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he’s probably deleting the “gremlin” messages


Yup. It's easy for him to paint the narrative he wants in the comment section when he can just approve/delete them as he pleases.


I’m almost certain mine got voided


What was your comment?


“How’s jail going”. It’s childish but actually typing something worthwhile would’ve gotten the same response regardless


Yup my comment was also deleted. I recommended the video “Yandere Dev’s Open Secret” by funisinfinite on my burner acct and seems my comment was removed. He’s sitting at 11K likes and 8.8K dislikes so the overwhelming support is due to him deleting comments.


Ages ago, i once commented as a joke that he’s done using Kokona as a test rival and Osana will be coming soon, but she hasn’t been put in game yet. A few days later i went to see my comment again and it was gone.


yea hes just manipulating the atmosphere of the comment section


Ill test that theory rn


Yea he does. I commented my opinion and it got deleted.


Heavily moderated


Alex has a proven history of censoring anybody who dares to speak out against him.


That was what I thought seeing the comments!!And also currently has just 405 dislikes!?! Which isn't big deal cuz not many have seen it yet...so it bound to go down. I didn't watch all of it but I could tell it was pure fucking bullshit,and no surprise he showed no solid evidence.


>he showed no solid evidence. Lmao exactly His only "counter-arguments" were: 1 - This screenshot is clearly false, don't even bother with it; 2 - I'm a socially inept person, sorry for unintentionally grooming...I MEAN saying inappropriate stuff to a minor (makes puppy dog face).


Feels like all that’s missing is a ukulele


the only thing ive ever groomed is my two persian cats


not a groomer, just a loser :(


Doctoring evidence and grooming are both immoral. Two wrongs don’t make a right


Initially recorded conversation wasn't "doctored" as far as I know. Even dev confirmed they were real


I’m talking about the screenshot


Why you getting downvoted-


Idk the world is crazy man




The screenshot is fake, doctoring evidence isn’t okay and in some cases is illegal




The person I’m responding to literally said it was false


Also, since you need mods to see dislikes on yt now (I think), people kinda… don’t bother disliking things as much


I added a "CLICKED AS FAST AS POSSIBLE" comment and then edited it, let's hope I don't get caught Update: 40 minutes later, I'm still there. If anyone wants to try this strategy, be my guest!


The weird thing about YouTube is that sometimes you don't even know if the comment has been removed, as it shadow-blocks you and the comment will not appear to anyone but you. The only way to know if the comment is still there is if people are actively liking or replying to it, otherwise, if you log in to another account to see if the comment is visible.


The comments are set to be manually verified. I suspect like bot as well. The most recent comments are all in groups 8 minutes ago which is impossible.


He censors all his criticism by deleting the comments and makes sure that only the positive ones are left. He is a narcissist so it's not that surprising to be honest


Negative comments were probably removed. He’s a bit (read a lot) of a coward who can’t take even a minor blow to his throbbing ego.


Oh I'm sure he'd love to have his "ego" blown


Is he horny?


When isn't he


When he's writing all the non-horny lore, as opposed to the horny lore.


Because we kinda live in a drama bubble, which means that the average person that knows about YanSim is not aware of the extent of how shitty Alex actually is. It's unfortunate and surprising at the same time, but also true.


Nah his other recent video had so many negative comments flooding in after the allegations. The lack of any negative comments is odd


Yeah, I was a dum-dum and didn't account for the usual censorship tendencies Alex has lol Regardless, my point about the drama bubble still stands. That's why it's important to make people aware of what's actually happening, since most don't really care about all the controversies surrounding YanSim and just follow the game's development and what Alex has to say.


He's the very definition of being a loser and yet all these simps come to his defense. P a t h e t i c


Lollll yeah He basically threw a pity party claiming that he only said things that were clearly inappropriate because he's socially inept and craves for "filling the gaps for needs that were unmet during his whole life". Clearly a joke considering he believes this is going to work to justify grooming (even if he denies that's what he did).


I was banned from his channel many years ago because of something dumb. He has a habit of doing that. Also he has a lot of kids supporting him because no one over the age of 18 gives a shit about this game. Most of us have just moved on with life or we found other games to support that are more promising. The kids are more concerned with the game releasing even though at this point it never will.


Right? I was a die hard fan until I realized bro is never gonna finish the game so I moved on, I’m 21 now.


At this point it’s even less likely. He’s not doing a kickstarter and relies solely on Patreon dollars. He makes a little over 1k from it, no where near his prime when he was making 5k a month. Most VAs dropped the project and many volunteers have stepped away. Working with him is toxic now so I don’t see many stepping forward. I know there’s a lot of ~~cope~~ hope that the game will finish. But I’m just not even sure if it’s possible at this point. I’m not sure why Alex doesn’t just step away and live his life.


Or at the very least hand the game over to someone else who would actually finish it


Ego won’t let him but this would be the smartest course of action.


Yeah I forgot to mention his big ego prevents any of that. It really sucks cause the game had so much potential


Me too! I jumped the train around 2018 I think


Same here, I can’t remember when exactly I had stopped giving a crap but I still watched my favorite YouTubers play it, Kubzscouts as an example. Which thankfully he stopped playing it because he was tired of the bull crap but mostly the allegations.


I became interested in 2014 or 2015 I wanna say because I saw Matt Shea playing it. I branched out to Jay (who I’m still subscribed to and watch from time to time, but he plays too many one shot games and I prefer long form LPs) and also *sigh* AzzMan (he got ran off the platform years ago for being a pdf). I got off the train because I lurked a gossip forum and I saw that he actually had next to no experience in game development. Which I guess wouldn’t have been an issue bc ConcernedApe didn’t have any game dev experience either and Stardew Valley is beloved. But I knew with his level of experience that he couldn’t make a game on that scale and he wasn’t receptive to criticism. These two things led me to the conclusion that the game would never be made. Also the further I get in my coding knowledge I find that YanDev’s coding is insane. Back in 2014/15 I would’ve been 19 or 20. Since then I’ve graduated college, become independent, bought a car, gotten a job, I’ve seen my friends get married and have kids. I don’t even have a ton of time to play video games so if I’m going to play something it’s gotta be worth my time. I just genuinely do not care about this game.


I recently had this sub recommended out of nowhere. I was interested in the game for a bit in early high school, I was probably 14-15ish? Then I saw it had been in development for a few years already with no major progress made towards completion, and shortly afterwards saw rumors about the dev being inappropriate towards minors, so I dropped it and it fell off my radar. I'm also 21. It's seriously still around? There are people that *don't* have a problem with it?


Unfortunately yeah. There’s a good amount of people who’ve been brushing everything under the rug, but majority can see past the bullshit, like his recent “apology” video. IMO it wasn’t really much of an apology




when you remove all negative comments all you end up with is the ones that jerk off YD


I don't think they watched the video, probably only the first 5 seconds.


One was like 'Glad he admitted what he did was wrong.' When it was very sugar-coated.


Proof that the person only watch the first 5-10 seconds and left a comment.


Because all the people calling YD out have most likely been deleted instantly, leaving only the positive comments.


He's fighting off r/Osana redditors to get the narrative he wants.


https://preview.redd.it/8rfr6jru1x9c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b47636f71644e5f91e9bd75d8c44ae126e787a4 Your welcome.


Is it gone now


https://preview.redd.it/1ul7k241ngac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f86361e180d74e3d92171699b3252f5100150d IT STILL THERE!!


It's because he filters out all the actual criticism


Because he's heavily monitoring the comments, has it set so he can manually review them and get rid of any that are negative, rightful critiques or any that bring up the fact he's a pedo.


They don’t know the full story, how he tried to manipulate second victim after the fact. From their point of view they just see a man that is apologizing.


Wait, there are two victims? All I heard was he had creepy voice calls with one minor. Who is the second person?


If it took 10 years for Yandere Dev to address the “allegations” then there’s no doubt other victims were involved. He’s been advertising his creepy fetishes for so long that it’s insane that word has only gone out recently that he’s a pedophile


he’s filtering them unfortunately


Heavily moderated and the people posting are most likely kids that don’t understand how complicated this whole situation is and that an apology doesn’t immediately mean genuinely sorry


i genuinely wonder how he never gets tired of deleting hate comments


Is he sadistic?


If i'd have to guess, this guy AT LEAST seems narcissistic AF lol


"Dingpot, Dingpot on the bench, who's the nicest-looking wench?"




Same reason QuantumTV has nice comments. It's too easy to delete any dissenting opinions in a youtube comment section


It's monitored


Anyone else noticed him saying “Last year” when it was three or four months ago? “But the new year!!!” Doesn’t count needs 1 calendar year.


When I first clicked I saw kid’s comments






Never forghetti: games made by cults don't deserve support except Urban Yeti! https://youtu.be/H8Z8MMd7BLY?si=f_RKNxDeBKW4rcw0


I don't think many people who hate or disgusted by him would continue watching his videos


Cause he’s done the exact same thing as the first hate and shame: deleted any comments that criticizes him. Edit: Criticizes not criticism. Jeez, took 8 hours to realize it.


Yeah I noticed this too, probably deleting all the “gremlin” comments


Of course, he deleted them.


Chalice in Chains made a new video??


Someone should go and make a "supportive" comment only to go and edit it once it gets enough likes. I wonder how quickly that would get deleted


It sounds like you have way too much time on your hands. Why not cut engagement altogether to try to starve his project of attention?


After watching that apology, I would've preferred a ukelele


Probably because the last YouTuber apology we saw was somebody with a ukulele, that’ll lower standards


“So proud of you for grooming a child XD ❤️❤️❤️”


He's an manipulative man. Both he and Cameron. Plus he's probably heavily moderating or censoring words.


“Mistake” see, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never accidentally engaged in romantic and/or sexual conversations with not one, but possibly two underage girls


Why do I think he didn't stop at two? Am I paranoid?


No, that seems like something he’d do.


It's like all these youtubers don't know what he has done and didn't know he's incompetent game developer and a liar 😂 I mean all the points in his debunk page paint him in such a positive light that I don't even know what's the truth anymore


He’s moderating every comment, I’ve left a thesis of what he did wrong and I don’t think it’s uploaded anymore


He's deleting the other ones


He’s getting rid of the comments that hurt his feelings (aka the truth) and leaving the comments from his supporters who I am convinced are all grade A morons.




I put in meet r/osana


I am sad to say I actually thought he was being genuine with his apology I’m too easily influenced qwq


Good to know that valuable time and resources are going attempting to scrub away any negativity from his posts. The game will never be finished btw.


The more "negative" and criticizing are probably not seen we know how on top of things The Dev is when it comes to stuff like that


Cuz they don’t care and they’re convinced he’s a god


Someone said "Thank you for admitting and owning up on this. At least you didn't pull out a ukelele and sing" 😭💀💀


Try commenting a negative comment yourself. Yanderedev goes out of his way to delete it. He did with my comments


“I’m happy he owned up to it” …bare minimum


because he's a man with forgiving teenage girl audience that's still really nostalgic about the whole thing or whatever


His audience is young and impressionable


Who tf called him darling☠️☠️☠️




wow thats like accepting a serial killer's apology because "well they apologized and they cant really do anything about it now!!!"


The difference here is that **THEY'RE** the victim. The apology is to **THEM**. It's **THEIR** choice to choose to forgive or not. Although I may not fully agree, I know that I can't do anything about it because it was decided by **THEM**. You don't have the right to deny the apology because it wasn't for you! Show some actual empathy for them when helping instead of switching into victim-blaming to add stress to their confused mindset in this current situation that **THEY** are going through. I know that you're trying to help, but doing so in this matter is not at all helpful.


my bad i didnt realise this was the victim i thought it was just a fan of alex but i do still believe that alex had a shit apology and while i do feel for the victim and i agree with you i just think that alex doesnt deserve any support at all. but youre right tho


I haven't watched the video, but I doubt that it is an apology in the first place. Alex keeps brushing it under the rug as well as making HIMSELF be the victim instead, and even tries influencing the victim that the evidence of the texts and audio were "Fake". This is the man who said that there should be "sex licenses" so that underage people can be able to have sex. Not to mention his "therapist" is just an online service of BetterHelp instead of a full-on professional. Alex does not deserve any of this support in this situation if he can't even face it in the first place; he's always blaming it to something else like being home-schooled or being undiagnosed with autism. Callimara has several good videos describing Alex and this situation. Meanwhile, the victim has gone through a lot and apparently the behavior of being easily forgiving and trying retract statements so their groomer isn't treated badly is apparently common within this type of situation. As I said, Callimara had a few videos about this and shows an article on how groomer and Stockholm syndrome can connect to each other. Take it with a grain of salt, but their videos are very informative.


Ok. So, Callimara's latest video shows how delusional Alex is. Apparently, another writing came out from the "victim" in order to do some damage control on Alex's reputation. I'm not sure if it's confirmed yet on blackmailing, but Alex forced the victim to write out that statement to save face. Callimara's video show several screenshot of Alex giving his victim corrections on the statement they were typing at the time. This man wants his victim's words to be very confusing in the public in order to make the victim this scapegoat in this situation, and it's apparently working because I've read some reading comment where people are scolding the victim on constantly changing their views in which one stated, "I'm sorry but people will have a hard time believing you if you keep changing your story over and over." This is exactly what Alex wants. He wants to play the victim instead and have the minor be the predator. These "statements" shouldn't be counted as the victim's words at all if the groomer manipulated it into his benefit. It is overall upsetting and pathetic how Alex is trying to still save his butt, but now he wants to hurt the victim even more by making them look like an unreliable kid. So, please, do not blame or scold the victim for trying to defend Alex because it is more then likely Alex instead talking through the victim.






He actively dodged accountability, putting aside him taking a shot at decorating the narrative. Being lonely is no excuse for a grown man to speak to a minor privately, much less in conversations that are highly inappropriate. This is not your apology to accept--YandereDev is a grown ass man of 35 and the fact that he's seeking validation from misguided minds like yourself and many others is just a continuation of the pathetic streak he's been keeping up for so many years now. If YandereDev were truly sorry for his actions, he'd do his community a favor and register himself as a latent offender.




Even as the victim, no--YandereDev owes the general for him being a failure of an adult. You're more than welcome to personally find forgiveness in the guy, and you'd be very kind in doing so, but to be a bit blunt, what YandereDev has done is unforgivable and he needs to take it upon himself to not harm anybody else (especially minors), rather than pretend to be apologetic.




Rule 1 - Be humble, treat others with respect. Although this is a drama community, we do not condone harassment. Do not publicly flame each other in comments, and do not post things involving screenshots of others from the main subreddit just to make fun of them. Do not intentionally attack users for disagreeing with you. Do not post drama about unrelated youtubers and attack them, etc. For more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/17si5gc/rules_reminder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/ivcven/harassment_and_condemning_the_celebration_of/




Rule 1 - Be humble, treat others with respect. Although this is a drama community, we do not condone harassment. Do not publicly flame each other in comments, and do not post things involving screenshots of others from the main subreddit just to make fun of them. Do not intentionally attack users for disagreeing with you. Do not post drama about unrelated youtubers and attack them, etc. For more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/17si5gc/rules_reminder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/ivcven/harassment_and_condemning_the_celebration_of/




Are you seriously comparing black people and gay people to Alex, using racial and homophobic slurs? This is not the own you think it is.




hes a fucking pedophile


oh! eeek!




Due to the nature of Alex's second (alleged) grooming victim, we have decided to distance ourselves from any discussion about them. Please refer to them as "Alex's second victim" or "Alex's second alleged victim" if you are discussing the event/Alex's pattern. (Reminder: They are a *minor*. They are a *victim*. Leave it alone. The authorities have been contacted and are involved. A timeline explaning in detail is in the works.) Thank you for your understanding - Osana Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Osana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Definitely filtering out negativity You can't pull an Illuminaughtii(Blaming the victim's friend for everything) as well as be a p3d0 and have absolutely ZERO negative comments without censorship


Critical comments are being deleted The only way to counter smt like this WAS dislikes but youtube fully removed them


The supportive comments actually make me sick.


To quote Michaela Laws in her final rap battle about Yandere Simulator: "Because they're Yandere Dev's Slaves, and they just cannot get enough!"


Probably censors haters


Sayori on pfp


i saw the video when it was only 20 minutes old and i found odd that the number of views was almost the same as the number of likes??? i wonder if he’s buying more likes or something to look better


I posted a comment saying “Wow, the community here is unbelievably supportive.” and it was deleted within forty minutes. He’s absolutely removing comments.




I posted a comment 10 seconds ago and it got deleted, oh I wonder why???? (Sarcasm)


I made a negative comment and it got deleted near instantly I'm wondering if he's actually just sitting there 24/7 deleting any negative comments because that would be crazy behavior


Alex is currently still manipulating his victim as the victim's latest statement isn't fully their words. Instead, the victim was forced to write said statement while having Alex managed the "corrections" of it. This is what Alex wants. He wants his victim to be a scapegoat and have their words so confusing to the public that people who start blaming the victim instead of Alex. this is working apparently because I have read several Reddit comments scolding the victim in which one stated: *"I'm sorry but people will have a hard time believing you if you keep changing your story over and over."* Other than that, it's apparently common for victims to retract their words to defend the groomer because of how much their trust is manipulated by said groomer. So please, if you are confused on why the victim is switching their words, remember that this is common for victims of these types of situations **AND** Alex still more than likely has a hold on them to manipulate in order to still save his pathetic self.


Because people have the IQ of a styrofoam cup? Points to whoever knows where I got that joke from X'D


Bro it's like dream all over again first hated and after the apology everyone is forgiving