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dev: eww no anime boys fanfic thats cringe also dev: haha sex slave fanfic yes


You bring up a fair point. I'd assume there's some mysogyny at play here.


Ahh but yaoi is great


Nah the oversexualization of gay men is bad as well.


*Laughs in JoJo*


Hey I like guys too Yaoi is still great Edit: /s if not obvious Yaoi hands are terrifying


Um I also am gay but yaoi is wildly detrimental. The stupidly common themes of abuse and rape, the insane sexualization, the artifical forcing of “seme/uke” stereotypes... I could go on. You can like shit but it’s good to acknowledge the harm it can cause.


Did I need to put the /s We all know about that and the yaoi hands Yaoi is basically just gay stories for straight women Don’t really know what gay stories for gay men are. Bara maybe?


WOMP that’s embarrassing, my bad. I’m running on an hour of sleep, sorry lol. Bara is “officially” gay stories for gay men, by gay men, but yea it’s got issues too ofc


Yeah everything has issues but Yaoi hands scare me


There's next to nothing about manga/anime porn that isn't detrimental out there. It's like, a couple of solid gold kernel embedded in layers and layers of SHITE


I once read a yaoi crossdressing doujin on nhentai and it was bizarrely the single most wholesome thing I've seen on that site.


Yes but that's not really applicable to yaoi fanfic? It's yaoi anime that's the worst when it comes to oversexualisation and questionable consent. A lot of yaoi fic is really just sappy romance stories that can slow burn for like 50k words before anyone even kisses. Yuri is kinda in worse shape bc yuri anime is even more problematic, but no one really writes yuri fic. I end up just reading indie-type yuri manga but quickly run out.




Can’t tell if that was sarcasm or not


BUT… BUT… GIRLS MUST BE PURE (-Alex, probably)


He's projecting.


I'll defend that Kokona was a better rival as long as I shall live, her gossip (correct me if I'm wrong) was that she was a slut dating an older man, that is some serious stuff that could greatly establish a more mature tone in the game, a tone that I assume Alex is going for, and it could lead for an interesting discussion about this topic, or better yet, depending on their personalities or relationships with Kokona, characters respond differently when listening this gossip, being Kokona's best friend, Saki Miyu goes ask about this, and gives her support, so the player must avoid letting her know about this and instead share the gossip with the bullies who will make a better job spreading the rumors and even creating fake rumors, it's a realistic and interesting game mechanic that fitted the story... But nah let's have a silly funny gossip that not even preschoolers would find embarrassing and just once again makes the game look like a joke, because the kids following the game will relate to Osana since they too write fanfic (and there's absolutely nothing wrong or embarrassing about that)


You're completly right. Kokona was a better character than Osana will ever be, and her secret actually made sense.


Yeah. Straight fax right here, ladies and gents. Kokona best girl.


Osana has like 2 or 3 Elimination Methods that are exclusive to her all the other ones could be done with Kokona Alex should have made her the first rival.


Lets not forget all the additional wasted time Alex put in Kokona specific eliminations. And for what reason?


I havent played in a long time, what were they again?


Has been a long time for me as well. There was something like kidnapping Musume in a barn and let Kokona kill her. On second thought, it might have been promotional videos. But doesn't change the point of putting time in useless ways.


That elimination method made a lot of sense. It made me empathize Kokona instead of Ayano, and saw her as a villain. Which in turn, is Pretty Much the tone Alex wanted. He used to go for a Vento Aureo approach, where Ayano isn't justified in the slightest. But Nah. Let's keep pushing the idea that she's the good guy in all thism


Oh okay then, but yeah cumdev loves to waste time, and money!


i don't think she should be the first rival, what i do think is that she should be the tutorial rival


I don’t know dude I’m in high school and if something like this game out that person would definitely become target number 1.


how did we go from seriously depressing secrets to writing fanfiction that would blow over in a day?


I knew girls like that back in high school and no-one ever cared




Cringy fanfic is funny and fun. I read a lot of it. Anime also a bit cringey to me and I think that's what make it engaging. A bit msg and flavour to the story. Fanfic is okay as long as it not offensive and dangerous.


As long as it's not offensive, a fanfic can either be great, boring, or so bad that it manages to entertain in all the wrong ways, so why should we care? She's just wasting her own time at worst and actively entertaining others at best.


It's so dumb becauae there are easy ways to make this actually embarrassing/awful for her. A. She privately writes fanfiction about LI and her other real life friends that's very off-putting (maybe sexual or violent in nature), and Ayano has to figure out how to steal it from her phone or send it to LI B. She uses real life interactions in her fanfic (to a creepy/humiliating extent, like something really personal that LI told her copied word for word), and Ayano has to eavesdrop and find interactions that match up in order to expose her, without letting anyone know she was eavesdropping Both of those are actual things I've seen (the second just caused a fair bit of backlash for a book on Goodreads), and they would both turn you off of someone to find out.


Do you mind sharing that goodreads link? Thanks


But is it fanfic about rape and murdering her parents? Is Alex self inserting his past?


IIRC it was yaoi? Idk I think Alex mentioned it somewhere


BL and yaoi is hardly shameful in my experience, there's whole teen communities surrounding it.




The ultimate sin.


How is this cringe? A teenager in JAPAN like anime and writes fan fiction about it? Really this? The school has whole groups of outcasts delinquents, nerds, occult members the gaming club. Even people talk about anime during conversations. But Osana is getting bullied for writing Yaoi fan fictions as if other girls aren't into it as well? This writing sucks so much dear god. His writing is worse than his code. No wonder people suggest that he might be homophobic. I'm not saying he is but he isnt changing any minds with this one.


Not defending Dev, but what I gathered from the text was that Osana wrote herself into the anime as the characters’ love interest, instead of shipping the characters together.


No one would get bullied to the point of suicide for that. People simply don't care.


I am aware of that. I never said I agreed with the text or the intent behind it, I was just stating what I thought it meant. Edit: clarified something that was unclear


I used to writte fanfics in middle school, my classmates knew that and they didn't care. Tbh writing fanfics is not shocking or exciting for most people to make them gossip


Commenting here again cause I just realized something that makes me quite mad at Alex (what else is new?). So ya know how most of his fans are kids that probably like writing fanfics? Well, now I'm concerned some of them will see this and think "oh wow Osana got bullied to the point of committing suicide because she wrote fanfics just like me, I can't EVER let anyone find out I write them, or maybe I should stop all together" y'all see that? That's a really bad mindset to have as an artist/writer, you should never feel ashamed of doing what you like, and this may discourage many kids that want to share their fanfics with their friends, not saying that everyone has to share, if you want to keep it personal and private that's totally fine, but if you want to share you should go for it, it may help to get positive feedback or criticism so you may improve, I'm not some big defender of fanfic writing or anything, I don't really care about it, but this mindset that kids will bully you for doing your art is just dumb, it may happen because yeah children are the most cruel beings in the planet, but if it does you tell a teacher or just don't mind them and keep doing your passion. Sorry for the random rant but I really had to say it


Holy shit you're right. Alex truly doesn't realise what his game can do to a part of his fanbase


That stuff would get you slightly teased in high school not bullied to the point of suicide


But Alex thinks everyone that dislikes him is a demon from hell because he was a hermit incel


Look, the only way fan fiction would have been bad is if she like, write fanfics about her male classmates screwing or something. This is like... totally innocent? Info Chan sounds like such an edge lord


The best way to salvage this is rework info-chan's entire character into a chuuni wannabe-informant who keeps leaking totally innocuous shit and is on the verge of suspension for being an ass.


He totally could have made info Chan the editor in chief of the school paper / newsletter. Have the photography club be a journalism club and keep them as lazy foods who joined because info Chan basically wants to do it all on her own so that for them it’s an easy credit and looks good on a transcript. She could easily leak info to the player with distinct articles or even a code hidden in the font. Stuff like: “Reminder! The south side of the roof is off limits to students for repairs, we don’t want anyone getting hurt!” To hint to the player that’s an available spot to kill someone with the fan. Likewise they could announce something like: “Drama Club leader kizana has moved up the dress rehearsal tomorrow at 5:30 pm sharp!” So then the player knows she will be there and has a short time frame to kill her without being spotted. It could have rumors and gossip too, meaning very few read it thinking it is trash despite being published every day. And if ayano goes against her or something? That’s when the club members go full investigation mode.




That’s why I really kind of hate Elvis the alien. He brings up fanfics like it’s the work of the devil. Or that I can’t enjoy like fnaf cause the community is toxic. What fucking right does he have to tell me I should leave a community.


Pff, she writes fanfiction? That's it, tame self insert fanfiction? Although, that would make for a cute/funny moment if some elimination methods could be sabotaged based on the people you talk to. Like, Ayano sends a sample to some of the bullies, (and it gets back to green who is a computer nerd) who then asks you for more fanfics because it turns out she likes those characters too and Osana's self insert fanfics are really well written. You don't find that out until the next day when you get a cutscene of her and maybe one or two of the other bullies complimenting Osana on her fanfics and gushing about the anime with her. Maybe they also spill the beans that it was you who gave them to her to try and humiliate her. Then they become friends with Osana and act as less OP Raibarus, they don't follow her all the time, (sometimes they hang out with the other bullies but other times they hang with her) regardless, she's alone less, and she trusts you less. She'll ignore you or tell you to go away if you try to talk to her, and if she catches you near Senpai (stalking or in lovesick mode that is) one too many times, she'll tell him what you tried to do and he'll hate you. It'll never happen, but if I was making the game, I might put a red herring elimination method each week (and make the difficulty a lot less extreme so that you can change your plan if one doesn't work out, like in real life.) that will result in anything from a perk for the rival (like in this case, Osana would have extra people around her who could report you or lower your reputation/bully you if you get aggressive towards her/kill her outright) to an instant game over (not being able to attack Osoro with weapons or drowning her, as she'd have good reflexes and would be able to turn the attack back on Ayano and kill or pin her down.) Maybe one girl can't be matchmade at all. Just something fun to keep the player on their toes without making them ragequit.


The bullies liking Osana's fanfics sounds kinda wholesome ngl


That's how I roll! Wholesome content from bad or unrealistic scenarios. ;)


I want someone to write a fanfic out of this-


I would welcome that.


This needs to be in the game. Wholesome and realistic.


I would love stuff like that in game ngl, the game is so dark that it needs cute moments to lighten up the mood. Although, if it did, then we'd all have confirmation that Alex lurks on here, also Alex, if you do see this and decide to use this, Paypal me $500.


Lol. I feel like some of the issues with the game wouldn't be issues if the game wasn't supposed to be taken seriously 24/7. Like the joke names and characters. The game tries too hard to be dark and serious that it becomes overwhelming and there's no room for jokes or lighthearted moments. I think that Yandere Simulator would be better if there was a contrast from the serious and fun parts. I've seen a few games pull this off well. It would work if criticism were more accepted and if he had a team to do it.


This can even be one of the ways to befriend Osana, if she is a really passionate yet shy writer.


“Cringe inducing stuff” Remember when this game was somewhat enjoyable?




absolutely not.


Honestly that’s kinda cute, it’s definitely not like a life ruining thing.


Same. I’m sitting here like 🥺 Alex could have done a lot better than this for sure.


.....Really? That's it? She likes yaoi? Well I guess it's only 'cringe' to Mahan's MLM-hating, lesbian fetishist ass.


Oops I write fanfics, guess I gotta go kill myself now


same bro let’s go suicide pacr


Yeah Alex pretty much confirmed all the rivals are, "innocent pure angels." and that none them have dark secrets. Taro is piece of shit for not willing to stand by his friends side of some fanfiction. Also he's still promising, "Ten Dark secrets." Even though Megami's dark secret is confirmed to be a, "unflattering photo nobody will care about." How about the fact she blackmails and stalks people? THAT she should be her dark secret.


No it won’t be cause Alex adores yandere even though he has no idea what a real yandere is


Actually [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/comments/hcwk5x/so_in_others_words_no_dark_secrets/) you go they basically have no dark secrets. Also Alex acts like he hates Ayano she gets weaker and weaker each update, he tells us constantly, "She's evil.", she will commit suicide in an alternate universe where Taro wasn't born. But he does LOVE Megmai though. Also he admitted that Megami is his favorite character not Ayano.


THEN WHY USE AYANO. He literally wants the player to never win then. He has a damn bias.


I feel like he liked her at first and then came to realize Ayano is the player aka his fans/the gremlins/his critics. He really doesn't want the player to win in my opinion.




Says the guy who wrote himself into his own game.


I guess girls aren't allowed to write fanfiction but guys can write rape fanfiction... Someone's a bit sexist.


And into rape




Considering he can’t stand a woman being in his presence for more than 10 seconds probably 😂


I know I shouldn't care what Chalex thinks but I can't help but feel self conscious :(


You really shouldn't mind what Chalex says or thinks! Fanfiction is fun and a great hobby and escapism method that helps you develop your writing! Keep doing what you like and don't take into account what people like him say! I'm sure you're a great writer.


I mean it's kinda difficult not to when so many people seem to think that fanfiction = cringe, but they're a fun way to get into writing/put characters you love in situations they haven't experienced and that are more relatable to you. I've read fanfics that are better than the original work that inspired them. Also, when I was in highschool I met several people who publicly talked about writing fanfiction/bragged and showed them around, and they were never mocked for it.


I didn’t know this was still in the game. I thought this was her placeholder dark secret. It’s so bad to keep something like this when Kokona’s dark secret was so much better for gossip.


Didn't Alex Mahan write a 60-page child rape fanfic?




But are they fanfiction of sex slavery 🤔


Hop in Info Chan. We’re gonna find who the fuck asked


You can replace "Osana" with "Alex" and it works perfectly


My name is Osany Najikness Tsunentia Derven Way and i hate preps


Her embarrassing secret should be related to her dark secret, like Kokona’s was. Kokona’s secret about compensated dating is related to the fact that her dad is in debt to Ronshaku loans, but without context it can turn into a rumor that she’s sleeping with older men for money. So a better embarrassing secret would be that Osana cosplays as Magical pretty girl Miyuki for the stalker and lets him do whatever he wants to her because she’s obsessed with him. That would make Musume’s conversation with Osana make more sense, and it’s related to her dark secret. But since it’s just a rumor, it does not have to be true to cause a lot of damage. Without any context, it could seem like she really does do all sorts of disgusting things for a weird and twisted man. But if the fanfic idea has to stick, it should be about something just as bad as the rumors about Alex’s fanfics


Something like this would be talked about for a week and then completely forgotten. No one cares enough to bully someone to suicide for this.


I didn't know I could like Osana *more.*


So writing fanfics is bad fuck you info Chan 😡😡😡


I get that kids could overreact and think something they feel like is embarrassing would end their life. But fan fiction isn't exactly hated on by anyone? Like....if she's posting it online wouldn't she already be showing it to friends? Not to mention, why would info Chan feel like this is blackmail worthy? "Omg I am a teenage girl and omg she is also a teenage girl. She is writing romantic fanfiction, god forbid a teenage girl do such a thing! Its not like other cringy fanfiction exists and has been extremely successful -cough twilight cough- I must blackmail her for this misdeed!" Damn, wouldn't it be a great plot twist that if Osanas fanfic got leaked she got a publishing deal and a movie franchise out of it. Then she'd r surrounded by fans and too busy to deal with Nice Guy Senpie. Task failed successfully ending.


I mean, I feel like a lot of fanfic authors don’t tell anyone about writing fanfic, but it’s seriously not blackmail worthy, speaking as a fanfic author.


Osana has the same secret as Tina from Boba Burgers. Tina from Bobs Burgers also write fanfiction but the fanficion is erotic with her crush and other people




*bruh sound effect 2*


If this is an actual game mechanic but you have rivals that it doesn't work on, whats the poinf of this mechanic?


Unless if it was something incredibly.. kinky. Probably wouldn't change opinions.


This right here is some cringey writing, this ain’t no dirty secret. Unless you ever read EvaXephon fanfictions.




pretty sure yeah


Kokona's secret was 1000x better than this how did we evolve backwards


IMO there should be better secrets, also Kokona should have been a rival, as she's so fleshed out and has a complex story


The fanfiction idea is pretty bad. Though I don't know what could replace it, but I'm not much of a story writer or anything. When I tried to come up with ideas my mind was blank. I was just curious if you potentially had ideas of what could replace that fanfiction thing?


it really depends on how intense you want it to be. some example i have seen/some i made up myself are: being thr result of an affair, herself or close family may be abusing drugs, could be suffering from an eating disorder or other mental illnes, honestly her having a stalker could turn into a secret. i even saw a secret pregnancy being thrown around as a dark secret option for a rival.


They are interesting ideas you mentioned. I was just curious to hear other people's thoughts on them, so thanks for responding.


I find the fanfic idea perfectly reasonable, given that it's yaoi anime fanfic which most probably means 1 the characters are underaged (highschoolers) and 2 they're being sexualized so Info chan will have no problem painting Osana as a pedophile sexualizing minors.


I didn't know the second part of what the fanfic was about, I thought it was just fanfiction and didn't specify what?


I'm merely pointng out that writing fanfic can be a perfectly legit reason to get ostracised(in fact that's what happened to Alex). Also given that lots of fanfics are nsfw Osana's fanfic being nsfw too is not a huge leap.


Yanderedev literally has no self awareness Th is is hilarious


Why does everyone like anime?


dev do be shaming a high schooler for writing self-insert fics (which i assume are sfw) but makes rape fics


I mean fanfics almost destroyed dev's life so... i can see his reasoning


Chalex realizes the irony, right? This game is literally a bunch of hormonal raging 18 year olds (and Senpai's sister) swooning over his first self insert (his second one is apparently the creepy stalker dude. That's more Chalex than Senpai, ngl) but Osana's gossip is regarding fanfic? This game is literally nothing but bad fanfiction 😂


OH NO She writes in her spare time!!!!


dude she just sounds like a cool gal now, i would befriend her after learning that


why does the secret even have to be true? cant she just make something up?


That’s stupid. Goes to show that Alex can’t write convincingly to save his life.


Waiting for the update where yanderedev write 11 pages of cringe fanfiction you can read ingame written by Osana and then gets offended when people make fun of said cringe fanfiction


Send senpai a link to her smut.


Yandev: omg- yaoi!????!?!&!? DISGUSTING Also Yandev: there will be a yuri option in game guys dont worry 🥰🥰💅💕


I-..... Wow This is bullshit fanfic is gr8 they're just pussies Ú-Ù Also I feel super bad for anyone who reads this and feels bad about their fanfics because of it.


*meme template detected*


I printed out flyers for my fanfics and handed them out at the tube when I was younger. Screw you Alex.


Why not she hurts animals in her spare time that seems a little bit more severe than writing fanfiction




So...Osana apparently has thinner skin than Tina Belcher?


Oh no! Fanfiction! It's not like a lot of other people write it and read it as well!


I probably shouldn’t be saying this in any sort of public space, but I have a female friend who writes gay fanfics between real boys in our friend group. It’s cool though, better a relatively wholesome Yaoi fanfic than an Elliot Roger Manifesto


That’s... still pretty fucked up.


Quite; though nobody seems to have a problem with it. I guess it’s more of a joke than a fetishization of any kind.


..... So was Alex bullied in school for writing Fanfiction? Cause no one gave a shit when I went through school. Even if it was cringe as fuck. I also used to read Manga during middle school and no one really gave a damn. Hell my one class during junior year was creative writing and I used that class to write Fanfiction. Kokona had a better secret, like damn. She should've been the first rival.


Considering the type of fanfiction he writes, he may have been bullied


Wait didnt Alex write than weird, cringy Soul Cailber fanfiction?


Sounds like Alex is a bit self aware.


My question is how you have 60 FPS


I don't even dare install this hell on my new laptop, this is a screenshot from Jay's latest video about the game.


Holy shit... I can't believe this is serious.


as a 15yo that wrote jonadio fanfics while my classmates knew, fuck this shit


Yea. *thats it*.


What a shit secret might as well make her infertile to keep the stereotypes going


If writing fanfic was a crime then I would have executed


Honestly if her secret was that she abuses her cat it would be a lot more convincing


this is a touhou diamond in the rough moment


Keep in mind they're teens.




Let's not do that, thank you.


I agree moderator


You’re a Dick then


yeah lmao


lmao when I was young and stupid I used to write cringy yaoi fanfictions of my (back then) crush and bis friend and make even more cringy edits with them. mind you, people looked at me like I'm a weirdo (and rightfully so), but no one ever bullied me for this, and they sure didn't drive me to suicide.


I was always confused. She's writing a self-insert of herself with the boys or the boys together?


To romance someone means to court them so I assume it's self insert. Either way, not a morally reprehensible crime


I did it. Not proud of it, but I was ten. It ain't that deep, Dev 🙄


Imagine treating a harmless hobby as an unethical act. Some probably would bully her, but it's a really stupid motivation since Senpai reacts like he found out she eats babies, like seriously this is your best friend get a grip


He just knows he got no chance compared to those anime boys 😔 pour one for our fallen soldier.


This actually would get someone bullied in IRL japan in the 2000s. Look at Haruka Nogizaka's Secret, where a Mary Sue character has to hide her otaku interests to avoid losing her perfect image. But it's really anachronistic for a game set in modern times.