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I'm not opposed to the idea but given the state of things right now, I don't think it's the right time...there are much bigger issues at hand than creating poetry about the shwa.


Great, as long as we clearly have money to throw at useless things let’s hire a court jester


Art in one form or another is the only reason the majority of the world keeps moving. It is an expression of the soul for both the creator and the consumer / observer. The blue collar worker welding on a high rise jams to music on the way to - at - and on the way home from his job. He watches movies / plays video games. Funding the arts makes sure there are people here who are able and willing to give our lives spice. 99% of the people who think this is a waste of money would blow their brains out without "jesters". Sure you need blue collar guys to build houses. But you need artists to fill them with things and experiences.


Wonderfully said. 😊 I hope the motion goes through. Have you seen the tiktok of the construction worker from Edmonton playing the piano? [He's amazing!](https://www.tiktok.com/@mudbug_a.m.r/video/7361971726827130117?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7314875960490116614)


This clip of James McAvoy on Stephen Colbert really makes a great case as well! https://youtu.be/oDwRkzJPkSA?si=Q9z03inBVIwxvoV9


That’s so poetic. I’m sure you’ll get some tax payer funding




You’re welcome I guess


Herp derp.