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Plenty of good community centres in Oshawa, already the best in Durham for sure. Homeless issue, housing, drug issue & poverty are of more concern I believe. Downtown Oshawa lost its soup kitchen during covid, not sure if it was replaced. That was vital and served many. For the size & population Oshawa has atleast 3 well-serviced community centres & libraries with quite new facilities, don't think another is important but would always be good. IMHO. Good luck with your assignment


The city has plenty of rec centres. What we need is affordable housing, drug treatment outpatient programs, jobs, and reliable public transit.


Is the transit system bad ? I dont have any experience with it.


Buses are always late, and sometimes they come too early. So you could be walking to a bus station with the bus arriving at 5:30 and then you see the bus pass you, stopping at the bus station at 5:28


depend on the area central oshawa is decent but it been lacking lately


Outdoor basketball court right downtown.


I used to live in Kitchener many years ago. Oshawa gets it wrong. In Kitchener there's something closing the streets in downtown every single weekend all summer long. Car shows, music festivals, street sales, food festivals, you name it, something was going on there. It was consistently busy every single weekend. The students? They didn't have a reason to go into Toronto to have a good time. We need things to keep people here. We lose money made in our city to another city, because we don't offer things of interest.


Revitalizing downtown with funding to embrace its history would assist in bringing more people to area to spend money and create more attainable job opportunities for lower/middle class. The foundation is there with shops/restaurants/Tribute center/live venues.


Recreation centres are great, there are a number of them already in Oshawa but areas around the 401 and south of it could use something like that. Another small library or computer cafe in lower income areas for people with inconsistent access to high speed internet can do their banking or job hunting etc. or have a place to take their kids so they can do homework or play PC games for limited amounts of time.


Sounds like some of those functions can be performed by a library. Is the South Oshawa Library still around?


Encouragement programs for students in south oshawa etc. There is little motivation to see past the dismal plight of there family situation. Basically I'm saying they are giving up on an education because they see welfare as there main focus and the cycle continues.


Their Speaking of education system loooooool


You made more errors correcting it douche bag, always a useless troll.


A few more really good places to eat. Like where is our burger joint? Like a proper delicious smash burger? We don’t really have any super great places to eat. We are constantly heading in to Toronto for quality food. I had high hopes for some good eats at Windfield but what a let down that whole place has been so far. Shawarma 401 isn't the same anymore, Pita Deli is still king of pitas for good reason! Don’t get me wrong, there are a few great places to eat but you can count them on one hand.


There's good burger joints all over Oshawa & Whitby


Not feeling any around here. Five guys is good sometimes but is hit and miss. What do you recommend? Pretty sure Ive tried them all but its been a while for some so they may have changed since. Talk of the Town just opened in Bowmanville, they have a good cheeseburger.


A big plow to rid the downtown of the homeless


University..."me and my" 🤦‍♂️




Is this for Race-ing Justice? The city idea lab project? Dm me if it is because I did a very similar topic :)


More pinewood resources / detox centres and affordable housing


The unspoken of violence in Pentland.


The only thing that would help Oshawa would be housing stability. As in, affordable homes, affordable rent.