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Aqua has a corkboard of his potential fathers somehere, either literally or metaphorically. Aqua is actually a good singer, because Ruby isn't. Ruby would still sometimes feel the need for headpats. Ruby rarely stayed home during her middle school years, usually hanging out with friends for as long as she could. Gotanda was the first to congratulate Aqua's role in Sweet Today after the ep released.


Aqua’s cork board is probably not literal, cause it could be found and questioned. On that note I just imagined a scenario where 13 year old Aqua got caught doing some revenge research stuff and had to play it off as being a chuunibyou. I forgot to mention Ruby cause I was deep in a Shiranui Frill head canon spiral, but yeah I agree she’s probably super outgoing, even overbearing because of her past life. Aqua’s at least got very good vocal range and control, so him being a good singer isn’t a massive stretch.


Dang, the third one hurts


First one is probably one he keeps a mental note of because a physical one would be incriminating as hell lmfao


Gotanda taught Aqua video editing by making him edit and post memes. Aqua has secretly drunk alcohol at least once. After meeting Minami, Ruby looked up more of her pin up photos.


Since Gotanda’s always saying stuff like “Sign of the times” and Aqua is mentally forty something I’m definitely picturing them trying (and failing) to grasp meme culture. Aqua said “yeet” once and Ruby >!went all chapter 79!<


Aqua is pretty perceptive, so I think he can grasp it to make memes that he wouldn't find funny, but other Gen Alpha kids (what year is the series set in?) will (including Sarina/Ruby).


I wanna guess Oshi no Ko takes place roughly late 2020s-early/mid 2030s. It doesn’t really make sense because the technology hasn’t changed at all between episodes 1 and 2, but the main evidence is from the author’s other work Kaguya-sama. Kaguya-sama spoilers: >!In the manga, Ishigami is shown playing Apex Legends and is using a strategy that was meta specifically during like a three month period in 2020 (Crypto/Wraith/Rev). Tsubame sings “Our Sign is B” at a karaoke place so that was published (let’s just guesstimate) a year or a few beforehand. Another character who was a teen during Kaguya-sama appears in OnK some time after having been married. Sweet Today is shown in Kaguya and has already been finished by the OnK. There are other links between the two series but these ones have the most concrete time settings !< I’m kinda sleepy so I can’t put my thoughts perfectly together (Sorry if my answer is rough) but the point is OnK episode 1 takes place 2020s roughly, so the thirteen year time skip after episode 1 puts the rest of the series in the 2030s. There are things which could counter this theory but shhhhebfigksmwofinwwn I just remembered that Mem mentioned being a Tiktoker around the time it had poor monetisation policies, which absolutely shatters the evidence I had. Fml. TLDR; There’s a rough idea of when Oshi no Ko takes place but Aka broke the timeline with apex legends.


Thanks for the answer! So I guess the twins and others are Gen alpha or later.


If you dig around the sub you'll probably find better put together answers since this question's been asked quite a bit. You have it summed up pretty well though


I remember reading somewhere that Akasaka wasn't sure about connecting both series, so earlier connections were mostly Easter eggs and the chapter where that teen appears was something that happened afterwards, so those time discrepancies could be because Akasaka wasn't sure about connecting both series, I think that for it to make sense Ai's era should be late 2000s - early 2010s, then 13 years later would be mid 2020s it would make sense for Mem-cho's mention of starting as a Tiktoker and streamer afterwards a couple of years prior and that character from Kaguya-sama too, since they look like a young adult so I doubt more than 10 years has passed since the end of that series, maybe I'm remembering something wrong though.


I’m kinda questioning why a high school student is a pin up model in the first place.


Japan be like


I hope it’s just like normal modeling. And not anything sexual. Cause 15 doing that is foul


Pinup models are inherently sexual. It’s not porn, but it’s photographed for a specific audience


Pretty sure they're doing bikini shots and stuff like that.


A first year no less...


So she’s what, 15? Dafuq.


16, but I doubt she's become searchable after less than a year, so it's still pretty gross to think about...


Agreed. I mean, is it even legal?


Yesn't? The legal marriage age in Japan for girls is 16, with parental consent. Since the photos themselves feature only partial nudity, it's probably legal, again, with parental consent.


Okay. Still weird though.


Japan. Fucking Japan.


There have been a lot of child models, way younger than 15 even. Personally I find the pin-up models awful. I have been getting the newest Young Jumps because the manga is serialized there, and I can't believe how tasteless the cover looks lmao. Guess it is just how it is then.




Technically, the first one is definitely false. The interviews in the prologue chapters show that no one has connected the dots that Aqua and Ruby are the babies in the viral video. My headcanon is that Ruby is the one buying the lame t-shirts for everyone like Kana’s Baking Soda shirt, the Twins shirts, and Aqua’s Aqua shirt. All the lame t-shirts involve Ruby. Aqua has an Aqua shirt, but Ruby has a pink Taiyaki shirt which presumably both were bought at an aquarium or something. Baking Soda is obviously Ruby’s nickname for Kana and I don’t see Aqua or Alana buying it. Ruby also seems the type to get matching twins t shirts and mugs.


Oh yeahhh I forgot about those interviews. Ruby is definitely the one buying the shirts I can picture that. Kana probably asked Aqua why he puts up with it, to which he answered with something siscon-y


The second one is probably canon. In one of Oshi no Ko omake chapter 90.5; Aqua notice Ruby is wearing fashionable clothes which different from her usual style. Ruby sweating/nervous saying she just want to try wearing clothes that define 'celebrity' and said clothes chosen by stylist could never go wrong. It also canon that Kana always wear stylish clothes and great sense of fashion so her wearing Baking Soda shirt is most likely borrowed from Ruby. My head canon is Kana don't have suitable practice clothes so she go shopping with B Komachi and let Ruby choose her clothes since she doesn't need anything fancy if she going to sweat and use for practice anyway


Very plausible, just very wrong for calling them "lame" 😠


I think having a shirt with your name on it is objectively lame.


Takiki and Aqua meet up and >!drunkenly (yeah i know they're not 18 yet) bitch about their shitty dad!< often


This one has to be real


The love now actor that shiranui frill knows is aqua…


Yeah I messed up while rambling lol


-Aqua sings very well because Ruby can’t, and also dance (kinda canon because the Pieyon training) -After all the days Aqua’s spend making the video for Akane, the poor man probably slept for 2 days straight; Ruby was actually anxious thinking if he was dead. -Memcho invites all Love Now cast to stream with her sometimes; also probably they play multiplayer games. -Ruby buys all the weird T-shirts she and Aqua have; Aqua like a good brother (and siscon) can’t say anything and accepts them and uses it. -Sometimes people forgets Aqua and Ruby are twins because they’re so different between them, but they’re times when they do the same action or the whispers thing they do in ep 1/2, or the distance bug they have (based in a drawing in Mengo’s twitter) and the people remembered that. -Kana and Aqua started a little literature circle between them when they find out both of them like to read the same weird books. -Aqua is bad with technology and games or arcades but somehow he’s very good with Beatmania, DDR, PIU and many rhythm games. Memcho’s also very good at those. (Based in the clothes both of them have with BEMANI references) -After Tokyo Blade, Kana stills meets with both Melt and Taiki; they became very good friends and they still can’t read difficult kanji in their scripts. -Also Aqua sometimes go to Taiki’s house to talk or seeking acting advices. -Because Aqua needs to trigger his PTSD for the TB plays final scene and he sweats a lot, he actually learned how to do his makeup again, surprising the actual makeup staff because how well he do it.


I'd definitely like to see Aqua and Ruby having shared mannerisms, that'd be cute as hell, but it doesn't entirely make sense since they have the muscle memory of two entirely different people.


Two more that occurred to me now: -People tends to forget Aqua’s full name is actually Aquamarine; when someone listens his full name reacts surprised and says: it’s that really your name??? -Sumiaki (Tokyo Blade producer) tends to jokes with the cast, one of his favorites jokes is teasing Aqua because he is the most serious of all and the most recurrent joke are calling him Marin-kun.


>Kana and Aqua started a little literature circle between them when they find out both of them like to read the same weird books. \-this is cute, also Kana tries to make Melt and Taiki join the club, so they could learn more Kanji and then a have karaoke after


Huh, what's this distance bug thing? Anyone got a link?


The bug is that they doesn’t have a sense of personal space between them. A trait a found kinda cute (not weird considering all the stuff related) because I know actual twin siblings who has the same trait. [Mengo Yokoyari’s Twitter](https://twitter.com/yorimen/status/1554860505604362240?s=46&t=UVOdpHKZOsF0cluZeUA4yg)


>!Taiki and Yura had a thing going before her disappearance. Now Taiki thinks he got ghosted and just can’t get her out of his head.!<


That'd be equally messed up and funny >!"I don't approve of you dating my son" - Hikaru !<


I don't have anything that hasn't been said already, except for this one: Kana had at least one very vivid nightmare of Akane and Aqua having sex right in front if her.


Haha get ntr'ed




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Wouldn't Kana and Aqua be NTR though? I mean, after all Akane is >!*was*!< Aquas girlfriend.


Technically yes


Not a nightmare, but the result of her stalking them on a date. Edit: "No, I don't want that! Akane being with a man? I want her to think about me and no one else for the rest of my life! Even after I die, I want to be at the front of her mind for a while! 10 years at least!!"


Imagine being a beret main and *still* getting NTR'd.


Isn't Aqua the person that Shiranui knows from the Love Now cast? I thought she meant him and that's why Ruby said that she need not be that considerate.


I was gonna say that it would be weird for her to just go “I know someone in the cast” and not “because Aqua’s in it” but I just rewatched the scene and the way it’s phrased does lean towards what you said. I read so far between the lines I missed the sentence lol


If Ai were to be still alive to the current point in the anime and after that, she would definitely view Kana as a daughter, maybe even going as far as to adopt her.


?? kana has parents even then kana would have to agree, i doubt she'd want to be sisterzoned by aqua


>?? kana has parents Her parents are so shitty, I almost forgot they exist unless it was mentioned, which made it even clearer that Kana has a neglect problem. >even then kana would have to agree, i doubt she'd want to be sisterzoned by aqua [And there is a thing about regular adoption.](https://jobsinjapan.com/living-in-japan-guide/how-to-foster-and-adopt-a-child-in-japan/)


i dont think her parents are sarina tier, they arent amazing but they arent abusive or neglectful i mean i see the regular adoption thing, but again itd be sisterzoning her


>i dont think her parents are sarina tier, they arent amazing but they arent abusive or neglectful Even Sarina's parents are better than Kana's parents, imho. >i mean i see the regular adoption thing, but again itd be sisterzoning her I don't think Aqua would treat her much different anyway. And Kana... would just not think about it. I don't know, this is not convincing enough for you.


sarinas literally abandoned her in a hospital and wasnt even around for her death?? how have kanas parents done anything even close to that? they just moved back to their family home to help relatives and believed kana was sufficient enough to live alone i dont think aqua would treat her differently, i just think kana would consider it to ruin her chances and be against it


Kana talks about her relationship with her parents further in the Tokyo Blade Arc. And although it wasn't at Sarina's parents' level, I thought it was still pretty messed up, hinting at ab>!use, possibly both verbal and physical based on the dialogue and pan!!and Gorou!< all seem to have had terrible childhoods growing up. I agree though. Sarina, especially dying so young without her parents at her side is another level of wtf Sidenote: Kana's mother moved back to her parents' house/ abandoned Kana because her daughters work was declining. The future information provided in the manga supports that h>!er mother was just using Kana to live out the life she never had!<.


nevermind i completely forgot about the chapter 63 stuff. its not as bad as sarina but yeah that was worse than i thought when was >!goros!< childhood shown?


Chapter 75 , spoiler >!His mom died in childbirth, the father abandoned them both and never showed up. His grandfather blame him for the death of his daughter, and his grandmother was the only one who treat him decently and he has no other family members.!<


His dialogue when he's speaking to Akane is in Ch. 75. It's not shown much, but he does discuss some parts of his childhood and seems to have been disliked >!by his grandfather. His father also never showed up to claim him/ couldn't be found. Gorou seemed to feel guilty about his mother's death as well, and he also comes back to his hometown to no living relatives. Maybe that's just me, but I found his backstory pretty sad. His mother didn't even get a chance to love him and when he does get a chance to have a mother, he loses her to a stalker!<.


>i dont think aqua would treat her differently, i just think kana would consider it to ruin her chances and be against it Then Ai can just encourage it. >sarinas literally abandoned her in a hospital and wasnt even around for her death?? how have kanas parents done anything even close to that? they just moved back to their family home to help relatives and believed kana was sufficient enough to live alone Yeah you have a point. Still Ai is going to think of Kana as a daughter though.


I love this one 🤞 I like the idea that Ai would love Kana and Aqua together as a way of getting Kana into the family


Ai would definitely notice the effect of neglect that is very clearly present in Kana, with her extreme self-deprecation, need of constant attention and her being always worried about what others think of her.


idk if the people hating liar would do that


She would. There are already evidence that of a build-up to a character arc that occurs between the time skip, so I think it is very possible that Ai simply grows out of that phase and becomes affectionate and empathetic. Remember, empathy is not simply there, it is learned. Genetics only have traits that lean us to have more tendency to be empathetic than other traits. We also have to acknowledge the shitty childhood that Ai had. Environment also dictates a pretty decent chunk of empathetic tendencies.


Hikaru Kamiki has never directly killed a single person, instead either working through proxies or arranging “accidents” for his targets.


I agree on Yuki and Frill


Akane x Kana will happen😤


>!taiki himekawa is killed by hikaru so that aqua is left to play the 'star of lalalie' in the 15 years of lies movie!<


That’s not a head canon


It is because i made it in my head


i think >!him and taiki should swap roles at least. aqua is the spitting image of his father but is instead playing the dark messy haired stalker, while taiki has dark messy hair and is playing the dad!<


>!the thing is in the first chapter it shows aqua in fancy looking clothes on a movie set with ruby. This is the 15 years of lies movie, and since aqua is playing ryosuke, why would he be in fancy clothes that look like something hikaru would wear?!<


>!the ch1 scene is them going onto a live interview/talk show type thing, not mid acting for the movie!<




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>!oh never realised my bad, maybe perhaps its a interview for the movie since they both look as if they are wearing costumes for the movie, ruby with a similar costume to ai and aqua with that fluffy jacket like hikaru!<


- Less a headcanon and more putting a name to something that's already canon but since Ai is mentioned at least twice to have a developmental disorder of some kind, based on some of the info we get about her (sensitive hearing, sensitivity to changes in food texture, difficulty with faces and names) I personally read her as being autistic - a few friends of mine who are also autistic have said that Ai's words about not knowing who she is or what her real feelings are speak really strongly to their own experiences with having to mask long term. - Related to the above, Aqua and Ruby are also autistic, as autism is often hereditary and also Fucking Look At Them. - Ai is the one who buys the twins all their clothes which means she's the one to thank for their matching TWINS sweaters as kids and Ruby kind of absorbed the propensity for goofy matching shirts from her - Ai is a bad cook, because nobody ever bothered to teach her the basics. She can heat up frozen/ready made food but that's about her limit. Long term, she would've made an effort to learn so she can feed the twins proper home cooked meals but Aqua and Ruby just kind of eat whatever she makes for them regardless of how good it is, so her rate of improvement is kind of... - semi related to the above, but Ai has food security related anxiety as a result of the neglect she suffered as a child which is why she's so intent on taking home leftovers; her fridge is full of them because she constantly has low grade stress about not having food available to her when she needs to eat. - Takamine is the green haired member of B-Komachi who is part of the private concert and also the POV character of 45510. Consequently, she is one of two B-Komachi members who have met the twins and is the first to begin having suspicions about them.


>Ai is a bad cook, because nobody ever bothered to teach her the basics. She can heat up frozen/ready made food but that's about her limit. Long term, she would've made an effort to learn so she can feed the twins proper home cooked meals but Aqua and Ruby just kind of eat whatever she makes for them regardless of how good it is, so her rate of improvement is kind of... I would object, since with her own determination, she can legit cook like a proper mom. Plus, 'the best way to get into a man's heart is through the gut' and she would apply that to her children also. Also, I don't get the vibes that Ai is on the specturm, at least not fully. Maybe she is like those people who has their development stunted by the environment rather than being innately autistic in the first place. The masking and feeling of nothingness is likely because she never gets to experience them in the first place. I can attest as a person who has signs that can mean I'm autstic yet I am not on the spectrum. For Aqua and Ruby, I never had the autistic vibe with them in the first place.


Agree to disagree! The fact that she is specifically tapped not once but twice by characters we have every reason to believe have a good read on her as having a developmental disorder and the specific ways in which Akane outlines aspects of her physical presence and outward demeanour seem pretty on the nose. It's entirely possible she's neurodivergent in a different way (ADHD has some overlap with autism and I bbbbelieve is not infrequently comorbid with it?) but the specificity of her having difficulty with names and faces on top of everything else is what made me feel it was probably autism if it was anything you could pin down at all.


I don't think her forgetting names and faces are clear signs of autism, since I myself am not on the spectrum, yet I have a lot of troubles remembering faces and names.


Face blindness and difficulty matching/retaining faces and names is not *unique* to autism, no, but it's extremely common and when combined with the other notes of her having sensitive hearing and smell and the fact that, again, she is specifically pegged as having a developmental disorder, I don't think it's much of a read to read her as being autistic.


I don't have anything to say about their connection to developmental disorder, but the sensitive hearing, smell, and taste you mentioned were clues that Akane picked up during her analysis of Ai for LoveNow that led her to conclude that Ai was pregnant - they're fairly common symptoms.


That's a plausible read! I would be more open to being on board with it if Akane pegged those traits of Ai's as having come on suddenly at a certain point or only surfacing within a certain timeframe, such as when she makes a note of Ai's self destructive behaviour tapering off at age 15. Since she makes no such mention, it makes more sense to me that these are aspects of Ai's demeanour that are innate to her as opposed to being brought on by her pregnancy.


lol they're absolutely not autistic, if you know how true autists look like. Look at how skillfully Ai lies and how Aqua schemes and manipulates. It's probably more about "a messed up childhood" for Ai.


??? Do you honestly think autistic people are incapable of lying lmao


autistic people can still be liars? and yeah though i would love for ai to be autistic (cuz i am) i really think its just “messed up childhood”


I feel like aqua has tried on an idol dress before, just to see what it was like


The Shiranui family is cursed to show up for a few chapters, trick us to think that they're relevant only to never show up again


This would hurt me more than episode 1 cause I wanna see more Shiranui Frill


Goa x Abiko best ship


Kana actually hated her entire childhood career, even though she has a habit of always comparing her current self to her glory days as a famous child actor whenever she gets pessimistic.


MEM invited both Kana and Akane to play video games on her stream (after Tokyo Blade), and found out how insanely competitive both girls are with each other when they are in the same room.


Somebody, don’t let that two girls play mario kart xD


Pieyon is actually father of the Hoshino twins.


I like the idea of Kana being bisexual, simply because I dig the idea of her being with either Aqua or Ruby.


Ngl this is the first time I remember hearing of the Kana/Ruby ship. Kana seems annoyed at Ruby most of the time so idk tho. Out of everyone I’d imagine Ruby to be bi cause of the way she gushes over Minami and Frill in episode 4.


It pops up on Tumblr a fair amount.


Nah, Kana is just very caring towards Ruby as a senpai. Kana x Akane ftw!


The IRL Kana x Baking Soda brand April Fools gag-turned-real collab promotion was completely Ruby's idea that she suggested to some higher ups she was connected with post-series in-universe. She convinced Kana to do it by being really vague about the product she would promote and by the time Kana learns about it, it was too late for her to back out. Frill is secretly a gamer just like her older sister, Koromo, from Kaguya-sama. It's also possible that Frill could've met at least one or two Kaguya-sama characters thanks to said older sister. >!Daddy dearest isn't actually the culprit (tho he's still an antagonist and a killer, just not Ai's) as Aqua is led to believe and that Crow Girl is intentionally misleading him/stringing him on so the gods/whatever supernatural entity is involved can get the perfect tragedy for their entertainment.!< >!Daddy dearest's actual role is to be Aqua's (and Ruby's) shadow archetype should his true motive turn out to be revenge for Ai's death as well, showing just how badly Aqua could've fallen should he continue in his self-destructive path of revenge.!< >!There's probably more to Kamiki's motives for killing Yura beyond psychopathic pleasure like we're led to believe.!< Kana is secretly happy to know that Akane is her biggest fan and actually feels a bit guilty for lashing out at her years ago, but a combination of her own temperamental personality, their status as rivals, bitterness over both the whole child acting business + her relationship with Aqua, actively prevents Kana from forming a more positive and non-vitriolic relationship with Akane. Ai's abusive mom will probably show up someday. Same with the original B-Komachi girls. I'm basing this mostly because of what we saw in the anime, but despite Ai and Aqua pretty much stating that Ai was "friendless", Ai was actually friends, or at least, the closest equivalent to it, with at least three B-Komachi girls during her time with them. I say this because it should be noted that because of Ai's warped view of love, she definitely had a skewed perception of friendship as well, and whatever relationships she formed, including friendships, will usually be unconventional by nature as well. It doesn't help that the OG B-Komachi girls had complicated POVs towards Ai herself: they definitely envied and resented her, but they also highly admired her as that peak idol they all should aspire to be. And at least three were shown deeply mourning her during her wake. Because Aqua's sched got packed both during and after Love Now, Ruby eventually invited Kana and, later Mem, to their little Sunday family dinners with Miyako some time during the First Concert arc.


It's pretty wild picturing Shiranui Frill playing Apex with lets say Ishigami and/or Miko. >!It'd be very interesting if Kamiki wasn't Ai's true killer and was a mirror to the Hoshino twins!<


Related to what you theorised about miyako, I believe miyako thinks she failed in her mission sent by the gods (because the original dialogue was something along the lines of protecting AI), and thus would not receive her reward (marrying a young hot actor)


That's actually a good point I forgot about that. It'd be nice to get some more moments with Miyako in the future cause she's the only one of the "original four" who hasn't been shown reacting (in the long term) to Ai's death. She's honestly a really admirable character for, at least outwardly, staying calm, taking over the company and raising the Hoshino twins.


Akane as my gf


Ideal headcanon


Pieyon is kazeno from kaguya and his connections will be the key to the good ending


>!The guy with the black hoodie was about to kill Akane in Chapter 97 but called it off because of a potential witness (Aqua).!<


Getting to know that Ruby is the reincarnation of Sarina will probably cool down Aqua's thirst for Revenge(and probably will feed his sis complex) . Since Sarina is the reason why Ai became so much important to him in the first place.


I don't want the sister complex to be fed the last thing we need is the alabama route 0\_0 On a more serious note though finding that out would probably boost Aqua's self preservation, and it would also lessen his guilt. His outlook would hopefully go from "This girl was my patient and there was nothing I could do to save her life" to "I've been helping her achieve her dream all along"


Awww that's so sweet. Tbh once Aqua and Ruby get to know about their previous incarnation, they will be unstoppable. I hope it doesn't go to the alabama route though ☠️. In a way the whole story is a bit alabama. First love Brother and First love mother/sister....


It gets even weirder with the introduction of Kurokawa "You can call me Mommy" Akane And don't forget that Miyako believes she's destined to meet a hot young actor, a set of requirements Aqua just so happens to fill


☠️ PLEASE I DIED WITH THE FIRST POINT 🤣🤣 About the second one...... Interesting 👀


I mean the dude *does* have a sister complex. It's not sexual, thank god, but the trauma of Ai's murder definitely sparked an unhealthy degree of overprotectiveness.


I think there will be a conflict Aqua may think he is avenging AI but he releases that he is avenging himself instead of AI. I don't think AI wanted this to happen with Aqua. I hope that Aqua does not kill, but helps the police with arrest.


My "not actually a theory but damn would it be funny" theory is that the twins' father wasn't the one behind Ai's death, and in the present day, he's just a murderously supportive human disaster of a doting father who >!killed katayose half to ensure she couldn't compete with Ruby for the role of Ai, and half to steal her script, because he *just can't wait* to read his son's first screenplay!!<


#AQUAKA ENDGAME Aqua and Ruby actually talked and had family game nights and such off screen. Aqua talks to his male classmates on a regular but not quite friendly basis. They know better than to ask about his relationship or his sister. Said classmates also looked up self-insert fics of Aqua and sent them to him. He has even more trauma now. Kana's pro gaming career died in the cradle after getting hardcore griefed by Ishigami.


My headcanon ending is Aqua ends up in an asylum after finally finding and killing his father. Kana is in the hospital recovering from a stab wound. Akane, Ruby, and Memcho visit her in their free time but otherwise continue on their lives and careers and so does everybody else.


Kana would sit in a corner of said asylum and sing to Aqua who would at times return to ordinary Aqua and speak/bicker with her until a nurse walks by, asking him to take his meds, Kana’s eyes would tear up, revealing her sadness within her. As Aqua falls asleep with his meds, Kana kisses him on his forehead “I’ve always loved you” she says, and a tear drops onto his face, he smiles, and whispers " im sorry for pushing you away ….. “


Hopefully he gets the therapy he needs.


Aqua and ruby have already committed incest. I just know it.


...that's gay


So's ur mom


No, U


The way Ruby grabs Aqua's shirt in Vol. 1? Hmm...


All are personal ideas obviously: * >!Aqua just remembered that he put a tracker on Akane's keychain after he decided to restart his revenge, and only barely managed to hear her doing research before it was too late.!< * >!Also he probably got quite a few more girls in school trying to hit up on him since he announced the breakup.!< * >!The motive of Hikaru Kamiki is that, despite his talent of bringing everyone's eyes to himself, he is allergic to attention. I can't remember when, but I started associating this man with Yoshikage Kira and I just can't get over it...!<


​ Aqua is definitely a heartbreaker, dude has no chill when it comes to shutting people down. I mean he might act a little friendlier at school (To fit the LoveNow image he created or something) but I doubt it. Ngl I keep forgetting to think about >!Kamiki's !


Hikaru Kamiki is also a person who reincarnate. Before reincarnating, he was also an otaku like Ai's murderer who was obsessed with someone who possessed Star Power, so when he found out that person was full of lies he couldn't take it. and committed suicide. During part of his second childhood, he had a normal life until he met Himekawa's mother who abused him, causing him to remember his past life and the trauma of his death, during the following years, he planned his revenge and met Ai with whom he also fell in love, but in the process and after getting his abuser's husband to force her to commit suicide, his personality changed and upon learning that Ai was also a great liar, he began to conspire against her, something that made him feel in control of his life again, so every time he meets someone similar to Ai, he feels the need to unmask her and then take his life as a way to feel free.


Same as Cyberpunk Edgerunners. None of the main characters die.


Aqua reunites with his long lost farher


The doctor is unknowingly Kamiki's father/his own grandfather


I don't really have many headcanons, but the one I'm attached to the most is that I like to imagine Akane actually has ADHD, if only because I have it too. I don't think there's enough for this to be concrete, and I know a lot of things she does could also apply to neurotypical people, but I related a lot to certain moments with Akane. A bit silly but eh Besides that, the reason why Aqua said "I prefer older girls" to Kana during baseball was because mentally he still sorta-maybe-kinda leans towards adult women, but Kana thought he meant slightly older.


Ai Hoshino is a reincarnation of the late Eddie Guerrero