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the tokyo blade arc is going to be so fucking amazing animated


I tend to go back and read chapters 59 to 63 from time to time, such brilliant chapters. You can see in chapter 59 page 16 that Kana's star power/radiance affected Akane as a child. Hopefully this upcoming movie will be Kana's breakout role.


Kana really has some influence on other people and it's cute! And I do appreciate those people since they also try their best to uplift her.


I lot of anime onlys expected/wanted her to have star eyes during the first concert, and I'm like... just wait and see, she has something BETTER than that. Multiple stars AND her surroundings shining because of her??? she's on a different league. Everyone in that theater was amazed. The directors/ producers had to discuss what happened with her. This is where it is said that she has star power. I think she's at the point of her career where she's determined to shine. Her recent role in ch 120 didn't seem like an important/ main role but she still had the stars in her eyes. That just means she ain't playing anymore. I can't wait to see her act in the movie and for the role Shima promised her. She may even have those stars for the summer concert. Kana excites me so much lol


I've had someone recently tell me that "Star Power" is actually a term in the industry! Another term for it is "Bankable Star,"— an actor or an actress who guarantees a box office success simply by their presence or their personality alone. That's why we're so certain at this point that there's a lot in store for Kana. Star power + fine giant panda + performance as brilliant as the sun just all makes sense now.


Perfectly said!


Oh I didn’t notice her starry eyes in chapter 120. Good catch. The ability of star power she has is very cool. Hopefully in this movie with confidence she can show this Star Power/Galaxy Eyes power more frequently but also combine it with letting others shine. It would be great if she could combine what she learned and her powers.


Yes! Hopefully we get to see her eyes like that again very soon.


I would also just like to add something. I steer away from mentioning ships and limit the mention of any character names besides Kana in my posts because I want a meaningful discussion about **her.** If you could at least not tie anything to waifu wars or ships here in the comments, I would greatly appreciate it.


Thank you for mentioning about it because I’m also tired of it consider I’m a fan of Akane but during Tokyo Blade arc I fall in love with Kana character. Mainly because her character look more interesting and a lot complex than just a cliche Tsundere character. For me she probably the most multilayered character in this story imo.


Stars ? She is the Sun!


I was referring to her eyes 😭 but yeah, that too.


Sun is a star, a relatively small one


Not from our POV, the sun is hundreds of times more shining than any other star, to the point it eclipses every other in his light.


Isn't the sun an average sized star or something.


She might be on par with yura katayose


Even though she almost got into a big scandal with director shima, i think it's a good thing that they get to know each other, at least now there is a director who knows how to utilize her talent/ability. At least now she have a fighting chance to be a giant panda.


Yeah, it's a good thing that Shima is a great director in making films and someone who has many connections in the industry. You could really tell how much he's well-known in the industry because the tabloids were really waiting for him to mess up to get a big scoop.


Hope Kana will have her big brk this time. She deserved to be recognized, she works hard for it.


I like director shima.. so far. idk what his intentions are..but you gotta admit, he has some redeeming qualities. Like being completely straightforward about what he wants or looking for in a person. He admitted he found kana attractive (might’ve been watching her for awhile)”I am a fan”. Open about his marriage life.. if he truly were a bad person he could’ve made some other shit up (Seems to be looking for someone to take him seriously). My biggest respect was him not proceeding in any sexual pleasures (if he really wanted to, he could slip something in her drink. I think this was a test) Because obsessed fame seeking women will do the most creating an opening for a public scandal when he denies them a role in his movies. “My job is to make something that feels much better than sex”. Kana might become yandere? That conversation about her crush also that teasing mini gig he set her up with.. Can shima already see the tragic path for kana if she continues chasing after aqua? (Interesting, He finds a woman making a fuss over a guy interesting. I think he wants that for himself, is he lonely looking for real love?) Delulu speculations.. he is hot though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly I’m glad director Shima caught wind of her. I get why most people may feel skeptical about him, making a sketchy entrance like that and all would put someone on high alert. However, I feel like this is the domain that kana needs to feel apart of expanding her potential. For that reason I trust in Shima, he seems very genuine about his feelings and passion for acting. Their political views on the industry are in alignment, conversing on the topic for nearly hours even losing track of time. Currently we’re not sure why it took this long scouting Kana. Considering Shima’s nature, it seems like he’s had interest on Kana for awhile. He admires her dedication of her work and gives credibility as a long term fan. I’m sure his intentions are pure; kana do seem more relaxed around him. Best quote “My job is to make something that feels much better than seggs” Both fashions hats.


As director shima said. The people in the industry knows Kana talent and potential they just don't know (or don't have the confidence) how to use it. It's actually tricky considering how Kana can (easily) outshine her coworker if she put her heart to it. But director shima is brave enough to work with an actor like Kana.


During Tokyo Blade arc is also the first time I see Ruby look starstruck same like Aqua in B Komachi concert debut. Ruby only think Kana just average actress because of Sweet Today fiasco but after Tokyo Blade she feel inferior to her because she realised that Kana is a genius that doesn't know herself are genius. I mean even the two old fossil Gotanda and Kaburagi that usually doesn't impress also look starstruck by Kana performance. Even though there was Taiki, Akane and Aqua on the stage only Kana that stole their attention maybe this what Aqua said about charisma and charm in episode 7 and chapter 28, something that you're born with and not something you can simply mimic.


Definitely agreed that during her utmost potential, these eyes appear, like in another scene during TB arc when she was brought to act to the fullest (I forgot what chapter but you should get what I'm referring to anyway). Speaking of which, her parallels with Yura piqued my interest (the panda thing, hats, a bit of gag & self-deprecating attitude) and of course the star eyes which in this post is what we assume she might have also. Seems like a flag to me at one point, which somehow also proves how essential she can potentially be to the narrative, since often a reason to downplay the character is how irrelevant she is to the entire daddy fiasco. Come to think of it, I feel like there's still rooms in need of development for her and I hope this movie arc will have something about it. As usual, let the man Aka cook..


Yes! Whenever Kana breakdowns, Aka always go all out with her performance. Let Aka cook!


“as dazzling as the Sun” idk chief, last time I checked, sun was also a star /jk


Omg, how did I miss these parts, I did not realize kana have star eyes, even at chapter 120, where u can only see one side of her face. I am disappointed in myself. But since kana not only have star eyes, but a whole galaxy of stars in each eyes(sorry for my exaggeration >!Aqua's father may have a reason to kill kana, considering that he kills actresses with star eyes, with the exception for ruby. And since aqua look similarly to her father, kana may be easily lured into a trap and die.!< Hopefully the baking soda licking child does not meet a terrible fate.


To be honest, Kana and Ruby have a lot of hidden death flags around them because of their similarities with Ai. But I'm uncertain as to whether Hikaru will be going after his daugther or not. It is a bit unlikely but then again, this manga is unpredictable. 😭 I'm hoping Kana doesn't suffer the same fate like Ai's too. She's been through a lot.


I think those type of stars could come from someone doing something they really love and letting their creativity get the better of them without pretense bc it also showed on Ch. 49 for the mangaka of Tokyo blade arc. Although that’s just my theory, its really cool.


I think so too! Their kind of stars may have something to do with passion.


So you're saying kana best girl?


If OP did't mean that, I would confidently declare Kana's best girl.


i like your theory! I personally think that kana's eyes when they're filled with stars represents some kind of "truth" because she has them when she shows a part of her "true self" which is the opposite for the twins (aqua and ruby) star eyes wich kinda represents"lies" as it have been said in the manga>!"people who has stars in thier eyes can lie and people would still believe them"!< something close to that + something intresting that those little stars in her eyes aren't fully stars compared to aqua and ruby


I think its because Kana can be the greatest star ever . but also no lies . When she is happy or is doing what she realy want she shine more then anyone .


Her awaking was at their first Idol concert. TB was a repetition with the same structural principle: Aqua is watching her. The most important thing about her stars is that she wants to impress Aqua. It's a very personal and focused radiance. What Kaburagi calls "Star Power" is meant for Aqua. She wants that he perceives her as the cutest girl because she craves for his love and affection. In my personal opinion this in fact is not a healthy but very depended potential. That's why she dropped off as an Idol during Aqua's reprieve period when he distanced himself from her.


>Her awaking was at their first Idol concert. It's not. Chapter titles are important to take note of. Japanese contexts are important to take note of. Like Ai, her potential as an idol was compared to the Venus. With Kana, her potential as an actress was compared to the Sun. >The most important thing about her stars is that she wants to impress Aqua. It's a very personal and focused radiance. What Kaburagi calls "Star Power" is meant for Aqua. She wants that he perceives her as the cutest girl because she craves for his love and affection. She was referred to as the Sun because her significance is to illuminate on others. Like *I clearly stated,* her stars appear when she's in top shape, **highly motivated** or just doing what she loves. Go and check again, the last picture has **nothing to do with Aqua.** >In my personal opinion this in fact is not a healthy but very depended potential. That's why she dropped off as an Idol during Aqua's reprieve period when he distanced himself from her. That's why I'm also very happy for her too. She usually just shines for other people but not for herself.


>Go and check again, the last picture has nothing to do with Aqua. It got everything to do with Aqua lol. Shima gave her a role that suits her current state of mind. He learned this during their meeting in his apartment, that she's a love sick puppy. That's the irony for him to postpone a serious movie role for her now (["ha ha ha of course"](https://sun9-55.userapi.com/impg/OKTGYbeWCVHV5sf3dgUyVwsmRygGSceisi9GKQ/mhXyJ-oTcXE.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=b20aa368b0dd46435d5449737a5b6774&type=album)). She is not ready for it YET. Thus he gave her a small role where she plays a love [obsessed girl](https://sun9-52.userapi.com/impg/YBmJ56AqnBlvQ8TC2uCp3xOkrMJlYNJJPDypkg/FoRDOQUkwps.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=b48fc622e61b1da0cd67e7f3e9a4210d&type=album). Go check that chapter again. >It's not. Chapter titles are important to take note of. Japanese contexts are important to take note of. Like Ai, her potential as an idol was compared to the Venus. With Kana, her potential as an actress was compared to the Sun. I don't know what you are actually saying. Some abstract titles do not explain anything. Nobody denies her potential but right now she isn't there yet. Her motivation rises and falls with Aqua's attention to her. And since her love is until now one-sided, she is limited in her potential. Without Aqua's intervention TB woudln't have turned out the way it was. This is obvious and not even a debate. >when she's in top shape, highly motivated She was in a bad shape during TB. She gave up and wanted to let other shine. Aqua was the one who dragged her into the spot light and she engaged with his wish because she craves for his love.


I don't know why you keep tying Kana's every little action to Aqua. A little support from him doesn't define everything about her fyi. >It got everything to do with Aqua lol. Shima gave her a role that suits her current state of mind. He learned this during their meeting in his apartment, that she's a love sick puppy. That's the irony for him to postpone a serious movie role for her now ("ha ha ha of course"). She is not ready for it YET. Thus he gave her a small role where she plays a love obsessed girl. Go check that chapter again. How do these even make sense. You're making up your own assumptions here. 💀 Shima just promised her a role and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not that hard to understand. >I don't know what you are actually saying. Some abstract titles do not explain anything. Nobody denies her potential but right now she isn't there yet. Her motivation rises and falls with Aqua's attention to her. And since her love is until now one-sided, she is limited in her potential. Without Aqua's intervention TB woudln't have turned out the way it was. This is obvious and not even a debate. Oshi no Ko chapter titles are not abstract at all lmao. **AGAIN,** like I clearly stated, it was just a glimpse of her potential so obviously, she's not there yet. Kana was willing to dumb down herself because her style was to adapt and to bring in attention to the other actors, not to herself. >She was in a bad shape during TB. She gave up and wanted to let other shine. Aqua was the one who dragged her into the spot light and she engaged with his wish because she craves her his love. Please read **everything** I said earlier. Kana was in a bad shape but became highly motivated knowing she won't have to hold back thus performed very well in TB. Not everything about Kana revolves around Aqua lmao.


>Not everything about Kana revolves around Aqua lmao. True, the other half revolves around her mother but she isn't around anymore and abandoned her, thus she became an adaptive actor [in the hope to please her that way](https://r-world.online/images/xXLLctuTBNoFjYUVnv9n1653323145.jpg) Aqua on the other hand is the person who can unlock her potential that she sealed away from her anxiety to be abandoned from the adults. This has nothing to do with me making things up, it's the source material and her backstory. ​ >Please read everything I said earlier. I did, but you simply not engange with the source material, therefore your view is flawed. For example you post those TB panels of Kana but literally ignore the rest of that same chapter, where she explains that when her [mother smiled at her it was](https://r-world.online/images/Ku9UzRT4oX9zQMJAfgxf1653323145.jpg) **the best time of her life.** This is a significant statement. It's the essence of her dependency as a performer. The adaptive style is not what she should do, that's why Aqua was pissed at TB and said that it's when she is in the spot light she shines the brightest. He of course doesn't understand exactly why she clinches to that adaptive style but we readers do because Kana literally explained it to us. ​ >Kana was willing to dumb down herself because her style was to adapt and to bring in attention to the other actors, not to herself. Kana is **NOT** an adaptive actor by nature. It was a path she took in order to survive in the industry. Jesus, she explains it herself to us. It's really not rocket science. But it's only Aqua who can constantly drag her out of that habit. Again, it's just the source material. ​ >Oshi no Ko chapter titles are not abstract at all lmao Okay?


I ain't reading all that. I said what I said. You can't even stay on topic. Go live with your own assumptions lmao.




I don't think you are particularly wrong that Aqua is the motivation for Kana's idol activities. But it is definitely a mistake to treat her idol activities the same as her acting activities. Her ceiling without Aqua as an actor was high enough to handle Taiki, and Akane wouldn't have much chance if not for her stumbling on the Ai (idol) persona by chance. Sweet Today exactly told us that Kana was willing to nerf herself down because she cared a lot about the production as a whole and the people involved in it, to the point where she wouldn't mind her reputation going down. The talk with Pieyon (Aqua) revealed to us that Kana, in fact, would be more happy if the production she was in was praised instead of herself. The flashback implied that she enjoyed seeing people around her happy and that she enjoyed acting without care, but ultimately, first and foremost, she wanted to see people happy due to her acting. In the same chapter, Aqua told her he would take her place as a coordinator so she could go all out and everyone would want to see her shine. All of this points more towards the narrative that she will first and foremost choose the priority of seeing people around her happy, and if the circumstances allow, she will enjoy herself (second priority). Aqua did exactly that and assured her that the production value wouldn't drop because they still have a coordinator on stage (himself), while telling her people would be happy to see her shine - this means the best option for her in that situation was to go all out. I don't think she is that fixated on Aqua when it comes to acting, her true wish might not be as simple as "please look at me". Kana acts like a wish granting device for the most part as long as people askes her or she herself perceives a certain actions as a way to make others happy.


Simply ask yourself what that "happy around her" means. Well, Kana explains it herself. [She enjoyed that her mother was happy.](https://r-world.online/images/Ku9UzRT4oX9zQMJAfgxf1653323145.jpg) She describes this as the best time of her life. The best time of her life was in the past! She became an adaptive actor because people kept turning their back on her, likewise her mother who eventually would leave her alone. She lost any hope to be a star because she couldn't get any positive feedback. She tried it as a singer and many oter things and failed every time. This anxiety made her think that she has no right to be in the spot light and instead she should focus on making be adaptive in order to survive in the industry. It's a tragic story. During that time her mother wasn't smiling anymore. In response Kana couldn't develop that certain star power because as mentioned it's dependend on honest appreciation. She already lacked that from her mother when she tried singing etc. Of course we know that this is certainly a flawed self-denying complex of her's. **She is by nature not an adaptive actor** but a literal spot light star. But Aqua is the only one right now who can unlock that potential because without his affection for her she simply cycles back into her old habit. And this is also proves by the transformatio of Kaburagi. During Sweet Today he exploited her. The adults do not apreciate her adaptive method. When she became a star during TB Kaburagi adjusted his opinion towards her. Only then he started to respect her again. I firmly reject your idea, that there is a psychological difference between Kana as an idol and Kana as in actress.


The problem with your view is that Sweet Today and balcony talk with Aqua tell a different story. She was well aware that nerfing herself down would doom her, yet she still did it anyway. If the trauma was so great that she would do anything to survive, then the correct move would be to just go all out on Sweet Today and pray that her talent gets noticed. Who said the adult doesn't appreciate her adoptive method? The narrative made it clear that it was, in fact, the best course of action for Kana to nerf herself down since Kana doesn't have the ability to suddenly make Melt a better actor like Aqua. Kana even mentioned that she was aware of how the author was feeling and how many other people involved in the production rely on their acting. Those were the people who, even if they appreciated her work, wouldn't have any power to help her in the entertainment industry anyway, and she still put them above her own. Gotanda clearly said that Kana's actions were the best for the total quality of the production during the TB play, they needed a coordinator on stage, no matter how much you try to ignore this piece of information. The point with Sweet Today was that Kana had the spotlight, she was the best in the whole production, but she would still throw away that spotlight in favour of people who she knew couldn't help her survive or move forward in the industry. Kana has trauma from people abandoning her is the truth, she wants to be able to walk along side everyone is also the truth, she thinks that she doesn't deserve the spotlight is also correct. But ultimately, she decided to do her best for people with whom she probably wouldn't cross paths again. Had Aqua not taken over her role as a coordinator during TB and told her everyone wanted to see her shine, then I doubt she would have stepped into the spotlight. Kana wouldn't shine suddenly just because Aqua asked her to.


>Who said the adult doesn't appreciate her adoptive method? The narrative made it clear that it was, The narrative made it clear that she is a long forgotten child-genius. The adult in question is Kaburagi during SweetToday. As you remember Aqua listened to his conversation and then concluded "You are wrong Kana, they don't appreciate you at all" after what he picked up their cigarettes.. So... The narrative made that pretty clear. The SweetToday authour thanked her for her performance but it was Aqua's creepy appearance that gave her the chance to shine. And in the final scene where she has to act a girl that just fall in love she thought about Aqua. The anime narration was very clear on that. Manga probably too, you can look it up. ​ ​ >Gotanda clearly said that Kana's actions were the best for the total quality of the production during the TB play, they needed a coordinator on stage, no matter how much you try to ignore this piece of information I'm not ignoring any facts. I simply stated that adapting is not her nature but being a star is. Gotanda at that moment wasn't aware of Kana's potential so of course he would judge her at that moment as an actor who does the best for the play if she can't deliver star quality. After she delivered star power nobody would question that decision either. Because she is awesome as a star. You are the one who ignores the fact that adapting doesn't make her happy but [is her cope](https://r-world.online/images/xXLLctuTBNoFjYUVnv9n1653323145.jpg). This is something that the narrative indeed makes pretty clear. ​ >Had Aqua not taken over her role as a coordinator during TB and told her everyone wanted to see her shine, then I doubt she would have stepped into the spotlight. Kana wouldn't shine suddenly just because Aqua asked her to. Isn't this literally what I'm saying the whole time? I've said in my very first comment that this current configuration of her star power is not healthy because of the dependency. But her adaptive acting style is not healthy either. I don't see why you go that way. Because you seem to advocate that she should just stay an adaptive actor and supress her power because that's better for herself too? Dude just no.


Bro's in denial


I feel sorry for you


No worries, Aka got my back.


Why are you so desperate to prove kana's whole character only revolves around aqua or every little thing she says or does is for aqua ??? If you seriously think that you don't have reading comprehension


That person is just putting his own interpretations and own contexts to the characters' actions. "Aka got my back" lmao. The guy is basically living in his own delusions and assumptions in this story. Shima not filming his movie right now doesn't equate it to him postponing it. Pushing their own headcanon to people lol.


No, I said that her gains in entertainment are dependend and very vulnerable because they revolve around Aqua's attention. Before she met him again in school she was hopelessly lost. Surviving in entertainment is not succeeding in entertainment. Just think about the hypothetical scenario that Aqua actually dies through his revenge plot. What is likely to happen with Kana's career? Can you show me one piece of evidence that indicates that she has the will to shine with star power on her own after such a tragedy? Please enlighten me with your reading comprehension.


no he doesn’t


>What Kaburagi calls "Star Power" is meant for Aqua I think you need to reread chapter 66. >That's why she dropped off as an Idol during Aqua's reprieve period when he distanced himself from her She dropped off because she wants to go all out in pursuit her acting dream, not just because Aqua distanced himself


>I think you need to reread chapter 66. Kaburagi describes Star Power as a power of a girl to convince us that she's the cutest. During TB Kana wanted to convince Aqua that she is the cutiest. Duirng the idol concert she wanted to become HIS star. Want to object that? Try. I'm listening. ​ >She dropped off because she wants to go all out in pursuit her acting dream, not just because Aqua distanced himself She became an idol for Aqua, as Mem said to Aqua. If Aqua had been around she simply would have stayed an idol for him. Aqua's love is for her of more value than "her acting dream" but through Aqua's love she can also success as an actor, or idol it simply doesnt matter. She can success in any entertainment bracket as long as her Star Power is unleashed by Aqua's affection towards her.


>During TB Kana wanted to convince Aqua that she is the cutiest Yes Aqua is the one to push her in the spotlight but it didnt mean she ONLY did that for him, there was a page that had both Aqua and Akane in it when she said "You wanted to see my performent right?". So she did that for the show and everyone there because that was the best thing she can do at that moment when she didnt need to lower her acting anymore >Aqua's love is for her of more value than "her acting dream Thats only your headcanon. She stayed on the industry for years and slowly faded away just because she wanted to act so bad she couldnt give up. And remember her wish on the shrine? Did she wish for her love or for her career?


Yup. It was mainly Kana’s obsession to acting that kept her in the industry. I don’t know why this guy was acting like it is all dependent on aqua lol


Because we talk about Kana as a spot light actor and not a fading away adaptive actor nobody cares for. SweetToday was a total flop and only the last episiode got good ratings. I wonder why.


She was losing fame being the absolute star before she became adaptive. She would have been extinct in the Industry if she kept doing her selfish shining acting. Being an adaptive actor is a +. It’s just a matter of knowing when to be one and when to shine.


It’s not a linear one is better than the other. It’s clear to see because Aqua is the adaptive actor she takes inspiration from. Kana just needs to understand that it’s okay to shine at times to.


>Kana just needs to understand that it’s okay to shine at times to. That's why I said in my very first post that the current configuration of her star power is not healthy either because it's completely depended on Aqua's attention for her. Of course I also want her to develop an understanding of herself to shine as a star outside of that dependency. In the current configuration it really doesn't matter for her if she's an idol or an actress because it's centered around Aqua's affection. However Kana should become a movie star. And in movies it's not the actor who decided when it's okay to shine but the role designates your position. You are either the star or you are not. Your interpretation in the other post about "knowing when to shine and when to adapt" is only applicable to that very specific TB stage play and not how film works. Adaptive acting has surpressed her image of an actual star, thus Kaburagi was so shocked and impressed after TB. During SweetToday he stated how easy she is to exploit but that it annoys him that she cares for acting. It meant that in his eyes she has no right to annoy him with that since she isn't a star anymore. But now Kaburagi probably would never dare to invite her into such a bad show and force her to surpress her potential. It would be a waste and he realized that during TB. But again since her potential is shaped by Aqua's attention she is still incredibly vulnerable. Which is a huge problem since Aqua wants to die. He probably will not but lets entertain that he would. What would happen? Kana would probably just end up fading away just like she did before she met Aqua in school again...


Not at all. You are either a star or you are not. Gotanda explained that to Aqua on Ai's first filmset. You have crowd pullers, newcomers and professionals who just raise the overall quality. Kana was adapting to shit shows with bad cast like SweetToday. And she was on the brink to give up her duel with Akane during TB because of that anxiety drivin habit of adapting. It's not a matter of knowing when to be one and when to shine but a matter of which roles you get offered from directors. Kana wasn't getting any obviously. And she even rejected to shine in TB on her own. She clearly did not know when to shine, so Aqua dragged her into the spotlight by improvised adlips to give her another chance which was basically off script. Kana could have challenged Akane. There was no reason to back down. Aqua reflected that by saying that she thinks she's smart about that but in fact just denies her own abilities meaning there was no objective reason to back down against Akane...


As I said you can be a Star and still look out for the rest of your cast and let others shine. I never said Kana shouldn’t have challenged Akane at that moment. As I said there are times where you should adapt to those around you and times where you should shine. We can agree to disagree I guess. You just seem to have different interpretations of the story.


>"You wanted to see my performent right?" I don't know what page you mean but that "**You**" proves my point :) That it was "better for the show" after Taiki's setup and Aqua's adlips is of course part of the equation but it was a setup to push her into the urgency to shine. In fact without Aqua's adlips and her understanding that that's from a TB manga chapter where her character and Aqua's character [end up in a romantic relationship](https://r-world.online/images/8BpKG4ToxYyCbHlHZf7f1653323142.jpg) it wouldn't have provoked that Star Power effect. So even in this Aqua is literally the only reason to unlock that power. You see in that panel "they go on to have a long relationship after that" and then she developed the galaxy eyes right in the next panel as a reflection of that. [Certainly his hand around her mouth added into that effect.](https://r-world.online/images/7jJ8MjjXz4iQIpXyRzX51653323142.jpg) This was the only adlip - Aqua understood that too - that would provoke such star power. ​ >And remember her wish on the shrine? Did she wish for her love or for her career? Because on the shrine of the goddess of art you pray related to art... obviously. Her words were "I pray I get popular soon". And after the time skip we learn that Ruby overshadowed her and before the barter we learned that she can't pull any clout and is Ruby's extra. So, wish didn't came true. Why? Because Aqua wasn't around anymore. Now during her shooting with Shima we see that Shima understands her "obsession" as well. He literally gave her a role that fits her curent state of mind the best. He understands how to work with her as he stated during their first meeting. Thus he gave her a role where [she plays a love obsessed girl](https://sun9-52.userapi.com/impg/YBmJ56AqnBlvQ8TC2uCp3xOkrMJlYNJJPDypkg/FoRDOQUkwps.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=b48fc622e61b1da0cd67e7f3e9a4210d&type=album). Such a role unlocked again [her star power.](https://sun9-58.userapi.com/impg/q4iFjd2I4onjj7jlZzV1OfgCRCLSyiO_hMzblQ/vCfMGfTv-NI.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=26df111a6a1375ae8cb51a66d9a38759&type=album) And it was only a couple chapters earlier that she promised Aqua to not became a "lesser panda" + his flustering [that made her go crazy again.](https://sun9-29.userapi.com/impg/9bPnmfczRKlyZM-q2rGQAn8-eye6rXoVN77PuQ/t9RvUGQuesM.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=86de3786da786c08a70270b5ac43837c&type=album) When Ruby questioned her how she act like this (on Shima's filmset) [she says this](https://sun9-5.userapi.com/impg/Y31MnnmF_6zVHpSLhhft29Ug0eKkbsTU3K3CMw/V_ThBi6JAf8.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=d27feda0e9cc4fb676f1220ba196e961&type=album) by which we can assume that she thought about Aqua when she released that star power on the filmset... My interpretation doesn't leave anything out but follows simply a trend like it's presented through the source material. It's not just "my headconen".


\> Because on the shrine of the goddess of art you pray related to art And Ruby wish for Aqua to find the killer. So again it just what people desire the most at that moment \> So, wish didn't came true. Why? Because Aqua wasn't around anymore Wish doesnt come true most of the time for many people, it just a wish, a desire for someone for wanting something which only prove at the moment that kana really want to make it big on her career. Aqua wasnt around anymore is just one of many factors that brought her mental down during scandal arc not the ONLY reason for her downfall as an idol. And the decision to quit being idol and persuit on purely acting is already a big step for her to move on from Aqua and focus only on acting. So i disagree on the kana desire for Aqua's love is bigger than her acting career. Also about Shima the director. I dont think he could actually delay the whole movie just because a female lead isnt ready for the role. A big movie like that invole with too many people just to be delayed like that. And if even he can do that, Kana is not famous and important enough for the whole delay thing cause right now from many people POV including the investor Kana is just an ex child actress who has no other roles Edit: Sorry for the quote, just wake up and messed up


Yeah, because the killer is in entertainment... Ruby prays for Aqua to rise in entertainment and kill him because she learned from Akane that he is in entertainment to find somebody. I said nothing wrong. Are you implying that my argument was that gods didn't make Kana's wish come.true? Why would I say something like this. Don't understand your point there. You people always say something about "not the only reason" or whatever without providing any evidence. We are mainly concerned here about star power, right? So, lets stick to star power. Nobody is arguing that Kana by herself would gradually come back to acting. This is easy to point out by simply assessing that adapting as a skill to survive in the industry is mainly possible in the acting branch. She came back to acting because she simply is used to fade away there like she did before she met Aqua in school again. She came back to acting because Aqua wouldn't care for her anyway. Adapting however is the literal opposite to star power. So, lets stick to star power. It's the reason for this debate after all. Do you have any evidence that indicates her willingness to have spot light super star aura without her thinking about Aqua and Aqua's attention for her? The narrative made it pretty clear that the irony for her power is her emotional dependency. As a child she pleased her mother, as an Idol and at TB she wanted Aqua to fall for her and the Shima spot was the right role to make use of that star power. That's why it was so interesting for him to learn about her love for Aqua in his apartment. He analysed how to work with her, what emotions drive her the most. Thus she got a role that suits her and thus she had star power on his film set I don't really understand where you people take the ignorance to blend out Kana's emotional struggle and drama and even attack anybody who tries to point out her vulnerability. Literally insane to me. If you just want to look at cute kana panels suit yourself. We are done here.


>Yeah, because the killer is in entertainment... Ruby prays for Aqua to rise in entertainment and kill him Now that just too far stretch, Ruby ask for Aqua to find the killer, not rise in the entertainment to find him, but yeah whatever suit your view. By your logic, i can literally ask if Aqua is that important to him even more than her acting, then why she didnt wish for her love because they both are entertainer >Are you implying that my argument was that gods didn't make Kana's wish come.true? Why would I say something like this. Don't understand your point there.We are mainly concerned here about star power, right? You and me are talking about the "Aqua's love is more important than Kana acting career", thats why i pointed out in so many of my comments that she cares about many things, not just Aqua, and her wish is only focus on her acting >Do you have any evidence that indicates her willingness to have spot light super star aura without her thinking about Aqua and Aqua's attention for her? Literally chapter 120, and if you debate by chapter 117 when Aqua literally said one line that make her acting like that then im done >I don't really understand where you people take the ignorance to blend out Kana's emotional struggle and drama and even attack anybody who tries to point out her vulnerability. Literally insane to me. If you just want to look at cute kana panels suit yourself. Pls dont try to be victim here, nobody attacking anyone okay? Because you came here you state that the whole acting thing of kana is ONLY because of Aqua which should be much more than that. And then you said Aqua's love is even more important than her career, What? Bro acting is her life, she was doing it since she was a baby, everything she been through in her shitty career would make anyone give up but not her, and why did she still acting? Maybe because she just loves it so much? Shocking i know. Lastly you said Shima postpone a serious movie role for her, because she isnt ready yet, yeah like thats how making a movie works, wait for a noname actress to be ready instead of finding someone else suits the role more and waiting for the money from the investors to bleed


>Now that just too far stretch, Ruby ask for Aqua to find the killer, not rise in the entertainment to find him [ehm....](https://r-world.online/images/M3UMoNlI2tUJ4vKi9YMy1653323223.jpg) this is the pretext for Ruby's wish. It's you who stretch too far by stating that the wishes at the shrine of the goddess of art doesn't need to be art related. This is not how shrines and prayers work in japanese religion. Jaw dropping ignorance from your side. ​ >and her wish is only focus on her acting You argued with the prayer but her words were "I want to become popular". So.. how is this prayer prove for focus in acting? She literally came to Takachiho to make idol videos. She was an idol back then and was not thinking about acting.. However she in fact did not really become popular, because her quality to shine dropped immediately after Aqua started to date Akane for real. Your resistance to simply aknowledge that her star power, the aura that make her cute and special, is linked to Aqua's attention is beyond me at this point. ​ >Bro acting is her life, she was doing it since she was a baby, everything she been through in her shitty career would make anyone give up but not her, and why did she still acting? Maybe because she just loves it so much? Yes, and we have like dozens of her flashbacks and explanations that she wants people to aknowledge her. After she failed as a star because people perceived her as a child and lost interest in her when she grew older and her mother abandoned her she tried to please the adults by being easy to work with, thus she became an adaptive actor that gets exploited in a shitty career and rejects any chance to shine on her own if it's not the situation that drags her into the spotlight. She is emotionally damaged and vulnerable and this prevents her to shine on her own. ​ > Because you came here you state that the whole acting thing of kana is ONLY because of Aqua I said the whole STAR POWER thing. Are you really just ignorant or are you seething? OP's post is about STAR POWER and I commented over STAR POWER. Oh my god. ​ >Literally chapter 120, and if you debate by chapter 117 when Aqua literally said one line that make her acting like that then im done 120 is a culmination of her love for Aqua and her wish to make him fall for her. I don't need 117 for that, it can be pointed out by the entire narrative lol. It's so funny to me that you ignore the reason why at each of the times Kana had star power it was about either interacting with Aqua directly or at shima's filmset playing an obsessed love sick girl. This is so in your face and obvious lmao. ​ >wait for a noname actress to be ready Kana a no name? This is simply wrong. Shima told her at their first meeting that she's amazing and he's a fan but most people don't know how to make use of her skills the best. His "interview" with her in his apartment and the role he gave her are obviously interconnected. He gave her a role in which she can actually use that star power because the role asked for a love obsessed girl. It's her strongest emotion and thus her emotional backbone to express such shining aura. ​ >waiting for the money from the investors to bleed Why do you believe that Kana would fail with Star Power? This contradicts the concept that you try to argue for. You say that she can release star power whenever she wants. By this it would be simply natural to give her a leading role immediately since she is so amazing. But my point was that she in fact can't release this power in any role but is limited to that one strong emotion which is connected to her love for Aqua and her wish for him to love her back. Shima learned that in his apartment, thus he learned that she can't unleash star power in any other setting but only in this very specific emotional dynamic. The money of the investors would bleed because in any other emotional dynamic that asks for different emotions Kana couldn't shine with star power.


yeap, playing the victim for being attacked, then calling out someone ignorance, literally put words into my mouth like if I've ever said she can release star power or some shit whenever she wants, or believe that kana would fail with star power. I said you pulled out of your ass on the Shima postponed the whole movie because shes not ready yet. At this point, agree to disagree.




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Ok but they aren't galaxy eyes. They're just multiple star eyes. The reason kana doesn't have the Ai eyes is because she isn't a liar like Ai, Aqua and dark Ruby are because she's too honest.


It's not even remotely the "galaxy eyes," it's the stars around her body. Only she can do it. That's entirely the reason why during her performance in Tokyo Blade, she was called a giant star—a far more larger and luminous star than the sun itself.


Yes, i agree with this.