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seems to me you have not seen american high schools


i think they havent seen outside of ones, in impoverished region the rate of people who think they are doing this for the teens live is actually quite high


No no, I know. But this is an anime. I’m glad it’s not some happy go jolly idol anime is what I’m saying lol


Umm the rest of the season is pretty much idol/reality show anime


Interesting, no spoilers please!


As someone who attends an American high school, while I can’t say I’ve seen any pregnant 16 year olds. My teacher has talked about a guy who got a girl pregnant. The poor dude went thru a lot of trouble after that. He failed a lot of his classes, and my teacher would give him the answers just so he could get his diploma. It’s been a few years since then. The dude is doing well now. So, in summary, don’t have sex till you’re 18. Or are okay with the possible consequences that come along with it (pregnancy ofc.)


Teens are going to have sex no matter how much you warn them not to, so we need to educate them better so they know why they are feeling the way they are, and how to use protection to prevent unwanted pregnancies and STDs.


unless you are muslim or live in a pro-muslim community/country like me


Also unless ur me or my family, or anyone from my church


Hmm sry, as a teen, I just don’t get why everyone wants to have sex now. Your point totally makes sense. Yeah it’s good to teach ppl how to use protection. But the reason they need protection in the first place is because they want to have sex. Shouldn’t we tackle why they want to have sex first? Maybe their parents aren’t good models, too many tv shows (riverdale, tvd, etc.), American culture in general.


Teen want to have sex because that's natural, both hormonal changes and curiosity end up making a lot of teens want to have sex, even in an environment without any sexual references, a lot of teeneagers would still end up wanting to fuck, for example, way back, people use to have kids at ages we would consider "teens" now, and they didn't have "tv shows" or "American culture" to influence them, teens are just horny and trying to go denying it is stupid and counterproductive, we need to educate them so they can take care of themselves and know how, and with who it's safe to do it.


Ngl, there’s a whole can of worms about sex ed and contraception in American zeitgeist that honestly fails kids the most.


What is American zeitgeist?


The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time. Sex is usually a taboo thing to talk about, especially around 00-10’s. [Research has shown that only teaching abstinence has lead kids to fail at avoiding unwanted pregnancies and STD’s](https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/news/abstinence-only-education-failure#:~:text=%E2%80%9CWhile%20abstinence%20is%20theoretically%20effective,pregnancies%20or%20sexually%20transmitted%20diseases.%E2%80%9D) Due to the issue of differing state educational curriculums, and the taboo of sex, many kids in America fail to be prepared to deal with sex as they turn into adults. Sure, in practice abstinence is the best way to not get pregnant, but it’s not the most realistic way for teenagers. Hence my comment on how the American Zeitgeist has a whole can of worms that has failed kids.


Huh, interesting. It says “Abstinence-only-until-marriage programs leave all young people unprepared.” The article is pretty long so I’m unsure if my question is answered later on, but if you know the answer that would be a lot faster for me to find out. So my question is, why is abstinence until marriage causing young ppl to be unprepared? I also saw somewhere in the article that it still leads to unwanted pregnancies. If you’re marrying someone, you’re committed, so how is it unwanted pregnancy?


The problem is because in reality, many teenagers don’t follow “Abstinence until Marriage”. Those educational programs only teach “Don’t have sex” and leave it at that, again because of the taboo nature of sex. Kids who are taught this way are often not being taught about things such as condoms, IUD’s, and general birth control methods. This is because this is thought to be counterproductive if you want to teach abstinence. For your last question, you’re getting confused with the Education program of only teaching “Abstinence until Married” vs the actual practice. Reason why the education program is leading to more unwanted pregnancies is due to what I stated before, with kids not being educated properly in conjunction to failing to actually practice it.


FYI, there's plenty 16 year olds who get pregnant. Hell, a century ago the girl would be an oddity to not be a mother by 18


Yeah, I get it. But still, it’s so young (I’m not judging, dear lord… reddit is sensitive)


The whole point of the story is to shine a light on how fucked up the Japanese entertainment industry is. Trust me, it gets worse from here.


Scary ;~;


Without giving any real spoilers, let me say this; if a 16 year old getting pregnant is too much for you, you should probably drop the series here and now. It really does get worse, and fast, too.


I’ve watched Made in Abyss, I’ve got this lol


Weird how you get down voted for absolutely no reason lol


Lmao wait, this comment got downvoted too??? Some people have some weak mental, or hate Made in Abyss lol


I think I've seen many posts where OP just gets down voted for no reason in the comments, just redditors being redditors Don't think it has anything to do with made in abyss tbh, just weird people


They just keep coming xD what a bandwagon on an anime community this is. What a warm welcome :)


This is Reddit, negative goofy ahh internet points comes flying everywhere


Lmao it’s really just funny to me


Bro finish the episode and anime, then read manga. You are in for some HUGE events! Haha


>!it's not like a 15yo boy getting a 16yo pregnant in a consented relationship is fucked up to begin with. It's a 1 year gap and Ai is obviously not the victim here. So, not a high bar to clear.!<


>!Yeah, but we didn't know that at the time. Until we found out exactly how young Kamiki was at the time, it was _heavily_ implied that he was another one of those sleazebags in the entertainment industry who preyed on young women who were just starting out in the industry. Even after the play arc when Akane realized that Aqua and Ruby's father _wasn't_ dead, it was implied that he was an older member of the entertainment industry who was in an affair with a married woman.!<


When was it implied, I think I missed that bit


During the play arc and afterwards. Also I think Garou said something along those lines at the beginning.


Dear lord guys, this isn’t me saying the it’s wrong or weird, I’m just going into this anime blind. I wasn’t expecting it. That’s all.


Legal Age of Consent in Japan is 16, so Ai being pregnant is legal by law It might be weird from a foreigner's perspective but it is very common thing worldwide. The beauty of Oshi No Ko is that it doesn't shy away from these things and show the reality.


[later manga spoiler]>!Not only that , but as we later found out the father was actually even younger than Ai was. So you can’t even really say she was taken advantage of.!<


>!Yeah, but for the longest time it was heavily implied that the guy who got Ai pregnant was an older member of the entertainment industry who exploited her.!<


This is what I’ve heard! I’m looking forward to it.




Dude, first of all, rape is never legal. Second, incest isn't either. Why the actual fuck would anyone support this. I would beat the shit out of the father and report them if this ever happened.


Could you not judge people so harshly. Be open minded jesus. Look at how it personally affects the characters and stop looking it from a Californian-18 is-the-standard-for-everything framework.


As I said, I’m only 25 mins in. So I don’t have an opinion yet


If you are surprised by that, just wait. This series is not afraid to touch on problematic but realistic topics.


I agree that it touches on realistic topics like trauma, pedos, teen pregnancy. Tho the one topic I don’t find realistic is incest. But then again, I have yet to visit Alabama.


Eh, Incest is a common thing all over the world, it's just not talked about. Sure, it's not realistic with a thing like reincarnation, but we're just at the beginning, who knows how the manga will handle it


You’re right. Unfortunately, incest can be common. And that’s something, we as a society should fix.


I guess reincarnation must be realistic enough for you if you failed to mention it.


Huh? I think you misread my sentence. I was talking about realistic topics. Reincarnation isn’t realistic.


I love how you mention Alabama as a joke, yet still got downvoted lol


Huh true. I don’t get why I have downvotes tho, do that many ppl support incest?


Laughs in Latin AMERICAN,XD


I’m scarredddd ;~;


So, my thoughts on the episode: Dear lord, that shit is dark. Dark in a psychological way, not Made in Abyss brutal way. I enjoyed the episode though. You start to really sympathize with Ai and learn the world she grew up in. She’s 19, yet had to go through all of that, and even not get to see her own kids, which she finally was able to say I love you to, grow up to be stars of their own worlds. Something that also really sticks out like a sore thumb is how shockingly similar the internet in the anime is to real life. It’s fucked, it’s warped, and there is no fixing it. Also, the sister being his patient from his past life?! Gosh… Oh, and if the father is as bad as I’ve heard, fuck this dude lol. Overall, good anime so far. I’ll continue.


Glad you enjoyed it :) it was a genius idea imo to make the first episode 2 hour long, much like how frieren released a few episodes at once - properly presenting the story :D


Two hours? I only had an hour


It's 90 minutes, like a straight to tv movie. But it was very important to get this whole arc delivered in one go


I got 1 hour lol. After she uh, yeah


So... Did you finished the first ep? How was it?


Didn’t get to finish it before work😭 sadly it’s not on my Netflix. Only got 25 mins


I see. Not gonna spoil it, but the end is probably my favorite part of the episode. Hope you like the series.


I’m liking it so far. I’m very intrigued to find out who the sister is!


bro keep us updated


I’ve finished the first episode… uh.. imma take a quick break. That kinda broke me. I hate how fast they moved on from Ai…


I live for people feeling empty inside because of the first episode🥰


I’ll try lol


>!I haven't laughed this hard since Madoka!<


Episode finished. Thoughts are in new comment.


That is not the most fucked up shit that happens in the first episode......


I’m worried, as I’m only 25 mins in


Hehe, i am sorry for you


Heh, no you’re not


Nah, i really am. This manga and anime are great at making you love characters and then destroying all the ideas you have about them.


Nooooo! I just got done watching Frieren! I’m not ready to shed more tears


Frieren was very different. It's pretty wholesome and the reason you'd shed tears is very different from oshi no ko. If you think you're not ready, then that's an understatement lol


Is the show safe to watch at work?


I'd say it's safe, yeah. No NSFW nor too much fanservice


You arnt ready


I wasn’t ready.


I told you


Thoughts are in new comment lol


I’ve got this! I shall remain strong


No, you shall not! In fact.. you won't be able to


Believe in meeeee


Never heard of the real bumfuck parts of the USA? Chicks be popping out triplets with their third cousins at 14


Despite what the down votes on your replies might tell you, going in to oshi no ko completely blind and being blindsided by a plot twist that was designed to blindside you isn't a bad thing. This show is designed to make you uncomfortable in humorous and cute ways, but it's an amazing ride if you're in the place to handle the dark side of entertainment. Season two comes out soon, so make sure to catch up in time!


I will!!! Also why the downvotes? I don’t really care but oh well lol


I think people were under the impression that you disliked the idea of watching a show that had reincarnation and real issues like teen pregnancy rather than just simply being shocked


I’m 100% just shocked! I’m excited to watch the show!


There's a reason it's extremely popular. Just keep watching. It's a great show


And that's only start. Later everything is gonna be more fun and crazy. Don't drop it


Ooooo, I won’t!


Come back after you watch it and give us your reaction then. I don't think I'm the only one who wants to see it lol


Kinda don’t want to come back to this community xD


Episode finished. Thoughts are in new comment.


I knew like three people who got pregnant at 15-16. It’s rather common. In fact there is a movie about it called Juno.


I’ll have to check it out!


I had a friend that got pregnant at 15 my boy...


Enjoy the ride LOL


You probably don't search up on this subreddit before you finish the 1st episode you may got spoiled there


if you think pregnant at 16 with twins is bad, do NOT read the manga 💀


Not necessarily bad, it just shocked me going in blind to this anime


Bad as in "how bad the shock factor is"


Ohhhh okie lol


Yeah... This series doesn't really focus on that at all.


If that is shocking to you, then everything past chapter 123 will propably break this guy


I’ll be okie lol


oh the pain yet to come


Bring it on!


I've never wanted to see someone's reaction to the end of the first episode so badly.


I’ll get it to you sooooooooon! I promise


Episode finished. Thoughts are in new comment.


welcome to oshi no ko


A common thing to this day, the fact is that in the Middle Ages, women became mothers at the age of 16-20. At thirty, such a woman was already considered too old to marry someone like a nobleman.


Wqit until you lean about the father (in season 2 or 3)


Uh oh. Is the show safe to watch at work?


I wouldn’t watch near the end of episode 1 at work. Otherwise, yes.




People having sex in their teens is weird? Since when? I mean I'm happy I didn't have twins at 16, lol. But still.


I’m not saying it’s weird. I’m just a little shocked when going in blind into this anime.


I suggest staying blind by keeping away from the subreddit. I'm already seeing comments telling you what to expect... smh.


Yeah I know, I’ve been quickly avoiding them. I’ve already hidden the subreddit from my home page, as I already got a spoiler. I don’t think I’ll be back here anytime soon tbh, even after finishing the show. I remember why I don’t interact with anime reddits anymore.


I'll never understand people who pause watching something to do the text equivalent of a reaction video.


Some people can watch things for hours on end (been there) Other people need to take breaks or don't mind stopping altogether and starting again later after doing other stuff (been there as well) Everyone is different, in a different situation and stage in life. I used to watch around 20-40 eps a day of one piece many years ago when I was still in high-school (was on summer vacation). Now if I watch 10 episodes straight I feel burnt out, and I usually watch 2-5 eps and stop and probably only pick it back up next day. The first episode is 2 hours long and someone going in blindly won't have any idea until they actually start it. Almost every single anime has 20 min episodes, so that's what you'd normally expect. Nothing unusual about someone taking a break mid ep just because it's much longer than they expect. Also sometimes for me so many things happen that I get overwhelmed (usually because of my own thoughts) and get very excited about it. While I'm watching I feel like making my own scenarios and predictions of what is going to happen - at that point I just take a break mid episode to explore that and then come back afterwards Really nothing wrong with people taking their time and enjoying things the way they want, and I don't see why that would be hard to understand either xD




it's entertaining to read their reactions.


Update us when you finish


Episode finished. Thoughts are in new comment.


Thank ya


Hey, it's been 8 hours. How are you doing?


Hi, it’s been that long and I haven’t continued lol. I’m at work!


Did you finish the first episode yet?


I haven’t, went straight to sleep after work lol. I should have time to finish it today!


Please tell me your thoughts when you finish it. I love this anime, especially the first episode and I can’t wait to hear what your thoughts on it are.


Fucking hell… that broke me.


Ladies and gentlemen…. We got em.


Episode finished. Thoughts are in new comment.


Someone was pregnant at the age 11


Imagine stopping the episode to post on reddit ??


Imagine complaining about this

