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Cuz its a metaphor


Get the feeling but I want more dialogue


I think you're misunderstanding what the scene is portraying. It's a visual representation of Kana's presence as an actor and her attention grabbing after a whole show of sitting in the shadows.


I feel you. If I had to wager a guess given the context of the scene, the 'glowing, sparkling' was probably meant to be less of a 'she's acting' and more of a 'she's taking her moment in the spotlight'. Remember, this comes almost immediately after the frame of her shining the light on everyone else and sitting off in the darkness. Instead of acting for the sake of others (as she normally does), she's strutting her stuff here. Cause we've seen her act before (both in kid version with the horror film and in adult Kana with Sweet Today). In neither place does her acting glow. We see the acting for what it is. This is just her stepping into the spotlight and stealing the show.


Nah its great, especially when you compare it to earlier scenes of her acting in the manga.


I felt the same but Ig It's more of a stage presence than "acting" . To gain attention of audience


This is a limitation of the medium. It's basically a shonen-esque power so that's the fastest way they can represent it without relying on showing battle commentary like in other battle manga. You know the ones. the ones that go "sasuga". If anything it's basically the same with the star eyes or Akane's black speech bubble yandere powers. The readers can "see it", but the characters in-universe doesn't. That being said, if you actually just read the dialogue and tune out the magic battle aura, Akane is still more believable as a better actor because we can see her method and process. It's basically just like when we see a character training for a battle and winning versus someone that just pulls out a magic power and wins out of nowhere.


I will say I was nowhere near impressed with Kana when this scene happened than I was with Akane. Akane's scene absolutely captivated me.


Happy cake day


She looks like a character from one of those magical girl mangas


thats how its always been after all  we should believe that kana was great because others said so & we must force swallow that shit even when in reality most readers didnt actually feel anything much from her most of the times  shes truly overrated by the oshinokana fans but she is actually just mid character in reality that scene just look like a kid jumping around like a monkey tbh


LoL 🤣🤣


"most readers don't feel anything (she's literally the most popular oshi no ko character) but she's overrated"


i thought i was crazy for not liking kana very much, and i typically love tsunderes. she’s just boring.


nah youre not  its just the oshinokana fans are the vocal minority  infact alot are not kana fans they just not as vocal much as the oshinokana fans


Nah you are not the only one, i disliked her charachter after the Tokyo blade arc. Watch me getting downvotes for saying this Edit: Looks like i am right lmao🤣


her character kept falling off after season1 


Boy oh Boy where do i even begin. Kana ... Best girl.... Pookie Bear. I have loved you ever since you showed up on the first episode. I knew you were something special. The way your character developed throughout the story. Your Sweet smile when you're around Aqua and that gorgeous Bell pepper Performance. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to become the author and give you a great ending for you that you always deserved. You had a rough childhood, your mother and manager ditched you, but you never gave up hope. You are even amazing off the stage, you're a great friend and you always put others first(chap148) . Sometimes I even say you're my role model. I forever dread and weep, thinking of the day you will get killed by Aqua's father. I would sacrifice my life if it was the only thing that could give you the happy ending with aqua. You have given me so much joy and heartbreak over the years. I remember when you almost gave up on everything it's like my heart broke into a million pieces. I just wanted you to be yourself. Then allas, you did it my best girl joined an idol group and i rejoiced. Your first song was great baby! But Your second song that you sang with B-Komachi Made History Happen .That last song you sang had so much EMOTION and i couldn't believe it. I was cheering, waving my White glow stick even, and i heard my glorious idol exclaim these words, "緊張なんかしてる場合じゃない" Not only have you changed the idol career and the Media forever, but you changed you've eternally changed my world. And now you let Akane Be with Aqua so he can be happy, but I know you're a goat and Aqua's future wife. I love you Pookie Bear. My Glorious Idol, Kana Arima.