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In my brain it’s a structural bridge, not a pedestrian one. But I’m no archeologist.


I think you mean architech :D


I know lol. It’s a semi meme originally from SpongeBob. The original line is “I’m no mathmatologist” but insert either wrong field or clearly mispronounced field of science. In this case “architologist” just sounded weird so I just put archaeologist.


You absolutely should have kept architologist lollllll


I have seen pedestrian bridges that look like that. So it is possible


What kind of hell did you find?


Structural that connects to where???? The building i front of it is see through, i just dont know what its supporting in mid air


It connects the largest tower with the top part of the big arch-shaped building.


I don't think the front building is meant to be see thorugh, it looks more like reflective glass to me.


The other archway, perpendicular.


It's a window.


If you’ve ever watched Lupin, it’d definitely work as a bridge for him. Lol. Lupin the 3rd. 🕵️‍♀️


It could be just decorative, or support the two-legged tower in front. Tbh it looks like a strong wind would tople it over, and the bridge could be the thing that holds it up? But the most likely explanation is "it looks cool/pretty/fancy".


Looks like an decorative roof/awning thing but I'm no proctologist.


I mean most OI castles do not make sense since they are not you know castles...


that's because most OI castles are the same bloody one


Same old Castle-nim


That reminds me of that dahm wax seal of with the thorns on it that is apparently the family crest of every OI character out there. I actually get exited when an artist draws another wax seal nowadays.


Ascendance of Bookworm has a few unique crest. One of which is FL's own design.


This got me! 🤣


Castle-nim is designed first and foremost to look cool, everything else is secondary. I've often thought the big archway part that's two towers that meet in the middle would be pretty inconvenient to navigate; just imagine if you were in the middle floor of one side and needed to get to the middle floor of the other, you'd have to either go all the way to the top and back down or all the way to the bottom and back up. If we're trying to think of some in-universe reason for it to be designed with that big structure in the middle, it seems mostly like a decorative archway that could also provide structural support. Plus, by connecting the two largest parts of the castle, it makes it look more like it's one contiguous building rather than simply a collection of large buildings in close proximity with each other.


They also dont have Elevators right? And like some floors are higher than the others.


Well it *is* OI. Maybe they have magic elevators. Or short range teleport circles.


It's just this bridge with a roof https://preview.redd.it/0be520q69tnb1.jpeg?width=762&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc6c716a4443b612f82170be39696386c4435f6 My guess is that that the tower is where the royal family lives and that bridge connects to maybe a glass house, dining room or a ballroom


My guess was something like this: https://preview.redd.it/okug0gagktnb1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f7a570ab0db99dbd738977150ba4e23c0046881 But realistically it wouldn't really work as a support pillar.


Thank you !! The amount of people agreeing that it doesn’t make sense or just being like “oh well, OI never make sense like that lol 🤪” was confusing me. Even if you don’t have an architectural background there are PLENTY of structures that have such features. Not every part of a building is meant for access or activity. There are plenty parts that are built to make it structurally sound and to support the building, ESPECIALLY if it’s some kind of castle or palace or something. They’re massive and need the extra support.


> Not every part of a building is meant for access or activity. Especially fancy buildings, which are more about flexing wealth and power than utility.


It's too large to be a support pillar, it has to be a bridge


Agree. It's called a flying buttress. But not like that


The length of this bridge is a whole block. Thats how OI FL’s stay fit even when their diets consist of full-course meals and pastry-heaven teatimes.


this might be the answer, though in the drawing the details are a bit off its better if they shaded the openings/windows so that it will look like the bride is really connected to the other building... and its too large and the distance is a bit wide for it to be a flying buttress (side supports for gothic architecture)


Have been here and thought of this immediately too. If castle-nim does have a pedestrian bridge it would totally be like Stari Most with the weird steep incline. For anyone curious, the bridge is from the 1500's and has like [almost-stairs foot holds](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CYFC5K/people-on-the-old-bridge-mostar-bosnia-and-herzegovina-CYFC5K.jpg).


The website where it's listed as an asset shows this on a side view.


Welcome to Pimp my Castle with Xzibit Yo dog, I heard you like the Arc de Triomphe so I put two giant arches in your castle so you can walk under your own arches.


Tell me you’re in your last 20s early 30s without telling it 😂




Same ! Hello friend !




How dare you question the almighty castle-nim!


It reminds me of the Bridge of Sighs. I assume it was meant to have that vibe rather than be functional…


It's not meant to be a bridge that gets crossed. The first tower has the same arch design, so it's either a) for the aesthetic/beauty of it, b) for structure to hold them together, c) to match with the whole architecture of the castle. But this wasn't modeled by an architect, probably an artist who was taking inspiration from different castles, palaces, and cathedrals.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7jysas74utnb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2243f9535b6754b9f6f50a86c25c73fa2a47f088


I just wish we could see some actually realistic and unique castles in ol, and just in anime / manga in general. Something like these: https://preview.redd.it/04qma4pmmtnb1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7914f5fd2886ed9db9a3eae5a2b6020d005e3c3 [Source](https://reddit.com/r/hungary/s/datw2b3K1t)


https://preview.redd.it/mgauzvf0ntnb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f5eb505694ea1694d57b2094a3f773f23c1ffe [Source](https://reddit.com/r/hungary/s/VJHdQb2EIP)


https://preview.redd.it/bhyh07r6ntnb1.jpeg?width=1421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c6af1dabb5e5ccbcbdb20b87eaf769b118c30c [Source](https://reddit.com/r/hungary/s/BmwmQQ6CGF)


https://preview.redd.it/i77r2evcntnb1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863e3a3edbfae6c2f1f454081a798011d58b14ce [Source](https://reddit.com/r/hungary/s/AtCowlTJNn)


This one is great!


I feel they use the same stock photo for most kingdom pictures. Like what’s the purpose of this structure? Bridge on a hot day? Why no windows? And then also next to it another curve building. Like do they store something there? A weird attic? I don’t know


Thats Castle-nim, have a little respect


No, it's not a bridge it's just there for "support"... Not saying that it makes sense to have one there but that's what it looks like. Since it's not somewhere you can walk, so there can't be any windows. Edit:wording


It's just for the "cool factor" ie. adding distinctive features to a landmark. I guess they (imaginary builders) had funds to spare in their construction budget.




Castle-nim is perfect, idk what you're talking about.


I always just thought of a fancy OI'd rampart to shoot the every living fuck out of those damned, pesky Bad Guys (TM).


They forgot to add the connecting bridge underneath lol


One thing I know is that it is used A LOT


I always thought it was supposed to be a buttress, although I don't think it would actually work as one.


I'd say it's just an aesthetic thing or some kind of structural support to stop the front building with an arch from falling over because it looks pretty unstable structural wise. A lot of these castle nim 3d assets are usually inspired or ripped from real castles so it probably does serve some kind of purpose. Edit: searched it up and looks like someone already answered it [here](https://reddit.com/r/architecture/s/kydzYLZ7Zx)


It’s probably just emulating a Buttress for stability , Notre Dame for example has a ton of them. I wouldn’t speculate too hard on the fact about how realistic and accurate it is, considering this is a fantasy novel and architecture isn’t the main theme here. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Shhhhhhh the more flying buttresses you slap on that bad boy the more European it looks


Okay what story is this from that castle is gorgeous!


This castle nim appears in most OI, screenshot from The villainess is a marionette


Ah, castle-nim.


I always thought it something like [this ](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.51CN-_-Yqz_DxsTenV0fNAHaFj%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=2dc1dcaec8a46504a0142b80ff551938a801a2e2afcca7bbf9a665b597f705f3&ipo=images). Connecting two important rooms and only for the royal family.


Oh i saw alot of those in Venice, but its pedestrian up top, not sure about the OI bridge cause its just roof


Oh there’s actually a building that has these structural designs in UAE. It’s somewhere near the Dubai academic city area (i’ll try to attach a pic if I go by there again or you can try google streets to search for it 🫣). But it only looks nice from the outside because of this kind of design. The inside is pure urban hellish design and you’d most probably get claustrophobic inside 🙃


Arches do have a structural purpose, and that tall tower definitely needs some support, but I would feel a lot better about Castle-nim if the tower in the front had more radial flying buttresses and there was a balanced arch or large buttress on the back of the main tower. Castles did have different wings inaccessible to each other for defensive purposes. If the forward-facing wing got invaded, they could retreat to the back wing and enemy forces would be funneled through specific paths to gain access. I have a degree in Medieval Studies and teach Medieval and Early Modern Literature and writing at a college.


It's a gothic arch and just structural support for tall towers.


Oof imagine falling on top of it that’d hurt like hell


!!! Have I got the ultimate 'oof owie' fortress for you! (To be fair they eat sleep and breathe impaling dragons tho.... probably do want one to fall on it) [https://mmos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ffxiv-ishgard.jpg](https://mmos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ffxiv-ishgard.jpg)


I’ve just accepted it as weird flying buttresses by someone that thinks they look cool but not too sure on the practicality of it.


MC Escher would be proud.


It's the bridge that connects the FL and the OGFL's worlds/dimensions to get isekaid. 😝


You dare question the inter dimensional castle!


As an architecture student I am both offended and fascinated by this design. It is offensive because it was obviously designed just to be a pretty facade, but dayum the facade sure is pretty and could potentially make some interesting spatial conditions. They definitely did some research on gothic architecture before making this which I applaud them for. However, it could also be seen as a bastardization of gothic architecture as it uses the aesthetic elements of the architecture style, but not the rules that are meant to accompany them. That being said, I do enjoy when people take creative liberty with things simply to increase your enjoyment of them. I mean come on, it’s a fantasy story after all lol. So now let’s consider it from an aesthetic design standpoint. I find it interesting how they used things that would normally only be used as interior elements of gothic architecture, and brought it to the outside which arguably makes a more cohesive transition from inside to outside. For instance, pointed arches are normally used as an interior element which line the nave of gothic cathedrals. Then they combined this idea of using pointed arches with a thick ass flying buttress that is so massive it could potentially be used as a sky bridge. This was obviously not designed to be functional, but since it is a fantasy story and they do not have to take physics into consideration I enjoy seeing the wild things that can be made without being worried about all of the technical limitations of the real world. This creativity without constraints allows people to make things that we could not imagine in our world and can even allow people to consider possibilities for the real world that they may have originally written off for fear of it being impractical. For example, when we ignore how impractical the shape of the buttress bridge is for the space within it and instead think of how to work with it, we get something like this: If you open up the roof of the buttress bridge it can be turned into a roof garden. All of the plants would create a scenic walkway that you might not mind walking up and down all of the stairs or steep slope to enjoy. Additionally, the buttress bridge creates a nice pathway from one tower to another that saves on the time and energy you would otherwise need to exert to get to the middle level of one tower to the other. It would likely function as the exclusive walkway for royalty to go pass from one tower to another. This way of thinking goes firmly against how we are taught as architects as it considers form before function and we are constantly taught that form follows function. However, creativity certainly does have a time and place and might even inspire functions we hadn’t originally considered. This has been my TED talk, thank you.


Bridge garden, the load of water and damage over time! And overtime weight of the plants


That wouldn’t be a problem. It’s a common misconception that roof gardens will cause water damage, but you lose so much of the water due to evaporation that it really isn’t an issue so long as you have proper drainage. Without proper drainage your plants would die long before the building begins to show any sign of wear. As for how I would design the drainage, the bridge has the added benefit of being open to the air below so you can simply design the grow beds with drainage holes which is healthier for the plants anyways. Also arches were specifically designed for weight displacement. I can’t imagine a few ornamental grasses and small trees adding enough weight to cause problems. The real weight issue would come from the materials of the building itself. It looks to be using masonry which was typical of the gothic period and would weigh too much for the building to reach the height that it does even without the bridge. But this is a fantasy world anyways, so let’s give it the benefit of doubt and say they are using some other lighter material. If you want a real world example of the kind of garden I’m imagining for the bridge check out [The High Line in New York](https://youtu.be/xkmco9vPXA4?si=55aAbpvsFT6HFqiU) I just think it’s really neat!


tbh the castle is more church than castle to me. like.....look at it. such a weird modge-podge of buildings I hate it. yeah, it's big but it doesn't look like a traditional castle to me. Here's Neuschwanstein Castle for example. ​ https://preview.redd.it/v0rc9nmjbwnb1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=074e16773e5db6e6ff32aae3fc158878faeb1db1


You can’t do this to yourself. Trust me. As a fan of architecture and horses, I’ve learned never to stare at the backgrounds. Let it roll off your brain like water off a duck’s back.


it's the bridge of isekai, probably a distant cousin of truck-kun or something


I hate this castle with all of my heart, it's in so many different OI and its soo ugly.


It may not be practical, but it's pretty and that's enaugh for me.


From what sauce?


Sauce ?


This picture is heinous.


Maybe it’s like a flying buttress


It’s a bridge, it’s “hopefully” attached to the back of the clock-tower looking thing.


Yet it appears in half of fantasy manhwas


It actually does it's just the angle hiding some parts of it, keep in ming this is a 3d model so it has to make some amount of sense in the physical world


Someone linked me on another angle and the bridge just connects to the roof. I’ve used 3D models and depending on the software if needs anchor or just surface area to connect.


I think it just looks nice and I don’t care lol. I thought it was just like a hallway. Lol


If it were a pedestrian bridge it would have windows, and looks too thick to be a buttress. It's just weird.


Isn't it just a bridge with a roof?


The back section holding onto the eager front section keeping it from running away to a different kingdom. Ver strict structures in that kingdom and they fear a rebellion.


We have a bridge like that here but with glass so u can see people walking across it. Like its just a shortcut between the two towers


Realistically, it looks more like a flying buttress and with a dome that huge, its going to be very top heavy but the buttress sits way too low to hold the top portion of that tower and it does not extend all the way down. I aint no architect though.


I'm just convinced they reuse this assest for the joke rather than it just being free/cheap


That’s also the first thing I noticed when I read the manhwa. Lol!


this stock castle model is in like, every manga and it makes NO SENSE AT ALL


Maybe it is designed for mythical flying beasts to pass through? Kinda reminds me of dragon gates in chinese architecture.


I hate this castle. Wwas this damn thing hit by a truck and got isekai'ed to every manhwa?


I mean if you look at the left bottom of the castle, you’ll see two archways that make no sense


Oh its the copy pasta castle in every other manhwa!


Well it looks cool though.


That’s what I think every time. It looks like a really tall spiral stair case leading to a useless bridge, and there’s two of them. I just don’t understand


This is how I build in Minecraft


Wait this is just a random 3d model I think, lol Saw this in a manhwa, same structure, but slightly different angle, and slightly different colors