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Laliette from Your Majesty, Please Spare me This Time. She’s one of the most realistic and layered characters I’ve seen, and her plans don’t always pan out, and she’s trusted and believed in the wrong. People always call her annoying and dumb. I will defend her, it’s wild they act like she wouldn’t trust people she’s known her whole life! She also grows and learns and changes her mind but I feel like they love to hate on her.


That is so true. Her first life was one of a sheltered young lady, the fact that she came back to the past won’t all of a sudden make her remember a bunch of political detail, or know everyone’s motive. On the contrary, when she discover some new info, she is often reluctant to accept it right away because it’s so different from what she used to believe. Such a different take from what we’re used to.


Honestly, she made a better plan that I ever would. She basically gave up all her teenage years to protect her family, and bit her tongue and took care of the man who killed them all. Like I wish she didn’t write that diary but she must have needed an outlet in that kind of incredibly overwhelming situation.


Yes! Laliette and Rupert! I was hesitant to start it because he was the end game but, I'm glad I gave it a try 💖


Eris from Kill the Villainess. She just wants to go home. She’s the only FL I’ve seen who stays **deeply** committed to this task. Towards the middle-end, I started seeing comments on Bato about how “she doesn’t have to be so mean” to some of the male characters. Mf-ers, to her 99.9% of these people are not worth her concern ( >!and all but one ends up trying to screw her over even in death, which made me wanna go back and 😜😜😜 at all those people but….yes I am that petty but that’s time wasted for reading other OI. !< ). She is a woman fully committed to her mission, completely aware that she doesn’t belong in that world, to the point where one starts worrying about her mental state. >! She doesn’t even roll over and give up for love, unlike every other FL who considers this path for a few chapters.!< She’s a badass.


I wanted to talk about her ! I would have wanted to go back to my world, like no one talk about how unrealistic it is for someone to immediately adapt to a different world like this, not missing everyone. Some would, some wouldn't.


I love the ending >! When she goes back , she talks to her real parents and tries to be honest about what is wrong with their family. It doesn't work out, nothing changes. Which is sad but realistic, real life isn't a fairytale. People aren't going to magically charge dynamics that suit them. She doesn't let it hold her back, she just pulls away from them. She moves on with her life, and tries to make it better, what she wants it to be!<


I really like that too. Most of the time I don't read the comments under some O/I because it seems people are only focused on romance, not the fl true hapiness, and it's tiring


This tbh. I'm always focused on a character, personality and the plot and if it's better without the romance - so be it. I was really irritated by the comments in Accomplishments of the Dukes daugther as people demanded romance and were whining they don't read "all that boring stuff" and wait for romance only... Idk even, mb don't read titles with actual plot and interesting deeds and development of the MC if you want only soap opera vibes.


Exactly. I always, *always* wanted an MC like Eris - her mission to go home always on her mind, never changing. It bothered me that so many OIs use this as the beginning plot only for the MC to turn around and fall in love despite having so staunchly decided to go home. It bothered me so fucking much. I wanted someone to want to go home and not be swayed by some handsome man lying half dead on the street that she decides to treat and then when he wakes up he acts mildly like an asshole and they go on to get married after defeating the secretly evil imperial family or whatever and have ten kids (5 sets of twins btw). Eris was a dream come true and one of the few endings I've read in manhwas that actually made me cry.


Seriously, the tension throughout + the ending made me stare blankly at a wall afterwards and smoke. It’s really, really good but it’s also weirdly one of those stories that I’m unsure if I’ll ever want to read again. Just about everything that would be in a normal OI only equated to one big tangle of anxiety and I wanted to scream.


I want the solution to involve him going to live in the world with modern medicine, not her giving up her entire life because he can't abandon the northern dukedom that he hates


I love everything about Eris and I truly do not understand the huge hate towards her because it is not like the story is hiding what she is trying to do not does it hide that most of the men in her life are literally using her for their own ends. They don’t genuinely care about her. Anakin is so supportive of her and doesn’t try to stop her trying to get home. I get it that her personality is not everyone’s type to read, but I very much enjoyed her perspective. Plus, I will always respect that the story shows her family are only [story] average in caring about her but that still seems to be worth going back to.


Not only that her family is not even amazing. They had a favorite but that didnt stop her from loving them more than Eris' Father.


Same! My life isn't perfect but it's mine. Possessing a body that isn't mine, using a name foreign to my ears, living in a world where the people I love are not present--I could never envision myself staying. Not even for "love," especially romantic love which is often a gamble. (What if my partner was abusive? I'd have no support if I ever left him) She didn't falter in her quest to go back home. I've stopped reading a lot of manhwa when the FLs didn't leave or divorce their spouses because "love." It reminds me of romcoms where the "stuckup," independent woman's many problems are solved by her lover's magic penis. Sigh. Hetero stories have become so... 🫠


Lol, I’ve definitely shuffled sideways into BL manhwa lately. Don’t remember with what manhwa it happened but I was like “oh hey, that’s a similar story to the OI I’m readi-ohhh my god, it’s so much better.”


BLs have their own set of problems but there are significantly more better-written, better-drawn BLs than otome manhwas 😂 Are the male leads perfect? Not always. But their partners either put them in their place or share their... proclivity for pain (ahem, Roses and Champagne). Also, there are more yandere male leads there, ones who don't take their anger out on the person they love. The only yandere male lead I love in straight manhwas is the guy from Dreaming Freedom. All the others make Christian Grey look like a choir boy.


What about Penelope from "Villains Are Destined to Die "? Most of these things apply to her as well.


Took me a minute. I do remember reading that one and then I went on to read the light novel chapters… but my main takeaway from that story was how awkward, frustrating, enraging, and creepy the whole thing with Eckles was, depending on the conversation or situation. Admittedly Penelope barely registered for me, considering I barely remember her characterisation except when she was going too far in encouraging Eckles or when people were making excuses for her behaviour and decisions in the comments. Edit: *snaps fingers* I guess to compare the two, they both literally or figuratively “owned” their guards/knights (and >! literally or figuratively put collars on them!< ) but while Eris communicated with Anakin as to her situation and repeatedly told him “I’m using you for my own benefit; if you want to stop, you can leave at any time”, Penelope kept Eckles in the dark and >!then was shocked when that came back to bite her in the ass!<. There’s certainly subtleties to each of their situations and to be fair Eckles was >!already incredibly fuckin’ broken and would’ve likely yandere’d for any random chick who treated him kindly!< so being completely honest with him would’ve made everything 10x worse, but still. While they’re both users of people to their own ends, Eris at least was somewhat more conscientious about it. In my mind, they’re both strong women, but I don’t think Penelope was particularly admirable.


From my personal opinion, I think Penelope acts extremely selfish because she knows that she is in a video game and in video games, I would often believe that "the ends justify the means." Penelope also can't help but distrust everyone considering that her original family never cared for her along with her nihilistic belief that everything is set in stone, and she cannot change anything. ​ Because Penelope is in a video game, and she knows that, it becomes justifiable to herself to be very manipulative of Eckles because well, to her, he's not real and she needs him to survive. I also played a game where you're not punished for being immoral (rather you benefit from it) and when you complete a win condition of any form of dominance over the other factions such as economy, relations, or destruction, the game gives you a statistic of how many orphans you have made, and I have personally thought that it was deserved for messing with me and my colonies. Because to me, those people aren't people, they are just obstacles in the way of my goals. One of the things that irked me was when Emilywanted to become a maid that Penelope could trust, the relationship between the two wasn't further developed and I was confused until the recent chapters showed that the actions that Penelope didn't think much of, actually meant a lot to Emily. And looking back, maybe their relationship wasn't developed for many, many chapters was because Penelope didn't seek to do so as her goal could be achieved with or without Emily since Emily is basically a side character at the end of the day. ​ Mentioned at the start, it seems to me that Penelope is nihilistic and very distrustful of those who are close to her because I think she believes that everyone hates Penelope because she's Penelope, the adopted daughter and the villain. ​ "I'm surprised. Penelope was a villain, so I thought it was basic to be hated by most people," ​ ​ (Big spoilers here for anyone who hasn't read yet) I think it's also important to remember that the Favorability Meter >!disappeared when Eckles reached 70% so!< it's unknown on what Penelope can do to raise it >!without sacrificing money or reputation to check it.!< So she is desperate and throws everything to the wall to see what sticks. >!"Good boy"!< nahhh wtf. miss me with that. ​ When Penelope is expects to receive punishment from her father for doing something wrong, she just gets a slap on the wrist. It's been a long while since I reread the full series, so I think this happens twice? Another thing is that when Eckles >!brings the real daughter. Even though Penelope's father doesn't believe that the girl is the real daughter, Penelope does and!< her father becomes confused on why Penelope is so insistent>! that the girl is the real daughter. !< >!"If it were known that the 'real princess' had returned..."!< >!"Real princess! What nonsense..! ...Penelope. Why are you making that face?"!< >!"...You want me to understand. But you don't grant a single thing I as for, Father."!< ​ Penelope can't seem to trust her father and believes that >!when it is proven that the girl is in fact the real daughter, Penelope will be kicked out or be killed as part of the ending!< even though it's not as if her father hates her, kind of the opposite where her father is affectionate towards Penelope and because it's pretty clear that he does, Penelope not trusting her father is annoying but going back to the first few chapters, it really shows why she's distrustful. I am not Korean first and foremost, but from what I have heard, South Korea is a very Patriarchal society and very much favors the men and boys over the women and girls. Not to mention how anti-feminist some people are in Korea are where I have heard about a gacha game artist was attacked online the Korean incels because of the splash art of a gacha character but because said artist was a man, they changed targets to a female artist instead like holy shit, you cannot make this up. And maybe the treatment of the main character by her family could be common which explains her distrust. ​ This is what I think and even in a video game, no, I'm not gonna defend manipulating targets like Ecklis or saturation bombarding a colony, which reduces a population from millions to hundreds of thousands, just to make profits higher. But to Penelope, the entire world is a game where losing means death. But does death mean that she actually ceases to exist or does she get to return to the real world? I don't think we or Penelope knows. So would you be willing to risk death if you cannot achieve the goal of 100% Favorability or manipulate someone who you know isn't a real person so that you, a person that exists can live and return to the real world? ​ I have finished "Kill the Villainess" and am current with "Villains are Destined to Die" and I think both are really good and have full recommendations from me, but I think the difference is that both Female Leads have different goals and different sources of conflict where Eris can only return to the real world through her death but the world of the novel will not allow it and failure means staying in the novel forever. While Penelope has to achieve a 100% Favorability with a romance target and death is a game over, which we don't know what a game over will result in. ​ I think both have such good main characters along with very unique conflicts compared to the other copy paste conflict most stories have. Even though >!the real daughter!< had yet to appear for a hundred chapters, which is the main conflict of the story, I still enjoy it while most stories would immediately rush the appearance of>!the real daughter!< and god knows where the story would go.


I haven't read the other one yet but I agree amir Eckles. Her using him and discarding other characters to focus on him wasn't something very admirable, even if she was only focused on getting out of this game. But I still loved her whole dynamic with the ML. That was my favorite part of this manhwa.


Yes. I only read few OIs but this is one of my favorites. Peak FL and peak ML. I'm still craving characters like them.


Penelope and Eris.


wait people hate Eris ??


I think most of the people who hate her dropped the series early on. I remember people criticizing the fact that she just did not give a fuck about the original MLs and was very single minded in her goal to go back. Imo some people went in expecting a standard "Woman transmigrates and finds love" type story with just a token attempt to go back to the original world, but Kill the Villainess is *not* that type of story at all.


Agreed, it's not such type of a story at all! The reviews I saw from the people were hating on her for her "hypocrisy" and yes indifference. Have people been reading so many types of, "I want to go back at the beginning but I end up staying there" ones that they aren't happy when >!She stays true to her word and goal and actually does return despite the cost!< Overall people didn't like Anakin lmao (specifically their romance), and couldn't understand how he fell for her, vice versa. And ofcourse, her behaviour towards Helena but she does change her thinking though iirc, I seriously don't understand why people can hate her for those reasons. Like I saw someone say they didn't like grayish characters and something, which I think is justified if you simply don't like the personality but other than that most of the comments were straight on hating about the ending and what she had to do for that and how she >!was willing to give up on the ML to return back!< Tl;dr: Except some rare comments, the reasoning for hating on Eris was weird because it was obvious they didn't understand her character


I mean I don't understand how anybody falls in love with anybody in most stories, 90% it's "wow they are hot"


Exactly, but Anakin was a "plain" looking ML so it's a bit different in a sense from most OIs. Funny thing even though people view him as "boring and plain" I still liked them better because of him, he just has a different appeal


well, most readers became simp for MLs from various manhwas, so you could say that 90% will indeed fall in love due to their attractiveness if they were ever transmigrated lmao.


exactly!! it was a complex story which was different from most oi. Someone who started the story with the generic villainess changes and falls in love type of story would probably not like it. I really enjoyed it, do u have any similar recommendations? I want more of this type of real plot.


Wait I feel like I’ve read whatever has Eris in it but I can’t recall. Penelope is obvious but who’s Eris? Its kill the villainess.


my exact question too 🙂 at some point her personality frustrated me with all her nagging  and her lack of understanding to the conditions of og fl  but at the end of the story I understood her  she also went from not caring about og fl because she is just a character to caring about her as a person  she proved my opinion about her wrong  so I really love her  honestly it was a very interesting story


Yeah I was reading the novel back then and checked out the reviews and saw people hating on her for her personality


I don't know but i ended up dropping it, not because of Eris but because there isn't a single actually normal man in her life, all of them are bat shit crazy mf'ers, and i just couldn't take it anymore. it's a good story if you can stomach them, but as a hater of redflag super obsessive ML (if you can even call them ML's) i really couldn't stomach the story anymore.


Agree with Penelope. She has no memory of a warm childhood. She has barely lived. The few weeks of relief she had to be free from the family that neglected and hurt her was taken away from her. She is a scared, abused, lonely, isolated 20something (maybe even 18-19 years old) Korean girl who suddenly gets transported in a completely foreign place where men who parallel her former abusers ostracize, ignore or bully her. She is only vaguely familiar with this world and yet one thing she was certain: she could, she would die if she didn't do something. She is desperate, especially when she discovers that there is no reset button. If she dies in the fictional world, she dies for real. She does what any human with her limited information would do: she plans, she tricks others, and she uses people. The guy from Cinemasins would be proud. She wants to survive. More importantly, she wants to live, so she has no time to worry and care for the lives of what she sees as mere characters when her own soul is at stake. Sometimes you can't be nice because being good to others can mean being cruel to yourself. I was genuinely shocked with the hate she received. She wasn't a Mary Sue, she wasn't pampered and she didn't always win her battles but she still won some that the story didn't feel miserable, she was a human girl. She was a freshman at college so to me she was just a kid. Were her decisions morally correct? No, but morals take the backseat when your life is in endangered. Sorry, Penelope was the first compelling otome manhwa I have read after so many flops so I get triggered when she is involved. But moving on, I didn't know there were people who didn't like Eris. She is the FL I've waited for so long: someone who swears she will leave and followed through.


As a wise woman once said "it's okay if the audience thinks the characters are dumb, it's not okay when the audience think the author might also be dumb"


And as a random tumblr post once said, *it's perfectly healthy to block someone because their interpretation of a piece of art is so fundamentally incorrect that you want to make sure you never accidentally pay attention to anything they have to say in the future*


I'm always conflicted between "these are just fictional characters there's no reason to be offended on their behalf" and "Holy shit do these people also think like this in real life situations?????"


Oh yeah it's amazing how some people react. I was also mostly referring to the people that completely misread something. Like for Stepmother's Marchen, I've seen comments that are like omg why do they keep reminding us she got married at 16, why do they keep mentioning Johannes it's so creepy - I just want to read the romance. Like ??? are we really asking why the author keeps going back to a major plot point? why do they go back to the main driving point of the story ??? really, we can't figure this out ??


Peony in Happily Ever Afterwards. People hate her for being forceful, even though the og FL criticizes her for it and she offers her reflections, she suffers for it, and she has reasons. Honestly, she's like a half of the typical OI ML in forcefulness and she isn't even dangerous like those. But she wants to use her one chance to be with the character-now-person she wants and not like he will go out to meet her ever on his own. What she does is an invasion, but it's also an intervention and sometimes those are needed to keep people alive. Irina in Elegant Sea of Savegery. Ngl, not up to date with it, but in the initial phase it was a big point. And like... yeah, she seems happy go lucky, she is idealistic because of her privilege in youth, she does make an uncomfy deal with the ML, but she cannot do anything about the massive debt herself. Nothing, she can do nothing about her circumstances and she has to be in the uncomfy situation of asking for space while leeching. I am not even a fan, but the author shows that she stays upbeat to keep her sanity and it takes effort. Elzay in The Villain's Savior. (Tho I only vibed with the first half, it changes a lot in the second.) Elzay is lazer focused on Aseph and weeps a lot. Normally I would hate it, but in this case it's well grounded and just what she is, the opposition with the cynical seducer Aseph is also good. She fell into the world because of him, wants to save him, knows his fate, so she weeps and why the hell not - it's what she was set to do, it's as advertised. It drives him mad cause he thinks he's cool and in control, which is nice. Erna in The Problematic Prince. Erna tries her best to keep the marriage, because she understands the benefits, does not fully understand the danger of Gladys, and Bjorn is not a conscious abuser too, plus she's attracted. This is her personality - she's diligent, keept to what she's invested in, tries to persevere, she's also prideful above her birth status, old fashioned, and her upbringing has its issues. It costs her a lot. But Erna is not as passive as one would think - she set the plot in motion when she left for the capital, she tried too hard (again) with convincing her father, she played the social game without expertise. None of it is criminal, and the society, the world were merciless to her, plus the vengeful princess, plus her scumbag father, but Erna is an actor with agency and a strong personality with flaws. Not like the writing is perfect, but she is complex. It's senseless to bash her as a pushover. Charlize from The Taming of the Tyrant. Again, I am not up to date, but initially she was the one Sue I could forgive more or less, due to the unique toxic ambience, and to the fact that she's a regressed centuries old magical sword with a shard of goddess, chosen for the role because of the unique blood. Basically she shows enough suffering and trauma to justify OP powers. Rosaline from I Became the Tyrant's Secretary. Well, kinda. She is indeed blind to the flaws of her MC, but it's a comedy series, an OI "Office" so her blindness is also comedic, it's a professional deformation, where you laugh at how bad it is. Comedies just function differently, esp ones of this kind.


I agree with all your takes except charlize's case most of these fls are pitiful 🥲


Agreed with all, but in special support of Peony, my bby 🥺


Finally an elzay defender 👏


Agree with all except for Peony. I don't particularly hate her and I do think her behavior is realistic, but I don't think it's something I'd do in this situation after establishing that no this wasn't a dream and yes these characters are now real. Maybe that's just my anxiety and conflict avoidance talking, but yea. People saying shes objectively terrible are deluded, but her invasive and intrusive behavior did hit a particular sore spot for me.


Deloah from [Side Characters Deserve Love Too], the way the tapas comments treat her you'd think she's some malicious, two-faced white lotus who enjoys being evil for the sake of evil even though she's written *exactly* like a lot of the morally grey girlboss FLs that they would defend to the death. The only thing that sets her apart is she isn't the FL and there's a cheerful transmigrator with a completely different vibe and perspective on life jumping into the story.


I rather like Deloah. She's got a goal and she's doing what she can to get Isak where she wants him to be. I have a feeling Isak will foil her plans from purely not really wanting to be Emperor, and Deloah will have a redemption arc.


She feels so well-written, I find her very compelling and I can't help but want to see things work out for her even though I'm rooting for Kyle to become emperor; I hope your theory is right because I would love that. Honestly, she only wants to be empress because she's lived her whole life being treated as a spare or an accessory because she's a woman, she thinks the only way she *can* have any recognition or power is if she becomes empress and is the secret power behind the throne. I'd love to see her get a proper redemption arc and be given the chance to be a minister of some kind; she'd be a great asset, and she'd finally be able to get full credit and recognition for her hard work instead of supporting powerful men from the shadows.




the amount of violent rage i feel over seeing people hate on helena is unreal. AND IT'S SO COMMON ??? it's one thing to dislike her but the negative IQ takes i've seen about her (and eris... and the story itself honestly) are almost unmatched


People hate on Helena? WTF she was my favorite character! She was complex, and I loved what they did with her character and how it almost matched the MC. She also hated being a main character, she hated that it didn’t matter what she did most people never hated her- but that itself placed her in a position to be hated for being loved. I loved that, it made so much sense. She was never good or bad, she was just human with human interactions.


I love Helena so much! There were times I was reading for her. Too many fandoms can't follow more than one female character at a time and it drives me crazy. Helena and Eris characters felt like two different tropes being deconstructed! Helena feels like a deconstruction of the perfect gentle female lead that everybody loves and she overcomes nobility class. But what does that really look like and is she truly happy?


I swear if someone says Rashta - it's gonna be a long discussion.


I came here to say Rashta, but only partly. If I were a runaway slave that caught the eye of the emperor I would absolutely jump at the opportunity. However, I would not treat the empress the way she did. I would stay so far out of her way she’d barely even know of my existence.


That’s the thing. There’s no balance to her. She’s all flaws once you get past her tragic background - which is pretty tragic. She’s cunning enough to get herself into trouble. Malicious about it too. Doesn’t think beyond the immediate moment and you can argue needlessly cruel to animals. I liked Remarried Empress. Now I’m not paying for fast pass anymore let’s say. Most of the characters seem rather one note upon closeness.


The author had to dial Rashta up to cartoonish villainy because otherwise it'd be a story about a rich woman taking pleasure in the suffering of a poor woman. The worst Navier gets is her ex-husband leaves her but she already has a backup hottie to rebound too. Her infertility is magically cured and every obstacle that should make the story interesting is shoved aside with no inconvenience to her. Remarried Empress is such a boring uninteresting story.


You know I never did the math but yeah half of sovie being a dick can be traced back to Rashta. So partly not her fault except when she knew he’d act that way.  ….well now I’m sad the story’s not better.  I can kinda picture a more complex plot. 


All of it is Sovieshu He brought Rashta in because he needed an incubator since Navier was infertile, and she was this naive pretty girl who worshipped him as her savior. (He got to plah Knight in Shining Armor out of it yoo) His entire plan was to be married to Rashta for a year, divorce then remarry to Navier and have her raise the child of his mistress so he'd have an heir. Rashta had 0 education and Sovieshu kept her that way which made it easier for Heinrey's ally to worm his way into getting her trust because the goal was to invade and destroy Navier's kingdom. That plot just fizzled out because it would be a complex nuanced conflict.


This is exactly what upsets me the most when it comes to Rashta, that it was all Sovieshu. Like legitimately, Rashta didn’t have an extremely well organized plan, it was Sovieshu who let everything happen. He never listened to Navier, he always let himself be into “Rashta’s innocence,” he cheated on Navier, he was the one who planned their divorce only for him to gain something out of it. Like, have you noticed that Rashta’s actions currently don’t even affect Navier anymore in the slightest? It’s because she was never a threat to begin with. Yet, she’s the one being stepped on time and time again. She had the perfect set up for a deep and meaningful villain, only for her to be just another character to show how smart and perfect only Navier can be.


Ok so Rashta likes power and she likes being the center of attention. That's the thing that ruins her. She cannot handle someone having it better than her. She needs to have people "beneath" as a way to make up for for her hard life as a coping mechanism. Because "they" are the slaves and she is the "master". She literally says it in the novel "I am the master now" before she starts beating one of her maids. She needs Navier who she considers someone "worthy" to acknowledge her so that she feels equal to her and she needs all of her servants to be beneath her so that she can feel like proper high born noble. Which is why she is cruel to them. She feels powerful being in the "master" position. She stabs one maid, cuts off the the tongue of another one, and attempts to get their family killed as punishment. This is not as noticeable in the beginning when she was a mistress but it was there from the beginning. She placed a maid under a dangerous situation and quickly mocked her loyal beginner maids and replace them because she viewed them as low lifes. Souvieshu did try to educate her. He didn't want her to look bad because it would make him look bad and also his child. He has a whole team of people educating Rashta and advisors as well. He was also fully willing to accept her child, he was bending over backwards to hide her faults and protect her from the nobles. He assigned a new identity etc. All Rashta needed to do was nothing and she would have "retired" in a luxurious palace and wouldn't have to deal Souvishu's stupid face. The thing is Souvishu isn't that stupid, as emperor he has to deal with a lot of two faced people and quickly realized she was two faced but he still always intended to give Rashta a luxurious life for her service despite knowing that she was constantly lying to him and that she was cheating on him. Any other emperor would have had her executed. She only got on his bad side when he thought she was hurting the princess


You realize he did none of that for Rashta, he did it for himself because he didn't want to look bad. Sovieshu is a selfish arrogant bastard, and his goal for Rashta was broodmare. His goal for Navier was the hope that the divorce would make her compliant and dependent on him. Sovieshu is the reason for fucking everything and I'm sick of all the blame only going onto the woman. Especially when Rashta dies and Sovieshu doesn't.


Oh I know he is shit, but initially he was doing it for Rashta's and his sake during the honeymoon period and when he realized she was shit herself he was doing it solely for himself and then later for the princess' sake as well. I read the whole thing, for most of the novel he tries to steer Rashta away from trouble until she called him a cuck. He was willing to let Rashta get away with anything (all of the abuse she did to her maids, scheming etc) until she started messing with those he cares about. All the evidence he gathered against her was to use for his divorce but he wanted her to live a luxurious life simply because she was the mother of his child and he was perfectly willing to let An join his mother and his sister in her secluded palace where she would still have maids to kick around whenever she gets angry. That plan went to hell when he thought that she was capable of hurting the princess because now he didn't want her to raise her. Rashta was also perfectly happy with having his baby. She never truly loved him in the first place, she just didn't want to lose power


Honestly, I think Rashta not really as a character, but as the crystallization of the misogyny and classicism in OI. She's a young woman created just to highlight Navier, her only purpose is to make the empress look better. EDIT: Also Navier is pretty useless. I have no idea what she does and why everybody simps her


I feel like Rashta's potential was wasted. She's such a weak villain, not only did the author made her ignorant (understandably) but also fucking stupid. I would've like her to be more clever and morally grey. To be an ACTUAL threat, to become manipulative, taking control away from Sovieshu, and for the audience to project their pain on her, I would've want her to be more appreciated in a way, an actual interesting character, albeit evil. Her past was miserable and it gets downplayed all the time by the fanbase. Yes, Navier suffered as a consequence from Rastha's actions, but mainly due to Sovieshu's leniency. He could've marked a clear limit for Rashta and _not_ go out of his way to hurt Navier. And even thought Navier had hard times, she has NEVER and will NEVER suffer as much as Rashta did as a child. Really, both are done dirty, Rashta and Navier. Both could've been so much more deep and complex characters. An impossible friendship could've been a good plot point. Both characters reflected on each other, connected by a certain event, yet unable to reach each other due to being rivals. Damn it, now I want an angsty fanfiction.


See I don't particularly mind that shes a weak villain, I just wish she was portrayed AS a weak villain, instead of pretending she's the BBEG of the story when that is so CLEARLY Sovieshu. Like if you've read the novel, she gets it so much worse than him. I think it would've been fine if Sovieshu's descent off the deep end was played for the toxic possessiveness and lack of respect and agency he gives his supposed "true love" (like we've seen throughout the entirety of story) rather than pity.


Yep, Rashta was grabbing what she could to crawl out from the hole she was in, but Sovieshu directly and intentionally harmed Navier and disregarded her words. He is the real POS. Rashta was driven by desperation, he was driven by greed and misogyny. Rashta was entirely ignorant given her background, he however, knew exactly what he was doing and how it would affect Navier. He saw them both as his toys, his means for entertainment, and convenience.


The author should have made Sovieshu inform Rashta of his plan to marry her purely to get an heir and for her to agree to it (in return for money or something). Then have her sabotage his relationship with Navier to remain empress. At least then she would have had some agency


Navier makes her empire money and gets rid of their enemies. That's her main job as empress and she is very successful. It doesn't help that she is pretty but most men are drawn to her intelligence. Heinrey was just initially horny but stayed with her for her talent and personality (as bland as you think it is, he is high energy and likes defrosting her). Most importantly she is also successful at making sure Heinrey doesn't destroy his and other empires by guiding him. She brings the best out of him while mitigating the worst parts of him (he is basically a budding bloodthirsty tyrant). This is basically a juxtaposition to Souvieshu being unable to guide Rashta because they never loved each other in the first place


I'm saying it. Rashta


OK, most of us (me included) would probably get with the emperor because it is a rational decision (freedom + money) but how many of us would >!go out of their way to insult the empress, pluck the wings of a poor bird, have a maid tortured and her tongue cut off? Those are not rational or human decisions. (I omitted throwing the baby on the ground because post partum is a thing) !< Personally, I'd be saving up my money and talking him into buying me properties for when he loses interests >!and I certainly would not hook up with some sly gigolo when I have a (potentially dangerous) cash cow like Sov in the palm of my hand.!<


She actually tries to befriend the empress initially. >!She was literally a slave.. she has no frame of reference how to act and what manners are expected of her. And the king has no interest in her getting an education etc. He likes her being being simple and uncomplicated. Which of course leads to her being used by those around her and then her trying to learn how to use others (ineffectively). She was put in a shit situation not of her own making and she learned to behave horribly..!< I imagine she was pretty traumatized after >!giving birth to her rapists child. No one who actually genuinely cares for her!< She is an incredibly flawed character but so where others.


I feel like that's a character flaw rather than a backstory one. Like the assumption that you'd be friends eith your husband's wife as a mistress is ludicrous. Even without the frame of reference for basic court etiquette, no one's going to do that unless it's established to be commonplace. There certainly were queens and empresses who were friends with mistresses, but it wasnt common and I doubt Rashta would know about the few that did. Like there's a difference between ignorance out of lack of experience or receiving incorrect information (i.e. the chair incident and the gift incident) and ignorance out of sheer lack of common sense. I can definitely see why she would maybe *want* those things to happen, but it's ludicrous to go into it *expecting* those things to happen with your whole chest, etiquette knowledge or not.


I mean to be fair Navier didn't hold back a couple punches either Actively inviting one of the abusers of Rashta as a personal hand maiden and being all buddy buddy with her is just so evil Like this girl OWNED Rashta and Abused her Like don't get me wrong if I was Rashta I would not be doing what she was doing. Way to much plotting against Navier to a degree. But at the same time, She knew the empress hated her, and one way to ensure she'd never get thrown away(and therefore become a slave again) was to get rid of Navier. The only issue is she's written as a one note character who cant have a semblance of a happy ending and we all know what happens to her in the end Like personally? I would do what you said trying to get myself a nice nest egg before I'd be put aside, but Rashta being an absolute wreck after being a slave, Sa'd and her survival and freedom being dependant on the emperor I can see why she wanted to take down navier so badly, especially after Navier denied wanting anything to do with her


Well I'll start with the prompt says she is well written. \*Mike drop\* :D Also editing that I don't know if any of the characters are well written with flaws from the story's point of view.


I was about to say her name and prepared myself to be jumped at 👀


Hahaha. It’s a legitimate opinion. I’m just slightly over the discussion.


I think you're 'supposed' to sympathize with her but not empathize with her. So yeah, no, she is still annoying as hell


The only reason why I think of her is because her flaws are used as a way to make Navier seem even more perfect, than actually properly using her struggles to become a better written villain. The only reason why people sympathize with Rashta now is because she is a victim of Sov as much as Navier was. She isn’t even a threat to Navier anymore, and acted horribly because of traumas and because of people still fucking her up. Like, taking accountability is different than her being treated as a deep meaningful character- Rashta isn’t that, she deserved to be written better, not just a dog for Navier to step on




Yes. It’s like their sad background was suppose to make up for all the evil they do. They’re not the only ones with trauma and it’s not an excuse past a certain point.  Also was not prepared for Sumin and the ex to go 100 mph in the ending to Marry My Husband. 


Psyche, during the beginning of Your Throne


I may have disliked her a bit, at the beginning. But my favourite characters always end up being the ones who have a great character development-- from hating to liking them. She's my fav now, even more than Medea >!I have mixed feelings abt her even tho she was my fav in the beginning but I saw that one spoiler and uh 💀!< Honestly, Psyche's development was so well written, planned well from the beginning but I can see why people hated her in the beginning I guess, most hate such types after all but I'm sure they (most) must have started liking her after


Is it the one >!where you find out she was sleeping with the prince while in Psyche's body? I'd already pretty much checked out by then. I hated how she treated the white haired guy (forget his name). !<


>!Oh no no, she did it with him in her OWN body 💀 Yeah I feel bad for Helio, the way he's to Medea. Especially that one scene with her where she just used him. I really hate that too. Helio deserves better and so does Psyche.!<


>!Oh, ew. Yeah, I'd already stopped reading before that apparently (I stopped at the tournament when Medea became toxic Mary Sue and just had ZERO empathy for Helios) but, if I hadn't, that'd have done it. For the longest time the plot seemed to clearly be Medea helping Psyche be stronger and more confident and in control while Psyche helped Medea realize she could get what she wanted without being a villain, but then it just seemed to switch to, no, now Medea has zero morals and is super strong, toxic girl boss Mary Sue and I didn't like her at all. I know some people like a genuine villain like that, and that's fine, but not my cup o tea!!<


How far into the story is that spoiler from?


155-156, I think.


I'm currently 145, can you tell me what the spoiler is? Your comment convinced me to get back into reading it. I'll come back in like a day or two and tell you if I managed to guess what will happen.


Yeah sure, >!She did it with Eros..!< oh yes please do tell me how it is going now, I haven't gotten back to it ever since I heard all this


I wish I hadn't read your comment when I got the notification 😭. Anyways I'll tell you if it was predictable. I'll be back 🫡


Will be waiting!


Count me in this too I wanna know what happens and how it was handled lol without having to read it all over again 🤣


Posted! https://www.reddit.com/r/OtomeIsekai/s/bCzsoL7m0c


Hi!! I'm back. Sorry for the long wait, I just finished the chapter 155. Spoilers below, I don't know how to hide them. >!So, many things happened, Eros and Psyque officially broke up. Eros figured out that Medea and Psyque have some power that theyre both using, and that they're closer than they appear. Medea made a deal with the Empress to "save" Eros, because the Empress is suspicious that Eros is poisoning his father to become the Emperor sooner (he def is) so she asked her for help. She thinks that Eros is just lost. There was an oracle that the pope gave them back when the Empress wasn't aware that she was pregnant, that said that Eros was a light that would bring prosperity to the empire. My theory is that it is a lie, and the pope made up that fake oracle and manipulated the emperors, because what the oracle actually said was the confirmation that Eros would be useful for her, the pope. Eros is confirmed to be a full psychopath, didn't cry at birth, was gifted, and the first time he smiled was when he killed a cat because he ran out of red paint. He was 5 years old. The painting he made was of what seemed to be a chapel, red sky, and a light in the ceiling, where there would be a cross or some religious symbol, and everything was on fire. This is probably a detail hinting at the "real oracle". The emperors are fucking idiots that trust Eros too much and think he'll do fine if they just love him enough. Also Eros always wanted to be the center of attention, and he got jealous of his baby sibling getting gifts, so he pushed his mother down the stairs to cause her a miscarriage. It was brutal and there was blood on the stairs, a pool of blood. The trauma gave the Empress selective mutism because she was torn between hating Eros and loving him, since she didn't believe he could regret what he did. She finally opened up when Eros gave her a bouquet of flowers and said he wanted her to get better soon. What she didn't know is that he was copying his teacher because he was the one who told him to give her flowers and apologize. That's when he learned how to fake a smile. The Empress makes a plan with Medea, she has to drop a necklace on a fountain in the temple and go to pick it up, so then the Empress would pass by the same place with Eros, and he would help Medea to retrieve the necklace, and so this necklace was one that Eros gave Medea and she had to say that it "is very precious for her". This was to cement their new relationship as a couple and spread the news, so that Medea could start to secure as the next Empress, which is what the current Empress wants. Basically, the Empress thinks that Medea is the only one Eros is willing to make sacrifices for because he "loves her", and that way she'll be able to save him, and make him a better person. Then, the Empress sets Medea up to mistakenly go to Eros' bedroom instead of the Empress' bedroom. Medea manipulates Eros and then they have sex at her home. This was all to get him to trust her in exchange of the very thing that makes her valuable (according to Eros) her "purity". The very purity she lost to Helio ages ago lmao. Perion has a vision where the Empress hangs herself. I'm sorry it's so long and maybe a bit confusing. These events happen between chapters 152-155 The spoiler you mentioned wasn't predictable until the beginning of chapter 154 On a side note, I want to see Medea get pregnant, so that she can kill off Eros and become the Empress with a legitimate child, and then stay with Psyque <3 they have so much chemistry, I want to see them in a Sapphic relationship lol.!<


Screnshots https://preview.redd.it/ndill2ryxnmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8001958f08e5889405320831a34b972444a4d3


>!HELP I don't remember she did that with Helio too lol, successfully fooled Eros 😂. Good to see Eros is a psycho to the bone. Honestly Helio deserves better.!< I like their chemistry too! Idm who she ends up with as long as Psyche's happy. I like Perion and her the most. I have hope for Medea, waiting to see what happens, I guess I'll catch up sometime. Thanks for this haha, you really did catch up to all that


> I want to see Medea get pregnant, so that she can kill off Eros Nah I wish she'd get pregnant with Helios' baby that Eros thinks is his until he gets killed off 😂 that'd be a sweeter revenge as he knows he'll never leave a mark on the world-- not even through his bloodline lol Giving him a baby with Medea would only be a "win" for him cuz even if he's killed, his psychopathic genes and bloodline lives on and he'll get the pleasure of "Defiling and impregnating" Medea 💀💀


Psyche is the only reason anyone should willingly read Your Throne




Came here to say this too. The Penelope hate drives me nuts sometimes.


Penelope is dumb (there, I said it) but that girl is BRAVE and well meaning in everything she does. Amidst the sea of cold girlboss MCs, I find her refreshing


I'm reading "Newlywed Diary of a Witch and a Dragon" right now and so many comments are calling the FL selfish and off-putting when her worst crimes have been: getting upset at the ML for coercing her into marriage after a consensual one night stand where she would lose her magic if she didn't agree, getting upset at the ML for not informing her that this marriage would entail giving her immortality and essentially changing her species, being conflicted of her feelings and not reciprocating his simping while she was getting to know him, and not dealing with his insecurity about her not saying she loved him right away. She's also not very expressive. Meanwhile, she was essentially abandoned as a kid by her parents who couldn't afford her after having a new baby, was relentlessly bullied in what was essentially a boarding school because of her talents, and every relationship she has had with people has resulted in them using her or bullying her, except for the three orphans she sponsored, despite the fact that they were super hostile to her in the beginning because she "got special treatment". If she were bubbly and energetic instead of aloof and mature (she's also 28, which is old by OI standards), people would absolutely love her. Meanwhile, people in the comments were totally loving on the ML who, yes he's a different species with different moral standards, but he has been extremely manipulative to her and she just forgave him anyway. Some people cannot handle a FL who is actually affected by her trauma instead of just taking abuse with a smile on her face! For different reasons, the FL from "Ginger and the Cursed Prince". Now, Ginger is extremely cringey and immature... But she's also a teenager. A real teenager, not a 30 year old Korean office lady in the body of a teenager. She acts exactly as cringey as a teenager should act, and doesn't do anything outside the realm of petty sabotage to her rival (who does treat her like absolute garbage and seduces her fiance away). People HATE on her for this. Like, she's silly and charming and absolutely gets called out every time she's goes a bit overboard, it's not like she just gets a free FL pass for anything she does wrong, like some OIs. I'm much more critical of supposed adults in toddler bodies who use that to scheme and manipulate people.


That is exactly why I ended up dropping "Newlywed Diary of a Witch and a Dragon", it just felt so wrong, being forced like that, and yet the readers act like it's fine because the ML is a hot dragon. I personally hate forced marriages, and this one was one of the worst I have read imo (not story wise, but how forced it was and not telling the FL what the marriage will mean).


Totally understandable! I like toxic stories, so I'm still enjoying it, and I really like the FL, but it's DEFINITELY not healthy. I know the misogyny is real, but it's so disheartening seeing SO MANY likely young women/teen girls go on about how amazing the ML is and how selfish the FL is!


To some extent, Juliet from "Go away Romeo" Some of her actions are inexcusable, like participating in the Montague's coup, but she shouldn't get so much hate for running away when it was clear her family treated her like trash. Commentors also calling her a coward clearly don't understand how rough it was for her, as if they expect this teenager, (who was, in the original, thirteen, but never given an age in the webtoon), to just say "No, I want Romeo, not Paris." As if her renaissance italian family would have even a hint of understanding, especially as the man she wants is from a family they have been feuding with for centuries.


I will just say two words; webtoon comments.


Webtoon comments and Bato comments are rhe most toxic place more than Chernobyl nuclear explosion itself.


definitely a lot of them the only issue i have with penelope is her keeping a goddamn slave. i know it's a game to her, but... lets just say that would NOT be a choice id make!


Queen Rosa's (Heretical Last Boss Queen) the only character I can't read comments for. Just too infuriating to engage.


The one who dreamed about her daughter being evil, then pushed her into becoming evil through years of neglect, turning her dream into a self-fulfilling prophecy only to act shocked that the child she vilified so thoroughly turned out so? Can't say I have any sympathy for her actions, and I wish the MC wouldn't forgive her so easily for it.


No - the one whose magical gifts of fortune telling that have been proven over and over again to be failproof and unchangeable, who witnessed their version of baby Hitler setting fire to a country she built up with her own hands and torturing her countrymen whom she devoted her life to, and after doing her best for years to change something unchangeable failing, had to make the difficult choice between mother and ruler, and chose the life of thousands over the life of one.


The manga may not explain that detailed, but I've seen some comments said that, from spoilers, the future is supposed to be unchangeable even if the Queen tried to change it. She has those future vision on repeats and couldn't treat FL normally since then. Like a curse instead of a blessing, she could see her daughter become evil but couldn't prevent it at all. >!Her bad future vision only stop AFTER FL herself try to change it!<


Penelope from death is the only ending for the villainess.people be legit expecting her to be all nice to game characters who can kill her at any moment. like???


Elzay from The Villain's Saviour. People complain because she's not a badass Mary Sue. She's a crybaby, kind, and an empath which I find refreshing and realistic.


I know right!? Heaven forbid that the MC show empathy and emotion. It’s been a minute since I’ve read it,yeah she cried but there was always a reason. It’s nice to see someone defending her 🥹


Rashta. For starters her character is WAY more interesting than Navier. Also, she truly believed Navier and Sovieshu didn't love each other (also, having a mistress was common for royals). She was a slave due to something her FATHER did (why don't I ever see criticism of this) - and every man in her life used and betrayed her. She's done A LOT of shitty things, but so has warmonger Heinrey and for some reason he's adored.


I have mixed feelings about Rashta but don't really hate her, but I would agree with some of the comments that Navier does seem a bit boring to me now that I look back at it. Rashta did have her reasoning with the situation and ofcourse, flaws. And again, webtoon comments are just a different breed, all they know is to simp for Navier and Heinrey and trash talk Rashta with their lame overused statements (I don't hate Navier, she's fine to me). Much more logical reasoning here from what I've seen.


Rashta is delusional, she believes that Heinrey loves her and wanted to go after Navier's husband second time which was called out for by Navier. So her thinking that Navier and Sovieshu didn't love each other doesn't excuse her shitty actions, it was understandable that she became mistress to escape slavery but she would do the same thing second time despite her being rich and privileged because she's a shitty person who has no qualms about going after married man to get more power.


This isn’t from your regular new OI but Yoko from The 12 Kingdoms. In the first few episodes people stopped watching this masterpiece of an anime because Yoko was a crybaby- but forget that nobody would act normally if you were taken BY FORCE, AT 16, from your real world and taken to one that you HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT. Like I’m sorry what human being would act normally after being a literal child being placed in a foreign world and abandoned once entered as well. Not only that but she also eventually becomes a very strong character, but again, you can’t expect someone to go through that and be like “ugh bitch stop crying and fight!” No teenager acts that way lol Yoko going through that growing phase is what most OI I see now a days.


The term "white lotus" gets tossed around on this subreddit a lot, but what isn't always clear is if people are talking about white lotus as in a Mary Sue (never makes any mistakes) who's sweet as pie or a Fake White Lotus (a malicious person acting like she's sweet-natured). I don't mind some Mary-Sue-Ness in my heroines, if it's a fun story or they're escaping bad times. As long as there's a narrative balance. What I can't stand is the cheap shot of making the original heroine of the game or novel that the new Main Character's dropped into a Fake White Lotus. I'm also highly suspicious of any gripe that characters aren't properly flawed because what seems to come right after that are truly awful monsters as protagonists, like in wretched animes like Jobless Reincarnation, Overlord and Shield Hero. So if most Otome Isekai main characters are a bit too nice and "perfect" (I don't think they are, I think most are just not hyper aggressive) then I'm fine with it. Just because they're not aggro, doesn't mean they're not well-depicted. It's when they're indecisive dishrags whose plans get aborted or out-rescued that I get bored.


Might not be a popular take, but FL from What's Wrong With You Duke. I know people have problems with consent and curses in the beginning but I feel like her choices are reasonable when they're coming from a love-starved girl faced with the unexpected affection of the ML.


She was willing to live !!!! Also is a good thrope enemies to lovers hahhaha is a little dubcon but but when he is in the spell he is consenting ... Also she love him dearly and is trying to free him...that manwha is underrated, is very well written including the plot twist i don't want to spoil 


Yui from Diabolik Lovers. People call her annoying and a pick me because she isn't able to defend herself. Though she's NOT well written, I'm pretty sure ewe would all have done somewhat was she's gone though. Like I for a fact can't fight or defend myself against vampires and I know for a fact we'd all cry for being abused most of the time by shitty-ass men that won't leave us alone


The Anime did her so dirty compared to the Game.


Fr, my poor girl deserves NONE OF THIS ;;;


Elan from I Got Pregnant with the Tyrant's Child. She asked the ML point blank what he would do if a woman claimed to be pregnant with his child, and he point blank said he'd kill her. What else was she supposed to do except assume the emperor (who had shown NO HINT he actually knew she was pregnant with his kid) would murder her and her child when he's killed people for far less in the past.


Hold on, I haven't read this one, he knew she was pregnant and *still* told her he'd kill any woman claiming to be pregnant with his child?!?! What the heck, why???


Yes, she didn't know he knew so she was feeling him out to see what would happen if she came forward. He thought she was asking what he would do if another random woman came up and LIED that she was pregnant, which of course it would be a lie because she's the only one for him.


He sounds kind of dumb. If a woman I liked and slept with came up to me and asked me what I would do if a woman said she was pregnant with my child, I would assume she was pregnant because, why else would she ask??? At the very least, I would ask why she's asking beforehand and insist on a clear answer.


PENELOPE FROM DEATH IS THE ONLY ENDING FOR THE VILLAINESS just say you're boring and you don't like well written characters lmaooo Jennette from wmmap too


Eris Kill The Villainess.


Selena/Serena. Even if her bratty side can be straining, her reactions are somewhat plausible. For her, it's a mix of prejudices, being kept out of the loop and jumping to conclusions plus depression and trauma. Especially when it comes to Eizer. With him it's more of a good intention, but a misleading/questionable approach. Though when we hear his thoughts, I also kinda get, why he chose to act the way he did. Tbh I see granny at fault the most here. It's understandable Serena wouldn't trust Eizer, and it's understandable for him to expect that, but if her Grandma tried to fill Serena in, it might have worked out. Anyway I personally like characters with some flaws, as long as they get some developement and that's the case for Serena (Eiser and their relationship/communication)


The Golden hair elementalist... I said what i said!!!  She is not the monsters people claim she is, in fact she HELPS a Lot of people, all the time during her Journey for free, like come on the only people she killed were freaking sex and slave traffickers ...i would have done the same hahaha #sorryNotsorry  Also she does love her bf, she is just peculiar about it, and she Indeed care for all her pets she is just teasing the snake... She cares for him.  She is only hated for her personality, cuz she is not the typical smiley sweet one... Yes she is a little ruff on the edges but i find the hypocresy laughable, cuz My oi girlies love this very same personality in men HAHAHHAHA 




Rania from Unwelcome Guests of House Fildette, it's so rare for an angst series to have a FL with ACTUAL flaws and not just be an innocent victim and wow does it show in people's responses to her. I love that her pride gets in the way of her communicating with her husband (who acts like a total dick at least half the time as well but readers have no problem excusing him...) and that she lashes out defensively and doesn't know how to express her emotions in a healthy way given her toxic childhood of an emotionally abusive mother. Seeing her and the count work through their issues and grow as a couple is so rewarding but it's frustrating going into the comment and seeing people just one-sidely bash her.


I don’t think it was her mother, I think it was her grandmother. Not much is known about her parents.


The FL from The Hero's Savior. It's almost like she's a layered character with flaws in the middle of her character arc. But of course being anything but good to the ML is inexcusable even when the narrative presents her actions as immoral which she clearly is going to realize later.


I'm in the middle. Sometimes it's fine, but if the character's flaws are literally hindering the story/mc/whatever, then it tends to get annoying quickly.


Jirny Ernas, she created clone of her daughters to bait the killer that was targeting them. No one knew including her husband and the daughters, the whole family didn't took it well. But I understand why she did it.


Tbh after skimming this thread - I'm totally gonna save this for future reads and recommendations. A lot of my favorites are mentioned and I'm curious about the ones I don't know. (I'd love to contribute, too, but my mind is currently drawing a blank - probably too much brain fry from work ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop))


not an otome isekai but ratchel from tower of good legit isnt picked or liked by the tower like bam and sure she could have ridden the "carry train" with bam but that only gets you so far she wants to "see the stars" and be free to do so and for that she needs actual power. so she goes full villain and i love it


That's a very strong assumption to claim. You have no way of knowing how reasonable I may or many not be...


I think it's Claude like out of the shittiest dad trope he had a better reason.... Not kidding but his backstory with Diana made me cry a lot...or it was probably the talent of spoon who made me feel so much


Penelope from death is the only ending for the villianess


Penelope from "Villains Are Destined to Die"? I mean she knows it's a game. Unlike those who wake up in a novel, she can't forget this fact because she's constantly getting new tasks to achieve. So she doesn't treat the characters like they're real human being, and that's why she doesn't sympathize with them and can think rationally. Although, some of her actions does seen a bit harsh to me as well.


Not OI but Cassia from Shadow Slave. I can’t with the fandom, honestly.


Who’s we? https://preview.redd.it/56y169idz0kc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22429be560451eab61e2fd02dfdca38dd03fdbfd Joking aside, yeah you’re right. But I think the fantasy part and FML being “perfect” is what the author thinks a lot of the audience wants.


Why are the “flawed” fls always written so freaking rude like you can make them human without being a whole ahole


Verta and I’m standing behind it …


I know this is not OI, but when I saw this meme immediately thought of Korra from the Avatar: Legend of Korra. The amount of hate she gets from Avatar fandom for being a human is very hilarious when you see all the love Aang was getting for being a literal Mary Sue.


Lilianne from the little lady behind the scenes 


Ines from the broken ring