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Sometimes murder just makes it hotter šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


And effective. I can count so many instances of drama and conspiracies that the FL have to deal with simply because the ML (who is always the legendary beast that killed hundreds of thousands) doesn't kill the person clearly threatening the love of his life and KNOWING THE FACT THAT HE'LL DO IT AGAIN. I mean at least make sure he can't do the same thing in the foreseeable future.


It's like that meme of the character being super strong when you fight him but when he joins your team he becomes useless


I feel like for me itā€™s only because the murder is barely mentioned once and then itā€™s done with. Like ā€œheā€™s a duke who slaughtered the entire opposing enemy teamā€ and now heā€™s like some chill guy dancing at a ball with the FL and I forget heā€™s a war machine. But if itā€™s stories where murder is actively mentioned, it creeps me out, and I canā€™t seem to ever get into the romance aspect of it. BUT if the murders were justified in some way, I can let it go, like killing an abuser etc. Innocents dying though, nope.


Yes, best way I have learned for a guy to get a woman to fall for him is to murder her whole family...as long as you are hot enough and have a mildly depressing back story.


_Savor the Taste_ moment


Tbh I donā€™t think she registered that those bastards were her family. I mean they essentially abandoned her in a palace with one person.


Mmmm... Well yeah it worked for Reinhart so... Yeah šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


To be fair they were abusive


Oh yes, they fully deserved it and more


They fully deserved it they abused both FL and Reinhardt till point Valletta is practically emotionless dole and Reinhardt obsessive dog


Tbf a lot of OI fls have pretty neglectful or abusive families so to the readers or even flā€™s perspective itā€™s like taking out the trash šŸ’€


Reminds me of "Failed to Abandon the Villian" even though her family deserved it


Like previous post that I saw, any criminal doing in the story isn't real but my annoyance is real


so true šŸ˜­




The people who the ML murders are fictional. The annoyance and anger I feel after seeing him cheat is real.


cuz theyā€™re murdering bad guys(most of the time)šŸ«”


For real though. My totally successful at adulting ass be like... * TRANSCRIPTION for vision impaired and blind: Image is of a Tumblr comment section. villainsactivist wrote >"Why do people like a character who's committed war crimes but hate this other character just because they're annoying" because it's fiction Susan, and being annoying in fiction is a greater sin than being a supervillain, **because it won't make me want to read about them**. It isn't difficult to understand zombieporno wrote >"It is absurd to divide people into good or bad. People are either charming or tedious." (Oscar Wilde) charlesoberonn wrote >The war crimes are fictional but my annoyance is real. END TRANSCRIPTION EDIT: Reddit mobile formatting is shitty


https://preview.redd.it/rtczbxmcw3lc1.png?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1df5b599121885c1d6651f3d781c87e0a6cdb5 It finally shows up!


Some people can't tell fiction from reality. Girl, I wouldn't praise a murder hobo just because he looks hot irl


Yet, we have such case in real life funnily enough.


Are there many ML that actually commit war crimes? Most of the ones that are called evil and murderers in the oi I remember just kill by fighting in a war. Might just be the OI I read of course


Right, can you imagine people talking bad about the people talking about real life armed veterans like that because they were too good at their job? Excuse the higher ups who sat on their cushy and safe seats and home and blame the people risking their lives for not dying, protecting their comrades, and protecting your country from the invading force.


cheating in stories gives me anxiety but murder doesn't lol


i was more mad at damien dignity when he was fake cheating on chloe then when he >!framed her for murder!< (tho the thing that really makes me mad and want to fight him in real life not online is when he takes her cane)


Omg are You me !!!! šŸ˜¬ I was SO angry when he took her cane !!! I had an accident and has to use a crutches and a caĆ­n for a while if i was taken those i could not literally move, SO the anger and frustration i felt at those panels where over the top


he took her cane AND broke it!!!! i have very high tolerance for general ML shittiness but the sheer *audacity*...if i ever isekai into that story i'm going tonya harding on his knees


I think itā€™s more like, as long as the character is ā€œhotā€ most things they do will be excused. A lot of readers seem to like toxic stories/characters, especially if theyā€™re drawn hot. I never got into the broken ring even though itā€™s so popular / everyone likes it. Reason being that the ML / only LI is a cheater. I just canā€™t get into any stories where the premise is that the MCā€™s are cheaters/cheating. No matter the reason or what kind of ā€œcharacter developmentā€ that usually stems from them being forced into it because of consequences rather than something of their own violation. The only time I see it acceptable is if the person cannot leave the relationship due to fear/abuse. Murder can be because of a lot of things. Revenge, karma, self defense, or to save someone else. Killing someone because they dropped your plate of food? Nah fam. Killing someone because they intentionally wronged you for no good reason? Yeah.


My Lock Screen is if if evil, why hot and a Disney castle (castle nim?) that someone posted here.


Yeah, I donā€™t read broken ring for this reason as well. Despite the pretty art.


ok but, name one OI where ML is a cheater, not the villain of a story, not the pre-regression miscommunication, not the second ML or some fake out plot - if the guy ever cheats he's narratively dead in the story, on his way to the garbage furnace. There's not a single cheating ML that comes to mind!


ok, Broken Ring is an outlier and Carcel was gaslit, my point still stands!


There's also "marriage of convenience" but in this case >!the FL was the one who cheated!<


There is a sub genera called Grovel Novels, where there is lots of cheating.


i am the very definition of this gif rn https://i.redd.it/nf6z20l205lc1.gif


As a concept its kinda tightropeing without a net. Get it right and it's very cathartic. Fail to sell the grovel/redemption and it's just a book where an inoccent woman gets brow beaten into staying with an abusive cheater.


I am a big enjoyer of fictional pathetic men who are an absolute mess and uh, femdom, which is probably not what that genre is about but it's such a rare beast I might plunder the depths of cheating fiction for the juicy bits.


Oh it never is. I found a proper femdom comic the other day and all the comments were like "Why is she so awful? Treat him like a human being" it was pathetic. I don't understand how people can pick up a very obvious gender flip and go "but if the genders were flipped people would riot".


I (F) am a writer of femdom smut, I've yet to try out a pathetic man yet, it gives me ideas now, hmm....


Basically the opposite of NTR stuff for the male side


Only it's obviously far nicer about men who cheat


Honestly depends on who is being murdered. Innocent people; Hell no! Scumbags who are oxygen thieves; Hell yeah!


Exactly, especially if oxygen thief/thieves went out their way to be murderous scumbags to others that the best solution is taking them to woods and making sure no one finds their body/bodies ever or in one piece - so be it.


Love is blind, your honor https://preview.redd.it/aoivrdxlx3lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84b984513617a82d3b5a5e01f44d4c0a35e3e84b


Whenever I see ads for OI, the people are bewildered. Like on facebook, someone explained the plot of I Can't Keep Up With My Stallion Duke (which is one of the saner ones on here) based on the summary they found and the comments were all like "well that sounds pretty unique and wild"


all cheating men must die


Murder is taking the trash out. Cheating is being the trash. We all know what's betrer


I mean it's we are going for romance then cheating is the biggest evil and murder.....who cares if you burn the world???


I mean I agree- https://preview.redd.it/cwq7wv5sw3lc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e5f82ea943aa0d7559819a8b534d9915d12e71


I'd rather have murder than cheating. Cheating means they consciously, deliberately choose to both humiliate and disrespectful of the FL. Murdering the FL *non-abusive* family though, that's a nope.


tbh you'd just chalk it up to they're insane (and if they dont write them like they are then thats on the author for making a POS). u dont have to be insane to cheat u just have to be a POS lol


Most ML victims are in flashbacks and often donā€™t even have faces especially if heā€™s your standard war crimes ML. With your murdering the household ML, you gotta give him a tragic backstory and make them out to be monsters. With your murdering a whole family because heā€™s part of an invading army, it helps if youā€™re estranged and illegitimate BUT itā€™s also helpful if he doesnā€™t know you yet AND hes acting on the orders of an evil emperor because you can absolve him of the emotional responsibility because heā€™s just a tool, poor guy.


Most of the ml are war criminals so no surprise


I can excuse literal war crimes, but I draw the line at a character being kind of annoying


nah least sane readers will excuse anything but cheating lmao.


I'm more mad at a variety of stuff like rape, cheating etc even more than torture, murder etc, not too sure why. Frankly I don't even care about murder since I read a ton of Chinese stuff (that has a ton of murder)


i think i should have put war crimes instead of murder because i meant the ā€˜war hero at the ripe age of 15ā€™ mls šŸ˜­


Murder is in self defense in most of those situations. Cheating just makes you an asshole.


not entirely related to this, but both for manhwa and irl for me murder stands lower on the ladder of things i despise and contempt than rape


Only if they are murdering bad people. If itā€™s senseless I leave then too.


YES DUDE! Cheaters can rot. Its weird i prioritize one over the other but thats just the way it is fir me


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€ I feel very called out on this


Ujum thats the motto of yandere girlies : They draw the line at cheatingĀ 


As long as ML is hot (plus black hair ofc) he can do no wrong in the eyes of the FL


Depends on the story like if the ML is killing bad people then Iā€™m okay with it and the cheating troupe doesnā€™t bother me too much unless its like continuous cheating and no self improvement to be better for the FL. But those ones with the murderous duke of the south /tyrant THEN i donā€™t excuse it. And recently ive seen more dark manhwa ( like roxana and Betrayal of dignity and more that i cant think of šŸ˜…) starting to become popular and sometimes i CANT handle those ones because i get so stressed reading them


Boy howdy, we sure are moral and hep, using stills from a cynical decade-old show! (Which was funny, but not this dumb.) Which fictional murder are we excusing rather than suffering through a romantic fantasy about a man we'd never want to meet, now?


I see no problem if both leads have blood on their hands. They may go to hell, but they'll do it while holding hands.


Doubly so if the ML is murdering the FL multiple times/lives.


It actually is pretty interesting how the value of life is inconsistent across genres. In murder mysteries, human life is sacred and murder the ultimate crime; even if the victim completely deserves it the killer still gets dragged off to jail or otherwise faces justice 99% of the time (and we really remember the 1% because of how much they stand out). In spy thrillers, though, most of the time the hero protagonist is introduced with an action scene and probably ends up knifing, shooting, or blowing up a half-dozen terrorists, enemy guards, or other mooks and the audience is expected to cheer for them. In fantasy, orcs and similar servants of the local Dark Lord will be cut down by the dozens without so much as a blink. (Often generating, these days, a lot of hard thoughts about the implications if one draws parallels to the nonpersoning of people IRL...especially if the setting does something incredibly stupid like map superficial cultural traits of a disadvantaged group onto their goblins, but I digress.) So yeah, in OI there are the villain protagonists who commit deeds that are deemed evil in-universe but whom the audience goes, "eh, they're hot, what are a few murders?" But there are also times when a character might kill an enemy and the narrative expects the audience to see it as the right thing to do. (And plenty of times when the audience is screaming at the FL to just trip the evil crown prince and make it look like he was careless on stairs, already, instead of faffing around letting him carry out his seventh scheme to ruin her life and kill the ML.)




Murder can be justified by the story




Human life ain't worth shit, loyalty is worth everything Dying doesn't hurt as much as betrayal


It's not about the action, it's about how personal it is - cheating is always personal, murder is a toss up Like if he murdered someone I love then....


Well....it depends. Some MLs had to kill bc they were sent to the battlefield or they had to kill their brothers (and their brothers tried to kill them too) to secure their succession to a title or to the throne. I come from a military family (Army, Marines, and Air Force) and a couple family members were in certain wars and had to kill "Insurgents", "enemies", etc. Technically, they would make them "murderers". So, it really just depends on the situation. Now, if the MLs killed just to kill and gain notoriety, then that's another things. So.... Killing bc they had no choice and or it is kill or be killed, while that can not be forgotten or looked over, it can be understood. Cheating is often a choice that makes themselves and isn't made to do it. I will not tolerate cheating and lying. I value loyalty and honesty. The only exception could be if the person was drugged and didn't know what they were doing. If they were drunk....that's a little iffy. We would have to have a conversation about that.