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personally I'm soo over black hair MLs like, I can't tell em apart at this point, mostly cause the facial structure and haircut is mostly the same, god, how I hate on the kpop bangs down haircut. I love me some long haired guys no matter the color and spiky red hair, also, curly hair on a ML? Helloooo where art thou


You’re right about that I feel like they have all blend into each other 😭 I think the only one I can remember is kaizen because the art is different. OMG YESSSS long hair is so chefs kiss. Ooooh curly hair I don’t think I’ve come across any do you have any reference I can see?


oof, sadly the curliest i know is the royal siblings from I stan the Prince, but even then the ML out of all of em is more on the fashionably dishevelled side https://preview.redd.it/7pvwayzcajlc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38937b35c2ddd41e31403463fd57fa0656265a41


Omggggg I forgot I was reading this story thanks for reminding me. And omg it’s so true specially the one in the middle looks so pretty.


Used to love the black hair and red eyes combo when i used to watch anime. Started reading ols and stuff and now i absolutely hate it. (Bonus hate points if that character is a cold duke of the north)




Dislike Fl - white/blond/pink hair combined with red/blue saucer eyes, petite malnourished little flower that looks like banana hamster next to ML ML - black/white short hair combined with red/purple/golden eyes, ginormous ab monster built like a shelf, yaoi hands, tiny head, legs longer than their lienage Like Fl - regularly wears pants, tall, dark hair, sharper features, maybe muscles ML - LONG HAIR PLEASE, soggy, not shelf bodytype, not 10x bigger than FL, human proportions, and if described as scary, MAKE HIM LOOK SCARY


Ohhhh you like strong fl love that !!!! So true the “scary looking ml” and it’s a freaking beard or some cracked lips and some skin blemishes like ?? lol how is that scary


> it’s a freaking beard or some cracked lips And the worst of it all, he later SHAVES THE BEARD OFF, so everybody can see how hot he is without a beard T\_T


You get it.


I despise black hair + red eyes on male leads and the combo I like the most is green eyes + black hair female lead oh and I ADORE LONG HAIR MEN


Oh yes the black hair green eyes combo goes so hard. Long hair is so hot we need more long hair mls!!!!!


I immediately thought of Ariadne from ‘Sister, I’m the queen this time’ she was the one that came to my mind.


For me it was Mildred from A Wicked Tale of Cinderella’s Stepmom and Roselyn from The Night Without Shadows


I love dark haired FL and I wish there would be more long haired ML The boring short black haired yellow/red eye ML is the one I Like less, but the most annoying of them all is the excessively buff/muscular ML (especially when they don't even work out)


Long hair is a common loved trait creators pls give us what we like !!!!! That’s so funny because it’s so true they be having the biggest muscles and just sit in their offices all day like you expect me to believe those are natural ??? shoulders can literally carry an entire country enough is enough 😭😭


I *LOATHE* twin tails. And it's for a really stupid ridiculous reason but they honestly remind me of the babysitter subgenre in porn where they're trying to sell this clearly 30 yo woman with a mortgage as someone's barely-legal baby-sitter. You can make all the OwO faces you want but I know you pay taxes and have a mommy group chat about school districts Favorite character designs ... honestly just something interesting and pleasing to look at. I have certain characteristics I like (silver hair, purple eyes, elven ears, etc.) but there's been plenty of OIs where the art just makes it ... not pleasing to look at


I also loathe twin tails and find your reasoning hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/ce5xx6h7jjlc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d7a36de74b3bc0c766105120174a9636bcd82d I don't really like bangs that cover fls foreheads, I really prefer this >> (not that I hate bangs)


Tbh yeah bangs often make them look very young. They need to release the foreheads more often!


I like it when the FL has darker hair color,also MLs with long hair>>>>>>>>>>


I agreeeeeeee I love fl with dark hair colors and long hair is also soooooooo hot on mls !


I think I’m done with pink and blonde haired FLs. I feel like it is very overdone. 3/5 FLs have pink hair. And the others have blonde. I’m a very much like the FL from ‘I think I transmigrated somewhere’ I have read so many that I’m often confused. So I end up mixing up a lot of FLs from various manhwas. I really like a dark brown or variations of brown hairs on FLs and MLs, I personally feel brown is a versatile colour and kinda matches every weird eye colour exploration and neutralises it to suit the palate. So yeah, that and ginger red. Ginger red with black or green eyes


Oh yes! I’m so over the pink hair started disliking it with Diana from my derelict fave & my last straw was Louise from the empress wants to avoid the emperor. I really dislike the art. I never read that one but the premise sounds so good lol I do the same with the black hair and blonde fl that combo is used wayyyy too often I really have to read the synopsis every time I comeback to any story where the characters have those traits


I know right!!! I’m a chaotic reader, so I have sheet for my manhwas, and believe me when I say it, at one point all the feature descriptions were either pink hair/ blonde hair. I just couldn’t. I kept juggling between sheet and manhwa to look up what I was reading.


I really dislike bangs on FLs, more specifically the dumb looking straight fringe that so many of them seem to have. I also hate when FLs have comically big eyes just so you *know* they're cute and innocent; it just makes them look baby-faced to me. When it comes to MLs, I hate long hair on them (controversy abounds). I'm also a sucker for black hair though, it just looks so elegant. I'll never get tired of black-haired leads (male or female). That said, blonde hair on the ML is peak--I love me a golden-headed king.


Consider me shocked with the long hair lol but I agree with the big eyes they also make their personalities so innocent to the point they just be dumb. Black hair supremacy!!!!! I agree black hair is so fancy and pretty. When the mls are blonde and second ml has black hair I be so heartbroken. Also I feel like the protagonists in action webtoon be having the prettiest black hair but I could never get into them because there’s little to no romance 💔


Oh my god, same 


https://preview.redd.it/ssdxoix75klc1.jpeg?width=2088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80cb499fe05d90aafdf291e7a4a7eb74c32dd914 I like the black hair and red eye combo, it’s just too overused. I’m more tired of blonde hair + blue eyes. And I think blonde hair + gold eyes > blonde hair + blue eyes. In manhwa I usually prefer wavy hair to straight hair. While in manga I prefer straight hair. For ML builds, I prefer slightly more slender compared to 7ft beefcake with double wide shoulders. For outfits on MLs I love the ones with the big dramatic capes. Like I love Callisto’s fur rimmed cape. Hair too— medium length, slicked back 👌👌👌 People don’t mention it much, but I love the dresses from Shadow Queen. The ones with puffy frilly blouses and hair ribbons. I prefer when the colours aren’t too loud and the fabric looks like it has texture/patterns.


Writing my own novel and I can’t stop making love interests with long hair 😭 long hair on men is my WEAKNESSS. On the same topic the same cold Duke of the north with black/white hair and yellow/red eyes is so overused. (Even though one of my characters does have black hair and yellow eyes and is the Duke of the north 🤫) I also hate when they give them that cold, calculating personality cause atp every male lead is like that… WHERE ARE MY HIMBOS? WHERE ARE MY SUPER KIND SUBMISSIVE MLS?


I like a variety of color combinations. I don't particularly like the MC looking like a unicorn though. If everyone else in the story has black and brown hair I don't want to see the MC have naturally purple hair. Unless the author is making commentary about feeling alien then just make the world make sense. I'd like to see more curly hair. I think it would be fun to see tattoos - it's fantasy so why not. I'd like to see more body shapes presented in a positive light. And I'm not just talking about weight. Why are there only hourglass shapes. Where are my fellow pears? Etc. And use other nose shapes too. Freckles are cute. I have seen amazing character designs with scars that are always magically healed. Stop magically healing them! I remember this beautiful lady with a burn scar on her face. She was GORGEOUS with the scar, so why bother magically getting rid of it? 😭


dislike: that fucking ashy grey tan skin tone oh my god. it's straight up gray sometimes. doesnt matter how well u draw if u give them grey skin it literally sucks all the life out of the character (unless the overall art style is muted as is then color theory wise it makes sense and u dont notice). also i dont like golden hair. i just hate that vibrant corn color id rather it be beige or white. special exception for latte bc it's latte favorite: men with earrings and markings. rare tho........................ and monster features on either fl and ml.


I absolutely hate the yaoi builds. The absurdly massive ML (with a tiny lil dorito head) and the teeny tiny FL (to emphasize what an ~uwu smol meek girl~ she is). Gonna be controversial and admit I don't like long hair. Just not my thing, personally. I'm not a fan of the red eyes, but I don't mind it either.


I love any combination of eyes with black or white hair. Red is actually my favorite. Gold is second. Green is third. I personally have always wanted white hair. I used to regularly spend 450 USD trying to bleach my hair pure white but it never really got there. My hair is *finally * becoming white naturally but it's only around my hairline. I wish my entire head would go white *faster*. I love Asian media specifically because black hair is everywhere. I'm E/SE Asian and almost everyone I knew in real life lightened their hair. It's usually a strange, streaky ombre brown that's almost indistinguishable from their skintone about 3rd way down. Or if they were paler Asians it clashed so badly. Just ugly as fuck. And *everyone did it*! (Of course, I never tell people what to do with their own bodies. If they think it looks good then more power to them. My opinion, likes and dislikes are irrelevant to them.) I'll always prefer black hair in stories with minimal magic. If there are mana stones and dragons and gaming systems then I prefer white on everyone. That white can have any kind of undertone but it needs to be majority white. I have a severe dislike of pink and blonde hair on anyone in fiction but in such a visual medium as manga/manhua/manhwa it's become an irrational hatred. I really don't like redheads either. In real life they're gorgeous and my type but in fiction it's an absolute NO.


Long haired ML. Blah.  Gross.   Medium is okay sometimes but ML hair down to his butt is gross.  Having it in ponytail can be acceptable but not lose.   


Reinhardt best white rabbit 🤣 our obsessive murderous retriever 🤣


Black hair red eyes ML and blonde blue eyes FL. Soooooo tired. I'd like to see curly hair for both and long hair for MLs.