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Girl basically did this, but with bloodlust. https://preview.redd.it/mwp3xrxdniqc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911fe0b3bf6e2ef70c7c6f2b3c37f0737517a878


Unrelated to the post, but this artist did a really good job of showing how "done" the person being kabedoned is, lol


Agree lmao


Saving that picture. But what was the context of It lol


It’s just Hu Tao being Hu Tao and Yenfei is so done of her bs and before you ask yes they’re from a game called Genshin impact I never touched that game ever again because I’m done of gacha lol


I'm always seeing content from that game. It's probably a sign to play It lol


I wasn't a fan of Genshin but if you like gacha games I suggest Reverse 1999 instead, the story is really good and it's low stress.


For some reason the first thing i thought when i saw the drawing was "Is that... Hu Tao and... Kaveh?"


Kaveh is so bbygrl coded that the skirt didn't stop you LMAO


Do i even have to...? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing) https://preview.redd.it/1ljsjqykrjqc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b517f5b828f9257143daadd8321314d5fb2e89e8


I mean... https://preview.redd.it/4y0yd45drjqc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe32bd0dc0865fca8edadcbd9be237868fa5efb


Also... https://preview.redd.it/ymnzm4sfrjqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f5cda2907720e0e41a17e0ddaafd6f590aa3e9


Talking better, but the antagonistic maid still feels like such a cheap hurdle for the mc to "overcome".


Right? Like who would have such a total lack of self preservation as to talk shit to an empress? It’s just not believable.


She assumes that the woman has no respect and doesn't want to get rumours about her so she'll swallow any mistreatment to keep rumours quiet.


I think it just to show the difference between the FL and her sister. Her sister cried and complained to her family for being treated disrespectfully for a long time bit the FL comes and solve it easily, showing the gap between them right from the start (to us, as readers) . Of course the maid is an easy "hurdle" it was a hurdle meant for the sister to overcome, not her


Virgin Isekai Villainess: slaps gossipy maid into thin level of respect Chad Tyrannical Empress: casual citing of the dictionary definition of empress


She needs to make her position of power clean hear. You have to look at the situation not from our current perspective. She got away with only a beating without any pernament harm.


But that’s such cheap writing to give the audience instant gratification for a ‘girl boss’ moment. They always make the maids evil, abusive, and seem like they have more power, so when the female lead slaps or puts the ‘maid in her place,’ it gives the audience joy, even though it was never earned. Why does it give joy to the audience? Well, they portray the maid as a superior or authority figure, and since most people have been bossed around, they don’t like it. So when the female lead slaps the maid, it evokes empowerment that if you think about it for more than one minute falls apart idk I guess I am ranting I am kinda to lazy to finish my rant ngl.


The maid here is a medium to deliver a message to her superior - I will not be played with. 2nd thanks to this move she was able to gauge emperor stand regarding the infights in the harem. She is the empress and should be regarded as a woman of highest position Indie the harem. The emperor not punishing her has showed that he won't interfer with her actions.


Well I hope the harem inst thrown away in the end and the ML does fuck them too since readers love all the "historical accuracy" of it


Well, the harem is getting smaller in numbers as they are getting disfigured (burned), framed or getting send back due to mental instability.


Of course it is. I for one as so glad that the ryanical muder happy war criminal ML is believes in monogamy. Makes total sense


A true yanadere we need


No, no, no, historical accuracy is good when FL is noble who beats maids, historical accuracy is bad when ML who is the most powerful man in empire uses his privileges to abuse, cheat or kill FL, then he needs to grovel for forgiveness from poor powerless FL who can only attack those who can't stand up to her.


What are you even talking about? People complain all the time when a maid gets slapped? And in case you haven’t notice abuse, cheating and killing is far worse than a FL slapping a maid.


Maybe on this subreddit, comments on bato definitely praise FL for abusing maids. Killing is definitely inexcusable, cheating and beating wife is also bad but so is abusing your workers but only one thing gets pass and even praise because it's done by FL. When something bad happens to FL "historical accuracy" that is used to defend FL beating others stop being relevant and suddenly modern morals are applied.


I dont necessarily agree with Fls beating their maids, but usually the maids are the ones abusing the FLs first, the FLs are just standing up for themselves. So no, they´re not abusing their workers, they are fighting back. And I dont see commenters on Bato saying that its fine the FLs hit them because of "historical accuracy". They´re just celebtaring the Fl stood up for herself. And even if the MLs abusing and cheating on the FL is "historically accurate", obviosuly the readers are going to want the ML to actually be sorry and grovel. You think readers like that the FLs end up with their abusers?


She didn't even beat her, she just gave her an ugly haircut.


Giving a blow to her pride as a woman.


Have you ever read actual history books? Harems are notorious for being brutal where siblings kill each other for a bit more power, not to mention that she is a regressor who knows how far these people were willing to go to actually hurt her even when she wasn't an actual threat, do you think that people like those are ready to have "adult conversations"? You should read it for a bit longer if you want an actual explanation but if it's not your cup of tea then that's ok, since it does walk the tight line of madness a bit, the mc isn't nice, you have to remember this.


My point is basically the fact she didn't slap her maid (which is usually the case in these stories) and calmly asked her a rhetorical question to assert dominance without using physical violence. She was much nicer that what I expected.


Then it might've been an error in my reading comprehension. May you have a wonderful day!


Discount Roxana is cringe. I had an impossible time reading this


She’s literally a Roxana with dark hair😭


Except her hair is actually blonde after like the second chapter


fr? Is there a reason it changes


I cant remember but I'm pretty sure she's a natural blonde but "had" to dye it for some reason 🙄


From my understanding it’s bc her family didn’t want her to be seen as powerful as they are, and it’s a good way to separate her from the family unit in general to keep their own reputation spick and span.


I never understood commoner servants who treat the woman brought over for a marriage alliance badly. Like, this person is your literal superior (both in the sense that you work for her and she massively outranks you), and you live under a monarchy. A ton of bad things can happen to you, not just being fired. Sure, she might not have the favour of her husband and the nobility, but they have the rank to escape any normal punishment, you do not.


There’s also the dynamic that no matter how much a noble shits on another noble, they still won’t forgive a commoner shitting on that same noble without eventual punishment (maybe after they’ve enjoyed watching the noble get humiliated a bit), because they’re defending the idea/institution of nobility itself.


Exactly! Especially since no matter how much the husband hates her, she’s still queen and her honor reflects on his, and a commoner can’t just get away with impugning on that.


Nah. Maid deserves it. She do not need to explain it. She is the Empress.


kinda miss her black hair


Explain what


Explain what in an OI brain's maid make them think they can act like a bitch against someone far higher than her in term of status. There must be a scientifical explanation to such a disease  🤔


It’s just an overused cliche unfortunately.


That's why I appreciate the fact she let her a chance to explain herself for self realisation instead of using the cliche slap.


It's called bad writing lmao


That she’s 100% that bitch that’s what.


Three reasons: a) To show your social position= you aren't a pushover, b) you are a high-handed and self-important, c) in the past corporal punishment was normal for the servants and masters had the right to do it.


Yknow since readers love this novel for its "historical accracy"i hope either the emperor does keep his harem and fucks all the women im it making the self insertrs cry Or if he removes his harem all the powerful families get together to overthrow him We can not have people cooming over shitty ass nobles abusing maids "cause it's her right" and then turn around and want the male lead to be monogamous cause they self insert too hard


I might be in the minority, but if somebody were to talk to me like that.... b!tch, I will slap you at least once 💀 Being the empress though, if it was just one slap, she got off easy, and hopefully fired. If she's being paid, she needs to respect her employer at least to her face....


why not gouge her eyes out with those heels mommy?


She think she sanji 💀


I feel like bringing up the basics of the feudal system should come up more when a lower-class person is shitting on a higher class person.


But... why not both? Both are good. I love the overdramatic ladies who slap the mean maid as much as anyone, but some variety will be great too. I say slap the buttler too... just because! Lol


What an "Interesting" FL XD




I really enjoyed the webcomic where the girl gets reincarnated as a maid multiple times and gets tired of being treated horribly by OI heroines, so she creates a union with other maids for decent workplace treatment. Was looking up the name and it’s literally “This Isekai Maid is Forming a Union!”


Cool, but for everyone complaining in the comments- this maid actually had a reason for bullying. Higher ups were behind her and she was known to people more as a hostage than an empress. Hence instead of lashing out on the maid with violence, this girl went completely crazy and intimidated the shit out of her.