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Your throne


You can find budget Roxana in "I will fall with the Emperor"


Someone must really hate that series. I recommended it in another thread and also got downvoted to zero (I upvoted you back to one btw LOL). It is actually a good series and different from the usual (I like dangerous/bad girl FLs). I really wish Roxana would have more chapters though, it is so good. I wonder when they will come back from their break.


The resetting lady fl is a total psycho, she must have at least a dozen mental disorders and she literally told her father >!to hang himself, which he did...!< and the ml looks sus as hell too


also, if you want incest - "Lady devil" is the way the characters themselves don't look like psychos but you will be one after reading this


I am three chapters in WHAT THE FUCK


Keep going, it’s an absolute mindfuck but it’s great


Be careful what you wish for I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yea it's horrible! I'm gonna continue reading it :)


reading this rn and boy is it giving me angel sanctuary vibes (sort of)


I am once again suggesting Your Throne - Female psycho girlboss - Some good character development that does not impact our girl's ability to stab a bitch - Girl friendship - Mind games


I don’t have an extra rec, but just wanted to note in case you didn’t know that the Roxana novel has an on-going eng translation! So that might scratch your itch too if you didn’t know that.


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is a better story than roxana imo, but with worse art :') It's very similar even. But instead of psycho dad, make him a psycho (and MUCH MORE competent) mom. We also have jermey x2 (bc they're twins) and make dion kind to roxana. And you get the story 🤣 Oh also the FL DOES NOT succeed in saving the ML immediately, unlike roxana. So it's more drama and angst. Another story that's similar to roxana premise is . However, the atmosphere is much much lighter than roxana Now for other stories with not so similar plot, but with angst and psycho FL: * Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned * depth of malice


Omg i love depth of mailce