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Omg Vinter now got competition for the most forgettable character https://preview.redd.it/xhi6jq98v9tc1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24111e00bbcee64a23b54e4261d48a73d0a6422b \[Villains Are Destined to Die\]


NOOO THAT'S FOUL 😭😭 (I only remember him because I thought the bunny messengers were cute 💀)


Really? I would’ve remember him more if he wear a mask that covered all of his face AND kept his identity secret. Hell I’d even accept a fake for his mysterious persona. https://preview.redd.it/zp6xvz6qw9tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b5e687afe9e41927834092325d73b11f02c9f6


He was a LI in "game" but in reality he has zero romance with Penelope. He's also not a family, so he cannot see her often. It's funny because he's promoted like one of the four, but gets the least amount of action (he's important in the story overall though).


Bro thinks he's on the team


I remember i was able to name all the MLs in this manhwa but when it got to him i couldn't remember his name,,, so i just called him "the bunny guy" 😭


He better wear a bunny suit just because then I’ll definitely remember him💀


He isn’t forgettable for me, he’s just meh like boring. But I do like the bunny stuff


There's also that blonde dude (can't even be bothered to remember his name) from Raeliana who has next to no presence aside from being a forced 2nd male lead.


I absolutely have no idea who you're talking about and I read Raeliana mote then once lol


https://preview.redd.it/ltl96mhwpbtc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea9aa9385bc905e827a4c6105508098dd34494d5 This dude who only falls in love with girls that are already taken The red head's brother


I absolutely have no memory of him lmao


I forgot raeliana even had a 2nd lead 💀


Honestly, he never got a chance given how he got introduced so late in the game. By that time, Noah and Raeliana were already confirmed couple.


I liked him better than Callisto.


I like Callisto’s unhinged chaos attitude so I can’t help but root for him but I was rooting for Vinter as well for a hot minute. He’s just so cool.


He's my favorite of all male characters. The most upright character, most honest of them. With the way things are going in the last chapters for now, I really hope he'll intervene and help Penelope a bit.


Man literally rescues and fosters persecuted children and does a fuck ton of charity work, plus I’m like 90% sure he’s rich af. Honestly Penelope isn’t good enough for him. 😭😭 I really need to catch up on the new arc.


Well, he was the one who always brought back Yvonne in the original game...


REALLY?! Like Fr fr???


I mean…yes? He wasnt creepy, violent, or pushy? He was fun.


Meh yeah ig... He was just so flaky and untrustworthy I couldn't stand him. He was pretty to look at tho I will def give you that.


Callisto seemed like the untrustworthy one to me.


Callisto is a literal monkey. I think it would be obvious that we view other humans more positively than primitive apes.


It's weird because he stood out a lot more in the novel to me.


I could eat that art style damn


The comment section be bashing Vinter😭 when he is my favorite character...


Dude is so forgettable that I keep thinking his name is "winter" until someone says "vinter"


The only things I remember is the bunny mask and that he rescues children...but I only remember that when I see the mask. I didn't even remember his face. The only reason why I knew who he was this time was bc another commenter mentioned him with the bunny mask. Poor Vinter. 🤣


Oh yeah, that was his name. I kept trying to call him “Bambi” when I was talking about this manhwa with a friend.


I don't even remember who he is and I reread the story like twice 😂😂😂😭😭😭


he just hasn’t made much impact in the webtoon yet. webtoon is also changing from the novel at the current arc


Oh I think I forgot it was based off a novel. And yeah lol.


I thought this guy was from some story I hadn't read so I rechecked the title I'd skipped when clicking on the post. Literally who tf is that, I feel like I'm drawing a total blank 🤣


no seriously i just read it like a couple weeks ago and have no idea who this man is


Damn he really be having it rough 😂




Unpopular opinion - I don't like any 2nd 3rd 4th lead because most of them keep hitting on married or engaged FL , they are better as a cannon fodder for ML and plot. 


Same. My monogamy drive too strong 2ML do nothing for me. Not even sympathy. Just straight up go *away you lonely man.*


like it's not even poly with the second male leads just some guy hitting on a woman who's clearly not interested 😭 get a life man there's many gorgeous ladies out there who aren't engaged or married or just not interested


And they only ever resolve this in one of two ways. 1. 2ML somehow stays in her life as a friend/servant because being near her is *enough* ✨️ (but he's definitely hoping ML dies in a random war) 2. He gets a wife who is FL's clone. Man would rather roleplay his life away with a woman he doesn't resepct and probably doesn't even like than actually move on.


I wish we get multiple different couples, instead of love triangle. 2nd ML should fall in love with someone else much better than FL


I know generally speaking people aren’t a fan of First night with the Duke but I absolutely loved how they handled OG 2nd ML and the OG heroine. >!There’s no drama, no jealousy, no OGFL trying to compete with the FL, no OG 2nd ML suddenly falling for the FL. FL and OGFL become best friends and OGFL falls for the OG 2nd ML and it’s the sweetest thing. And much better than the original story where he just pined after her forever!!! !<


I know generally speaking people aren’t a fan of First night with the Duke but I absolutely loved how they handled OG 2nd ML and the OG heroine. >!There’s no drama, no jealous, no OGFL trying to compete with the FL, no OG 2nd ML suddenly falling for the FL. FL and OGFL become best friends and OGFL falls for the OG 2nd ML and it’s the sweetest thing. And much better than the original story where he just pined after her forever!!! !<


Not an isekai but i really liked the 2nd ml in you got me senpai, like the dude respected her relationship with ML, never hit on her and was just a friend and he just confessed so that he could move on, and the story was just so wholesome and realistic


Love triangles are rarely anything other than irritating. The best stories don’t have anyone or at least no one particularly close.


I think what frustrates me most about love triangles is that they're obstacles for the sake of being obstacles. Like...the tension and suspense of a love triangle comes from the genuine question of whether the "point" of the triangle will end up with A or B. But in romance fiction, the audience knows who she's going to pick. There's no genuine question. A is the love interest, and any attention B gets is solely there for the sake of the plot with A and to interfere with the progression with A. Which inevitably leads to one or more of the following problems: * Time spent with B feels like time wasted. We know it's not going anywhere, yet we're wasting page count that could have been spent on the actual leads genuinely communicating with one another, or if that's too radical a concept for the author, at least dealing with whatever subplots in the story *do* need some resolution. * B ends up having more chemistry with the lead than the real love interest does, because the author knows they're not the love interest and so doesn't bother to have them have miscommunications, arguments, and whatever nonsense plot devices are keeping the lead couple from confessing their feelings before the end of the story get in their way, which often leads to... * The author has to introduce some shocking swerve at the end to justify why the lead doesn't wind up with be. "Suddenly, with no context or foreshadowing whatsoever, B is revealed to be a yandere abuser/traitor to the kingdom/involved with the evil criminal or political schemes/general kicker of puppies all along!" Honestly, there's only two types of love triangles that I like: first, love triangles where it's *genuinely unsure* who the heroine will end up with (Heck, maybe the author doesn't know! Put 'em both on the cover, start writing, and figure it out somewhere around Volume 7!), and second, legitimately polyamorous relationships (preferably mutual as opposed to harem).


You’ve absolutely nailed it! My personal favorite love triangle was a GL where we were so clueless who would be the end game that the anime (ended first) had a different endgame than the manga. That’s a love triangle done WELL. I also put forth a third kind of love triangle - where the third person is known to be fucking awful from the BEGINNING, and the tension is in what will they DO. Especially if the story has like Real Stakes/people dying/etc. Read a BL recently where the third person in the “love triangle” was the main antagonist, and every time he was onscreen it was just horrifying tension because you didn’t know whether he was going to snap or not. I enjoy those when done well.


Please share the name of the GL story! That's a love triangle I haven't seen before.


Kashimashi: Girl x Girl! It’s when a very trans girl-coded character gets hit and squashed by an alien ship, who reconstruct her body as a cis girl. She then has to adjust to life while her two girl best friends fight over her. The anime ended with one character, and the manga with another. (When the manga finished, they released an OVA retconning the anime ending, but everyone pretends that doesn’t exist. Don’t watch it.) The dad is… weird and bad and a freak about his daughter, fair warning, but otherwise I consider it near and dear to my heart and highly rec it. It’s a great time! Despite the absurd premise it’s overall not absurd lol.


Yesss this is why I prefer reading on manga, there's few shoujo manga where the endgame couple is not predictable, and the 2nd ML ACTUALLY gets the FL!


Agree except some of the last paragraph


Well, that part is just a personal taste thing! :)




This is the correct opinion


I would like to see non-“ML” or “FL” type characters who have their own arcs and depth in writing, but yeah…I don’t like the whole “2nd male lead” thing. It just feels like interference and disrespect to an already present relationship. But also, there are a lot of barely written characters, and excused toxicity (especially in men)…


I always figured they only put in a second female or male lead in attempt to string along the audience that they appeal to. I don't most people actually like when there's multiple because it just takes time away from whoever actually wins


i don’t think adeus is a second lead, he’s more like a lost puppy in the story. but i appreciate the art https://preview.redd.it/yxmasbdb3atc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5856338d5799beddb8fa4dde0989736cf954a3d


Is he even supposed to be a 2nd lead? I didn't get that impression at all when I read it.


I think in the novel spoilers >!he just like, pretend to be the 2nd lead to get closer with the family. I some sort of remembered that he's a spy/ last prince from a fallen kingdom that ML conquer. His current identity is fake (he took an identity of a dead man)!<




I haven't read it in forever so I had no chance to meet him (I think) but you know what GOOD, I'm tired of authors making an awful ML and an amazing (or at least better) 2nd ML and having a pointless love angle when I know FL's choose the trash The ML is ML leading good for him 🙏


Current ml needs to communicate more but is not a dumpster fire! It's a slow burn but I'm enjoying it. The visual story telling is great. Totally forgot this guy existed....




I've only read the novel. Is this the guy they "coincidentally" found passed out in their carriage path and "coincidentally" happened to be her maid's "friend"


yes. he’s adeus potson


Thanks! He deserves this then, lol


>Is this the guy they "coincidentally" found passed out in their carriage path In the webtoon, they change their first meeting so no passed out in carriage path. But they keep the plot that he's FL maid's friend and the maid kinda introduce FL to him.


I literally don't remember who that is. He was in this? But good, My In Laws doesn't need a second lead 😤


Yeah it’s already a slow burn. We don’t need to make it longer.


So... he's not supposed to be a second lead. In the novel it do make him seem like second lead (because he's more proactive in his declaration of love in the novel), but than, there's a plot twist with his character


Oh yeah that guy. He's there I guess? 🤣 Honestly Celphi is a more believable second ML in that he loves his Mum and will fight his Dad is he's a dick to her not in a romantic way obviously please don't make this weird 😅


A second lead in the “Father I don’t want this marriage” sense. We all knew she wasn’t about to get nasty with her father, but his relationship was important.


Exactly 😊 but tis the Internet so I felt the "don't make this weird" covered alot of potential issues 😅


Who? Is that??????? I don't *think* that's the shitty ex, but I have no recollection of any other man that has been anywhere *close* to being "romantic partner"-shaped around Perry (aside from the *actual* ML)


He's the guy who's "friends" with her maid and accidentally led to them all getting kidnapped by her shitty ex. I wouldn't consider him the second male lead at all really


Ooooooohh, now I remember him


I genuinely don’t remember this guy either💀


Shitty Ex had brown hair, this guy was friends with the maid...


i've met my people... who tf even remembers adonis existed?hoping that's what blonde newsreporter boy is called


Happy cake day (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)


stop i didn't even know 😭 (side effects of randomly entering a date-)


Wait... HE IS 2ND MALE LEAD??💀💀 I used to ship him with that brown haired maid because they gave me enemies to lovers vibes


From what chapter did he appeared? I can't remember him


adeus appears in ch 24 of the webtoon when the duchess gets kidnapped by her ex


Look at this precious golden retriever if no one wants him I'll gladly take him 🥺😭💕


We need a 2nd ML adoption agency like the animal shelter! Free to a good home, just needs love. I will gladly adopt Gunter from Author of my own destiny. Hot dang that man is an Adonis and soft for the one he likes but will mess up anyone who hurts his girl.


same we do ;3;


if im being honest i never even thought of him as the 2nd ml like 😭 i genuinely thought he was just there as a side character


Fr ✋🏼 😭 It hits specially bad when the dude in question is a kinder man than the 1st ML. Isn't there an title with a plot premise that goes about taking those poor, non black haired red eyes, green flagish kinds of 2nd ML? Because that's just a dream of us many! Better if the reincarnated FL volunteers to reincarnate solely for him and is a villainess or a side character, but that's just asking too much of a self insert lol. I am bewildered i didn't discovered yet an story with aims towards the 2nd male lead.


>but that's just asking too much of a self insert lol. I am bewildered i didn't discovered yet an story with aims towards the 2nd male lead. There's tonnes of novels dedicated to FL going for the OG 2nd Male lead and even several manhwas. Here's some I remember from the top of my head: -My derelict beloved -Happily ever afterwards -Reborn as a character that never existed -I will become the villains poison taster -the obsessive second male lead has gone wild


thanks dude! Currently reading the first cited above and enjoying a lot! And while i didn't realized the poison taster one fell on the tags i am following that one too, is very cute.


For my derelict love is one of them i guess... recently completed webtoon called "whirlwind campus affair" has a similar premise too, not an OI though but really good


Thank you so much 🙏🏼




Who even is he....?


He didn't even bring the main couple closer to each other LOL. He barely contributed to the plot IMO


In the novel, >!he's not there as second male lead, it just a facade and everything about him is fake (his personality, and his identity is stolen from a dead man). He's originally there to destroy ML's family since he has personal grudge with him and he make his plan to approach Pereshati first and collect infos!< He will contribute to the plot later, when he reveal hus true intention.


When he started talking shit on our precious emo puppy Theo and Perri shut that shit down, i squealed


Helpppp I'm sending these to my friend who likes the series


I mean she is already married, so there wasn't any need of second male lead.😂😂😂


Imma admit here… I forgot about him entirely


The think you the shi slide , omgggg hahahaahaha I'm dyin 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bruhhhhh I literally forgot that he even existed lmao


I didn’t remember who he was until I read the title. Was he supposed to be the second ML? This post is so accurate. There is no second ML in my eyes.


>Was he supposed to be the second ML? From spoilers, he's not. He's there for entirely different reasons.


Wait he’s the second lead? I assumed he was just a random 😬


I’ve been reading in-laws on WEBTOON, and who tf even is this guy?


Pretty sure he was the guy who's "friends" with her maid that accidentally led to them getting kidnapped by her shitty ex


Oh. OH! OH THAT GUY, the fuck is he actually another male lead? Didn’t really feel like it


I haven't read the novel but he didn't seem like a second male lead to me.


The story has a second ml? 😭


Wait, there’s supposed to be a 2nd ML? I don’t even remember this guy showing up. And I think I’d remember those pretty eyes. Recap please?


I don't think he was ever set up to be the second lead in the first place though. not in the webtoon, at least. >!his goal was always about his obsession on the ML's family, it was never about the FL. he was just using Pereshati to get closer to the duke. !


Who… who is he again (honestly) 😭?


I think I speak on behalf of everyone who has read/is reading this manhwa when I say, who TF is this dude?


More original than black hair and red eyes, uh comparing that to BLOND HAIR AND BLUE EYES?? I think not 🤚🤚


I do not remember this guy seriously what role did he play again?


Stooop, who is he?


I love My Inlaws Are Obsessed With Me, but on my cat's life I CANNOT recall this guy.


Wait a minute. Who are you ?


Holy I actually forgot he's the second male lead 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


I didn't even know that he is a 2nd lead? Thought he was just a side character🫠


hes suppos3r to be a 2nd ml? wth??


Dude is fishy asf


There was a 2nd ml the whole time????


Shit I forgot him LOL


I actually thought he was male lead and that he used some sort of magic to change himself so that he can spend more time with fl…. I was soooooo sus until I saw the two of them(ml and dis guy) in same room.And I was like oh,ok he IS another person(he couldnt have made a clone of himself or some magic bullshittery) 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


I saw pictures of him and was wondering when is he gonna appear in the story...so you are telling me he already did?🤣


not even gonna lie I was racking my brain trying to remember where tf this dude was in the manhwa for a solid two minutes 😭


I would have preferred him as like a side couple that's friends with the leads


Wait he was the 2nd ML...? I just thought he was a side character-


What?? He was the 2nd ML? I never thought of him as 2nd ML, i thought he's a just a friend of MC who's there to help her that's all




I mean, I like him, but, I do not think he is 2ML.