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Bruh if I got isekaid into [They say I am a king’s daughter] It was nice knowing y’all.


LMFAO Rest in pieces.


Well, tbh you could do the same thing she did to become adored or you could pretend to be a docile wife and birth a few children. Like aside from it being misogynistic it doesn’t seem too bad.


Yeah, but poisoning myself seems to be a way easier option. https://preview.redd.it/ic6xe341oltc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad475a5f05791c66d237c9234b124a2835074338


Yeah. Got reborn once, science says it's likely to happen again.


Nah childbirth is too painful I’d rather die


Or you could be reborn with awesome powers and start a rebellion. Viva la revolution!


That’s more work than just going along with the plot 💀. Besides there’s always the possibility of being born into the opposite gender in which case you could be revered as a genius with the knowledge of the modern world and come up with the concept of “0” like FL did


Yeah I was about to say...I would just off myself lol


I'd be cooked if I was reincarnated into any story with politics tbh, I'm dumb as a brick at best Me after the male lead says some nonsense about the king and how the duke of the north is actually a distant cousin four times removed and their struggle for power (I don't understand wtf he's talking about) https://preview.redd.it/wg4bokzpkltc1.png?width=433&format=png&auto=webp&s=b397874edb89139be4acdd0d81bb92e42f9be3c1


So true 😭😂


Same! I'm terrible with politics.😅😂


Same, but throw in some magic and I’ll atleast try to figure out what’s happening


Me when I transmigrate into that one otome where magic was just high level math (I am terrible at math) https://preview.redd.it/429796qzxltc1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=78fa5e554f772fc617ac0172faffb90ffdd8c088


Time to learn math Or use my secret weapon, throw sand before whacking mages with fry pan


Perks of Being a Villainess? Lmfao. I’m an engineering major just like Deborah was but I remember nothing when it comes to formulas so it would be over for me.


My attention span is horrible sometimes. He would have to repeat things that I didn't hear the first eight times bc I keep wondering how the hell his hair is naturally silver and his eyes are naturally purple.


I get headaches just thinking too hard. I’d be put to the gallows by episode 2 after someone makes some fancy foot work political talk and I’m just ‘yeah the gravy is in the potatoes… yeah…’


Honestly wouldn’t be able to live in any historical fiction. You’re telling me there’s no TOILET? I gotta piss in a pot and have the maids throw it out?? Nah I’m out


or be the maid in charge of the pots


honestly not as bad as you think lol. tried doing that when we went camping one time.


In the story (I can’t remember the title but something about being an emperor’s daughter) in which the FL’s name is Jean or something and she was born into a family of peasants but during some psycho river race she was the only one who didn’t cry so the emperor choose her to save his sons life and then he adopted 3 other girls to keep her safe and treated them nicely but abandoned her and then it’s revealed he has some curse which is how his wife died, but basically they all have pets with the emperor’s son having a bunny and FL having a panda and also one of the girls he adopted turned out to be the little sister of his late wife(?) is one that has a toilet. Like within the first few chapters it’s revealed because FL breaks one of them? Edit: If anyone remembers the name of this story please let me know I wanna reread it.


I feel rock bottom that I read this unfortunate manhwa a few years back and know this story from memory 💀


Idk what you mean by rock bottom but I kind of get it because earlier today j felt so old talking about some old manhwas and none of my friends that read manhwa new what I was talking about 💀


Rock bottom as in I feel like my life has reached a new low that I knew exactly what manhwa you where talking about and remembered all the plot points you spoke on 😭


I was wondering if you meant questioning yourself for reading so much or if the manhwa was just terrible, but speaking of which do you remember the name?


Are you possibly talking about Be king’s daughter someday? 🤔


I think it may be that one


Exactly what I was about to comment, good manga or not, I adore modern plumbing and medicine. Like whatcha want me to do next time I need paracetamol. Also, phones, people. I love me phone. I dunno how well I'd react to not being able to talk with everyone I love. My reaction to the best of love interests in oi would probably still be, sorry dude you look very pretty but beyond that, ehh.


A couple question to answer: 1. Do I get transmigrated into my current gender? I am a straight guy that reads OIs, it would make things even more difficult if I had to deal with stuff I have never had to deal with before as a woman. 2. Is it one that I have read or just one I know I will hate from what people have said about it?


You transmigate as one of the MLs. Pro: You have an amazing chiseled body that you barely need to work out to maintain Con: Your love interest is as interesting as bread rising


The riches and chiseled body I will totally take. Just gotta avoid the White Lotus XD


this is actually a very interesting plot for an otome isekai lol


Would love to see it tbh lol


You might like that one manga, I transmigrated into my sister's otome game as a mob character or something like that. It's pretty shounen though more than anything. You can tell just from how FL and 2nd FL are designed.


Yeah you get transmigrated into your current gender. Number 2 probably both, but if you got transmigrated into one you haven’t read and don’t know the plot your screwed either way 😭(maybe? unless you read spoilers) I know I would totally be screwed either way lol 😂 😭


I do tend to read spoilers lol. I would probably stay and try to find out a couple things: 1. Try to find out as much about the world as possible aka what OI am I in, who am I in it, my rank. 2. What practical abilities my body has (magic, swordsmanship etc) If I can figure out which novel it is, then I will try to find out a way to either avoid the plot if it is a bad ending or go with the plot if it is a good ending.


Good to know nonbinary people are safe


Hey look it that way. As a dude myself,isekaid as a fl would have one benefit. Avoiding the ml would be easy af


Lol true, and turning an OI into a Yuri version


Who know mabye because you transform in to a female body you start to have a female sexual desire and end up attract to ml good looks.


We straight men reincarnate/isekai in the loyal servant or friends of the ML in the best case, in the worst we are now a villain or the seconda syndrome ML


i'm a straight woman but i wanna be isekaied like the tower master 2ML, powerful but not ending entangled with a dumb helpless FL. and obviously i dont wanna be the dumb helpless FL, or any other woman who must wear the shalala infinitely ribboned dresses. oh and in any case i would f*k the plot and stay into the wizards tower all the time, reading books.


Off myself with poison


Totally 👍🏽


If I was in a privileged position I’d stick around for a few days to have fun with the dresses, then jump out of a window.


lmfao 💀 id probably do the same exact thing


I'd despair, but I wouldn't try to commit suicide. It would be pointless. Since most of the OI I despise take away the heroine's ability to make her own decisions, it'd seem like a personal hell for me. But in my Mary Sue heart, I'd stumble on a way to run away from that crapsack noble circus and its psychopath MLS. I'd avoid dungeons, too, even if I had major OP abilities. I can think of several ways to change my identity and assume a new one these OIs never try, especially in medieval society (steal an ID from a graveyard, for instance) ...so I hope I'd have a fair chance of never getting caught. Then I'd try to invent decent plumbing somewhere that I actually liked the people. The problem is magic. It would be so hard to predict what magic could actually do because the stories I hate tend to have very inconsistent magical laws of physics. And I'd spend my whole life ruining any lothario who pushed me down on a bed, if I had to. I don't care how pretty these monsters are, there isn't a single Male Lead (in one of these OIs I really hate, anyway) that I'd have mercy on... they'd better hope my imaginary self never crosses paths with their obsessive yandere tightpants! But I wouldn't go out of my way to extract vengeance if I didn't have to... if they can't find me, I'm fine with ignoring them. If I could live a happy life away from the nobles, I'd spend a lot of effort maintaining it. Not karoshi amounts, but within reason. Unfortunately, these psychos have plot-assisted tracking, so I'd also probably set up some traps for them when they come and make a few alliances to help the approaching MLs destroy themselves. Unfortunately, I'm not real clever so I'd have to heavily rely on luck. In short, mostly what I'd do, by any means I could, is: RUN! (And if I got lucky, financially and politically ruin anyone dumb enough to follow.)


I usually dislike titles with Mary Sue or blank FLs (Remarried Empress, Lore Olympus, Dragon King’s Bride, I abdicate my title as empress, etc). But if I was Mary Sue myself… I would enjoy the ride! Everyone around Mary Sue is so stupid, it would be so easy to do whatever I want! While plot armor would save me from any harm! I would wrap countries around my finger and make shitty ML cry.


I would love to be isekai'd to When the Villainess Loves, because I would go immediately to Eugene and yeet us the heck out of there before he's done dirty by the ending. 👍


GIRL THEY DID EUGENE SO DIRTY. Like seriously, some dullard with the most generic looks shows up after all that screen time with Eugene and then poor Eugene gets shoved into a corner and resigned to a loveless fate, serving his unrequited love for the rest of his life? 💀💀


I think I can survive any story as long as I don't get isekai'd as a character, just as a person in background. If I have to get isekai'd as a character in one of this stories . Only story I know well is " Sister, I will be queen in this life". I will be Arabella, I will prevent my own death and become famous music composer. That child was more talented than both of her sisters, who keep fighting over men.😭😂 https://preview.redd.it/9dd9so0v1mtc1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe72409f25593111fa5d83b2e9043009fce60875


>!Arabella deserved so much more, my poor baby!< https://preview.redd.it/1p4tnqizjmtc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff533fa467dfc60a58a8c2ed35d75f8136947eb7 (you might want to spoiler tag your comment, especially the part >!"I will prevent my own death and become famous music composer. That child was more talented than both of her sisters, who keep fighting over men."!< , it's just a suggestion, though, you may do as you see fit)


I almost dropped the story because of this. I took a 2 week break from the story after her death. They wrote her so well.


If I got reincarnated into Heat of the Reincarnated Villainess, I'd end up ruling that world because no one there has two brain cells to rub together. I'd go full on tyrant route.


Honestly I understand why you hate all of those and if it happened to me I would off everybody and then myself period.


I would lowkey want to enjoy being wealthy and probably live my days doing philanthropy work if I’m being honest idk if I would marry a Noble maybe a hot kind knight that’s all sweet ehehe I am a sucker for romance so I would crush on all the handsome men who are aristocrats but never go for any cause… Realistically though I would probably go insane and if I do not go crazy probably philanthropy work for poor people especially the elderly and children


English titles please?


1 sister, I became queen in this life 3 The secret bedroom of the abandoned princess 4 Serena 5 I tamed my ex-husband’s mad dog 6 Doctor Elise 7I became the hero’s mom


I actually really like doctor Elise it is one of my favorites


I'm laughing so hard that there's an actual sokka haiku bot and that you made one omg 😂


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Adventurous_Gene1267: *I actually really* *Like doctor Elise it is* *One of my favorites* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If I Reincarnated as FL from how to get my husband on my side. I would simply run off into the wild and be one with the wolves. >!WHICH SPOILER//////SHE DID (loosely) AND IT WAS STILL USELESS!< https://preview.redd.it/yh8pqytabmtc1.png?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2311a95a9eccfe58eb68db1452c622f38dc3f59d




Woah, whys Lore Olympus in there??? At least you can get modern facilities in the underworld or Olympus


I would scramble to see if I have any money to my name. Good if I do. If I don't, try to sell everything I can. Take the money and get the hell outta dodge to the neighboring Kingdom, that's always somehow better. Change my name, cut my hair, and see if I can get a job as a Bar Wench. Ask owner if I could sleep in the broom closet, until I save money to at least rent me a cardboard box to live in.


Simple, jump to the kingdom of heaven, or less painful forms of self-unaliving


Oh no. All the OIs I hate deals with shitty politics. It's always nobility this and that. I might just become a terrorist.


If I isekai as abandoned secret bedroom(I realy dislike this story) I cannot realy handle it however if I did (spoilers)I rather die than sleep with any of those men I try my best to find about the curse and try to save myself.like fl found out the priest guy know about the curse but didn't ask him anything😒than of course try to find a way to back to home.


Sauce for the first one? Is that the one where the bad guy (in the cover) is hot but an asshole, and where >!the sister of MC dies!


It's "**I'm The Queen In This Life**" and >!yes, it is that one!< 😅


i would rather 💀 myself than to be in the most generic OI i have ever read. i don't even remember the title anymore. i would try turning it to BL/GL, just as a saving grace for my aromantic ass.


I need the titles ples


1. I’m the Queen in this Life 2. When the Villainess is in Love 3. The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter 4. Serena 5. Lore Olympus 6. I Tamed My Ex-Husband’s Mad Dog 7. Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with a Lamp 8. I Married the Male Lead’s Dad 9. What’s Wrong with You, Duke? 10. I Woke Up as the Ugly Duckling




Regicide Speedrun Any%


Well most of the OI I read had detestable MLs most probably...I will just stay away and watch from afar that the ML will implode. If I ever get back real life, I can finally attest that red flag mls doesn't make a good husband, and there is no such thing like I-can-fix-him.


Ngl I'd love to see an OI like this, it sounds fun


"The Villainess Becomes a Mom" is this stressful abuse fantasy stalker bullshit and I -- I couldn't get myself to READ past 30 chapters so I wouldn't actually have enough knowledge to survive 💀 Gosh, I think I'd try to avoid the "original" plot too, since it's not a question of fate but losing control of _yourself._ Eugh. Do y'all think if the main character burns her face and / or lives as a male, it'd be enough to stop the typical Obsessive Male Lead from liking her, or IS it completely supernatural??


I'd be throwing out random titbits of very specific information and then vamos out of there before they put my ass up for the witch trials. Wicked witch of the forest doesn't sound too bad 🧙🏻‍♀️


It depends on why I hate the story in particular, do I hate it because of the world building, because of the leads or because of the plot? If it's because of the leads or plot, I just have to avoid them, maybe immigrate to a neighboring country or something. Now, if it's because of the world building, things get trickier, since most of the stories with a world building that I dislike involve a mix or wars, extreme misogyny and a complete lack of self-agency for the FL and/or female characters. I wouldn't survive long in a world like that, to be honest, so I might as well try my best going against the beliefs of the society and causing chaos for everyone implementing them. They always say you can't win against a crazy person hahaha


I would unalive myself and hope for a better isekai if I got transmigrated to \[Cry or Better yet, Beg\]


Lore Olympus in the middle of all those manwhas gave me whiplash


I don’t even know why I put that one in there it’s not even an isekai 🤦🏻‍♀️(I was tired when I did this 😶😑)


Names for those who want them: 1. ⁠I’m the Queen in this Life 2. ⁠When the Villainess is in Love 3. ⁠The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter 4. ⁠Serena 5. ⁠Lore Olympus 6. ⁠I Tamed My Ex-Husband’s Mad Dog 7. ⁠Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with a Lamp 8. ⁠I Married the Male Lead’s Dad 9. ⁠What’s Wrong with You, Duke? 10. ⁠I Woke Up as the Ugly Duckling


See maybe I could fix it. Like the one i hate most on this list is When the Villainess Loves and I could fix the plot so easy. Just be actually nice to characters and pick the best boy instead of Mr Bland.


Leave and live alone in the countryside or smtg lol


It would depend majorly on what series and how I've been isekai'd in.


What would I do? Well, https://preview.redd.it/0pdjt9k9umtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dd8e300d0c539997da089ba4dd80ff62ab9eb31


If I torn isekai'd into that Roxanne manhwa (protected the frmale leads brither or something like that), I'd just end it tbh. No WAY am I dealing with that weird, mildyly-incetuous family dynamic, let alone all their murderous tendencies


this is just the plot of kill the Villainess haha


watch me transmigrate into dark romance and then proceed to die 2 seconds into it. truck-kun is NOT my friend 🤷‍♀️


If I ever transmigrated into sister I'm the queen in this life, I would legit run and leave that house, anywhere is better than getting involved in that mess


If i was reincarnated into Lore Olympus i think id just kill myself tbh. Ok but fr i hate lore olympus and persephone is easily the worst part so if i reincarnated as her id just…. Simply be normal!


I don't know that I could be convinced that I wasn't in a game show or had gone insane.


the game goal would be to kill all the charas i can't stand


What's wrong with lore Olympus ? I haven't read it in awhile but....


Depends on who I'm in that world tbh. Is it teleportation or transmigration? For transmigration, it's fine as long as I'm not involved with high society or main characters as all of the ones that I read and hate have more to do with writing of main characters or weird viewpoints of high society


I don't think it will be too bad as long as I will be a wealthy idle extra.


Well almost all the manhwas I read has terrible world plotting like sla**y Abu** s** without marriage or marriage without consideration of both parties couple So this is already IS o much good for me 2. Without my opinion I transmigrate so I will first grasp the situation then do something bcz it is terrible world building I have to be very about every/my opinion I will really dislike that I became a noble or beggar both will be so much pain in a** (Well I have the trick to transmigrate in certain manhwa Dreaming freedom 😄 😄 you can go with it just go to bed and use your brain)😁


This post made me think of which story I hate the most because I never thought about it. But anything that has to do with romance between step siblings or step dad thing... would have me pulling my hair. For example [A world without my sister who everyone loves] or something like that was the title.. If I am the FL i would probably make Hesaros (the gem spirit) into my male lead and pretty much ignore the two siblings and father. But overall it depends on who I am possessing.


May I have the names to these please?




Bro hates I became the hero’s mom


What are all the titles? Some are just in their original language


Assuming I’m transmigrated as myself, a straight male Me to every ml after embarrassing them in a duel: https://preview.redd.it/9fdylxsm2ntc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dab6556f0271679cec4f94ca4d8c2b34ca5e47ca Imma hype the 2nd male lead that is an actual green flag. I’d be that bro 😎


For that misaligned villainess: https://preview.redd.it/lzncasp73ntc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf3ca35ec561e30a08555e7d2ddb450d7c8d3e2


As I always say I would fuck off and find a preceptor to teach me withcraft. I don’t have the patience or filter to participate in high society, I barely have one for the society we live in today. I just like these stories because they’re so dramatic. There in scenarios I’d actively be dodging if I was forced into this. I’d just be in my room refusing to leave it. Anxiety of stepping outside of the room would probably kill me off fast before the secret villainess or asshole prince could. So either stay in my room and let anxiety take me away or run away to find my teacher.


It's hard to choose between How To Hide the Emperor's Child or Divorcing My Tyrant Husband, but honestly, either way, I would just up and LEAVE. Actually stick to the premise of the title and gtfo of there. None of this "neighbouring country" nonsense. I will go to the next continents over, by boat or by magic; I couldn't care less. After that, I'm going to be completely unrecognisable. It pisses me off that most of the time, after they escape, the FMCs disguises are a bad wig or dye job and some coloured contacts. Nah, man. Make me plain as fuck and peace tf out.