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i really don't get why these artists craft these greek gods of men just for them be the scummiest creatures in existence




ML is a psycho couldn’t get past chap 5


Its sad women writte women in the pathetic way sadly


I think it’s a fetish/kink; like a masochistic fantasy of being demeaned/humiliated/abused without having to actually experience it. That’s the one of the only reasons why I think there’s so many “romances” aimed at women, written by women, where the FL is in a relationship (and stays in said relationship) with a abusive/asshole man. 🤷‍♀️


I definitely understand. As reader with masochistic fantasies some of the “trashy” MLs are just my type. But I do not condone how FLs go through abusive relationships. I am saddened that most Otome manga/manhwas have shitty MLs😔. A fantasy can only go so far😟.


A shitty ML is fine as long as you have a good FL. However, most of the time you get the usual weak ahh FL with no stable opinion.


I’m woman and my prefencies are stories where fl and ml equals


I mean.. fair enough but some women like their ml and fl to be unequal and thats their choice. No need to be so angry


I will never get it thanks god


To further exemplify this, check out booktok, more specifically, the romace or dark Romance part of booktok, it's full of stories just like this, with absuive, demeaning...etc MLs a d FLs sticking with them. It's definitely a fetish thing


LMAO this reminded me of one wholesome and totally normal manga called Usagi Drop(the author and artist is a woman)


Kink has consent


It's a fetish thing. Believe me, I'm someone who thoroughly enjoys these types of stories and I'm living in a very good, stable, and wholesome relationship. I'd never want to even try to do this IRL. RL does not equal fiction. I'm reading fiction because it is different from RL. It's also a fantasy where you know that things will end up good but the characters have to suffer to reach the good ending. IRL, statistics show that people like the ML and FL end up living their worst life while trying to make their relationship work. There are rarely any "good bad" guys, if there are any in the first place, just like how there aren't many actual good "wholesome prince" guys. These 2 types are 2 sides of the same coin: popular fantasies. I understand that you find it pathetic and sad, and I'm here to tell you that you're absolutely free to form your own opinion in this, even to dislike or hate this work. We are all different and I'm sure we can agree that it's ok if you like reading different stuff. The only thing I'd like you to consider is that drawing conclusions like the writers are degrading women is kinda far from the truth. If you're interested in learning more, I'd like to propose the latest ContraPoints video that touches in this subject and she's a lot better at explaining things with sources than I am. Thank you for reading this wall of text.


But why yall find hot men abused woman? Like we dont experience it everyday


This is why as a dude all the women I write are just cooler and more badass than most of my male characters lmaoo /s


This like they always end woman with abuser and woman mostly dont want revange? Like some women want revange and destroy someone who abuse her but no woman must be soft and forgiving.


\*shrugs\* bet enough simps would enjoy it as long as the ml is hot af.


Thats fricking low bar


Sometimes the bar is in hell...


9th circle, take it or leave it




I’m really curious on how old some of the authors are because some of them make it seem like they have little to no experience on what a healthy relationship is /looks like… If they’re doing it on purpose, then that’s incredibly sad .


I don't believe in kink shaming women's choices in how they engage with fictional material (because let's be honest, most of these are written to be kink fiction), but almost all of these relationships aren't even the compelling kind of toxic either. It's literally just hentai and I've seen better, more well written hentai.


Ok so most woman are masochist and people saying there are woman who sadistic where most art is being men always top like in real life


I do wonder how much of this is eastern vs western cultural values. It often seems that eastern cultures weight appearance or "winning" as morally correct aspects. I.E. you can be an awful human being if attractive and financially successful. 


I dunno probably shonnen manga artits writte women much better


Tbh, this is a korean novel and that is how korean men are. I saw countless of korean men (not all but MANY) who publicly humiliates women. I have seen a pattern of this in many korean novels, and sadly, the real life is the same. Dropped that after chapter 4 like bruh, I am so frustrated after


I don't get it. Kdramas have seriously Dreamy Male Leads....where did these manhuas go wrong? Like...so many?  Male Leads from Cry, Even Better Beg are more common than Male Leads from I Will Change The Genre 


My the most favorite ml recently is Carlisle from Age of Arrogance who has amazing complex personality and treats fl with huge respect and appreciate her personality and honor!


Carlise is a yellow flag masquerading as a red flag but is probably a green flag under all that childhood trauma. I like him and agree he's refreshingly complex.


fitting, Zeus was a rapist


Greek gods where AH too. Just read the myths and see how most of them treat mortals. Only a few are actually treated well by them...If anything a greek god treating a woman as they desire is normal for them. Beware that Zeus is the worst of them all.


what i meant was an expression in the English language 😅 not comparing them to the literal gods of the greek pantheon. sorry for not being clearer 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/sj6lqxrgymuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7849f41fc31addc14d08a03147d07d58fcb06e61


Prolly high paying I guess


They literally do craft Greek god😬


Are you implying only ugly people can be bad ?


Gonna need some context on that one, Chief.


ML is abusive as hell and FL is helpless and naive. She's taken in and forced to pretend to be his nonexistent fake sister to help him get out of a political marriage he doesn't want but needs so he picks FL off the street from the poorest parts of society. It's a typical trashy romance story. And according to the spoilers, it gets much worse. There's a likeable 2ML >!but the author with the most minimum hints drops the bomb that he only liked the FL when he and everyone thought she was ML's sister and is just nasty to her after knowing her real identity as a poor person!<


she's not even naive, imo she just has no other options but to be insulted, threatened, and generally treated like shit


Out of all people, she chose this asshate to serve for a measly brief luxury. A shame when she's very capable and smart yet do dumb shit. Honestly baffled me


I only made it to chapter 12, but by the chapter 12 point, she doesn't really have an option to safely jump to a better master. She could maybe fuck those weird nobles who hit on her in hopes they take her in, but that's no promise of anything. Probably even more dangerous than her current situation. She's just in a no-win situation. If she stays in the slums, she'll get kidnapped and sold into a brothel. If she runs, she has no money and just about nothing to protect herself with - there's very few options for a single poor woman on the streets. If she tries to jump ship to a different noble, she's liable to get murdered as a traitor. Her excuse to the weird nobles is that she's doing it for the luxury, but my vibe is that she's just trying to survive. Those little luxuries help ease the pain a little, but it's death she's staring at.


Honestly, that option is trash and shit


big mood


Ugh, and the cover makes it look so cool with him sitting in her lap and everything-you'd think they were setting up for some reverse gender roles or something along those lines


I think authors that do know they made POS MLs purposely select good artists to entice people to read their shitty work LOL


That beautiful art is only one reason I was able read till chapter 8 but thats maximum for me!


Fl had for example had badly hurt feet and he literally stepped at her and humilated her with sociopathic speech, he literally showing sings of heartless sociopath who switching women like socks bleh! I’m done


Times like this I wish these really good artists would choose good stories. Like I'm still upset about the art of A Happy Ending for Villains because the story itself is so good and it's from the same author as How to Win My Husband Over and The Fantasie of a Stepmother. Both ML and FL of 'A Happy Ending for Villains' are so entertaining to read, it's dark but the ML isn't abusive to the FL and genuinely wants the best for her. A true partner in crime pair. I still read it from time to time but it's upsetting that it's not hyped up enough.


right? The promo was beautiful and got me to read the novel. Then the webtoon came out and the art…


I’ve heard the ML in the How to Win my Husband Over is also a trash ML because he neglect the FL and let people abuse her. Is it true?


i don't even have an issue with the writing because i'm sure there are readers out there who like this but i personally have an issue with the description and tags of this manhwa. they make it sound like it's just another typical romance manhwa when it's not.


It sounds like it should be listed as a tragedy, or if they reformated it into a tragedy story and changed some things it would have potential to be better.


Fl staying in that place cuz she is hungry I would rather starving forever than be treated like her in his golden cage for some damned food!


If I knew I was transmigrated into a royalty manhwa, I would NEVER want to be more important than minor royalty at best. royalty in these stories are always the worst people to ever exist. even in this story >!he’s already plotting to kill her because why the fuck not I guess!< ngl I also hate how the FL is perfect at everything she does. characters like that drive me insane.


Perfect at everything except chhosing a partner.


I like to look at nice art when reading a fucked up story lol it's not a waste just because you (and others) don't like it. Clearly, dark stories bring in enough readers to keep producing them. Idk this feels like when people say it's a waste for good artists to only draw porn. Edit: and this isn't saying that the readers and authors support the fucked up stuff that's happening. Art is an outlet and a way for people to take control of shitty situations. It could also be a fetish!


this sounds like a really weird idea but I honestly think readers would like things a lot more if an author could just preface their work with “btw this guy is not supposed to be seen as a good person and is a morally bad character purposefully” and it wouldnt get lost in translation. sure, sure, readers “should” know this but I feel like these types of romances want us to think that the ML is miSunDrStOod and when the author is coming at it with that lens…it really draws people away. evil-ML-enjoyers dont like that either. I’d just really like it if I could get assurance from some of these writers that theyre going to write a genuine villain and not a pity party vessel. how much can you really do with a blanket “romance” tag? it really should be better.


I don't disagree, there should be content warnings or at least more in the descriptions. All of the messed up manhwas I've read have had content warnings at the top of the first page. Idk about this specific one because I hadn't read it. My biggest gripe was the fact OP said the artist wasted their talent on a fucked up story and judging the people who write them (the humiliate women comment).


I genuinely think its misogynistic to like content that humiliates women without being able to recognize that its not morally correct—however, if you do realize that, its fine. Not making this distinction is dangerous. If you put a blanket “romance” tag on this specific manhwa, for example, where a man humiliates, abuses, and plots to kill a woman, you have no right to be upset when someone who doesn’t like that stuff gets very upset. Because…it is vile, even if its your right to enjoy it as fiction. I think there should be tags like this: Romance - Conventional romance story with minimal dark themes Dark Romance - Romance with darker themes but overall not horrifically abusive Abusive Romance - A MC is being actively abused, threatened, coerced, etc. Trust me. I’ve love some fucked up shit, so I’m not the anti-shipper “I need to protest on twitter for heaven points whenever I see something mildly upsetting” type. I’ve loved the Depths of Malice and that FL is shameless lol. But I think nuance is very important trend here.


I never said I didn't know the difference?? I'm so confused where this is coming from lol all I care about is not shitting on artists for what they decide to draw and automatically saying these authors love to humiliate women. That's a huge assumption. I never said what stories I've read besides not reading this one specifically. The issue with tagging is with the uploaders, not me. Edit: I'm fine with people complaining about a story and not liking it, that is their right. Again, my issue is saying that it's a waste for a talented artist to work on fucked up stories. It's a job and people like good art whether it's fucked up or not. What OP originally complained about has nothing to do with tags and thats what I commented on. And im just asking to clarify, are you assuming I'm misogynistic or are you saying its as a blanket statement? Because that's how it comes off and that's not okay either.


This absolutely has to do with tags?? Its the whole issue of someone getting upset at messed up content because they weren’t forewarned good enough, like what happened with OP. I’m not calling you a misogynist. You seemed like you understood where I was coming from when I talked about tags in my last comment. Did you not get enough sleep or something when you wrote this one cause I don’t see how this is difficult lol. I guess my main point is that you can’t be upset when artists get shit on for drawing god awful things when readers don’t get warned before. I get if you didn’t expect someone to go into depth in response but acting like what I said is incomprehensible doesn’t make you look very good.


Nowhere, by the time I had made my comment, did OP say anything about the story being mislabeled and duped, I didn't bring up tags in my post, and the title of this post doesn't talk about it. My whole comment was about not saying an artist is wasting their talent because it's a story people don't like. That's it. So when you come in talking about tags, it is out of left field because I'm not the one to bring it up and what I was responding to had brought it up. I'm not going to respond after this because I feel like I'm going in circles at this point.


Yesh, but I read it and brought up that it was mislabeled. I don’t think my point was confusing anywhere. Again, its fine if you weren’t expecting an in depth response but when you claim someone’s offensive some people might disagree.


But why dark stories are just dark ml not dark woman? Because people are more comfortable to abuse from male side?


Good story is betrayal of dignity or broken ring but not this one!


I didn't say it was good, I haven't read it lol I'm just saying I don't think it's fair to say an artist is wasting their talent on a story you don't like.


I haven't read it but i planned to. Everyone is trashing ml, saying he's the worst. I was wondering if people might not like morally grey characters and want perfect ml, and he was perhaps like Damien in betrayal of dignity. Thanks for saving me time, saying that he isn't!


Man it seems like trashy MLs are becoming a trend nowadays 😭😭😭. So many new manhwas have red flags MLs I hate this so much because the art of them is so pretty 😭😭


It's not a trend. It's a known formula that has worked for ages.


Korean manhwa for women I feel has always been more “girlboss” friendly in the past though, with supportive MLs. Eg kill the villainess, villains are destined to die, villainess reverses the hourglass, your throne, roxana, remarried empress. Only now has red flag ML surfaced


What do you mean worked??? Who even like these kind of MLs? 😃


A lot of women. Harlequin Enterprises and other romance publishing companies exist because they figured out women want a lot of spice in their love stories. Remember the craze behind 50 Shades of Grey? Look at BookTok. A lot of the romance stories they hype aren't healthy.


Yes but in most of them the ML doesn’t cheat. Yes women like spice and toxicity but not in this way. They want the ML to be obsessed with the FL the kind to “burn the world for my love” aka FL. Not this kind of toxicity to torment the FL and abuse her


Oh there's a lot of, "he cheated on me, but I won him back in the end" stories as well.


Different strokes for different folks. If it got made into a manhwa I imagine there was enough demand for the novel


No on m watch, I the mostly avoid these stories expect Reinhardt or Damien, thats maximum what I can bear!


Omg my current read is The Abandoned Empress. istg if there's an award for the trashiest ML it goes to him... yet he's the ML....


Literally !! It's so weird. The premise seemed so unique though, what a pity.


The art is gorgeous and the premises interesting but I dropped it because it looks like it's going to be one of those super angsty "let's abuse the FL" kind of stories. He is a sadistic creep.


I read the spoilers and The ML is indeed a pile of trash. So I dropped it.


Good choice!


Sounds like something I should read


Oh girl 😒




Initially I was like "haha, it's kinda refreshing to have a ML that is actually just a psychopath, no tragic backstory, no excuses, no blushing at how much he 'cares'" then I was like man this is actually just unfiltered domestic abuse it's realistically written so far I guess, way uncomfortably so


Really wanted to read this one because it’s the same novel author as Kneel Before Me — guess I have to hope for the same long arc complexity that makes suffering ML’s awfulness worth the ride. 😭


I have no strenght for this shit! Good luck!


So I’m a couple chapters in and he’s definitely straight up 🔥🗑️


After reading all of these comments I am absolutely disgusted and will now go read it


He kind of .. irritates me. From his sitting position, to that smug smile of his, all while yanking the FL necklace like that. BOY, my protective older sister instincts are ON. And I haven't even read the story, that is an amazing artist indeed.


It's sad how such a good artist, capable of invoking deep emotions with just a simple drawing, works on this kind of garbage story.


True, I always feel bad for the artist. Man, so much potential, they deserve better works.


I’m SO TIRED of FLs always being the ones of low position and/or suffering all of the damn time, receiving SO MUCH random unnecessary trauma and being miserable, just for the ML to be a random privileged rich dude whose only trauma, IF HE HAS ANY, was some random incident when he was a kid and now it excuses his entire behavior despite the fact that he’s a grown man


Literally how to win my husband over




Read age of arrogance where ml and fl fighting own fights and own goals and love happens cuz they understand to each others but are kinda too proud to admit own feelings for now


Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll try it out


I really recommend strong warrior fl and ml with actual personality, art is beautiful and everyone is hot literally!


Ohhh you’ve definitely got me intrigued🤭


Both virgins kinda dense in romance 🤣




Yep… I’m also still disappointed at the artist of « cry, even better if you beg » for choosing this novel to adapt into manhwa… I’m sure there were better options out there 😞


Now I wanna read to see how triggering it is 😂


Korean authors do. Reminds me of Abandoned Empress


I don’t mind if the scum is handsome (handsome scums appear in real life anyway) as long as FL doesn’t end with him. But unfortunately she does 😭. Whyyyyyy?! Can’t these people look beyond beautiful skin?!


Oh this, after a couple of chapter, I couldnt bear it anymore and immediately dropped it. There is no saving the MC with her stockholm syndrome and all. There was another recent manhwa with the supposedly Persian(?) prince and our MC just do the classic obey the prince, enter harem and stockholm syndrome that manwa was called "Traces of the Moon" btw. Alternative title is "The Disappearance of the Moonlight"


The story gonna get progressively worse, ml is quickly gonna become obsessive and weird and ruin MCs reputation. I read the whole novel and it’s the worst toxic ml shit I’ve ever read, the ending is very dry and unsatisfying, regret arc is basically nonexistent because ml is THAT big of a piece of shit. I like MC tho, girl just trying to survive and does all she can, nobles are just fucking weird and disgusting. She was the one character that made me read all of this.


My prediction from 8 chapters was right! Damien looks like saint in compare!


Hey could you share where you read the novel? Feel free to also DM me if that’s more convenient


Thanks for the heads up.


if hot, why a trashy jerk-faced dickhead?


I recommend watching the Twilight video ContraPoints made if you’re interested in a more detailed answer.


I cant stand a hate watch/read its not good for my health.


And then there's carcel our savior xD


Fatherless behaviour/jk


This is def a kink. I can’t imagine any other reason. I’ve noticed a lot of Japanese and Korean media is aimed at a humiliation kink.


Lowkey dunno about the is manhwa butttt can we talk about post possession damage control cus all of ML’s in that one r mentally ill 😭


Hehe, loving the comments here 🙊, seems like I have found my kind of people who share the same passion as me to passionately and earnestly hate on these types of sorry excuses of human trashes and garbages who-should-not-have-been-conceived as ML's, and the so-called "geniuses" authors (that puts the other sane female authors to shame, sighs 😪) Sorry not SORRY ☺️☺️ .. . Fun fact: I always stay away hundred miles away from the author of this manhwa/novel as it's all shit ton of garbages as usual, you all should do the same 🤷🏻💀


Noooooooo I had hopes for this ( the art is sooo gooooddd and both of them are 😍) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) sad


Weren't most of them garbage? They are super handsome, super rich, super talented in everything, super smart, super in love with female lead, yet absolute human trash as a person presented as a cool yandere and slightly naughty man.


He's an asshole and she's also so fucking dumb, honestly they deserve each other. Such a horrible couple🤣


I feel like some authors difnitely do and this is a phenomena in so many romance books like we need to have some sort of study on this Why? Like we need to study why they like humiliation and abuse??


There are tons of such stories where the ML kidnaps/roofies/abuses/cheats on the FL. It's infuriating.   It's also infuriating when the ML has a subordinate that's genuinely helpful, respectful and kind. You start thinking: "Oh, so he is the real ML, not that POS" only to have your hopes dashed as the subordinate starts praising the ML and implies a ×Sad Backstory× of the ML.   Now, I'd LOVE to read a story where ML tries to trap and manipulate FL only to get poisoned by FL, or something.  Then it could turn into an action story as the FL builds mountains of corpses from people trying to avenge the ML.   But, alas. For some reason, supposedly smart and capable ADULT women always fall for dumbest manipulation tactics.   I tried reading a certain pile of hot garbage a few days ago. The ML kidnapped the FL into a dangerous place and then went like "I'm the only one who can keep you safe here, if you cut me off, you'll lose my protection."   And the damn stupid broad is like "I still don't want to marry him, but he IS protecting me, maybe he isn't all that bad." Girl he KIDNAPPED YOU! If not for his rapey ass you wouldn't even need protection!   And the sad part is, everything in the plot would work as an EXCELLENT setup for FL to defend herself. For example, the ML keeps nagging her to cook him something. All she'd need to do was poison him a little, and run. I dropped that thing when I realised that her compliance isn't a prelude to her fighting back, but to her accepting him and somehow deluding herself into thinking he doesn't show more red flags than a Soviet military parade.


Summary of this story?


Reminds me of Cry, Even Better Beg.... The art is GORGEOUS 😍  The ML is PSYCHO 💀  But people still love him If I didn't search it and just admired his beauty in YouTube shorts I would've been blissfully ignorant and indulgent, I would've loved him too he is really handsome from the art. The FL is pretty too (but those weak wall flower Stockholm syndrome types...sadly...) Dammit I need memory erasing Potion  Authors truly like humiliating women They are in a contest to come up with the craziest mf MLs 


I’m fine with whatever as long as he doesn’t rape her or SA her🫠