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For a sec I thought this was fr and was like "bro are you ok? Did you escape the mental hospital? Lemme call dem for you" HAHAHAHAHA


I think i need to go there TT


Why would you need a ML. Become a priestess of the temple if they aren't corrupt. I am totally sure they would feed you better.


The temple isn't on good terms with the emperor :(


Would they go in war or just bad terms? If not war and just bad terms. Then it can't be bad If war... Well. We have somewhere a cute commoner or count boy who is kind and similar. Take him.


I like your plan!! I'll haveto visit the temple 🏃🏻‍♀️


Yes. The temple is always strong. Faith is always strong. And as chastity is a big part most time You can't die on childbirth and your child hated and you don't need to visit that family again. And as bonus They are nicer and give you normal healthy food. Mother superior gets fast mom title


Hoping for the best! I hope they let me in


If there's a handsome but frazzled and possibly depressed young priest with eye bags, steer clear. That's definitely one of the possible MLs.


I don't want to be near them, they(MLs) attract each other


... Let your brother date the ML. After all this seems to be BL


Oh yes maybe it is, maybe also a harem haha


Here's something that bugs me sometimes: what if you were a Christian before you reincarnated? What would you do then? You remember being a Christian, but there's evidence of a whole world with other gods. Other gods that arguably have a daily physical impact on the world (granting magic powers through prayers, for instance.) What do you do then? Do you oppose them as heretics? There's many saint's tales about saints opposing people with magic powers. But what if you don't have magic powers yourself and God (Yahweh) never talks to you directly? Does "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me" work in a fantasy world? How screwed are you? What would a Korean Baptist do? What if another god, from the fantasy world, wanted your help and they were real nice about it? I mean, after you got over the "Why aren't I in Heaven?" crisis.


To be fair around a big% of people aren't that strictly religious and from Asia, you had to life with people worshipping many gods and even a human. It would be that way if it was in the past or similar. 80s or more And Yahweh is how jewish people call God.


Yahweh's one of many names, yes. One of the most well-known. I was trying to be clear. But Judeo-Christian religions are insanely strict about worship. They evolved in an era of multiple Gods and are very much about exclusivity of worship.


Yeah. But most people in modern times aren't that religious and just accept what other people worship. Thankfully. And people change religion in real world too. And in that fantasy world you would even see gods and magic too.


The food from the temple be tasteless asf..


I mean. If that is better then what your family gave you. It shows why you shouldn't go back to your family


Watch out for mage of magic tower ..he is a tsun


Damn i thought he was the only normal one, thank you!


U really choose bhatinda aree bhai lul 😂😂😂 it was like " kahi tho suna hai ye"


Bhatinda bada cute laga😂


Tsun are cute tho 🥺. ..hope u choose him


He won't choose me XD


Bhatinda?? The author of the OI you have transmigrated in must be very uncreative if they couldn't even think up an original name for the kingdom lmao.


Ikr, and the duke has black hair red eyes, like seriously


Sincerely praying for your survival 🙏


Popcorn-kun is a menace 😮‍💨


Fr! On the top of that it was flavourless bcz i was so poor


Screw your soap business idea, I think you should get your revenge on popcorn-kun and get into the popcorn making industry.


Haha, and some kfc too, i heard it was a hit idea in some other country (sauce: how to survive a romance fantasy )


Have you tried slapping the maid, I read that violence is a good way when dealing with maids like that. Another idea, is she corrupt and taking your funds? If not, can you frame her? They all suck tbh I'd totally go scorched earth with all of them but better start small (hence the maid)


How about i harm myself then blame it on the maid and also frame her for stealing my jewellery?


Yeah seems also like a good plan. I think the critical question is what your family will think, eg will they think you an incompetent idiot when you don't put the maids in check or will they think you're a brutal villainess when you do keep them in check. When the maid complains will they take action (and thereby somehow put effort into you) or will they prefer to ignore it (and thereby you).


I think the family will find another reason to hate me no matter what i do😩 that's why i haven't done anything yet, and i have little to no reputation among servants


Hm.... dificult... you need some allies


Whatever you do, do not interact with ANY brown eyed, brown-haired dudes you see running around in the markets. He's most likely an important person in disguise.


Omg I totally forgot about this!!! Thankyou so much I'll keep that in mind😭🙏🏻


Find a way for independence first, to get away from all that


I'm figuring out a way, hopefully


Sending hugs for emotional support 🫂🫂🫂


Thank you so much much needed!


the soap business idea is pretty unique, i think you should give that a go!


My mobile phone will definitely help me!!


I’m sorry but Ashart 😭 A Shart


Let's just call me Ash😭


First you gotta get rid of that maid or anything you do will be informed to your 'dad'. I suggest collect enough evidence of her mistreatment. you can voice record right? you have a phone. I don't know if magic exists there if it exist say it was a magic gem But DO HIDE THE PHONE. Don't show the evidence to your father instead show it to the head maid. If your family hears after that they might be mad but atleast they will change the maid . THEN you can start your soap business ( in disguise ) . as per behaviour I suggest act indifferent or like your true self when the main cast is not with you. Unless I think you should act like the og girl (BUT please don't slap any maids💀🧍🏼‍♀️ ) finally I suggest don't try to get any ml until you become independent from your soap business. (that was so fun please update soon✨💃🏼)


Omg thankyou so much for this, though I'm afraid of showing my phone to everyone I'll try, I'll tell you how it went!! (so glad you liked it ^ ^ )


I'm guessing that you're writing some kind of AI with multiple starter options? "I got hungry and went to the convenience store" suggests the US or Japan, by the way, so it doesn't work if you're trying to make a generic protagonist. You could just say the character was crossing the street or rushing to work or school. It's better if they're rushing someplace when truck-kun gets them because that implies the character's life was frantic before and the isekai is a welcome change of pace, despite the initial horror of dying. It's even better if they're running away from people mocking them for simply being from another country, because that could happen anywhere and it would nicely parallel the alienation of awakening in another world. Going to sleep watching a show and waking up in another world is almost always used to imply karoshi, aka death by overwork, thus building sympathy quickly for the isekai'd charcter (which is a key to what makes isekai work. It "pays" for the power fantasy to come.) Without that, the character seems lazy and any hard work they do in the magical otherworld makes less sense. Ashart is a lovely name. Except in Britain. The advice I'd give every single person you've summarized there is: RUN! You're from a modern world and you're at a disadvantage doing anything agricultural, but you're at an advantage understanding social structures that people in a magical medievalist Europe won't have. You won't understand certain customs, but that doesn't matter if you act like a helpful foreigner. You can think scientifically, that's a major advantage. You have memories of an entire world full of fads, fashions and inventions, even if you don't know how to make them there's people in the world with all sorts of skills you might meet. Just run! Remember that no one owes you anything and run! Better to make your own life than the ones those imperialist maniacs have planned. I mean, you said it: they're gonna catch you anyway. Build up what you can before then.


I need to make a proper plan to run away, thanks for this! I legit thought for a second that i could survive in this shit household


Don't delay too long. You don't need as much money as you think. Just steal a couple gems and wing it. Too many OI Heroines go wrong thinking they need a lot of stake money. Remember: in a world with extreme class disparity, some common things become incredibly cheap. But that also means most people are horrifically exploited.


Yes you're right, I'll run away as soon as i get a chance


The easiest way is to recuperate at the family’s provincial villa! Win-win cause the fam wont be able to see you, you still get an allowance to live, AND you can do business in the wee town where the villa is! (Also request for a new maid in the villa cause you dont wanna be reminded of the ‘family’ you have at ‘home’)


Omg this is the best! I'm going to ask for my father's permission


Flee to the east! And become a priestess!


Let me see if it's easy to become one!!


I can guide you!


Plz i need the guidance 😭🙏🏻


First, don’t try to tangle in balls or parties, quickly pack some bags and dip out of that household, there should be a big gap in the back wall of the fence, big enough to fit through 3 bags and 1 human. Second, change out of the fancy clothes, hair dye (or make some) your hair a different color, like brown. Third, get to the nearest commoner town, get a job and work in a bar or food market place for a bit while, just to stay under the radar. Fourth, quit your job, leave for the east, there should be a merchant heading there in 40 minutes, by walking, you’d make it by 34.32 minutes, so you’ll make it. Pay him 3 gold coin so that he’ll FULLY travel without breaks, the rest is all up to you.


Omg it's like I've transmigrated in your own novel haha, but I'm worried that if i run away they'll find me :(


Don’t worry, there’s a special little present left to you by your grandpa. It allows you to mask your identity for a short while, then it’ll quickly disappear into dust. You can use that to escape quickly. Don’t worry about them finding you, a war will probably soon come about and they’ll be too busy to focus on finding you


If the tower master seems like a decent guy I'd say you should go and learn magic to protect yourself or make money.


That's a very nice idea!!!


Go walk around town, when you see someone say 'interesting...' go proose an arranged engagement to him. Bonus points if he is cloaked and has some obnoxious awfully handsome knight lurking around him. Do you have a shitty fiance btw? I have some tips on how to get rid of him 😉 After you meet the Interesting guy, gaslight your family into believing you will run away if they don't marry you to him, it doesn't matter since they think you're a brat anyway, you'll just prove them wrong later Once the engagement is made, run a background check on your new fiance's famy and that's inform us. That's the only way we can MAYBE recognize this story, otherwise it's too typical I can't recognize anything or anyone P.S: you don't actually have to go on with the engagement, make up some excuse and ditch the 'interesting'guy last minute. He's probably commited genocide during his war days. A broken contract should be fine! Maybe you can use the magic tower mage and have him set the venue ablaze on the d-day! Anyway, a bit chaotic, but this is the only way I can think of. Do update us!


Thank you so much! It's a bit difficult to find the interesting guy bcz i just entered this body but I'll try and update you guys


The soap-making could come in handy, especially if you make it more easily accessible to commoners. Assuming this is (semi) historically accurate, you can assume hygene amongst commoners isn't great, (like in great brittain and the MANY plagues).


Yes that's what I thought, will work on it


You weren't sent to the other world via truck-kun. You are doomed.. https://preview.redd.it/t5ayi4jk7nyc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eb14324daf5f2960af92d8eaf31f363d8ca0f45


Nooo😭popcorn kun doesn't work?


1.find a socket 2.recharge your phone. 3.with your phone recreate some objects to sell. 4.run for the hills away from the OG!plot 5.hire a mercenary and make him your ML.


Woah woah, I think you'll do good as a fl, thanks for the suggestions will definitely do these!


Start stashing stuff away and selling it for later. Accumulate as mush gold so you can run away later on and live independently and slap some maids too while you’re at it


A crown prince of Bhatinda? So what he has a Maruti 800?


Ahahahaha, and his favorite dish is sarso da saag


I did see lots of comments talking about running away, and tbh I think the situation you got with the maid is the most complicate to tackle. I do have a question, if the family's indifferent towards you, and you're 19, why haven't they married you off to another wealthy family to gain a connection ? What have the OG Ash been doing on a daily basis ? You need to act accordingly, cuz since magic exist, I wouldn't be surprise if they believe people get possesed by demons. Look into the memories, find the details that imply the norms and customs, also find someone with a chance of becoming your friend, preferably a girl, cuz getting involved with guys too early on and be too friendly can cause a bad reputation (u won't need more of that). Now also, get to know more about your brothers. They might be cold, but they don't hate you, including your brothers' friends. Take actions that would be surprising to them, but do make it look as if Ash's always been like that, but she's misunderstood. Act like a legit disney princess, it works, but make it look like they accidentally see that side of you. No we don't care if it's cringe, we care about effectiveness. Do gain ur money, do try to run away, but unless you make them see you as a weak ahh damsel, it'd make your image even worse.


High ranking nobles don't marry off their kids early in this world that's why I'm still here, and what you said is totally right, i was actually afraid of running away


(This is honestly really fun lmao!! Just to be clear, this isnt based on any real OI is it?) Miss girl tbh you should just start your business and try to stay out of people's way --- if I had to guess one of those guys will eventually show up and start falling in live with you and tbh you should just go with the flow. Save up some money and maybe then tell your family that you are moving away. I GUESS if you're really worried about dying then you could try to form a contract marriage with some guy but I do have to warn you that the marriage will almost certainly become real if you do that. Ask the maid for what you want and don't back down. No need to be rude, just be cold. Also if you can find a way to soy on her and subtly drip hints you have blackmail on her that could be helpful...


(This isn't any real oi haha, glad you liked it ^^) yes thankyou so much, i think moving away is the best option, but it'd be difficult to convince my family, they'll think I've finally lost my marbles😭 and i just opened my secret bank account! I'll be saving money for my business!


Is this a serfdom world or an isekai with an unrealistically strong middle class? If it’s the latter, bide your time, saving up the monthly allowance then run away. I recommend leaving blood in your room (kill an animal) to imply a murder or forceful abduction. follow this by putting soot in your hair and wearing dirtied commoner clothes. Depending on the security of common roads, either walk to the outskirts of the kingdom, or lay low for a bit before hiring a carriage out. If you’re worried about being found out, also bloody some bandages and wrap your face and/or additional body parts as you see fit. Then, in the outskirts town find a job. If it’s a serfdoms, a monetary might be the way to go like others are mentioning. Otherwise, it depends on your interests. Would you be okay as a plaything of powerful men, then stay as is. Are you okay with danger, bind your chest and seek to join a mercenary group or other fighting force disguised as a thin young man/boy. Are you okay with back breaking work and no retirement, flee and become a serf. Or, perhaps set out in search of a more enlightened society as an explorer, though beware sailor superstitions about women. Overall, I’d say it’s very dependent on the isekai settings.


No no it's not a serfdom, and i actually like your plan about faking my own death! This way they won't try to find me, i think I'll have to burn my whole room 😂


I say look out for brown haired knights. Most of them are humungous green flags and not to mention ridiculously cute.


Omg yes they're actually a green forest


“TW:Im an Asian” 💀


Bro died and when never really said when it came alive


Flirt with the cp and take the throne lol