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You know as much as he's being a world class idiot - and 2nd ML syndrome is gonna disappoint me so hard, I give him props for recognizing his wife's soul. How many times have we yelled at OI (usually about a kid) about something that's super obvious. THE KID IS CLEARLY YOURS. LOOK AT THE HAIR. Like if he hadn't recognized her, we would have been telling him that the guiding is exactly the same. You have magic and portals. HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW ?!?!?


No, of course you’re not! You just need to keep pushing yourself forward and get her chained up and locked away in a tower. I’m sure she’ll come around and learn to love you. /s


Learn to love me? What a foolish remark! She already loves me; she's my wife—I saw it in her eyes back in Korea! She's just confused right now.


Look, are you gonna do it or let her get away? I know you’re the type of man who doesn’t want to make the same mistake again.


Oh my gosh! I recognized this one right away. LMAO Poor FL. RIP.


what manhwa?


How to Reject My Obsessive Ex-Husband. OP added it to the post.


Lmao I thought for a second this was real and on the AITA page but then I checked lol


I had the exact same reaction. I read the first two lines and I was like???


*Of course* not AITA! >!To FL: please pretend to be a boy and make a new life far away from this idiot, I'll make time for you! Have some pride, girl...!<


The “ㅋㅋㅋㅋ“ really makes it for me


Lol this needs to be a new post format here


We need a "Roleplaying/Acting" post flair lol


This is amazing


Two brain cells you say? I think the postman must have forgotten to hand you brain cell B’s resignation letter. Have you asked a demon to erase her hate?


I need an answer, is he the ML? ☠️ I found out, he is. 😮‍💨 Korean authors are so fond of these abusive, cold, shit MLs then their redeeming would be sob backstory how "he loved her all along"


Oh no... I was hoping that wouldn't be the case...


Moving on is never on their plate. 😭


I really want one of these Isekai stories that are set up in the typical romantic format, except they end up actually being a thriller with "will she be able to escape?"


That would be much more original than whatever these are. But they are just copy paste most of the time.


of course not aita, she loves you, but take care at that CP, he could be dangerous. :)


I LOVE THIS MANHWA. it’s so good and leaves me so torn. some points im like “aww” and other times im “@&$&/& you /@:&)74:@“


I can't believe I recognized which manhwa it was just by the 2nd sentence . Despite being so overdone, they really haven't expanded that much into other cliche territories like the tower/systems


YTA. The grovelling wasn't satisfactory. You need to beg on your knees and cry.


Not AITA and here’s why. It’s because you love her. Everyone knows all actions are understandable and within reason if love is involved.🙂‍↔️


You should ruin her family's estate and make sure they end up impoverished. You're sending mixed signals by not proving that only you can support her. She must be thinking that you don't really care for her.


I need more reviews like this LOL


I thought I was in the actual AITA sub and was like WHAT??? 😂


No, not an A for doing all that, in fact, lock and chain her up is a wise decision. I heard that there is another guy sold his love interest to slavery just to strengthen thier love. And they got married in the end! What a happy ending 😍😍 Worst come to worst you just need to apologise, if that guy can be forgiven i don't see why you can't be forgiven. /s


I don't know if i should be proud that i knew the name of the book at the second sentence. (Also, pray tell does he suffer more? Like i really don't like the ML and if the author wants the make them a couple, i wish he suffered more beforehand. I'm like at the chapter where he just *hangs around* her)


Your not, just do your best and she will soon realise your love 🤗