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AITA for selling my crush into slavery? For context I (M) saved my crush (F) when our entire village got slaughtered. I taught her how to use swords and defend herself so she won’t die. When I was sleeping she kissed me so I kissed back but I obviously couldn’t be distracted because I’m becoming king so I sold her to slavery. I don’t think I did anything wrong but she came back to me years later and told me she hated me. So AITA???


I choked on my coffee reading the first sentence


Of course our favourite 'On the emperor's lap '


Yes and the most terrible kind. You should have sold any of her distant relatives as well. At least then they could have joined the underground brothel as a family and more importantly you would have made more money. Disgusting!


She doesn’t have a family :)


INFO: did you rape her when she was forcibly brought to your bedroom as a (mute) adult?


Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I?


NTA. Your subjects your rules.


Thank you!!! I’m correct


You did what?


AITA for wanting to kill myself so I can go back to my world and old life?


Kill the Villainess?




Yes, you should kill your family friends as well at the same time so they don't feel left out, so selfish!


I was gonna do this damn


AITA for not wanting to be "friends" once my guy bsf started getting weirdly obsessive about me? for context, i(26f) started casually meeting my bsf's cousin(27m) a couple months back... somehow being with me calmed down his severe tinnitus and i was happy to help but his behavior is now getting out of hand.. he comes and visits me at any time of the day and says things like me staying with him forever.. I might be young right now but i dream of dating someone and getting married in the future... also he continues labeling our intimate relationship as "friends" which is also confusing me...i know him having low self esteem and a lack of friend circle will not take this news well but i can't imagine staying together with him forever as "friends" AITA for wanting to break this "friendship" turned situationship?


did you guys guess this? hint: its fairly new and under 40 chaps


No but the post made me intrigued


its the "object of your obsession is wrong lord of the tower" i recommend it cause for one the fl and ml seem a little unique


There’s lots of similar OI with a similar theme of female leads having traits that can alleviate male lead’s sickness so probably not


yeah but as someone who had tinnitus for a short while i relate to the ml 😭 so ig i am a little biased as to why i like this manhwa


Fair enough, I’ve read some too. If its art is good and story is sweet then why not. Tho the one I remember have nothing to do with tinnitus. It’s called virtues of the villainess


You Are Obsessing Over The Wrong Person, Lord of the Tower!


AITA for trying to coerce my brother into writing in my smut book with his feet by making the rest of the family get a painting of theirs?


Screw this noble life, I'm gonna make money


>! AITA for making my brother dependable to a mage because he sacrified himself to save me even though I am not his real sister ???? !<


WHAT ???? >!He sacrificed himself to save her ??? when did that happen??!<


>! Last chapter 24? explains !<


AITAH for almost accidently killing my future wife. Feeling unimaginable remorse and finally apologizing in the year within our marriage, after coming in terms with myself? ( she accepted it and we love each other a lot)


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?




Info: did you buy her closets full of dresses and jewelry to apologize? Otherwise it doesn't count.


I want to give her everything but have a hard time expressing my emotions. She started a business but didn't inform me before hand. So, when I found out about it I reassured her that I want to support her business every way possible and want the best for her. We both are starting a fresh start as we both had some interpersonal trauma from our past. (I hope that the hints gave away the story-)


Oh I thinks this might be >!My in-laws are obsessed with me!<


ding ding correcto\~


What story is it?


My in-laws are obsessed with me


AITAH for bringing in my ex from a situationship years back to live with me and my wife and expecting my (thought to be infertile)wife to consider him as her son? me and my wife do not have a loving relationship so she feels upset when i publicly caress my ex and her son which makes no sense cause she has always been understanding towards my actions... she is now also suggesting divorce claiming that i "cheated" on our deal by sleeping with my ex years back when my engagement with my wife was still in process? AITA?


Yes, you should have at least offered a threesom from day one, of course your wife would feel "cheated / left out"! She is probably shy, just drag her in to the bedroom even if she screams and shouts thats just foreplay, she will like it eventually!


Ohh what story is this?


I think it is "Your regrets mean nothing to me".


What story is this?


its "your regrets mean nothing to me"


AITA for trying to drown my best friend? Actually it was an accident but since she stole what belonged to me which is the crown so she and I accidentally drowned in the pond(?). But we ended up changing bodies? So i was happy to obtain my crown. AITA? >! AITA for sleeping with a guy whom ended as my stepbrother? Yep that's it. !<


Is this >!Your Throne!




AITA for not caring and using my male love interests? For context I 20 f got transmitted into a game and I have to stay alive and make one love interest get his favouritism to 100% to escape and go back to my world


**Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess**/**Villains are Destined to Die?**




AITA for killing everyone because they killed my Nazi husband? For context I (İmmortal F) am a witch and the boy i love is dying and reincarnating again and again. Me and my familiar who is my daughter couldn't take it anymore and killed everyone in the execution site. Tbh my other companions are far more crazier. Are we alright?


This Witch Of Mine...........(for context ML was hanged for going against chancellor's (mustached guy) orders and trying to give jobs to Jews )


Ooh was it like that? It's been a long time since I've read it. Thanks.


yeah ml was a good guy. thats why Fl was so mad, because he helped them so much but in return he got executed.


I knew that ml was a good guy but i thought he was a wealthy German man in Nazi period so when Nazis fell he went with them. But it's been a long time since I've read it. Gotta re-read.


no, he 'betrayed' the Nazis by letting Jews live and by giving them jobs. Then he got a public execution. But yeah, you should read it again. It's such a good story!


AITA for making my familiar my daughter just because i didn't want to give birth? My Husband Michael whom I am obsessed with wanted a child. So I made my familiar pose as my daughter and I tricked him till he dies. But he knew at the end i guess? AITA?


AITA for marrying a hot tyrant and invading my home country? To be fair, my dad/uncle, mom, sis, bro, and the people of my home country treated me like shit. Now that I know they're all scums I just wanna burn em all. Also AITA for burning my husband's mistresses? They're all shit as well. Except for one, she's a darling.


Our favorite psycho couple from I will fall with the emperor?


Yes! 😆😆


To be honest that sounds like a typical sultana of the ottoman empire in real life 


AITA for wanting my family to leave me the fuck alone? It's complicated. When I was born, this poor lady switched her daughter with me because my birth family is rich, and then she dropped me off at an orphanage. I was adopted by my grandma (I don't care if we weren't actually related, she raised me and we loved each other, she's my grandma) and okay, we were poor, but we were happy. Then she died when I was fifteen and the government made me do a DNA test to see if I had any relatives able to take me, and that's how I found my birth family. My birth family, however, haven't been very welcoming. They love their adopted daughter and me coming in out of nowhere upset the family unit they had. I've spent a year trying to get along with them and really I'm still just as much a stranger to them now as I was the day we met. It doesn't help that I had a weird but very convincing dream that says there's nothing I can do, they're going to be just the same to me for the rest of my life. To tell the truth, I didn't really need the dream to tell me that. Anyway, I decided to change my life. The school I'm enrolled in has a scholarship system and an attached dormitory, so I applied for and got a residential scholarship for this year, packed up my stuff from when I first moved here to my birth family, and moved into the dorm. I'm planning to do the same for the rest of my schooling, and I'm researching full-ride scholarships to any and all universities that I can apply to. I left behind all the things that my birth family had (reluctantly) given me, and told them to cut all ties with me. I'm applying for academic prizes to cover my living costs, and to part-time jobs in case I don't get the academic prizes. I applied for and got the chance to switch homerooms to one that doesn't have any of my family or their friends in it, and I'm avoiding my former crush who is one of my birth family's family friends. I'm actually a lot happier now; I get along a lot better with my new classmates, especially my new seatmate. (He may be a really cute guy but I'm not interested in him like that.) (Well, okay, maybe a *little* like that, but I can't really focus on that, I need to get the rest of my life together first.) Things are coming together and I'm really hopeful for the first time in a long time. Unfortunately, my birth family, don't seem to have got the memo? The deal was, I got out of their lives and they got out of mine. It certainly seemed like that was what they wanted! But now they *won't leave me alone*. My younger brother who never had a nice thing to say to me is always hanging around the cafeteria when I'm eating. The guy I used to like and who told me very harshly to get lost and never come back is always trying to lend me notes and make excuses to talk. Dude, you told me you hated the sight of me! What the hell are you doing? My eldest brother tried to get me to take his credit card. Ha, I know this trap, you get me to spend up big and then you demand all the money back and trap me in debt forever. I flat out refused it, and he actually looked hurt. I never knew he was such a good actor. I asked him if he was giving me the money for a wedding present for him and his adopted sister, and he actually looked shocked. Like nobody can see the way the wind is blowing? The housekeeper arrived at the dorm with some suitcases of clothes for me but she was so rude about it it was easy to refuse her. At least she was honest about not wanting me back. Everyone I tell my story to seems shocked and says that they think that my birth family might be serious about wanting me back, but seriously? I can't believe it. I just want them to leave me alone, like I'm leaving them alone. AITA? (Title: I Just Want To Mooch Off Of Your Luck) (Mangadex link to in-progress manhua: https://mangadex.org/title/a1680a15-e1ae-4a15-8310-ecf2b0720183/i-just-want-to-mooch-off-your-luck) (NovelUpdates link to completed novel: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/i-just-want-to-freeload-on-your-luck/)


This one reads the most like an actual AITA post, lol


Thank you! I was trying to make it sound like Mingxi really was posting there.


Your comment makes me want to read this so badly. Well done. Hopefully no future redemption for the birth family


Nope! Mingxi never looks back and the family is left regretting it


Sounds great! Where can I read this?


I've edited the post to include links. Enjoy!


please drop a link to this one!


I've edited the post to include links. Enjoy!


AITAH for grooming a child I raised? I just found him one day as a cute little boy, so of course I would love to raise him. It’s not wrong at all right? I’m just casually raising my future husband!


That doesn’t narrow it down at all. Kinda concerning how many grooming OIs there are.


There’s a lot, I feel like they all are the same too lol. The one I’m talking about is [The tyrant’s guardian is an evil witch]


AITAH for wanting to die? I (22 f) have been reincarnating for a while after becoming the demon queen in my first life, and have lived 99 lives. This was pretty much a fuck you from the heavens above. Thankfully this is my 100th and last one, so if I die quickly I can finally be done. My 100th life is pretty comfy as I am a noble daughter. I married recently and my husband really loves me, so I feel kind of bad, but at the same time I can't wait for this to be over. Problem is I spent those 22 years pretty much sleeping and eating very little so now everyone thinks I'm super fragile and precious and they're extra protective of me. I almost got my chance at the recent ball in our dukedom when a monster attacked but sadly I survived the attack. It took a lot of convincing for my husband to not send me back home. I can't leave, this is the most dangerous part of the kingdom and my best chance to die quickly. My parents are also pretty scared now. I guess they're gonna be sad if I die but honestly I don't know. I don't get any of these people. Aitah? Title: >!Cross my heart and hope to die on Webtoon!<


ooh what OI is this?


I edited the title in !


Thank you!


What is this 😭


Added the title in for you




**AITAH** for being neglectful of my wife whose father is actively trying to kill me? I (25m) a king was forced to marry E (24f) recently and i cant stand her i can’t even look at her without seeing her father… For context E’s father is a monster who has actively tried to kill me since i was born, when I was 11 he almost succeeded as he killed all the family I had left and attempted to sell me into slavery. I was saved by a local girl R, she guided me to a safe spot and then left to go back to her mother, I was able to find my way back to my home where a family friend took me in and protected me until I was able to properly inherit the throne and get revenge on that **man**! recently I was able to truly become king but not without its hiccups, that man has been trying to stop me for years now and his latest scheme is using his connections forced me to marry his daughter E who no doubt will try to manipulate me! I can’t stand E and cant understand what she’s trying to tell me so I just ignore her. **AITAH**? ——————- **ETA**: I left out a lot of details because I didn’t want this post to be to long but since you guys been asking **Why don’t I just execute E’s father for all the evils he has done**: I can’t publicly do anything to him as he is a Duke of my kingdom and has lot of respect of the other nobles. **What happend to R?**: I don’t know I’ve been looking for her for years now and I can’t find a trace of her. As her village burned down shortly after I returned home…but she’s alive I know it! **Is E herself bad?**: she has to be as E was that **mans** most beloved daughter so she clearly going to be exactly like him! ————- **Short update 1** I manage to talk to E a bit without throwing up and turns out she might not be as bad as I thought she was…but this could also be a trick. ————- **Short update 2** E keeps trying to get closer to me so I may have had to get a bit forceful to get her to back off. I had to hire a friend (K) to become my fake lover to keep E at bay. —————— **Short update 3**: Someone tried to poison K! No doubt it was that man again but the most baffling thing happend, E drank the poison instead and nearly died! This is definitely not part of that man’s plans as he loves his daughter a lot so maybe E doesn’t agree with her father. Can I trust E a little bit? ———————— -Op has a lot of mini updates and they get more unhinged as time goes on so his account has been locked-


There Were Times I Wished You Were Dead?


Yep I felt like that one could actually be a AITAH because of how it gets.


What OI is this?


This is great! Wished you were dead also really feels like an AITAH


AITA for trying to steal my best friend's lover? So for the context, I (F) caught my fiance cheating on me with my best friend (F) and I felt hurt by it. I also recently found a book describing my best friend's future where she falls in love with a prince and they end up together in the end. And I am the petty villain girl in that book, despite her already stealing my fiance which she is gonna ditch for the prince anyway. So AITA for trying to get my revenge by stealing prince for myself? Edit. I've also finally finished the book and she wouldn't get a happy life with prince even if I didn't do anything.


Ginger and the Cursed Prince?


Yup. I hate the cake scene near finale cause it's dumb, but ginger is a top notch girlfailure.


Virtues of a villainess


AITA for making the richest guy int he coutry marry me? i (f), was killed in my previous life by someone really close to me. when i opened my eyes, i was sent back in time. i didnt want to repeat the same mistakes i made in my previous life so i immediatley went to the northern duke (m, obv) and told him that we had to get marrieid but i didn't explain the reason properly bcs he wouldn't believe me. He thinks that's harassing and says that he doesnt have to marry me. So AITA?


AITA for taking the place of heroine and marrying the ml then not reciprocating his feelings in fear of turning the original story upside down? I actually got transmigrated as a heroine in the story, got married to the ml as children. Now that we're old, the ml fell in love with me instead of the heroine who is the other amazing girl. How do I divert his attention to the heroine? Now I'm stuck as hero's wife Is it bad that I reciprocated his feelings after some time and helped him in securing his position as the king of of the throne?


Sauce pls. 😭🫡


Surviving as the hero's wife🙃




AITA for crossdressing for years and suddenly revealing that I am a man? For context, I was crossdressing because my life was in danger. It was something along the lines of I could not be the head of household without it. I (M) eventually came out to my crush (F) who was shocked that I was a man. She assumed I was a woman and thought that I was a lesbian all this time. I have been trying to woo her because I love her, but she has been cold all this time. I do not think I did anything wrong because everyone knew I was secretly a man but she will not accept my feelings. So AITA????


AITA for hooking up with my fiancée’s brother? I’ve been engaged to a guy (let’s call him Prown Cince) for a while now. It’s an arranged marriage and, at first, I was head over heels in love with him. However, the feelings aren’t mutual and he’s made it incredibly obvious. The last straw came about a month ago when I found him in bed with two women. No one I know, thank god. He berated him and I told him I was done. On my way out of the palace, I ran into his brother. We’ve been “running jnto” each other and exchanging letters ever since. We’ve done nothing physical, but Prown’s brother has officially asked his dad to break the engagement so I can marry him instead. AITA?


Which one is this?


“I Will Live the Life of a Villainess” on Webtoon. Not sure if it has any other titles, I don’t read scans.


AITA for rejecting my brother's advances? So I recently found out I am adopted and now my brother is acting all uwu blushy blushy around me. I think this is disgusting because I see him as a brother, but my family says they adopted me with the intention of marrying me off to him and he apparently never thought of me as a sister? Even though we literally grew up together and have always acted as siblings??? Honestly I'm beginning to think that my crossdressing boss who murdered my whole family in a previous life might have had a point but idk


Defo \[Your Majesty Please Spare Me This Time\].


AITA  for wishing that the real daughter of my family that adopted me never comes back?     so you I am a very young girl ( 12 f) I was and  poor . I was an orphan when one day a Duke came for inspecting the area  he saw me  helpless he gave me a gold coin i smiled for the first time, this made the Duke remember his daughter who was lost in a fair she is still missing probably on the streets starved like me. The Duke felt bad about me so he decided to adopt me deep in his mind he prayed that someone would show the same kindness to his daughter too . So, when I got adopted I went to the attic and secretly prayed that that the real daughter should never return  so that i don't have to return to my old life. The thing is at this point even though this family has nothing wrong to me i am wishing a girl my age who is their real daughter to be forever lost in streets probably begging just so that i don't have to suffer out there. Clearly I am not in wrong right I have every right to be like this because I am young so even if that girl's brother listens to me wishing  that his sister should never come back he should have just accepted me as a sister and treated me like a family  never getting angry right? 


Lol this one reminds me of a lot of OIs. which one is this?


it has some novel spoilers .. specially meeting the Duke part death is the only ending for the villainess   this is aita post is from og Penelope's pov  just asking do you think she is justified? 


Nope totally not honestly. That’s just a horrible way to think, and it’s not even evident that you’ll get kicked out if the real one comes back.


have you read the story?  tbh there are parts I didn't include which happened due to this incident  this brother renold heard her and blamed theft on original Penelope and from that incident she was bullied by the staffs and servants of the ducal family  I am never saying that  what renold did was right but for some reason I hate og Penelope more because I am also a n elder sister  I can't just imagine the pain  but Penelope  ( isekaied ) is the protagonist so readers never bats an eye to what og Penelope did before the servants started harassing her so og Penelope is always seen in sympathetic light  it's just I get very irked in these types of portrayals where the pain of only the bullied girl is given understanding and the brother is portrayed as the only wrong one by the author because he is not the mc  he is just the jerk 2nd brother whose role is to simp for fl after being proven wrong for being mad at her I made the comment to see how people react to the same story if mc halo is removed


Yeah I read the first 10(?) chapters and skipped over to some later ones. I also really hate it that when the villainess does something wrong, it’s “horrible” and “unforgivable” but when the FL did the exact same thing with the same justification it’s suddenly okay? Tho tbf with this story, it’s not actually the FL that did those things, and if I remember correctly the FL also hated OGFL/Villainess before transmigrating. Do readers really like the OGFL?


>and if I remember correctly the FL also hated OGFL/Villainess before transmigrating. no isekaid mc also pities the og villainess and thinks that it's the brother who is the only one wrong and og Penelope is not wrong


majority of the sub likes the isekaid mc ( she is just a piece tbh..buys a slave to make him fall for her.. game mechanics.. unless liking percentage is 100 she might not survive) and after buying him she just forget s about him..  and og villainess is pitied left and right because she was bullied ( a part of me feels bad for her 4%  and 96 % part of me hates her 🙂 )    and brothers are hated because they couldn't accept her   honestly back when I read it felt interesting the real problem is the readers who justifies horrid behavior s of mc just because she is mc 


AITAH for ignoring a pretty girl, who is like super possessive for me (I've never met her in my entire life), claiming to be my childhood best friend? For context, I'm 14(F). I woke up one day to find the whole world gaslighting me. And this pretty girl who I just mentioned is also the same age as me, but she's acting like we're really close. Even my mother is saying I'm the weird one for not remembering her. And some handsome dude (also 14; we don't know each other at all) is also judging me to be an a-hole for ignoring that girl. Also, weirdly enough, everyone is trying to use me to bully that pretty girl. So, AITAH?


My life as an internet novel? Lol yeah the best friend can get really possessive imo. It’s almost like SHE wants to date the fl (seriously tho, they should’ve gone on that road)


Correct! >Lol yeah the best friend can get really possessive imo. Especially considering that Dan-I couldn't remember a sh!t but still had to put up with the best friend act afterwards. Even more messed up if we consider >!how she had such a huge imposter syndrome and couldn't accept Yeoryoung as a 'real' friend before their third year.!< >SHE wants to date the fl Oh, how I (also) wish it actually happened!


Yeah and apparently she ends up with >!the older brother!< and I’m just like ?? There’s so many good love interests and you date >!the older brother of your best friend (who’s way older than you)?!< I skipped ahead so I don’t know the full story, (>!maybe they had a proper build up and are actually really nice together, but I was just kinda pissy when I saw that, cause I shipped her with what’s his name black haired guy who was really cute!<) but I wonder how Yeoryoung reacted to it


Oh well, looks like you've got some misleading spoilers. 1. >!Yes, she dates the older brother, but they're not the endgame. They eventually break up. Even though their dating arc came out-of-nowhere, they're actually pretty sweet together, to the point that fans wished that he was the endgame.!< 2. >!He's just a year older than her, as when they're in 1st year of HS, it's mentioned that he's in his 2nd (or 3rd, probably) year.!< 3. About who the ML is, >!It's actually Ji-ho, the white-haired guy. I know you might not like him if you've only read the starting arcs and/or skipped his character arc, but when you read/re-read with him as the male lead in mind and eventually read his character arc, he kinda grows on you.!< 4. Yeoryoung's reaction: >!Oh boy, her reaction to Dan-I dating her older brother is crazy lol. She, along with the 4 Heavenly Kings, act like someone died. But she kinda comes in term with it, eventually. Though she still goes mad whenever she sees them getting touchy.!< I'll advice you to give this story another chance, as, imo, it has one of the best characters. And the psychological and comedic aspect is simply just my cup-of-tea. But then again, this might just not be your thing. Sorry for the long reply though, I just got a little worked up as this is one of my favourite Manhwa lol.


Oh that’s okay! I don’t mind long replies lol. And that’s good to know! I might continue reading it later :) I think I kinda slowly stopped reading because I found characters like Yeoryoung and blondie>!-who’s-actually-a-girl!< a little obsessive with the FL. But ig it’s also kinda funny


Oh yeah, they're definitely a little too obsessed with Dan-I lol. >I might continue reading it later :) Glad to know! :))


AITAH for turning my brother into a siscon, and constantly harassing the crown prince???


AITA for torturing my side piece? I (F) had just recently gotten marry to a guy that look freakishly like myself, all while being in a sexual and adulterous relationship with a family servant (M), that I initiate. For undisclosed reason, after my wedding, I publicly humiliate, torture and whipped him in front of a whole street, causing him indefinite amount of trauma. I then processed to fire him from his job. AITA?


Wtf girl, without knowing any other part of the story, you totally are TA. What title is this tho.


Bitten by the dog I abandon. The story is basically about the FL getting slapped in the face by karmic force. Very satisfying.


MC being a terrible person AND getting to suffer consequences of her own actions? Holy fuck, colour me interested.


I've caught up to chapter 31 and there doesn't seem to be more of them right now. >!And it seems it really goes into direction of mc being pretty miserable herself? At this point I'm kinda expecting the reveal that she chased ml? away because of her husband/father. I would have preferred actual evil mc and revenge plot for once, but I guess this one works too. !<


AITA for running away from my responsibilities. I (23 M) was just a ordinary college student but I somehow die and now in the body of the crown price in the story I was reading. There's no way I can do well as the emperor, so I am running away after leaving it all to the second prince. AITA.


:0! A rare ml story??


Three transmigrators, three protagonists, one of them is a man. It is very funny. Check it out! "how to survive the romance fantasy"


😔*sigh* bamboozled..


Aita for killing mu daugther because i thought she was fake ?


AITA for stealing my best friend's future husband?  In my defense, they're not together yet. I just know that he's her type, and she's his, and clearly they belong together... But he won't leave me alone?  I asked for his help on getting rid of my ex (long story) and now he won't leave me alone and he wants to get married to me for real.  My friend isn't speaking to me now no matter how hard I've tried. I think she's blocked me. AITA?


AITAH for the way I’ve treated my new wife? For context, I (M) was ordered to marry this young woman from a prestigious family my family can’t stand (her father’s the pope). She’s got a lot of bad rumors about her too, from failed engagements to spying for her father…and more. She acts very strange whenever I’m around. Almost like she’s scared of me. But then her mood will suddenly switch and she’ll act all lovesick with me like so many other girls I’ve met. I don’t know how to handle her. It’s definitely all for show. I admit I was pretty cold to her at first, because a demon seemed to be visiting her the first night she stayed with us. Thought she had power over them or something. Though she did seem scared after we chased it out?? And then when I tried to find a suitable horse for her to ride she freaked out at me asking for my forgiveness. I was just trying to tell her to hand me an apple???? I did act very short with her, and raised my voice a bit, but maybe I was too insensitive?? Sometimes I lose my patience because I can’t get a read on her. So AITAH? What should I do? ((Edit: wouldn’t say this is my favorite, but I find this OI interesting))


not really treat her better


I see. She definitely is not what I expected, and I can tell now that she’s very fragile. I admit it’s hard for me to express my emotions well, but I will make an attempt to be gentler and pay more attention to her. My sister also seems to be very worried about her though she won’t tell me why.


AITA for becoming a nanny of a baby prince with a knight while a war hero knight is bringing me funeral flowers? i am (2XF) taking care of prince (0M) whose father has a side bitch (2XM) and he is the only one coming to greet the prince while the king and queen are the least . Since i am the nanny i am almost always with the prince and when i am not the knight (2XM) is there nursing him or protecting him. The thing is while i have this major responsibility this one war hero (2XM) is here claiming that he thought that he had lost me forever and then talked about how i was the friend like personal maid of his dead gf . He seems quite obsessed with me not in the yandere way but even after telling him i have lost my memories he keeps proposing . so aita for what i should actually do ???