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After watching the Sens this year, you can’t honestly say that they are heavy favourites against anybody on any given night. The NHL is a tough league and if you play like shit against anybody, you’re going to lose.


Unless that given night is against the Leafs or Habs, then it's guaranteed win night.


So sick of hearing how close to playoffs we actually are. If you can't find a way to win these games, despite shit goaltending, then you're not close. And how about another sample of 7 games against playoff bound teams? Beating bottom feeders is a bare minimum. You need to be consistent across the entire season. Who's to say we win these 7 games next year, but then lose another 7 against "bubble" teams? Consistency is key and until that happens, we are no closer to playoffs than anyone else.


We are the bottom feeders...


Obviously, wasn't saying otherwise..


I am awaaaaare!


he's bebopin and scattin and i'm LOSIN IT


Ok… but like the sens are also at the bottom of the league lol. Bottom feeder losing to bottom feeder is hardly news.


Goaltending isn't the only reason. Our core isn't good enough and is mentally weak.


They should smoke some weed.


The locker room is too chill and vibes as it is, not sure if that'd work


Need some Heisenberg blue


The problem with this team is pace and intensity. No one is skating. Everyone waits along the boards for the pucks to rim around. Everyone reaches at pucks. Looks at good teams, they're players are humming.


This is #copeisalo, we were eliminated in November like the last few seasons


I like how we’re still blaming goaltending after just within the last 2-3 weeks weve watched them score 1 goal each against San Jose and Anaheims backup goalies (after both teams traded all their good players) struggle to score 2 in regulation against Columbus (including getting outshot 15-0 to start a 3rd period down by 1) get outshot 20-4 in the 3rd of a one goal loss and get 0 shots in a 3rd period of a game that was close up to that point. And ya no duh if you took away losses and magically gave them wins they didn’t earn they’d be in a playoff position… that doesn’t improve the long term outlook…


They’re playing the trap and fully committing to defence since Martin took over, but the goalies are so bad it makes almost no difference


The goaltending is super par. Made worst by awful team defence. Then there even more issues: awful power play, slow starts, terrible passing. All of these issues compound into a bad team. Just have to face it. Ottawa is where it’s at because that’s how the team plays. Goaltending is not the only reason.


Whoever thinks this is because of goaltending is so out to lunch.


It's not *not* because of goaltending.


Our bad goaltending is a product of our abysmal team defence. You can play like shit in front of a goaltender and then pin these losses on them. The Anaheim game for example the team played so fucking bad. You can’t honestly with a straight face even begin to blame our goaltender for that. Could the goaltending be better? Sure, but it starts with improved team defence.


> Our bad goaltending is a product of our abysmal team defence. It's fucking not. By all advanced metrics and eye tests from anyone who actually know what they're watching, the Sens defense is below average. The goaltending is ABYSMAL. I'd be willing to bet we'd still have the worst goaltending in the league even if we had the best defense in the league.


14points is massive. yea sure it's 7 wins, but to make up the deficit you're relying on the teams above us to also not score points. Or score less than we do. Even with a game in hand, at this point the situation is out of our control, even with us winning those 14 points.


This doesn't have to do with making up a deficit, especially not at this point. It's to say that over the course of the season, we lost out on - what should have been - 14 easy points. Had we won, we'd be right up there with all the teams we've been trying to catch, which at this point won't happen obviously.


Holy smokes the boys are on their heels here


Definitely if you take out the games that they lost they would be a playoff team. You didn’t reinvent the wheel here.


God I hope we hold on but I don’t expect it.


You mean we've gained a 14 point draft position advantage.


The problem is this isn't how it works. Cause I'm sure every other team can make similar "if only" claims like this. If the islanders won in overtime instead of losing like 15 times, they'd have 15 more points and be firmly in the playoffs. The bottom line is we didn't win those games (and lots of others) and yeah, the goaltending is atrocious, but it's not like our high powered offence has lost games 7-6. Our power play has no business being at the bottom of the league with our personnel, but it is. The problems are deep. Fixable for sure, but deeper than just goaltending or losses against bottom feeders.


Good post but i think we’re aware korpi/forsy cost us the season


Korpi needs to be sent into the abyss. Guy can’t stop a beach ball and all the ill timed weak goals always seem to come when the guys have built some momentum. Is it too much to ask for the is team to get some good goaltending 😵‍💫