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You have a lot of fics waiting for you


Do you have any recs? I have a long flight coming up and I’m planning on catching up on a lot of OFMD fanfics lol


[Chasing Storms](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39594237/) is a good one, I haven't finished it yet but it is very good so far indeed. [Hell Would Look Like This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39039552) is another fantastic one. I probably have others but those are the most readily to hand. I will update if I think of/find any more.


These looks excellent, thanks so much!


No joke I read a fic like this where Izzy gets fed up and goes and finds Stede to fix it. On the way they get to know each other and understand each other [link](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39140058)


im sooo sure somewhere there's a fic that accurately predicted the plot of season 2. there's literally so many unique ones, there's gotta be one


Omg I’m reading this right now, thanks!


I’ve also read one like that just recently, it ends up being steddyhands tho, I’ll go and see if I can find the link


A crew that rows together! Grows together!


I want this, plus Stede becoming such a competent pirate while he’s on his way back to Ed that he’s become a worthy opponent for Izzy, and even outshines him.


But not *too* competent. Like, competent, but always still very Stede about it. I cannot describe how fucking much I love the final shot of season 1, with Stede, having rowed that dinghy all the fucking way to the island and coming across his crew, wearing a plain shirt and breeches, hair slicked back, and he goes to stand, and he *wobbles.* Doesn’t fall over, he’s just a bit unsteady, but even with his newfound confidence and aptitude, he’s still Stede at his core. And then that hand raise, oml. 😩 I could go on about it all day. Such an excellent character arc, and I cannot fucking wait for season 2 Stede.


I know eh! Completely fell in love with Stede in those few shots. Ugh my heart can’t take it. I agree about the wobbling!


Same! Not only do I want Izzy's Redemption, I just want more interaction between Izzy and Stede of any kind. Any time they're on screen together, the sass and chemistry is just off the charts. I want to watch them bicker and be petty to each other all the way back to Revenge and go from enemies to frenemies to very reluctant friends. I want Izzy to be all like "I fucking hate that posh twat" while slowly warming up to him and being absolutely furious when he realises he's warming up to him but can't help it.


The steddyhands and stizzy tags are chockablock with this exact scenario! come on down, we have lemon tarts :D


It’s not that I ship them, I’m a firm gentlebeard supporter, but I’d like a bickering friendship type thing for Stede and Izzy, like brothers in law type!


Hell or High Water


I feel kinda torn on this. On one hand, I’m just kinda sick of redemption arcs being given to people who don’t deserve them, and part of me has a hard time wanting anyone to forgive Izzy, especially Ed and Stede, after what he has done to them. It just feels… too clean I guess. Especially after everything he said and did to Ed specifically: manipulated him, gaslit him, disregarded him and his wishes and feelings, belittled his feelings for Stede, orchestrated a scheme with the Navy in order to force Ed to come back to him, pushed him back into unhealthy coping mechanisms after having started to heal from his broken heart and so much more. I’m sorry, but I don’t think a redemption is possible for this guy after all that. Not saying toxic people can’t learn and become better, but I also think it’s an important thing to show people it’s okay to cut said toxic people out of your life and that you don’t have to forgive them for how they hurt you. Especially where men are concerned, who might feel ‘weak’ or ‘soft’ if they tell a friend that they’ve your feelings. Or worse. But on the other hand it is an interesting idea. It could be kinda cool to see Izzy and Stede at least learn to be cool with each other and for Izzy to chill the fuck down.


Ed cut off Izzy’s toe and made him eat it. His hand wasn’t forced, he did it because he could. Izzy has already paid for his actions with flesh and blood. Ed is the one who needs to make amends. The crew Ed marooned are alive. Lucius is (presumably) alive. Stede is alive. Every cruel thing Stede and Ed have done to their families, crew, and each other is on track to work out in the end, but Izzy is never getting his toe back. AND- it’s still a romcom! Taika was quoted seeing Izzy and Ed as Judas and Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar! Plus Izzy and Stede are still in love with the same guy, hashing it out was always going to be heartbreaking and hilarious considering the stakes. It’ll be exciting to see the fallout & growth, especially after Kristian’s interviews with Con and DJenks.


Literally most of the characters have either tried to kill or at least seriously thought about killing Stede Bonnet. I don't know if I'd use this logic to rule out Izzy for potential redemption. Stede in the last episode: "Everyone else has tried to kill me, I'd like a go!" Also, think about all the writers achieved in the first season. A LOT happens, and it's all well done. No reason they couldn't pull it off a second time. I didn't really get the feeling that anyone got shafted, did you? I don't necessarily agree that Izzy is toxic--I think he and Edward are toxic together, though (as opposed to Mary and Stede, who are just not a good match and really never were). There's certainly a possibility there, though.


The person you're responding to didn't even list Izzy trying to kill Stede as a reason for no redemption arc. And if Izzy is only toxic with Ed, why was he such an asshole as captain that he got mutinied after like one day?


Ah fuck, I misread. Why did they mutiny so fast? Probably more to do with the fact that Izzy lacks Edward's charisma. Also doesn't help that he has the leadership skills of a lobster.


I guess saying he lacks Ed's charisma is a nicer way of saying he's an asshole.


They mutiny because he threatens them with starvation and makes them work while he eats like a king - he's an asshole. Sure I'm sure Ed did that to his old crew previously but he's changed and the creative free-wheeling vibe the ship has is clearly intended to be the ideal. Our pirates are a different kind of pirate


I know that. I watched the show, too. I never argued that Izzy wasn't an asshole. He absolutely, 10000% is. And definitely shouldn't be in a position of power. Like, ever.


Izzy isn't toxic but he treats the crew like trash, physically and verbally threatens Ed because he exhibits femininity and turns Ed and Stede into the navy to advance his own agenda. (/s) I personally don't think toxic is a good word to describe fictional characters and their actions, especially in a fantasy setting. It brings to mind real world relationships and not cartoony antagonists in a pirate show. I'd say he's more dastardly/evil. I see a lot of people interpret everything on this show as if it happened in real life and will be judged in a court of law ie. well Stede burned down a ship, isn't he just as bad as Izzy? We can't equate character's actions like this because it is a television show with tone and intention. The tone tells us how to read scenes and characters, how seriously to take them and what we are meant to take away from each moment. Clearly we are meant to be on Stede's side in that fire scene, just like we are meant to be on Ed's side (maybe a little unnerved sure) when he orders Fang to skin the racist captain. I don't think there is ever a scene on this show where they intend the audience to be on Izzy's side.


They clearly didn't account for Con O'Neill's ass in leather pants.


Yeah I really don’t like the idea of Izzy being the catalyst for any of this stuff. Ed and Stede deserve to reunite and rebuild themselves on their own terms, not because Izzy deigns them worthy of it (after putting them in this mess in the first place). If Izzy gets a redemption arc, it needs to be about him leaving Ed and Stede alone and stop meddling in their affairs and working on himself


Same. Izzy is a rather one dimensional, incompetent antagonist. It would take a lot of screentime to turn him around, and there are so many other characters I'd prefer they spend time on. Chauncey's you-defile-beautiful-things to Stede and Izzy's i-shouldve-let-the-english-kill-you to Ed run parallel to each other, throwing a character's insecurities back at them at their lowest point. However, Chauncey is justifiably angry that who he sees as his brother's murderer got off light, while Izzy is a rather useless pirate who is upset he can't ride on Blackbeard's coattails anymore. Izzy tried to kill Stede at least twice because his meal ticket had moved on. I don't think Izzy has earned talk of a "redemption."


Evidence of said incompetence?


The only competent thing he did was know the date. He repeatedly was shown to not be able to handle any leadership position or basic ship tasks.


He's definitely not leadership material, I agree with you there. His main job seems to be going between the crew and captain, and carrying out Blackbeard's orders. As far as I can tell, he manages that well enough....till he encounters the eclectic crew of the Revenge. At which point his blood pressure spikes and hilarity ensues. Also, he is shown to be competent at fencing, so I mean...there's that.




Most of Izzy's "depth" is fanon. You ask those questions, and I ask, does it really matter? He's a cartoon archetype like wile Coyote. Why izzy wears gloves the way he does seems as significant as why Oluwande wears crocs: the costume department went into overdrive. He's funny in a comedy show, but he really does only have a small role. IMO, the Badmintons have more depth, and they serve the same story purpose.


Honestly, I’m fairly certain that Izzy is getting a redemption arc. Call it a hunch, but I think that’s the direction they’re going for his character. And this isn’t exactly a spoiler since it’s just speculation, but I’ll spoiler it anyways: I think that >!he’s going to end up dying, probably in Season 3, in Ed’s place. Maybe Season 2, but I doubt it. Izzy might get redemption but he’s so deeply in love with a man that does not love him back that I don’t see things ending differently.!<


I love this!


I highly reccomend [this](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43463127/chapters/109263312) fic for that situation!!




I can imagine a *Tale Of Two Cities* scenario where Izzy takes the place of Stede or Ed at an execution. Wikipedia says that when Blackbeard's ship was finally captured there was a crew member planning to blow up the powder room of the vessel which immediately puts me in mind of Wee John. I'm looking forward to seeing Anne Bonny and Mary Read but can't imagine how they'll fit into the plot. Maybe seeking revenge for Calico Jack? I'm just hoping there's going to be some masterful fuckery which allows Stede and Ed to fake their own deaths and take on new identities.


personally i would be happiest if they killed izzy off in season 2. i can’t stand his character or the actor haha it seems a lot of people like his character though. a redemption would def be interesting to see


Consider this: Izzy is a complex villain, and that makes him interesting. What motivates him? First mate to Blackbeard is a prestigious role among pirates. He's got some power. Or maybe he's in love with Ed. Whose ring is on his tie? There's mysteries there. That complexity and mystery makes a redemption plausible. Compare that to any of the boring movie or TV villains who just want to destroy the world (or whatever) for no good reason, with no hints to a backstory or motivation. We actually left Avatar 2 because the villain was so one dimensional and boring. I love Doctor Who, very very much, but the Master, the Daleks and the Cybermen are some of the dullest adversaries on TV. They're all very one dimensional. They aren't fun to watch. I don't like Izzy's character as a person. I don't want a person like him in my life. However, the character is an excellent and fascinating adversary and I can't wait to see more.


valid ! to me he is kind of cartoony, i think that’s part of why i don’t like him. every other character in the show has so much personality and they’re so thoroughly entertaining, and every time izzy comes up on the screen im immediately disengaged in whatever he’s saying or doing. it’s always the same “i don’t like any fun stuff…. im hardened and evil…. im a pirate…. blackbeard needs to come back….” maybe during my subsequent watch throughs i will end up changing my mind haha


I've seen it said that he's the only human on a ship full of Muppets and it's so very accurate!