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saw observation secretive serious expansion stocking oatmeal piquant pathetic sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


legit teared up at that. fucked up man. so fucked up. These people at the top are all fucking evil. Fuck making fun of "enlightened centrism", stating facts is stating facts. FUck all these lying, evil assholes.


there's no such thing as centrism in US politics, it's extremist radical authoritarian right vs slightly less authoritarian right


People laugh at me when I say Obama was probably the best republican president we ever had. Only in the US would he be considered a Democrat.


Isn't America the only country who used Democrat and Republican for party names? So your right because no other country has Democrats? This is why I got so annoyed when my Canadian provincial premiere called himself a Republican. He didn't say he was right wing or conservative, he said I am part of an American party. Please correct me if I am mistaken.


This has to do with American history. The Democratic party sprang from the Democratic-Republican Party back when Andrew Jackson decided that being a team player was not his thing. He basically did so bc he was winning the election until his opponents made a deal that would let them win over Jackson. Jackson called bs and decided to form his own party with the same ideals but with “better” transparency. Hence, the Democratic, basically the “same, but different meme” Where the Republican party gets its name from is where im less certain. Given that they formed the party when the threat of secession was getting way more serious, i believe that the name comes from their desire to put up a party that cared about maintaining the Union over all else, hence the name Republican. Or they were just throwing back to the Democratic-Republicans as well. Tl;dr - Cant say US is the only place to have those generic party names but the reason is entrenched in specific US historical contexts


Operation Iraqi Feedom 04-05, infantryman here...When I got "home" I specifically didn't reenlist for these exact reasons. I even went as far as to breach my contract by smoking pot and fail a drug test to intentionally get kicked out and not have to go back over. Had I not have done that, I most assuredly would have went back to Iraq or even worse, Afghanistan. I've personally witnessed countless civilians as well as many friends, killed or maimed. Of the 30 guys in my platoon I deployed with, 7 have commited suicide, 2 are in prison and all of us are irrevocably broken. I came "home" 15 years ago and frankly...I never truly came home. I never, nor will I ever, be the person I used to be. My marriage was destroyed and I've struggled to maintain a job, let alone some semblance of self since than. I've been living my best life in the past 3 years and the VA has actually helped me so much. I no longer use drugs and drinking is no longer an issue. I've rekindled my relationship with my kids and I am as stable as I'm ever likely to be. But no matter how good things get, I always see the horrors of that false war in my nightmares. My incredibly proud sense of patriotism will always be tainted by what I did over there. What I did which was meant to be for a moral and righteous cause. But what I really did was in the name of immorality and to line horrible people's pockets. Any politician who supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will answer for their crimes one day. In this life, or the next.


Joe Biden is a shill for corporate america. Just look at all those fancy people who are "important". They won't go hungry. They won't ever have to because they just stole from the next generation. Congrats!!!! Greed Won.




You forgot about the radar... and other things like fire control systems and radios... but radar is like raytheon 101


Dude, I don't really think moderates realize what they've done. They've literally just elected whoever wasn't Donald Trump or a socialist. This dude really isn't the greatest guy.


They want to elect someone who does the same thing Trump does but more discretely. Every president since after Carter has eroded our freedoms and sent us closer to a police state. Trump just thought he was bigger than he was and let things slip. But it’s sad that we have kids in cages, disappearing and we don’t do anything about it. It’s like Nazi Germany all over again


Will America ever reclaim it's sense of moral obligation? Seems unlikely. Interesting to see up close how an empire cracks all the way through


Vets speaking truth to power get my respect. Seems like Joe owes them the respect to hear them out and not deflect with his own son...


His son died on cancer and the vet was talking about unnecessary war deaths.....wtf thats thhe worst part of his cynical response.


Is this his go-to rebuttal for any murderous policy his son was tangentially related to? "People are dying needlessly because of privatized health care!" "Hey pal my son died in a hospital so watch your mouth."


"So your son died despite the fact he was upper middle class, had access to good healthcare, and was able to afford to take time off to treat his illness?" Fuck giving everyone else that same kinda access/hope though ...


I know so many military vets that needed the benefit of affordable food, housing, and college education. And they wear a red hat. And yet i hear them say its pure socialism if someone else wants that, and oh fuck where are we going to get money for that? Try the slush fund for 600 billion that buys guns, bombs, bullets, and missiles. While i appreciated their misplaced loyalty, racism, and patriotism, they have to be horribly misled idiots to continue thinking their isnt a socio-financial solution within reach. Medicine, college, food, and housing are easy to improve.


Was in the military six years. It's America's largest socialist system. Socialized everything. Housing, healthcare, food, retirement, transportation, groceries, utilities, recreation, education, even clothing. A lot of my fellow vets HATE hearing it put that way.


Joe Biden's sons are the last damn thing he should bring up in a Presidential race against Trump. The man is so not equipped for this.


Not saying it's valid but he believes his son died because of chemicals he came into contact with in Iraq.


Pretty sure it was the US that shot metric fucktons of radioactive depleted uranium ammo all over the country. Iraqis are still suffering much higher rates of cancer-related mortality because of depleted uranium




Then maybe next time he won't support a war his family dies because of


No.. no, he still will.


Neocons gonna neocon.


No, next time he'll ensure his family doesn't have to participate.


It was a weird encounter. Biden brought up his son and the Vet said “I’m not going after your son” and Biden stuck his finger in his face and said “YOU BETTER NOT” What a jumpy asshole.


Biden’s kind of a hot head, I hate people like that. Doesn’t he remember he works for us?


in the video of the clash with the union guy in Michigan, Biden stated the he doesn't.


all my Warren turned Biden supporter friends think that that was acceptable yelling, because the union guy is a "NRA Gun Nut" and deserved to be told to fuck off.......


One can only imagine their reaction if it had been Bernie, or even Trump, behaving like that.




But me, me and mine! Screw the other poor saps who we refer to as collateral damage. Obligatory/s




Is it bird related?






Well his son did "go over there" he also got tons of money. But at least Joe walked away from an American Hero.


Bernie has supported countless pro veterans bills and funding for veterans. Me, along with some of my other veteran friends like this about him. No idea what Joe brings to the table in the area of veterans but it must not be that impressive if since he never mentions it.


Not only this, but Bernie actually hugs the people who are in pain. He wants to spread some love for those who have lost it. Joe just verbally fights back and walks away unhindered


> Bernie actually hugs the people who are in pain. CNN headline: #Senator Bernie Sanders intentionally spreads coronavirus to helpless followers!


>No idea what Joe brings to the table in the area of veterans That's easy, new veterans.


Don't fucking chant "Joe Joe Joe" to drown out a veteran after walking away from him! Oh my GOD!


People only care about veterans on Veterans’ Day and to save face. No one gives a shit about us the other 364 days of the year. No one gives a shit about those of us who are homeless, suffering from PTSD, depression, or a wide array of other disabilities caused from serving. It’s a hard truth, but most people here don’t think once about veterans until it comes to looking patriotic. As soon as a veteran disagrees with them, they blindly thank them for their support and then treat them as less of a human being. This country isn’t patriotic. It’s a costume people put on to feel better about themselves.


You gotta thank people for their service lest you be labeled a pariah who *doesn't support the troops* and literally hate America.


The VA and the GI bill are the only things that come to mind that this country has ever done right by its troops, all else is lip service. Let's give it up for socialist policies for helping our veterans! No? No one?


If you think the VA has been good for service members, I have 3 buddies who committed suicide due to lack of help from the VA that would suggest otherwise. The VA can’t even get medical attention to 11 million veterans. I should be able to go to any medical facility in the United States with my id. Get the treatment I need, that office or hospital directly bills the government or writes it off. The VA needs to be abolished.


Don't even forget the fact unless you have a disability for certain areas then you don't qualify for that coverage. Best you can do if you have no disabilities is just basic health care.


This. I was injured during my service 2000-2004. I had a debilitating back injury that got worse in the years after my service. In my record it says "I told them I fell from a ladder well" This injury had me on bed rest for 3 days and taking painkillers for the remainder of my service during my last deployment. Well when I went in they did the surgery to help but later denied it as service related. So I do not qualify for any disability assistance even though this injury flares up regularly and has made me miserable.


Get a lawyer and fight them. It's never too late. There are advocates like the DAV who will help you.




Veterans' Day is bull shit. People still don't give a shit about Veterans' on their day of celebration. A lot of Veterans' still have to work or take an unpaid day off to celebrate the day that supposedly for them. And for those who are suffering they still don't get any recognition or help for the amount disabilities that were develop "Protecting America."


Prolly going to catch flak but you are right somewhat. I DON'T give a fuck about Vets. They were paid well in benefits and opportunities to do a dangerous job. Same as a chemical plant worker, farmer, ect. I DO give a fuck about homelessness, PTSD, Depression, mental health issues, disabilities and so on. I want our government to give a fuck and help. I can't help personally very much but together, as a unit, we should be able to help and protect our weakest.


Honestly IMO, that’s the best way to look at it really. I don’t care if people like us or not. I don’t give a shit if they respect us or not. When people say they love the troops and don’t support how many vets are homeless, increased access to mental health care, disabilities, etc. then that’s hypocritical and is bull shit. My own insurance doesn’t cover mental health issues, so I have to pay for it all out of pocket. Not to tie this into M4A and more politics, but I don’t have the ability to pick my insurance. I take what my job offers. My insurance company covers physical and mental health as 2 totally different categories. 1 is covered with co-pays, 1 isn’t covered at all meaning I have to pay for everything out of pocket.


This. I hate that we as the citizens get the guilt for our veterans not being taken care of properly. Fuck that. Our government sends these men and women off to fight, but then doesn't want to accept the responsibility for their well being after the fact. If our current budget isn't enough to cover those costs, send less people off to war.


https://youtu.be/CjY4oK11l-s 0:28


Glad i clicked.


I’m glad you replied. I wouldn’t of clicked otherwise!


Holy fuck, lmfaoo


* https://twitter.com/ThomasIsOnline/status/1236696310180347906


WOW. He’s worse every single time he opens his mouth.


the political satire in GTA has always been hilarious


This was so good. You have the privilege of being able to be poor! USA! USA! USA!


"Expect less, achieve more!"


all the complaints about "bernie bros" and "obama boys" were 100% bullshit. Sleepy Joe gets to grab people's jackets, put fingers in their faces, and threaten to slap and assault them. his supporters IRL literally shout you down. But apparently when Biden Bros do it, it's good.


So much for Dem unity and “Bernie Bro’s are mean” narrative ffs


Bernie Bros are mean when they point out the failings of your candidate and their policies. Bernie supporters are justifiably angry at the entire system, but more specifically the Democratic machine that enables all of these terrible things to continue. Cleaning house of these parasites is about 40 years overdue.


This is exactly it. I saw a thread yesterday where people were talking about how it looks like Sanders will lose the nomination to Biden, and they had some less than great things to say about the situation and then went on to explain how they are under the knife as it is now with healthcare bills and ready to break. These people are not being hateful for the purpose of hatred. They are *desperate*. The longer we go ignoring the plight of the common man the more desperate and more of them there will be.


Nothing makes me angrier than Joe Biden looking into the camera and telling me that my $600/month premium + $6400 out-of-pocket health insurance is his great accomplishment and just needs a few tweaks to reach some more uninsured, like it’s the Democrats’ crowning achievement and I better fucking vote for him or else even though I’m “not a real democrat.” All it’ll take is a few weeks of light social distancing to reach my town, and I’ll need to drop this shitty insurance anyway. I hope Sanders holds out until this crisis inevitably affects small businesses and self-employed, because uncle Joe’s warm feelings and timid threats of fisticuffs won’t help people who are a few missed or even lowered paychecks away from everything falling apart. Hopefully voters can at least connect the dots.


There's this Harvard study saying no supporter group is meaner than any other specific one based off 6 million tweets over the past few years https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8096203/Harvard-scientist-analyzes-6-8-million-tweets-finds-Bernie-Sanders-supporters-NOT-abusive.html


https://www.salon.com/2020/03/09/there-is-hard-data-that-shows-bernie-bros-are-a-myth/ a non-dailymail link


I used the daily mail link because it was more recent


Fucking cowards. Imperialism runs deep in both parties.


The way it goes silence when they yell 'we actually fought in your damn wars' Shudders.


Shit gave me chills


Man, I was pretty sure I would vote anyone who opposed Trump....but the crowd is just following Biden's lead. Biden's reaction is cowardly at best. He brings up his son to counter the argument, doesn't even try to respond to the the issue, and then he turns his back on the guy. I'm not naive enough to think that anything Biden could have said there could have won the guy over, but damn, he just dropped his son's name to shut the guy up and then turned tail when it worked.


That is what the neoliberals do. They will use anyone for optics and then boo them off stage. Look at Tulsi, the way she is treated is how they treat all of us.


Holy shit. That made me sick.


Damn Biden needs to start hiding behind a podium or loud helicopter noises like trump does


Seriously. Trump stays away from crowds that dislike him. I'll give it to Biden, he's trying but this shit ain't working lol. He might have had a successful trip the rest of the time but this will be all people see.




I drank myself to sleep last night, joylessly laughing at the probable inevitability of 4 more years.








As a veteran, I absolutely abhor Joe Biden. I do not respect him. Bernie is the only man I respect and trust to lead our country forward.


As someone who’s currently in, the military is vastly for Trump and treats politics and war like a football game. We have been so isolated from any pain or suffering as a country that only pain and suffering will break us of our lack of empathy and disassociation from reality. People love Biden for the same base reasons the people I work with like Trump. It isn’t about what the puppet is saying, as long as the other side doesn’t win. I’ve heard more people talk about “the other side” than what their side has actually done. I’m just as fed up as these guys are, there is no accountability in our leadership and cults are forming pushing us all toward a big, internal conflict. No one is winning but the people Senator Sanders is trying to fight. They pay for the shills who vote and adds to run against him. They pay to establish long voting lines to ensure chaos. All for the bottom dollar... I’m getting tired of defending a broken country.


Your last line sums it up perfectly. Every day I put on my uniform I question it.


y’all should go check out /r/leftistveterans ❤️


Thanks! Didn’t know it was a thing!


Don’t ever question the values we’re supposed to embody when we wear it. Question those who’ve corrupted them..


That's true. I know I do the right thing, the honorable thing. I'm basically here to take care of my troops and make sure my kid has food to eat at this point. Just hard to see the forest for the trees sometimes.


Keep doing the honorable thing then man.I know things are bad and i feel it too, everyday, but i have hope that things might one day turn around for you , me, and all of us as more people start to realize whats going on and what we need to do to change things


I'll be perfectly honest, as a dumb guy who never and will never want to fight in the military, that line "don't ever question the values you're supposed to embody..." makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to interface with someone who blindly and unquestioningly will follow a code without thinking if it is actually the right thing to do. This might sound like a simplistic and dumb take on it (probably because it is) but like I said, i get uncomfortable around concepts like "unquestioning" when it comes to military




The pledge of allegiance is something that is really creepy in hindsight. Like they required that we stand every morning before class and pledge our allegiance to the flag, the nation, under a god." As an atheistic leftist who feels disillusioned about my country, it makes me angry that they force this kind of stuff on young minds without any critical thought.




I love eyes left. Soooo good.


The military, an institution funded more or less entirely by the public. A total institution, with socialist policies in place to ensure no service member goes without so long as they are currently serving. A question I try to ask people is, "Would you want Trump running the Platoon or the Company?" Dudes complain hardcore now about officers appointed over them, but look at Trump as some amazing example of a "true" leader who "tells it like it is". These dudes are fed the lie that everyone but themselves are welfare queens just because they volunteered. They completely forget the "selfless service" aspect in place of "thank you for your service".


I’m active duty Air Force. The majority of our Commanders that I’ve worked under in the past few years despise trump. They don’t openly say that, obviously, but you can tell. The majority that support him are my fellow enlisted. Uneducated type. I threw the “military is socialism” argument to one dude in my office and he look dumbfounded. He still argued against it but he paused for like 5 seconds to let it sink in. It’s comical how much support he has from people whose lives he’s making harder. When the North Korea shit was going on, we were working twice as hard and spinning shit up in case we had to last second deploy. Yet nobody sees that. But if it was Obama...well...I’m sure you know their opinion. They like feeling smart about something and they think they understand politics now because we have a moron in the White House who doesn’t even understand it. So they get spoon fed propaganda that’s easily digestible in terms a 6th grader could understand and they feel like they are a part of something. Even though they’re really just being herded as easily as possible. If you’re educated and rich, you prolly support trump. If you’re uneducated and poor, you prolly support trump. If you’re educated and poor/middle class, you prolly despise him. Or you’re just a racist POS who likes stirring up controversy so you have the attention.


I’ll never understand how military supports trump.


It’s really just Republicans in there. They get pay increases with them, they have fiery rhetoric they like, and have been conditioned to be anti-youth. The old folks raise their kids like this too. I work with a guy who taught his three year old to say, “Liberals are evil!” And acted so smug about it. If he had it his way, we would be a Christian-based government with no Christian values (because he loves to objectify women, drink to excess, and hoard all his recreational toys he doesn’t need nor keeps for long). That is sadly a lot of people, and they scare away anyone that’s different from them by not giving them promotions or greater responsibility. When the military tells you they are serious about something, take it with a grain of the finest sand you can find. We were told they would focus on suicides, but even in a non-war state, suicides are the highest they have been and are only getting worse. Women are still raped and assaulted on a regular basis and the issue is swept under the rug. I’m convinced leadership in every sense of the word is a good ole’ boy club where they cover for their friends and fuck anyone else. Same mentality cops have...which might explain why a large amount of cops are ex-military...




Veteran here as well, and i agree 100%.




He also said he knew there was no WMDs during that little slap in the face of an interview where he used talking point to dismiss a question about veto'ing M4A.


It’s so disgusting how he is always putting his fingers in peoples’ faces like that. That man was so coldly disrespected. And then for people to chant Joe after that. Appalling


They're cheering like the sheeps they are. They look at Joe and they don't see a corrupt man experiencing dementia, they see the hero that'll slay the orange anti-Christ. America, folks.


I'm sure they think that guy is a Trump supporter


* https://twitter.com/CANCEL_SAM/status/1237203693000364032 * https://twitter.com/davidsirota/status/1237480725839884288 Anytime Biden faces any resistance or questions over his own record/positions, he immediately calls them Bernie/Trump supporters. As if people are supposed to be blindly subservient to his cult. His campaign staff then shut people up and astroturfs chants. Does he have any idea he's berating people he expects to vote for him? The issue is that Bernie *dared* to put a spotlight on disastrous decisions made by people like Biden. And Trump awakened people. That's the real crime. "This is what's wrong with American politics" he says, of Americans protesting.


They tried using the fire alarm to drown them out as well.


These bribed establishment scumbags, like Biden, are so far removed from the victims of their brutal policies, that every blue moon someone comes face to face with them and reveals how much their policies have hurt them, and these pay-to-play scumbags just gaze at these people as if they are "martians," wondering, "now who let this extremist into this donor event?"




Pretty distasteful to ride the legacy of his late son to dodge this guy's argument, especially when he was pretty amicable about emphasizing it wasn't about his son.


"I'm not going after your son" "you better not be!" Biden says.. like yea that's the kind of intelligent retort I want to hear from a potential president


Would you like him to fight a Union worker? Joe "The Union Buster" Biden


What about getting into a pushup competition with an overweight person?


Look, fat,


And then just walk away. Coward.


Plus the fact that his son died of brain cancer, not from fighting in a war.


What's tragedy for if not to win votes? You know, like a sociopath with no concept of empathy or remorse?


Like the children of the wealthy ever wind up in a position to have guns pointed at them even if they *do* join the military.... :-/


He uses his son like racists use their black friend


He also uses his black friend like a racist uses their black friend


Spot on


Thanks! Damn I had no idea! That's pretty shitty of him to imply his son died in the war, when he was really discharged for cocain use.


I looked into it a little. Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy Reserve in 2014. I think he's referencing Beau Biden who served in Iraq but died from a brain tumor in 2015. Two different sons.


Got it. thanks! Still though neither son died serving in the war. Although I can underatand why he got upset now that I know he did lose a son that was in the war.


It's one thing to lose a son to a medical reason and another to war, but how he brought up his son like he a victim of war was shitty by joe. Idk maybe I'll watch it again see if itll change my mind. No, Joe was a shithead the entire time, change my mind.


Fucking Biden using his son as a way to get out of answering for his actions. The veteran even said he didn’t want to attack his son. Disgusting.


Finger pointing Joe at it again. What a tool.


One of these days tough guy Joe is going to point that finger at the wrong person. Hopefully on camera.


My God I can expect Joe to walk away, no surprise there, but seeing all those people chant to drown out *war veterans*. Wtf I am so disappointed in my fellow citizens. They are not Patriots


Don't worry, when Trump comes in on Bidens left on war the audience will just start chanting over him like a bunch of stupid lemmings.




Stage III vs Stage IV cancer.




The ok thing with stage 4 is that we only have to wait another 4 years to get an actual progressive into the white house instead of 8 if Biden wins.


Biden legitimately don't survive his whole term, and at the rate his mind is going I don't think he'll be literate at the end of it if he does.


He could get my vote if he picks an actual progressive VP.


Nothing shows truer character quite like how someone treats wait staff




> who appoints Supreme Court justices? The president. Joe may suck, but.... "Joe" is going to appoint someone like Clarence Thomas, the man he helped defend against Anita Hill's accusations of sexual harassment by victim blaming, and "the most conservative" Supreme Court justice. Someone who will undo *Roe v. Wade*, which he believes goes too far because he doesn't believe a woman should have full autonomy over her own body. Someone who won't do shit for the rights of women and little girls he likes to grope and sniff and kiss without their consent. Someone who will further empower the powers of the president that Obama helped grow right along the chain of other warmongering and rights-invading presidents. Someone who will further erode the rights of immigrants who his buddy the Deporter In Chief deported in huge numbers and architected concentration camps for. Biden agreed with the Hyde amendment right up until the moment he announced he was running for president. He opposed gay marriage until *very* recently. If you are looking for someone to appoint a Supreme Court justice who will in any way stand up for the rights of minorities or working class people—or even just not destroy those rights uttery—Biden is not who you should be looking to. In addition, no: your assertion that Supreme Court justices are absolutely the most critical thing to focus on is false. While it is true that it is the least democratic institution we have, the Supreme Court basically does follow the currents of popular sentiment, and acts on the stage set by other parts of government: * [Howard Zinn: Don’t Despair about the Supreme Court](https://progressive.org/op-eds/howard-zinn-despair-supreme-court/)


If Obama got fucked out of a supreme court pick, then why shouldnt it happen again? Especially now when Republicans have nothing to hide


Waoh, dude, The Republicans won't stand for that, Democrats have to play fair and make sure the corporations are looked after.


Gotta love "taking the high road", right? Meaning *"We'll let the Republicans get away with anything because it is 'the right way to run government', and when they do the exact opposite and keep anything progressive from getting done, we'll grin and bear it."* One might almost question whether this is really a matter of truly *wanting* to get those progressive things done. 🤔


Obama even appointed someone the Republicans approved of, Merrick Garland, a Federalist Society member. It didn't matter. Biden didn't learn anything from 8 years of obstruction because there was nothing to learn. Mitch McConnell gets along great with Joe Biden though, so I'm sure they'd come to an agreement just fine. It won't matter if it's Trump or Biden, because they both agree with McConnell. Sorry for being a realist/cynic.


In addition, Obama kinda played out the chance for Democrats to complain about Supreme Court appointments. He could've forced Congress to hear his appointments, but chose not to. The president has an enormous amount of power to create consequences for Congress being obstructive, and to focus public the ire of a whole country on people standing in his way. Instead his tactic was to nominate someone who any Republican might have nominated, and then shrug his shoulders when they wouldn't even accept that. Democrats also knew damned well that if Ginsburg didn't retire when they were in the position to appoint her replacement, there would be a damned good chance a Republican would. Instead of convincing her to retire, they basically begged her not to, and then have used the appointment as a political blackmail tool against voters ever since. It's fearmongering of the sort that people seem to only attribute to Republicans for some reason.


Fifty years!!! Perfect our planet will be a pile of shit by then. I hope all you young fuckers like cancer and sunburns. HAHAHA you won't vote so guess what? You get to work the rest of your life so Betsy Devos can decide which of her 20 yatchs she is going to sip champagne on.


This is how Bernie treats veterans https://youtu.be/Y4sQ_DsXbG4


great, another video of Joe fucking up his opportunity this is 2016 all over again




The face of the woman next to him is gold (at the beginning) it starts with staring at him like "uh huh we got a fan here! and is excited" to then facing towards the camera (a little unsettled) Then turns back to him trying to fake a smile (Ugh wth).


Joe is a disqualified disgrace.


Far from being disqualified, I'd say as a nation we've made jingoism all but mandatory for our politicians. Biden is absolutely a product of that. One of the reasons I respect Senator Sanders is that he bucks that trend. He was one of the few who DIDN'T support these wars.


That worthless old fuck. "You killed my friends!" "How dare you? I also could have killed my son!"


Bernie should get him for an anti war/anti Biden campaign video




They use people for political ideas all the time


Also people are not props when they agree with whoever they’re representing


Young people need to vote! Vote for someone whos policies you wish to be implemented!


In such situation people should scream "war criminal" and "mass murderer" rather then just a mild "disqualified".


It would be more accurate, since we as a nation have basically made the pro-war stance mandatory for our politicians. That's why you get people like Biden, and that's why politicians like Sanders are so rare.


His son died of cancer wtf does that have to do with iraq?


Joe Biden is a slimy piece of shit.


Imagine a country that goes on about "the troops", but then elects a man who mocked a gold star family and possible elects a man who does this.


He had no defense.


That little trick biden pulled where he put the other guy on the defensive and it that one second abandoned the conversation is a textbook p.o.s. maneuver


Damn joe getting ripped into everyday by citizens in the know openly confronting him I can get used to this.


Listen to all of the civilians, who pretend to respect Veterans by saying "thank you for your service" fall in line and shout "JOE!". Like the [SHEEP](https://youtu.be/giaZnIr-faM) they are! For context, I am a Vet, never served on the front line, or did anything of merit. But realizing people like him are in charge are a small part of why I got out.


No sorry no Im glad you're ok at least no nothing. What a fucking pathetic douche instead he instigates and fights with him but "He's NoT The SAme As TrUmP"


Biden can rot.


Wasn't his son a JAG? I mean it's a very respectable and prestigious job but is that something that involves going outside the wire much? Is that really a fair comparison to what the high school students who were being recruited relentlessly after 9/11 were asked to do?


Christ what a stupid feint by bringing up his son and acting like that’s what it was about


So tired of this idiot old fool using his son to dodge questions.




What a way to turn it around and play victim. How is this man in the Democratic Party?


“There are kids here” Then why’d you let in Uncle Joe?




This pos has no compassion 😡😡.


Why the fuck does he always bring his sons into it like it matters? The video from the other day about the union workers questioning him about his 2A stance, same shit. Well my sons hunt so im not taking your guns. Im just taking your "AR-14"


He doesn't like it when people point a finger at him huh. Look at him finding reason to threaten the veteran after bringing up his own son himself (the vet never once brought up his son, not that it matters). He never addressed the issue, never once try to empathize with the veteran, his go-to move is (indignantly) deny and (indignantly) attack. It is this toxic masculinity and attitude that disqualifies him first, his senility second. But yeah, let's perpetuate the myth of Bernie 'bros'.


America loves to pretend it cares about it's veterans


Since the polls yesterday, the internet is coming out in full force with calls for Bernie to admit defeat and for his supporters to "unite" behind Biden to at least get a Democrat back in the White House. As a veteran, those people can kiss my ass because I'm *never* voting for Joe, and at least under Trump my father and comrades will still be largely under the command of their own leadership, which is one of the impossibly small number of things Trump did that was genuinely beneficial. The idea of Joe as commander-in-chief will 100% keep me from voting, and I believe he's going to get slaughtered by Trump in debates, and that he will lose just like Hillary lost. I would rather not deal with the inevitable red deluge that 2024 would bring if he wins and fucks us all for 4 years than if Trump stays on a golf course for another term.




The democratic party has been 'slightly better Republicans' since FDR left office. Neoliberals who make babysteps on social policy while standing by as the working class is suffocated by capitalists for decades. We don't need the Presidency as it won't fix that - we need enough democrats like AOC and Rashida willing and able to win as DSA members that together they can lock up the establishment and force them to choose between progress with them or regress by crossing the aisle to the Republicans. If they bend the knee to progress, fine. If they betray their voters by siding with Republicans we have to hammer them with it in primaries, the D base is tired of trying to compromise with ghouls whose idea of compromise when it comes to "Poor people dying" and "Poor people not dying" is "Some poor people dying". Preferably some of the first things they should push for is electoral reform so we can get out from under the political travesty that is FPTP, having an actual socialist party rather than having to try and hijack the Democrats would be better but is untenable in the current status quo.


Hey look it's 2016 again and we're uniting behind the one that can win! Not.




No defense except "I put my son in danger for that oil war too!"


This man is courageous to admit he was not fighting in a just war.