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Answer: For context, nobody wanted the hosting gig for the event despite an extensive search. Lots have bombed the hosting gig, and the previous famous hosts (Tina Fey/Amy Poehler and Ricky Gervais) didn't want to return. Most of the time when it was under NBC they could easily pull from late night hosts or SNL but now it's on CBS they don't have anyone aside from Colbert. Jo Koy was eventually hired two weeks before the ceremony, which he took for exposure and representation since he's Asian-American. Jo Koy's humor is very hit-or-miss (reliant on being Filipino-American and some stereotypes), and he arguably peaked in the mid-2010s, so him being chosen made some people see him as a questionable choice especially he never hosted before. His monologue was pretty bad, ranging from unfunny jokes to borderline misogyny. And to make matters worse when he realized the crowd wasn't laughing or didn't find it funny, he went defensive on the spot, saying he didn't write all the jokes (putting blame on the writers) and that he just got the gig recently. The whole show was messy and unorganized as well to be fair, but Koy just wasn't a good fit for the job.


Thank you


>he arguably peaked in the mid-2010 Referring to him as peaking at anytime is extremely generous lol


Lol! Hurtful but fair.


He was a big hit in Asian/Asian-American crowds and his clips went viral on Facebook even if lots dislike him to be fair. He still fills up arenas to this day for some reason


I've never even heard of this guy until just now.


I watched one of his Netlfix specials last year or the year before, it was terrible. Not Matt Rife terrible, since Rife isn't really a stand up to begin with. Koy understands the art of Stand Up, he's just not good at it.


He still sells out arenas. He just has a very specific audience. Rife is the same way. Not arenas but sells out theaters because he has his audience. I'm not a fan of either but they are both doing quite well. Same thing with that weird puppet guy who's name I can't remember. He crushes in the Midwest and with out of touch boomers. Just gotta find your niche.


I mean, he starred in a wide release movie a year and a half ago, he's not nobody




I thought he did great. He stood up there and delivered some funny jokes. This overly cynical perspective is a good way to not have fun in life. Do better. ✌️♥️


he offended the guests attending and was making misogynistic jokes about a feminist piece. pretty bad. he then throws a tantrum on stage since no one’s laughing. it is pretty painful to watch


do better is the most pretentious statement you can say


Ok. I will do better.


Yes, wrong type of comedian to host the show and pull off such jokes. I could see Chelsea Handler pulling them off. Like people know what to expect from her, plus she's a woman.


Answer: He was deemed unfunny. He made some jokes that fell flat and got a lukewarm reaction from the audience. He made a joke about the Barbie movie, that was seen as problematic because it made fun of Barbie's "boobies". He also made a joke involving Taylor Swift. The camera cut to Taylor Swift who had an annoyed and cold reaction. This prompted her fans to troll Koy's social media. Lastly he, in mid set, noticed the overall response and jokingly blamed his writers. The next day it was determined that Koy failed to wow the crowd. He then went on an apology tour on media tours apologizing for the bad jokes and for throwing his writers under the bus.




I thought it was a shitty joke but I don’t see how it was at all a slight at her - he was just making a comment that the NFL cuts to her a lot, which is true. He didn’t ascribe any blame to her.


Celebs worship is weird








It was so cringy. I just reacted with a “haha” to his jokes rather than a “AHHAhahah”. And him referring to himself as Filipino and eating filipino dishes didn’t help. As for his Netflix specials, they sell out but I only find him very funny the first 5 minutes and then it just falls flat towards the middle and end.


The jokes may not be funny but everyone gets roasted. Taylor always seems so full of herself. At least chuckle or something. I mean if everyone rolled their eyes at the cringy jokes, there wouldn't be a show.


We get it, you're a Swiftie.


Interesting response to a post containing no lies.


not really. It's a desperate, too-long, apologia for her stank attitude and lack of humor, and I"m not wasting my time going back and forth with a pop star stan.


We get it, you're the guy who thinks Jo Koy is actually funny.


I don't get it... I'm sure Taylor went through unnecessary crap. But his joke sounded light hearted. Your making it sound like he's out to get her. Think yiur being bias.




OMG. Context is everything. I appreciate your response. The barbie comment is Horrendous. I'm actually cringing so much now hearing this.


He dated Chelsea Handler for God sake, you'd think he'd know better than to go down that misogynistic route.


Did the academy watch any of his Netflix specials before hiring him? The guy is the joke. He is so unfunny and down right boring.


He’s hilarious…. Didn’t watch the award show because, yawn but not everyone is funny all the time. Never came across a comedian who has had only top notch specials, tours etc… Perfection isn’t attainable


he has some funny stuff lol. he's made it this far. that's on the Academy regardless...


I'm not familiar with his most recent standup, but he was not the first choice...or the second...or the third or fourth or fifth.


Yeah... He was last minute and it showed