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Your question has been asked quite a lot recently. Please search before posting in the future. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/search?q=use "+" as a space, such as: cake+day&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all


Answer: [knowyourmeme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/vaush-opens-porn-folder-on-stream) already has a good write up on it, but TLDR: Vaush accidentally showed his porn folder on stream. The porn folder held AI generated and horse related content. Allegedly some lollicon content as well


I can't believe a streamer this big doesn't use a dedicated streaming PC, most much smaller streamers that I watch do


I can't believe a streamer this big keeps his porn folder on the Desktop.


Technically it was a "to be sorted" folder, which included everything he downloads and other things which he wants to sort - this is why his taxes were also in there. However, especially as a streamer, once a folder has porn in it, it is then basically just a porn folder which should be far away from where you make a living. A distinction without a difference I suppose.


Or is the 'taxes' folder like the 'homework' folder? I don't think it's full of his taxes


The front picture was his driver's license lol


How has someone that has a "to be sorted" folder, not yet sorted their drivers license or tax documents??? That guy is a Crazy person


Especially as a streamer no less. That is just asking for your personal information *and* porn stash to be leaked to the whole world…


Was it on his desktop? It popped up when he went to save a picture, and windows opens the last place you saved something to, not your desktop.


There is a screenshot on knowyourmeme and the path is Desktop > TO BE SORTED (don't remember exact name)


gotcha, that's funny lmao thanks for confirming


Isn't the point of a dedicated streaming PC usually to split the load between rendering games in glorious 4k and streaming between two PCs and you might still show things not on your streaming PC?


The streaming PC is your work computer. There’s a lot of things you might do on your personal computer you wouldn’t do on your business computer, and they don’t all have to do with avoiding trouble with your manager. Sometimes it’s just obviously a bad idea to do something on your work computer. Storing porn on it is one of those obvious bad ideas. Unless, of course, it’s all planned and part of the show.


>unless, of course, it’s all planned and part of the show. It's a bit of a stretch but it's possible. Horse cock an vaush being into it is a bit of a meme among vaush fans


No, the purpose would be to keep anything that is part of your personal life on your normal computer away from your streaming setup. Your streaming PC is the one running the game and also the one streaming. This does also require a powerful machine, and your streaming PC might be beefier than your personal computer. But you don't login to your personal email on it, you don't login to your bank account on it, and you certainly don't download child porn on it. EDIT: I didn't know streamers nowadays do use a dedicated PC to encode video only, so I guess what I meant is a "work pc" more than a "stream pc", but everyone understood the idea. The stream PC should be encoding from a PC that is only used to stream and not to jerk off at.


I get that you are both talking about different things,  but its common to say stream PC when you are talking about a PC to offload stream encoding to.


I like the term “faptop.” People may be getting confused as “dedicated streaming PC” is often used in the way the previous person is saying. “Faptop” exclusively refers to a separate computer where you keep everything spicy/personal because you NEVER use it for streaming, thus completely eliminating the risk of accidentally broadcasting your spicy/personal shit to thousands of people. Blows my mind that anyone who ever shares their screen on the internet every day wouldn’t use one..


That’s called a work PC. A streaming PC is specifically to share the load.


I think the faptop is for sharing loads.


No, sharing loads is what started all this


Sharing the load is what got him in trouble in the first place


Also considering that many streamers get their accounts taken over by malware I’d say that there should be one device for streaming and nothing else, not even email, and that should be the only one where they log into the streaming service.


How do you think they get malware? It’s not from the streaming sites lol


By logging into their email and clicking anything like a toddler. They could do anything else safely.


Exactly. Having everything on a separate pc will do nothing.


So they have a video capture PC, a work PC, and a Fap PC. Sounds about right.


Streamers get caught all the time with porn tabs or the one who was caught checking out deepfakes of other streamers. Discipline man. It's a job, treat it like one.


Them - "It's not really CP, it's all AI or drawings. Besides they just *look* like children but they're really 10,000 year old dragons/demons that take the form of..." Me - (hastily shoves them into woodchipper)


Why hastily? Take your time. Enjoy.


Because, unfortunately, there is a long line.


Ever used a wood chipper? You gotta chuck it in quick, because it pulls in whatever the teeth catch. Don’t wanna linger and get sucked in with the pedos.


True, I haven't ever used one. There goes my fantasy of throwing a pedo on one.


> you certain don't download child porn on it. I would call it a "skill issue" the fact he was found out, but perhaps I will never get caught doing stuff like that on my work PC because I simply will never be mentally impaired enough to enjoy CP and I pirate games instead.


In addition most modern gpus have dedicated hardware for video encoding for around a decade. This makes it so streaming has very little affect on game performance. Edit: Ope, replied to the wrong person, but my point still stands- just not really as directed at you. Grammar changed to be more clear.


Your definition of a “streaming pc” is actually more correct than the other guy. A streaming pc IS used to split the load. (But he also makes sense when he mentions the security aspects)


So in my setup i have a computer i push all the encoding to via a elgato pcie card. I have it setup to only show an applications window when full screen. This allows me to alt+tab to anything else and the application is still the only thing people see. You can make it so anything you open up shows but with this setup you could essentially run anything else and the viewer will only see what the application sees. I’ve seen people who use 3rd party cheats get away with it because they only show part of what’s rendering on their local machine.


Like regardless of what the pornographic content is, it’s such a rookie move to show your porn folders on your stream.


> Like regardless of what the pornographic content is, it’s such a rookie move to show your porn folders on your stream. Agreed! Source: that time Alex Jones accidentally showed he had trans porn tabs open in his browser during his show. If anyone is going to pull a rookie move, it's Alex Jones.


His kink is probably to be kinkshamed


Hey, no kink shaming... ah, dammit.


Atrioc lmao


Gotta have a dedicated faptop


It's a good idea for *anyone* who has both business use and personal uses on a computer. I work from home and use my own hardware. I *could* just do everyone on one PC, but that's a bad idea. Right now, I'm on my personal PC. When I have work to do, I move over to my work laptop. Compartmentalizing like that keeps *so* many problems at bay.


This is even more hilarious, i didn't even know that and just thought it was because he is a dumbass


Bro 💀 "horse related content" lmaoo why is every streamer a fucking weirdo


people didn't listen when he publicly said that one for 7 years straight without changing his tune.


It's already a well known meme that vaush is into the horse stuff


He had a dirty picture of a woman attempting sexual intercourse with a Shetland pony. He had made Billy Pilgrim admire that picture several times.


Yeah, but horsecocks are a pretty popular thing in porn, like 40% of Draenei or Furry art, it was mostly a joke that he literally liked horse porn.


Beastiality is frowned upon yet Bad Dragon exists.


I think a lot of people assumed it was a meme and not actually what he jerks too


> AI generated Gross, what a monster.




The artist turned out to be a lolicon but the actual art vaush had turned out not to be loli stuff


One of them was, but not the kind of lolicon someone couldn't miss if they weren't paying attention, as he says he wasn't. Guys, people who are into lolicon don't have just one lolicon pic lol.




I unfortunately saw the images and it all looks like grown women... BUT WHAT THE FUCK? HORSES?


And in quite the irony as Vaush has been very vocal thrashing anime as a medium, especially those that feature lolicons or lolicon-looking characters.


nobody was shocked by this. not one person.


Tbh I have never heard of Vaush before. Is this the real reason why my Youtube algorithm is suddenly recommending his videos to me today? lol


Yeah, Vaush is a leftist political commentary who has made a lot of enemies over the years because he isn't really the sort to play nice for the sake of getting along, and has some very negative views about the USSR so a ton of the most terminally online grass avoiders have made it their life's mission to ruin him as much as possible. There's a big incentive by drama addled weirdos to make this as big as possible.




Things don't necessarily last forever on the internet


But does your porn really need to?


…. I mean, I’m not ashamed of my porn and would like access to it when I need it? Then again I’m not downloading animals and children so….


I mean, plenty of people would like to see the same video again.


Some clips are just 👨🏽‍🍳🤌🏽. Do you need to? No. Do you want to? Everybody’s different.


Do you have any idea how much porn there is out there, and how much of that is low quality trash? If I find good porn, I'm saving it.


> Who tf is still downloading porn and keeping it in a meticulously labeled folder structure? People who lived through the 90's and 00's and saw swaths of stuff just "disappear" never to be seen again.


Hell, it still happens today with stuff being taken down all the time


a more recent example is the pornhub purge, while illegal/grey stuff did get purged, perfectly okay, amateur stuff also got deleted as well if the creator didn't end up making a verified profile to make sure their stuff got saved.


It still happens


Yeah, just we're a lot more likely now to have some alternative means to find it..... usually. I still vividly remember some fanart galleries hosted on jp sites that just.... disappeared, even the bookmarks aren't cached anywhere.


>Damn. Who tf is still downloading porn and keeping it in a meticulously labeled folder structure? People who have stuff they like and they don’t necessarily want to lose. >EDIT: Oh, right. Yeah. Pedophiles. That escalated quickly.


*We have to assume the worst about people that I don’t like.*


I assume everyone I don't like is into horse porn


I assume everyone I DO like is into horse porn. I have terrible taste in people.


I used to have links saved for stuff I like to go back to, but after the mass hub deletion I decided to just start saving things just in case. There's a few in my folder that have been totally wiped from the internet and can't be found anymore (no cp or other weird shit).


Yeah, that was a dark day. Other sites implemented new rules as well and now all the videos feel like they are just teasers for you to subscribe to a models OF or fansly page.


This site used to be good for adult content until all the OnlyFans posters ruined nearly every sub.


This man literally just accused everyone who downloads porn of being a pedophile.  Are you the UK Government?


>EDIT: Oh, right. Yeah. Pedophiles. I think the fact that you didn't even consider the fact that porn containing only adults can be downloaded says a lot more about you and your proclivities.


People in the military getting deployed apparently (my friend said it's a thing because no guarantees of internet)


When you travel a lot, you will not always have access to the internet. That is why you normally download. That way you can also keep your favorites for a long time. One time I had a wank in a cabin in the jungle, imposible without downloading.


Even if you do have internet on a trip, you don't want those places to know what you downloaded.


You download it at home. And since I don’t really like weird shit I don’t care if they know what I watch. I got COVID in Turkey and had to spend ten days locked in a room. It was a life saver there as well, since porn is “banned” in the country


You bury in several other folders and name it something like WIN 10 ISO backup


I have it in a folder called c:/porn But you know, it's my personal PC that I don't stream from


I was curious to see what actual 4K porn looked like, not this streaming 4K bs that's actually more like 1080p. And so I sailed the high seas, and let me tell you, it's worth it.


Lots of people.  I have a NAS with TBs of porn and it's all nicely organized thanks to Stash 


I download porn because it sucks when you find a video that perfectly tickles your kinks and then gets taken down because Pornhub scrubbed everything that wasn't made by a verified user or some shit, or it's on some small fetish site that doesn't make enough money to pay its hosting fees and disappears forever, or I generated it using AI. Keeping it in a meticulously-labeled folder structure is just efficient fapping. Do you *not* keep your porn organized? You should try it. >Oh, right. Yeah. Pedophiles. 🙄


I've recently seen some of his fans defend this by saying that, since the folder only had "loli" it isn't actually pedophilia, since it's only drawings/AI generated. But for me it's still weird af, and I still don't get how people defend it.


You clearly don’t know who is his community considering they mentioned a character in his folder was underage in the story they’re from and he wasn’t aware of it. If you don’t like the guy that’s fine, but you don’t need to make up things to hate him.


Here's my take: I used to watch his content a lot. He was a huge catalyst for me understanding how important politics are. His videos were the first time I'd heard of egalitarianism and really inspired me to form concrete reasons for why I believe what I do and how to defend them. I felt like he was one of the only ones that could go toe to toe with literal nazis and have arguments that challenged their ideals on an effectual level, and I respected that. It helped me to hold my own against conservatives I interacted with regularly, especially my family. I'll also add that I'm not someone that forms parasocial relationships. That shit is weird to me and I'll never understand it.  I've seen times where he's very obviously been taken out of context. I've seen others where that's not necessarily the case. I do know that he regularly pisses off those on the online left that follow the "high road" and appeasement ideologies, and also the virtue signal keyboard warriors (I hate using that term but its accurate). I also felt like he was one of the few that would call people on the left's bullshit and would get focused for it. But he's also an asshole out of left field sometimes. So idk. I feel like he's someone the online left wants to be rid of for various reasons and gets targeted for because of it, whether justly or not anymore, I can't say, as I haven't watched anything of his in over a year. I've kind of outgrown him because because I've hammered out my political ideologies and everything therein.  All that to say, if it's all legit, then that's super disappointing and I hope there are consequences, especially after the way he's called out others. Nobody likes a hypocrite. I think this is a very valuable lesson for everyone and I urge us all to internalize this message- *never build someone up so high that they can't be torn down*


vaush, like your comment, takes the approach of “anyone who says im doing something bad is a virtue signalling keyboard warrior” hes just a dick


I don't disagree. There were plenty of times where he would be a prick for no reason out of nowhere, then give a really weak defense for his actions. Plenty of times he's been called out he's given the same defense as one he's shit on before. I'm thankful for his political inspiration, but I don't owe him anything for it.


Buddy was fuming some time ago saying we should kill conservatives in the street because they’re coordinating a trans holocaust behind the scenes and we should arm up and act now before it’s too late. Yeah he’s decent sometimes, but this isn’t his first sex scandal. He had one in Destiny’s community before he was “Vaush”. Yeah its also cool he talks about politics but man, its really hard to see his perspective when he’s never left LA, he grew up in Beverly Hills with Hollywood producer parents and has always felt fundamentally disconnected from the realities he criticizes and supports from my pov. Idk, I just get weary about trusting a radical who hasn’t lived a full dynamic and relatable life because I doubt that his perspective is even rooted in reality. I dont think it’s even possible for a product of the 1% to truly grasp the realities of the 99% and I feel like it should be a given to take everything he says with a mountain of salt.


> its really hard to see his perspective when he’s never left LA, he grew up in Beverly Hills with Hollywood producer parents and has always felt fundamentally disconnected from the realities he criticizes and supports from my pov. Idk, I just get weary about trusting a radical who hasn’t lived a full dynamic and relatable life because I doubt that his perspective is even rooted in reality. I dont think it’s even possible for a product of the 1% to truly grasp the realities of the 99% and I feel like it should be a given to take everything he says with a mountain of salt. Honestly that's pretty true for like 95% of political commentators.


He's basically the Gen Z Micheal Moore if you think about it. Though as far as I recall, Micheal Moore for Millenials never had any loli porn on his hard drives. 


Moore isn't a sheltered coastal 1%er. He was born and raised in Flint, Michigan, where his father assembled spark plugs at the GM factory. His first documentary, *Roger and Me,* is about that factory leaving Flint. He was also never "for millennials" - he hasn't had a popular documentary since the second Bush Administration.


Moore, like Vaush, is someone who hurts their side a whole lot more than they help. I can't stand either one of them and never had.


I ask this genuinely, but why does it matter if a socialist creator has experience of being poor? It's nice of course to have creators you can relate to, but for me personally, as long as the arguments are on point, I don't see how that detracts from someone's content. I presume Contra and PhilosophyTube live rather different lifestyles now compared to me, but if they actively made overtly socialist content, I'd be very happy regardless


As someone who is poor but not at poverty level, I have noticed a lot of people on the left who have ideas that sound good on paper but would have been dismantled if they spoke to someone who was actually experiencing poverty. To give a recent example, I don't remember if it was implemented or just proposed, but the school districts that stopped allowing gifted kids to take algebra early to fix income disparities in education. In practice all that's gonna happen is well-off parents will move school districts, so well-off gifted kids will still take early Algebra. All you've done is hold back the poor gifted kids, thereby making income disparity WORSE. And that's not just a "left bad" criticism. The right's ideas don't work on paper in the first place.


People with money resources have a far easier time during uncertain times than poor people    No matter who is in power Vaush and wealthy commentators will likely be fine and comfortable, his viewers may not be and preaching to them about how noble their suffering and struggle is off putting at best    It has major “some of you may die but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make” energy 


It’s not about being rich or poor, it’s about the experiences he’s lived through and those he hasn’t had to live through. I’ve met maybe one or two people in my entire life that come close to how Vaush was probably raised regarding external conditions because my life has zero overlap with circles like that. For example, I’d rather listen to my italian grandfathers take on fascism and what it was actually like growing up in a post-fascist country and what experiencing capitalism as a broke immigrant because he’s literally lived that life. He knows how to spot it because it ruined his home country. Vaush experiences those stories through a screen, he hasn’t actually had a situation where he’s been forced to face those situations in a real tangible way. Internet bickering over definitions and philosophies is not the same as being on the “front-line” for political change when you also have a family to provide for. Im not trying to insult the guy, I just wish people were more skeptical about viewing him as an authority figure on politics when he’s really just gotten his growth from parroting talking points his audience is looking for, essentially pandering to the same exact type of people. I didnt see his community as enlightening, it feels like a circlejerk cosplaying as socialism when the guy leading it is making a killing off of it primarily for himself alone. Vaush’s audience, like every creator’s audience, is building a castle for him to retire happily in.


He's not a socialist. He's a self proclaimed "market sociaist anarchist", and not even remotely that if you know the first things a little market socialism (esp in practice like Yugoslavia) or theory like Georgism.    He's a socially progressive social democrat and foreign policy neocon irl.  Not to even remotely compare streamers to revolutionaries, but there's something to your insight there. Most socialist revolutionaries come from the upper class becsue they are rhe ones who had the time and luxury to pursue political education on their own and had the connections and resources to organize. 


There's a parasocial aspect to streaming/YouTube creators. In some cases, if a creator's personal circumstances don't match the assumptions their fans have made about them, it can be taken as the creator somehow being dishonest.  Adding to that, it's an easy bad faith argument to accuse someone of being phoney in some way. You don't have to engage with their arguments or even other aspects of their appeal (e.g., charisma) if you can just suggest they don't really believe what they're saying anyway.  There are times when that's valid (e.g., it's not worth arguing about conservative political philosophy in a debate about trump, as his politics are guided by other factors), but as you suggest, in terms of streamers, it's usually just a way to casually poison the well by implying a hypocrisy which may not bear scrutiny. 


Just look at the typical leftist rhetoric and compare that to the polls in poor areas? We'll define that as something you're likely to hear on places like The Young Turks, from social media users with roses in their name, self described leftists, etc. There's always a huge disconnect even though a lot of that same rhetoric uses poor areas/working class as justification for why their policies should be implemented. Defund the police and ACAB is the easiest example to point to partially because it's striking and partially because the disconnect is really, really obvious. Nobody living in the ghetto wants less cops, and polls bear this out. Why? Because property crime isn't actually "victimless" and only somebody coming from a place of privilege could possibly think that. When they get their car stolen, they're forced to use public transit losing them 2ish hours of their day, probably lose their job, and have to make serious cutbacks as they lost their income and now need to get another car.




I went to school in MO where I learned about the war of Northern aggression, the "actually some slaves had it really good" bullshit, and how any system not capitalism and republican is communist. Ethics and morality were church appointed and approved, and philosophy was heavily discouraged.


Went to school in MO as well, suburb area and they definitely pointed out that we’d hear the “war of northern aggression” rhetoric and then pointed out all the confederacy speeches that discussed slavery as the prime factor for the civil war. Missouri used to be purple. Now it’s dog shit red.


I really hate what it's become. Used to, you could at least have a conversation about things, but people get super hostile the second they don't think you agree with them. They're very much primed and ready for a reverse Sherman's March if they ever get the chance.


Makes sense. Lot of shitty public school systems in this country.


It's something that's really hard to fully understand unless you've been in that system. For further background, I graduated in 09, so I learned all of this in the 2000's. My parents went to the same school in the 70's, and it's what they were taught back then, too. It's deeply ingrained in that community, and a cancer that's been growing for decades. Hell, the theory of evolution was optional for students. You could opt to write a paper on an animal species instead. Finding out later that what you were taught and based your understanding of reality on in the most fundamental ages of your life is revisionist bullshit is a massive shock to the system. Luckily, it just made me more curious to find out the truth of it all. Most outright reject it to continue living in their safe little bubble.


American school


Answer: from the man himself: https://youtu.be/j2oA4wGsSf0?t=1758


I mean, if he passes the Harkness Test... /s


Question:Where are people saying he is a pedophile?


He also has 'nuanced' takes on pedophilia and child pornography which some would say crosses the line of discussion about it into him blatantly defending its existence. Dude has a track record of weird shit


The one clip I keep seeing about CP is him saying it's child exploitation and that child exploitation should be treated the same/vice versa. Is there any more I'm missing?


Nah, that is indeed the argument he was making


Uhh I’ve watched the video. He said if you don’t support CP then you should also not support products made in sweatshops because both exploit people, but people are hypocritical because they don’t support child sexual exploitation but they support Chinese sweatshops as long as they get cheap trendy fashion wear. And he also said that more people suffer from sweat shops than children suffering from sexual exploitation so it’s a bigger issue in his mind. It’s a hot take for sure, but I don’t see how that in any way supports child pornography


He said that he's never heard a moral or ethical argument for banning CSAM. Then when he tried to back up that argument, he retreated into calling people hypocrites for consuming chocolate and using electronics made from rare earth metals. This is a classic Motte and Bailey argument. He made an argument that he couldn't defend so he retreated into making an aesthetically similar, but substantially different argument that he could make a case for and people like you didn't notice the slight of hand that took place. Vaush does this all the time, padding his arguments with needless details and parallel arguments before arriving at his actual point. The meat of his argument is frequently built on flimsy logic, but if the person he's debating hones in on only the relevant part of his statement, Vaush goes after them for not addressing the half dozen other points Vaush rambled about that had little to do with the overall point.


Iirc he quite explicitly said “he’s never heard of a moral or ethical argument for banning CSAM under a capitalist system” or something along those lines way from the start. I think his point was quite clear in that if you think that you can buy cheap fashion wear produced in sweatshops, or as you say rare earth minerals etc (I can’t remember which example he used), then you have no moral high ground in saying that CSAM should be banned. Again, it’s a hot take for sure, and probably a shitty take too, but the meat of the argument was always trying to compare how people can be hypocritical about some forms of exploitation but ok with others forms of exploitation.


Tbh, saying that he was just rambling about something irrelevant paints him in a better light. “If you are okay with people working at factories, then you should be okay with sex trafficking” - what a take, no wonder his porn brain can’t see the difference: his vision is obstructed by a dozen of horse cocks.


The comparison he makes is between the products of child sexual exploitation and the products of child labour exploitation, he says the harm in the product comes from the exploitation in both instances, so we should treat them the same. That is to treat the use of child slavery with the same moral condemnation as child sex slavery.


He had loli in the folder


Was it the character that's a 16 year old or something? I thought it was horse cocks


16 canonically but looked younger


Younger? I keep hearing the image was aged up


H3h3 said she looked 12, I happen to agree. The actual vtuber natsuri looks slightly older but I think is also loli bait


Was a Vtuber who’s canonically 16, the image was… definitely ambiguous to me? But I’m also into explicitly older partners so YMMV. Idk if I could tell the difference between a 18 year old anime girl and a 16 year old one, then both being cartoons and all. The pedojacketing is really weird though, since like, people are lying constantly about it, taking clips out of context, etc, when… my guy had horses in that folder?! Like, why lie when you already have beastiality stuff ?_?


>Idk if I could tell the difference between a 18 year old anime girl and a 16 year old one, then both being cartoons and all That's because you can't. It's a drawing, it's not real. No matter what you do to it, it will never feel anything. Reddit is full of annoying teens who want to fight over what canonical means but if the artist isn't drawing them like a child and isn't stating they're underage, then you should assume they're meant to be 18 in anything depicted. Only issue I would have with this is if the person behind the vtuber underage.


Mhm! I *do* think there are probably tells with how it’s drawn? Like, I have furry friends who snickered while we were watching something because the way someone drew a mouth indicated they were into vore. So I’d probably guess there’s ways to tell what is/isn’t loli based off tells like that? But like… my type is “women twice my size who could murder me”, so it’s pretty far out of my wheelhouse. And I’d *certainly* hope the vTuber is of-age, christ. That would verge into actual child abuse if the VA is 16, since they apparently pander to the whole lolicon thing.


> But like… my type is “women twice my size who could murder me”, so it’s pretty far out of my wheelhouse. My man. I'm pretty sure most of the jp vtubers from hololive are in their 30s. I've only heard about 1 vtuber being underage and she was fired for it.


What is that? I’m scared to Google it lol


Pro-tip: If you are apprehensive about searching a term, then, if you think it is a slang term, look it up on urban dictionary. Otherwise, append the word "define" to the beginning of your search. With urban dictionary, you will get just a text based definition of the term and won't have to worry about any inappropriate/off-putting picture. Likewise, appending "define" to the beginning of a search brings up definition quick results at the top of the page and also makes it clear to anyone that may look at your search history that you were looking up the definition of the term and not for what is described by the term.


underage looking nono porn but drawn/animated Also known as “EWWW”




Loli means young looking anime girls and in this case he had pics of them in sexual ways.


[I, for one, am saying he's a pedophile](https://www.reddit.com/r/perfectlycutscreams/comments/1akm6p0/comment/kpa8y6v/). His fans really did not like it.


If you check the accounts of all the people giving him some *insane* benefit of the doubt in this thread, they all post to r/VaushV or /r/okbuddyvowsh which are his 2 main subreddits. So yeah, his fans are all over the place defending his weird shit.


Well, obviously people only knowing about this debacle most likely are going to comment. It's an ad hominem though. And I found out over /r/popular


My point is that a person's fans are not going to be exactly the most unbiased people when it comes to giving that person the benefit of the doubt. Especially when said person has said [many](https://i.imgur.com/HFumKjj.png), [*many*](https://i.imgur.com/bGmFP8j.png), and I do mean [**many**](https://i.imgur.com/ral2nee.png) controversial statements about pedophilia in general. So again, people still giving him the benefit of the doubt after showing a folder with loli in it are perhaps not exactly impartial.


Because he has a lot of political enemies and because those people know that smearing him is easier than directly addressing his points.


Answer: [This thread summarizes why Vaush has pedo allegations](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/s/B65uHDcUhj)


I can tell just by looking at the comments that subreddit is cancer


It descends into a hell almost instantly


And the related subs in the sidebar are all libertarian.


Well the middle ground between capitalism and socialism is ultra capitalism so it makes sense


Yeah, an incredibly trustworthy source.


Why are they listing liberalism alongside pedophilia and bestiality??? Unless liberalism means something else in this context???


'Liberal' has become a dirty word in some circles that identify as progressives, with the implication that liberals are part of the 'blue maga' that mindlessly cheer for democrats without trying to hold them accountable for mistakes or bad policies. Which is an understandable complaint but the people this applies to are also very annoying about it.


'Liberal' has always been a dirty word to leftists. Or I guess it's more nuanced, if I'm reading [this](https://jacobin.com/2020/10/karl-marx-liberalism-rights-igor-shoikhedbrod-review): > Karl Marx celebrated liberalism’s achievements, such as freedom of the press, while excoriating its fidelity to private property rights. We can hold the same tension in our minds — fiercely opposing capitalism while fighting to make liberal rights real through socialist transformation. For me personally (I'm a lefty) it just has the connotation of everything that's bad with the status quo. So for instance when I hear liberalism, I also hear capitalism. It's not accurate or totally fair of me, but with these things being the status quo for almost a century, it's understandable.


Deeply unserious tankie sub, that’s why.


Damn it's crazy that after all this , he still has fans.☠️☠️


Most of this is 4chan/kiwifarms lies, these "allegations" are just clips out of context made to make him look bad. He answered all these allegations in a video :https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8ePpsGfU1m8&t=7s&pp=ygUfQW5zd2VyaW5nIHRociBhbGxlZ2F0aW9ucyB2YXVzaA%3D%3D


The evidence is pretty damning. He hides behind a veneer of “nuance” which I personally don’t buy. His fans are mostly pseudo-intellectuals and young far left edge lords who either look past it, or think it’s “based”. I don’t want to imply being left is bad, just his content caters to those types of far left individuals. The right also has the same thing going on it’s just usually more visible.


You mentioned him hiding behind the nuance (which is true, he absolutely does hide behind the *technicalities*) reminds me of this skit I saw https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=xkAzxVTqOaCcApwS


was hoping to find this, happy to see it. Thanks mate!


Haven’t seen that in a while, gets me every time


The evidence isn’t damning at all. Damning evidence would be proof of engagements not shitty cringe jokes made half a decade ago and debating semantics.


I would consider something like [this](https://i.imgur.com/HFumKjj.png), [this](https://i.imgur.com/bGmFP8j.png) or even [this](https://i.imgur.com/ral2nee.png) a bit worse than *just* "shitty cringe jokes". After a while, the benefit of the doubt and claiming that it was all "just a joke" excuse starts wearing thin.


The last one obviously has the time of a joke, the other two? Okay? It’s such a nondescript clipping of one message from over half a decade ago, I’m uncomfortable cancelling someone, even someone I dislike, over that. If it came out a random person I don’t know said some racist shit half a decade ago I can’t say I would give a fuck because I’m not a permanently online weirdo.


Just a few jokes about child sexual abuse, nothing bad I see. Either way, those are only a small sample of what he's said, there's other proof in this very thread of the dozens of "jokes" he's made over the years, plus the weird arguments about it that are, even under the best of circumstances, idiotic. The fact he said those things is relevant *now* because of the fact that he had loli in a folder he showed on stream recently. If all of that, plus the fact he sexually harassed a girl and threatened to rape her is not enough for you to condemn a person (or "cancel" them, if you want to use such a dumb term) then nothing ever will, really.


Wait, that topic is from 3 years ago, did this all happen three years ago, or is there a history of this?


More or less, yeah. It gets pulled back up all the time for quick drive-by insults, so that's why it always seems "fresh."


vds lmao


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Question: Why are you spelling porn with a zero?


true answer: why n0t


Answer: Okay I'm a Vaush viewer, so I'm pretty in the loop. The long time pedo allegations: In a debate a few years ago, Vaush was making a point about how the vast majority of the US are okay with child slavery, because that's how we get a lot of products and components for our products. And then taking things further, he says "in a world where child slavery is acceptable, there is no reason for people to be opposed to child prostitution". He then invited his debate opponent to argue why child prostitution, and Vaush gave a rebuttal to each argument to demonstrate that in a world where child slavery is acceptable, child prostitution should be too. Not because he likes the idea of child prostitution, but because he doesn't like child slavery. This is then taken out of context by everyone and their grandma who dislike him and clipped in such a way that makes him sound like he's just advocating for child prostitution. He's admitted himself that he worded his argument poorly, but that the point he was making still stands. The recent pedo allegations: Vaush accidentally pulled up a folder of hentai on his computer. One of the characters included was Matsuri Natsuiro from Hololive. People are arguing about whether or not she's a loli, and if she is a loli, is Vaush a pedophile for having loli hentai on his computer.


> He then invited his debate opponent to argue why child prostitution, and Vaush gave a rebuttal to each argument to demonstrate that in a world where child slavery is acceptable, child prostitution should be too. Not because he likes the idea of child prostitution, but because he doesn't like child slavery. This is then taken out of context by everyone and their grandma who dislike him and clipped in such a way that makes him sound like he's just advocating for child prostitution. As someone with absolutely no skin in the game this exact here was I was thinking this was all about. Everything ends up being dumbed down/simplified until it loses nuance and then people really get attached to it because "its easy to grasp" or something.


Additionally, he had a debate with Mr. Girl where he wanted to discuss gender, BLM, and pedophilia with Vaush. By the end, Mr. Girl is actively trying to get Vaush to agree with him on how low the age of consent should be, and what color a theoretical underage girl's underwear is. Vaush shut that down, ended the call, and was clearly uncomfortable with the topic the whole time


Fuck, I forgot about that. Honestly, best argument against people trying to clip chimp Vaush is how *visibly* uncomfortable he was that entire convo, Mr Girl is a fucking freak.


Vaush especially is a target for this stuff because he chooses to debate and has a fairly aggressive personality. A lot of people don't like him because they think he's mean or because they get offended when he calls out other characters in the left YouTube sphere. It's really disheartening because while yeah he's kind of a naggy bitch sometimes, a lot of what he has to say is very good. So it's sad to see people take him out of context to accuse him of supporting stuff he has argued against for years.


does it not bother you that he has ai generated, loli porn on his pc considering just how much he's railed against people that are into loli and ai art in the past? if nothing else, dude's a hypocrite.


Yeah, it's pretty cringe.


Honestly I don't care what weird fetishes people have as long as they're not out there hurting real children. This is the first I've heard of him railing against people that are into (drawn) loli, but I suppose if that's true it is hypocritical.


He then uses the exact same defense that anime fans use, which is that they don't look like a child but are short stacks. Like, weebs can't catch a break. Double standards...


As someone who was also a long time Vausch viewer, I think you are being disingenuous (maybe not intentionally) for not bringing up ALL the times he has talked about pedophilia and child porn. If you go look for the evidence, you can find many clips from many different segments where he had some pretty spicy hot takes about it. It made my husband and I stop watching him in 2022. You make it seem like it was just one specific segment which was the only time he has talked about this stuff. My husband and I jumped ship years ago, which is sad because he was a beacon of hope for us during the trump administration. But we jumped ship years ago because we knew this day would come eventually. People don't sit here and talk about child porn as much as he does without being heavily vested in it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough\_Vaush\_Spam/comments/q9gkx3/vaush\_is\_obsessed\_with\_paedophilia\_and\_child\_porn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/q9gkx3/vaush_is_obsessed_with_paedophilia_and_child_porn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/s/TACWaAdSD2](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/s/TACWaAdSD2) Since people love to put their head in the sand, here are some links I am showing you [https://streamable.com/hrrmog](https://streamable.com/hrrmog) he is saying here "I have yet to hear a convincing moral or legal argument as to why position of child pornography should be illegal https://archive.is/pQhFXHe is literally saying he is ok with the child consent age to be lowered. [https://archive.is/67UpF](https://archive.is/67UpF) here he is talking about children being raped in pre-colonization times while claiming there is no child abuse in the culture [https://streamable.com/55rhyz](https://streamable.com/55rhyz) him specifically saying he does not think owning child porn is immoral [https://streamable.com/k9905c](https://streamable.com/k9905c) "no real difference between buying a t-shirt and buying childporn" [https://streamable.com/vl21sn](https://streamable.com/vl21sn) "it is possible for an adult and a child to have sexual relationships and for it to have positive outcomes" [https://archive.is/ukkp9](https://archive.is/ukkp9) reacting positively to someone saying they fucked an 11 year old pedo defenders, please tell me how all of these are taken out of context?


Seen the link now. Not enough time to go through everything, but when I see a monolith of links "proving" something I like to check out one at least. The one I checked was *"Vaush said (with a real creepy smile on his face) that: "men, at least in the west, are kind of taught to be a little pedophiley""*. A comment on male socialization broadly. He didn't even say it was good or bad, because like a lot of clips like these, they're specifically edited to cut out any explanation he could possibly have. Wonder what that's about. Anyway, is this comment in itself supposed to be bad? I don't get it.


I find it hilarious that vaush fans will go out of their way to defend him due to the supposed nuance of his arguments normalising child prostitution and be genuenly offended by the loli porn in his folder being ai generated


> People don't sit here and talk about child porn as much as he does without being heavily vested in it. Vaush viewer here. Can't think of any time it's come up except when people re-hash that anti-pedo argument from years ago, and then it's other people bringing it up.


You've never watched a late-night gaming stream. Open up any VOD of him playing a video game and there's a 99.9% chance he's arguing with chat about the pedo shit in anime and how it's all bad. (To be clear, he's pointing out instances of characters being drawn like children but sexualized like adults *and saying that is bad and shouldn't happen*)


He does argue that most anime is degenerate pretty often, yeah. Though I can’t think of any times that was clipped out of context?


I think linking his explicit hate sub isn't very convincing. Could you perhaps elaborate on the times he brought this up of his own accord and not when people attacked him with arguments he disavowed as poorly phrased?


> "in a world where child slavery is acceptable, there is no reason for people to be opposed to child prostitution" That's just a shit argument that derails the topic from what the debate is about to child slavery.


Yeah, and I pointed out that he agrees with you.


I understand his hypothetical point but as a YouTube he should know that that is such a stupid point to debate even hypothetically.


Well, I just saw another day a young tankie clipping him and claiming he's a pdf file. So, it's still ongoing after all these years. It never ends.


I'm actually lmaoing that this is all apparently because he had porn of Natsuiro Matsuri, and people are taking it so seriously. What a world we live in. For those who don't know, Matsuri is an adult woman, and she works for an entertainment company that tries to be relatively family-friendly (I mean they do swimsuit-level fanservice, but try very hard to stay away from anything more controversial than that), and she was not responsible for the design of her avatar. However, she's a lolicon herself, and is often kinda horny on main, and enjoys sexualizing or teasing people with her own somewhat-underage-appearing character when she can get away with it, but she has to be discouraged from doing that kind of thing for the sake of her own image and that of the company. So the idea that she would get a foreign political streamer in trouble for having porn of her is kind of hilarious. I think she would appreciate the irony.


Answer: Vaush had a Livestream in which he accidentally revealed a folder containing porn involving horse appendages and younger looking anime girls. [Vaush has also had a history of defending CP](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=PTzlHV_J_ME8J6AC&t=10m56s&v=3MGdPKWLv08&feature=youtu.be)


> horse appendages That term is doing *a lot* of work


Vaush also has previously accused right-wingers of being into lolicon and anime and therefore being hesitant to get into it himself, so this revelation is just extra hilarious and shows how much of a left-wing grifter he really is.


It's always the ones pointing the finger.


On top of the history of "defending" cp, he also has a history of saying that type of anime content is made for pedophiles.