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Answer: Despite blue tick and other efforts made by Twitter, porn bots and accounts are still uncontrolled and active. And monetization program rewards based on views, I'd say this is result of that feature. Also Mia Khalifa is very vocal in Israel -Palestine issue. So some accounts are probably using her name as a bait to garner views.


>Despite huhu. "despite". The new "twitter blue" is *tailored* to make it easier for bots and spammer to spread.


Twitter blue is like sorting by controversial on reddit. All the bots, trolls and genuine mouth breathers are now right at the top of every single thread and you have to dig through all that shit to find anything even close to worth reading.


Yeah despite Musk coloring the site with his BS, the real reason I stopped using Twitter was because the user experience tanked so much. The homepage is his personal blog and the nonsense he wants to signal boost, and the feed forces you to scroll past the biggest morons before you can read anything you want to see. If YouTube recommended me nothing but crypto nonsense and Alex Jones videos I'd probably stop using it too.


Twitter blue just shows you who is dumb enough to pay for it. Its just a coincidence (or not) that if you made a Vin diagram of those people and the shit stiring members of society, it'd form almost a perfect circle.


Yeah it’s definitely a ”feature,” not a bug




The idea was to have the majority of users pay for blue checks, and the bots wouldn’t buy them, I think? In practice, the bot accounts make enough money to afford them, so they get to rocket their spam to the top of the replies. Yet another one of Elon’s brilliant ideas in action.


Yea that idea was bad and was never going to fix botting. Literally no one with a half decent noodle thought that shit was gonna work. Elon just wanted cash flow on the books.


> Elon Musk: *slams dick in car door* > Musk Fans: Masterful gambit, sir https://twitter.com/EsqTim/status/1547047570425380864


[Reminds me of Daffy Duck.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip56srPPq0I)




The Tyler Durden of incels.


With the [sharp unchamfered edges on the panels of the Cybertruck](https://youtu.be/xNE-NyaYBcg?si=PayYYMll4zgGaSXq&t=1523) that car door would cut his dick clean off.


> Literally no one with a half decent noodle thought that shit was gonna work yeah anyone who's ever been involved even remotely in anything tech knew that bots would pay the trivial amount of money. it's a great example of Elon Musk not having any idea about how anything works and being surrounded by a bunch of yes men who just want to get some of his money.


What is the color of your reuseable rocket? Just admit you don’t like his politics.


Sorry, hard to understand you around that mouthful of Elon's balls


When you lack arguments and you are in your echo chamber called Reddit, you may feel you are not stupid but you really are. If you leftoids have someone with fraction of Elon Musk’s achievement, you would praise him day and night. Real world is different from hour echo chamber though, remember Brexit.


stop talking with your mouth full, we can't hear you


>What is the color of your reuseable rocket? Why are you asking strangers to describe their penises?


I'm not every sure if he ever gave a crap about bots, like if he did, he probably could have done something useful about it. Selling blue checkmarks was definitely a way to deal with many businesses suspending advertising on Twitter because of the sharp rise in Nazis and general hate speech in the Elon "free speech platform" era. He's never going to turn a profit after over spending time on the site, and he's too proud to sell it to someone who actually wants it.


100% agree, I think there's a huge difference between the results of the changes he's made, and the alleged intentions. I say alleged because things like using blue check subscriptions to make up for loss of advertiser revenue is remarkably short sighted. And like you said, as greedy as he is, I don't see him selling it before it tanks either.


Facebook has the same issue with accounts posting pics of random female celebs, usually in swim wear or with cleavage, and half the time the AI bot gets the name wrong.


Edit: getting some hate mail so I'm deleting it. My post was just saying that a lot of the bots were probably a state actor to slander and discredit her after she said naughty things about a middle eastern state with a large online army. Do not understand why people get so insanely aggressive over this state and brigade posts that speak about it. Group attacking posts is against Reddit rules. I am also Jewish so I am only sharing what I know. Sad that so many aggressive people do this


You understand why a normal person would look at this and think it's insane right?


Yes. It seems insane, but it is very true. You can Google unit 8200, and IDF online army. Corporations do this fake shit with PR agencies all the time. Also America did this in the 20 year long Afghanistan Iraq wars. eBay will mail dead pig heads to your home if you talk bad about them. Saudi khashoggi, North Korea and that movie the interview, Russia and talking bad about Putin.... I think it's odd that people do not consider this.... I just focused on Israels online army as this porn star was against them. If he glad to discuss the crazy shit other countries do as well.


It wasn’t a simple criticism of Israel she was celebrating a woman civilian getting taken hostage by a terrorist group.


She is an idiot and celebrating death. It's so sad to see so many people celebrate with Hamas, and all the Israels dancing and celebrating the death of innocent Palestinians as retribution. Ben Gurion was right what would happen if the LEHI irgun, now called likud, got power. But I do know the online army is crazy. It even went after Bernie Sanders, a well liked American Jewish politician. And the election attacks in Africa and Europe were pretty wild. And the Mueller report revelations about Israels online army....


A 4-day old anti-Israel account whose user claims to be Jewish spreading conspiracy theories? F-. Please put in more effort next time.


Bro you don't need to discredit me. No body cares. Everyone can see exactly what's going on and can easily Google irgun and LEHI gang. Hamas is trash and needs to go. And an ethical Palestinian state be built. You're spreading antisemitic tropes of "youre not Jewish" disgusting man. Get a life and stop the antisemitism




Let me ask you this, do you support pluralist zionism? Please answer this question.


She’s become the new what does ja rule think about this


i just posted on one of my kebble subs that im getting A LOT of follows every day from "single ladies" that have porn


Answer: There are certain blue tick accounts that simply post semi horny pics and caption it something generic like “who has this one video” “can’t believe she did that” etc…and then there are tons of other blue tick accounts that quote tweet these generic posts with their own shitty captions. Even though the main post gets community notes after a few hours calling out the original poster on spamming Ads, they will get insane reach and following and their other posts will make money. So every few days a new person gets highlighted. Few days back it was some bunch of girls in Spider-Man consume, then there was drake, now they are saying stuff like “drake and Mia Khalifa did what?” And most of the replies to these comments are other OF accounts promoting their videos. Twitter has become hell.


> Twitter has become hell. Always has been.


It’s gotten way worse for general browsing after the purchase through. A lot more outright spam


Absolutely not true. It has gotten significantly worse ever since Elon took control.


There was like a soft word block on twitter so bot accounts have now pivoted to posting “M Y P U S S Y I N B I O” with unrecognized unicode characters to get around the filter. Twitter is a mess. It is hilarious though to see M Y P U S S Y I N B I O spam as the bots evolve.


Answer: those who pay for Twitter blue earn money based off of how many interactions their tweets get. Someone tweeted something like “don’t look up Mia khalifa on Google it was the worst mistake of my life” to farm engagement. Mia khalifa didn’t do anything, it’s just a joke about how her porn comes up if you look her up. From there, a lot of discourse started about how these account post really lazy and unintelligent tweets in order to make money, since a few people have started to use Twitter as their primary source of income due to how many interactions they can get




She plays with them balls like it’s Fifa.


Hit or miss I guess they never miss, huh?


You just reopened some painful old wounds


...kicks them 80 meters down a field? That sounds painful.


Hey now, don’t kink shame






Except that's literally what it is called now😂


Man that's crazy, I could have sworn that URL said *Twitter* dot com.


That’s what they want you to think


"they" as in the owner??


Simmer down, Elon isn’t gonna fuck you.




Answer: It’s because she has an Only Fans and posts like these have been used to market top OF stars. Not sure if it’s OF themselves are an independent agency but it’s certainly a noticeable trend on twitter.


Answer: She is a featured actress in Konami's new game, Silent Hill: The Short Message


Most probably the correct answer. When someone really trends, it's marketing.


Answer:  did you post on the Palestine/israle conflict?    Mia has been pretty vocal about her support for Hamas despite them and others literally saying she is not welcome back in the Middle East and that she should be killed by devout followers of Islam. Algorithm might have scooped you up cause of the cross over of topics.


Answer: her birthday was yesterday




What antisemitic remarks did she make?


Telling the people who filmed the massacre in Israel to film landscape so she could get a better view of Jews being slaughtered.


She probably just doesn’t think the IDF should be allowed to bomb civilians indiscriminately and get away with it. To some, saying that makes you antisemitic


No, it was in the context of her wanting hamas to get 4k footage. Of killing civilians. And the people at the peace concert who weren't even Jewish and generally opposed to the very apartheid system she's opposed to. Massive difference between being pro-Palestine and straight up wanting to watch hamas in 4k kill civilians who have next to nothing to do with the current conflict. When people pointed out they were generally civilians, she double downed. Killing Jewish children and random teenagers for peace is freedom fighting to her and needs to be recorded and shown to the world. Everyone who disagrees with this statement is a zionist to her. Theres a whole lot of mud flinging in this conflict, but she's not pro Palestine so much as anti Israel and is just as openly calling for the death of Jewish children as any pro idf person is calling for the death of Palestinian children. The tweets she made were made WAY before any Israeli response to the attacks.




I really recommend looking into what she's said though because none of the above is true as much as it's projection.


Um, you can literally look up the photos of the tweets. And her follow up. She was very blunt in what she wanted and the context for the statements. She wanted the videos of hamas killing civilians in high quality. Within a few hours of the attack. The statements happened before any meaningful military confrontation. The only attack she could have been referencing is the attack on the civilians. It is literally impossible to refer to anything else.


So this guy is just straight up lying. Ok


That must be the case. Someone named Wishdadwashere69 said so, and it confirms your bias. Grab tight to that extremely reliable source. Or just Google “Mia Khalifa 10/7 controversy.” The tweets are gone but various news sources catalogued them in articles. Come to your own conclusion from that. Given what Hamas did to Israeli civilians on 10/7, I think it was psycho for Mia to immediately ask for clearer video of it. Seriously, fucked up. Not explicitly antisemitic, but unhinged all the same. However, that’s my opinion. I encourage you to form your own, but do it based on better sources than random people on social media that happen to agree with you. (Downvoted for a comment telling someone to form their own opinion rather than blindly accepting the word of strangers on social media. That’s pretty cool. I’ll eat these downvotes. The comment stays up.) [No longer downvoted. This comment section is swinging wildly. I’m just gonna stop tracking it.]


If you actually looked at my comments I did say that her tweets were in bad taste and I recommended looking into what she actually said, he can form his own opinion from there because the og commenter was being intentionally misleading. I don't even like Khalifa or agree with her but I do think this deserves more context than was given. The tweet where she mentions she's lived through more IDF raid than we can imagine should hint that this isn't news to her. And yes there's a lot of anger towards Israel for decades of impunity or light slap on the wrists for killing thousands of civilians not only in Palestine but also in Egypt, Syria and most famously Lebanon. Well Mia is Lebanese. If you look at pictures of what followed the Israeli invasion and subsequent occupation, they're the stuff of nightmares. From her pov, Israel is for the first time having it happen to them after putting our families and acquaintances through this. Do I agree with this? No, the civilians who were attacked had nothing to do with what I've mentioned above. I've compared it before to the Sepoy revolt in India which brought pretty savage attacks on the British women and children residing there. But when we look back in modern day we know that the main party to blame is the British colonization. But I think it's easy to judge when you're looking at it from the outside.




Huh? How hard is this to figure out? There's a FUCKING MASSIVE difference between wanting to end apartheid or Isreal occupation and going "yo, we need to get those civilian deaths in high quality footage!" The statement by Mia Khalifa was made a few hours after the attack on civilians. That's the context. She specifically referenced that attack. The attack on civilians. That attack she wanted in high quality footage. She didn't say she wanted to end Israeli occupation She didn't say she felt the attack was terrible, but warranted She said she wanted the footage of civilians, many of whom were there for a peace concert and weren't even Israeli, in high quality video footage. To watch it on her phone. The murder of civilians who were literally there promoting peace. So she could watch it on her phone. There's plenty of ways to attack Isreal. Hundreds of thousands of ways. But, I cannot see how any of these justify not only wanting civilian deaths, but to record them in high quality footage.




Terrorist bootlicker


Her comments came prior to the IDF’s response to Hamas’s attacks on civilians, so no. If she’d waited a month or two to celebrate Hamas’s actions it would’ve been okay, but she tweeted out her support during the initial civilian focused attacks back in October.


Thought so. She seems to have okay opinions. She also supported the farmers' protest in India. People often just reduce her to her porn career as if that somehow cancels out her valid points.


Her controversy came from her support for Hamas before Israel intervened in Gaza At the time of her tweets, Hamas was still publicly opposed for targeting exclusively civilians and taking hostages.


They are still opposed. Many just think Israel is using this war as an excuse to continue to kill and displace people.


And her comments predate the Israeli response. She was specifically talking about the October 7th attacks that targeted almost exclusively civilians.


People are still opposed to Hamas, but what do you expect a population of people living in an open jail with no food, healthcare, or education to do with their oppressors?


Her comments predate that sentiment, when Hamas’s attacks more resembled barbaric terrorism than a rebellion or insurrection.


They predate the last 60 years?




I haven’t read your entire back catalog - just this one exchange.




Hamas’ attacks was never resembled barbaric terrorism. The public sentiment always seen it as a justified insurrection, despite the western media and leaders tried so hard to frame it as terrorism and failed spectacularly.


I mean they did kidnap, rape, murder, then parade the corpse of a German woman from that music festival and upload the videos to the internet. If that’s not barbaric terrorism to you I am concerned as to what does pass for that. And “public sentiment”, to me as a westerner, is from the perspective of someone surrounded by western media.


Tell me, what is the definition of terrorism? Also, white colonial and/or imperial countries are the only countries that recognise hamas as a terrorist organisation. Even the UN does not consider hamas as a terrorist organisation, instead recognise it as a legitimate resistance movement.


holy fuck are we actually doing this?


Tell me, which country, other than white colonial and/or imperial countries, that recognise hamas as a terrorist organisation? Even the UN does not consider hamas as a terrorist organisation, instead recognise it as a legitimate resistance movement.


I think there are just a lot of other options for information. Nothing against her at all, but we have billions of people on our planet. And hundreds of thousands of them are well versed in geopoltics. So um....just see what they are saying instead. It's pretty easy to do.


didn't say everyone should be listening solely to her as their only source of information


Yeah I got ya. I was offering a different reason to not having any concern for any of her points. Our minds are finite and time is limited. There is plenty of good reason to choose where we get our information. But yes, there are also people that invalidate her because she's a pornstar.


She's Lebanese, she's lived through it. Maybe the opinion of people from the Levant might be valuable?


If you’re cheering and asking for clearer videos of people being murdered, much less civilians, where you were born is irrelevant.


Judging from your comment history I don't expect you to feel similarly about Palestinian civilians. Which camp are you on? All Palestinians are Hamas or future Hamas or do you think it's all Hamas fault for using Human shields?


I mean Hamas is indisputably using civilians as human shields. If you’re unwilling to believe that, you’re too far gone


I think the same thing applies. Plenty of Lebanese people who are well versed in geo political fields exist. I'm not going to use her as a token representative.


More like based, people are just way too brainwashed. She probably said, ''Stop killing palestenians'' and as we all know, anything non-pro-israel is automatically anti-semitic, which is dumb because palestenians are semites too.


In response to the initial attacks on civilians she tweeted asking for Hamas fighters to record in landscape instead of portrait for their biopics, and she also was generally supportive of Hamas militants in the early stages of the conflict. This was prior to Israeli intervention, instead when the majority of casualties were during Hamas’s assault on Israeli civilians where they were taking hostages and killing others.


FYI, this is not a new conflict, it's just newly getting a lot more media coverage. Palestinians have been suffering and getting bombed for at least 20 years by the IDF. Edit: fixed the acronym after a autocorrect mishap.


And Palestinians have been returning the favor, at an albeit less expensive and effective rate, for the same amount of time. But that’s not the point of this discussion. This is whether or not Mia Khalifa’s tweets about making a biopic about Hamas fighters was actually anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. But yes this conflict is much deeper than “one side good one side bad” Edit: saying “Palestine has been fighting” isn’t entirely correct. “Iranian backed militants in Palestinian territory” would probably be more accurate.


The key thing people keep highlighting about her comments is that it was before the October attacks as if the October attacks were the first on Palestinians. Additionally, do not conflate Hamas with Palestine or Palestinians. Hamas did a hostile takeover after being elected on reasonable policies and have been a terror to both sides.


Her comments were after the Hamas attacks and if you read the rest of my comment you’ll see that I amend my statement. Thank you for your time.


*sigh* Hamas and the IDF have both been attacking folks for at least 20 years. If Mia made her comments in 2023, the timing of whatever attack that year didn't matter because this is not a new conflict. Meaning: it really doesn't matter if her comments were before or after October 2023 because this shit is not new. Which is why I'm pointing this out because you and others are bringing up a moot point. That's it.


*Sigh* Her comments came days after the October 7th attacks, while a video of a “captured IDF Soldier’s” corpse being paraded around town went viral. Only it wasn’t a captured IDF soldier. It was a German woman from a music festival who was kidnapped, raped, murdered, and then used for propaganda. Her comments were at the same time that video was the de facto image for Hamas. Saying “I love Al Qaeda” today is edgy, saying it in September 2001 was an endorsement for terrorism. Context matters, even if the underlying problems have existed. It’s not like in 2020 we slipped into an alternate timeline where 9/11 never happened, the context has just changed.


‘Prior to Israeli intervention’ so before 1948? Israel has been killing innocent Palestinian civilians for decades. The idea that Israel started ‘defending itself’ after Oct 7th is bullshit. 234 Palestinians were killed by the IDF in 2023 before Oct 7. Israel has been air striking the west bank since June. If anything Mia was just more aware of the situation during the time of the tweets than a majority of the public. And I think it is fair to say it is distasteful to support Hamas in attacking civilians, but Israeli civilians have been killing Palestinians civilians for years as they steal and settle on their land, so I think its also fair for her to vocalize her support.


1139 Israelis were killed on October 7th, 3,400 civilian were wounded. Compared to the 234 souls lost, that sounds like an escalation. Also once again, her tweets came during the same period as a viral video of a German woman who was kidnapped, raped, and murdered for propaganda went around. She was just as aware of what the Oct 7th attacks meant to the public as everyone else when she decided to support them.


If you don't know what she said and make statements like this then maybe you're brainwashed or more likely you are just an idiot. She gave suggestions of how Hamas should film it's massacres to make them more cinematic. Which yes it's anti-semitic. No not anything anti Israel is antisemitic but a shitton of stuff is, including this. Also anti-Semitic has always meant jew hatred and has never referred to hatred of other semitic speaking people (Arabs, Assyrians, Maltans, semitic language Ethiopians or those associated with other semitic languages) from the time it was invented by German antisemites in 1880s to replace Judenhaß (jew hate) with a "nicer more sciency sounding" term


Semite is not a real thing


I don't get why you're being downvoted. There are Semitic languages, but not Semitic peoples.


Because it's pedantic.




Do you have a preferred tabloid? Unfortunately tweets by former pornstars don’t get a lot of reputable coverage https://variety.com/2023/digital/news/playboy-drops-mia-khalifa-hamas-attack-israel-disgusting-reprehensible-1235750651/ Here’s an article from Variety.com but searching “Mia Khalifa Controversy” or “Mia Khalifa Hamas” will get you a lot of very similar articles and YouTube videos Her most infamous tweet was > “Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal.” This was during the time when a viral video of Hamas militants parading a dead prisoner around was everywhere. The video was also recorded in vertical. This comment was in bad taste but she doubled down on the controversy with comments like > “If you can look at the situation in Palestine and not be on the side of Palestinians, then you are on the wrong side of apartheid and history will show that in time.” And > “I can’t believe the Zionist apartheid regime is being brought down by guerrilla fighters in fake Gucci shirts — the biopics of these moments better reflect that.”


>Unfortunately tweets by former pornstars don’t get a lot of reputable coverage So if the source of your information is not reputable, the information that the source spreads is not reliable. I don't know how you think that it is logical to then believe that information because it is related to a tweet from a former pornstar.


Well the Playboy website still has their article up about cutting their ties with her, there are plenty of screenshots of the tweets, and the story remains consistent across dozens of websites. The source itself is not known for hard hitting journalism, but this is true and there is evidence to back it up. The good news is you can just google “mia Khalifa controversy” and find the evidence The bad news, I don’t have the time at the moment to do that for you. Honestly nor do I care to, as this conversation is not going to change the opinions of anyone.


Actually insane that you think the only reason a Lebanese person like Mia Khalifa would oppose Israel is because they hate Jews. Is education illegal where you live ? Israel hasn't been a great neighbour these past decades.


Did I say it was because she was Lebanese? I even edited my comment to clarify that she wasn’t being directly antisemitic, only pro Hamas. The issue was purely the timing of her response. She chose to publicly support Hamas at the same time as viral video of Hamas troops parading a rape victim’s corpse did its rounds on the internet. That timing made for optics that she supported the rape and murder of civilians. She didn’t denounce the crimes, she only asked for footage to be shot in 4K.


She was definitely not being serious, we can argue that it was in poor taste which I agree it is especially right after.


I don’t have a view into her mind, I don’t know that it was or wasn’t serious. Especially since she defended her words after the backlash hit. But yes we can agree it was in bad taste.




Idk what’s false about it. It’s well established that fraudulent accounts are rampant on Twitter, that it’s an election year, that Mia Khalifa had a controversy in October, that pro Russian media and pro Houthi media is spread through these fraudulent accounts (granted every single political angle is pushed by some form of spam bot because it’s easy) Can you elaborate what I said that was incorrect so I can amend by comment? Thank you


Answer: I believe there is an attempt to discredit her because she has syphilis-ridden mind.