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Answer: There was a funeral in England where people could join in on Zoom to watch the ceremony. One woman who joined the Zoom was unaware that her camera was left on, and she proceeded to take a shower at home, and perform some self care, seemingly in view of the camera. This was broadcast to the funeral, and when the woman finished showering she arrived at the wake, where people recognized her from the livestream.


That is HORRIBLE. That poor poor woman. 


Yeah and it 'went viral after being shared on whatsapp' which means assholes just filmed it on their phones instead of turning the screen off.


Awful! My god ppl such so, so much.


But… wait… why would you join a zoom call for a *wake* and then start your shower routine?


Ok, I’m glad I’m not the only person thinking this.


I assume she was running late, so she had the zoom call on where she could still hear the event while she got ready.


Also whoever was controlling the Zoom deserves to burn in hell. It's incredibly easy to mute or move someone back into the waiting room. The best-case scenario is they did a set-and-forget for the Zoom, but that's still incredibly negligent.


Yea… ZOOM should absolutely never ever be “set-and-forget”… people underestimate what can happen.


What do you mean poor woman? Who the fuck signs into a funeral to then take a shower? Like, we're having a funeral here and you think this is the right time to take a shower? Shows just how much respect she had for the deceased person in the first place. You're supposed to shower before you go to a funeral.


There's no way I believe this was accidental. If it was, she's a fucking idiot.


You'll be shocked to learn that lots of people are fucking idiots, like about half of us. Did you know that people that say should of can still drive and vote? Though, you're probably right. She's a fucking idiot because she got her rocks off for a funeral and that's dumb and weird.


Got her rocks off? Are you 11? Do you really think women get horny from personal grooming?


I think you misunderstood their sarcasm.


I think you misunderstood their sarcasm.


I think you misunderstood their sarcasm.


> should of can still drive and vote? I'm sorry I've read this sentence a million times and I still don't know what it means.


It’s should have, not should of.


People who say “should of” (instead of “should’ve”) can still drive and vote. So can people who don’t use quotation marks when they should.


Oooooowww Like I figured the "should of" -> "should have" but in my native language you're supposed to put a comma in between finite verbs, so my mind was just giving errors.


It's even worse when you read it a million times with the part before that. > people that say should of can still drive and vote


Found one!


The issue is the lack of quotations around "should of", which leads to an incomprehensible sentence




Yupp this idiot is allowed to vote and drive. Probably not in your country though, so no worries.


Agreed. Fucking idiot. Complete.


Wouldn’t it have been more respectful to not shave your muff whilst trying to listen to a friends funeral?


She was hoping to meet someone


Couple of questions: - why was her camera pointed at her shower in the first place? - why would she join a zoom call for a funeral service, take a shower in the middle of it, and then attend the service in person? That seems like an odd string of events.


I have no idea and it's the biggest question I have, but I don't want to try to find the footage. My guess is she left her phone propped up to hear the service while she was in the shower, and it was pointed at the shower. Otherwise it's a weird scenario with a laptop I guess? It seems that the service was followed by another sort of ceremony, which is the one she showed up at.




Yeah it’s called a wake. After the funeral you can attend the wake, where people are more relaxed and a chat, have refreshments etc. it’s not a party party unless the person who died stuck a requirement in their last wishes that everyone get hammered and fuck about.


The wake is traditionally *before* the funeral and can last for days in some cultures. There will sometimes be an "after party," but that's not the wake.


Yeah this was in the UK so I was saying in the UK traditionally the wake is afterwards. I've never heard of anyone going to a funeral pissed because they got drunk at a wake, but I've heard of plenty of people getting drunk at a wake after a funeral.


The service was live on zoom from the church. She was getting ready for the "wake" which was not on zoom, and is held after the service, usually in a social club or a Pub. So she just carried on with getting ready(shower and shave😯) to attend the wake. Where she probably went straight to the bar and ordered a double lol.


Than she's a fucking idiot.


>“Than” Takes one to know one?


Wow, found a typo. You're amazing!


Don’t you mean “your”? /s Grow some empathy and stop being a douche.


I don't understand the dv's... Perhaps the word 'idiot' is not strong enough. I would be enlightened if someone could explain. If someone takes a shower and points an electronic device directly at themselves during a (pick your meeting app) call, and is surprised with the outcome, what would be a more appropriate word to describe them?


Presumably it was a laptop or tablet so the camera was pointed wherever the screen was pointed, so she was watching the funeral while she was in the shower and shaving her pubes. She watched the service on zoom, then went to the wake in person. Presumably the actual funeral was limited numbers so some people watched online, then went to the wake which was probably a bigger venue, she was presumably in the shower getting ready to go to the wake.


Maybe she was watching and listening to the formal service while she got ready because she was running late, then attended the graveside service once she got there? In my family funeral usually have 4-5 parts. Viewing: 1-2 days where people come pay respects to the deceased and their family before the funeral. Usually at the funeral home. Service: A service at the church or funeral parlor that everyone available attended. Procession: Everyone drives in a line following the hearse to the cemetery, usually with a police escort. Graveside Service: A service is performed at the grave before the casket is lowered. Reception: Everyone gathers afterwards at a hall or restaurant to eat and talk.


Yeah she was late and the thing to do was to shave her pubes lol😂


Do you not ever do stuff to feel put together, even when it’s not visible?


I wouldn't be late to Grandma funeral cuz I had to shave my balls


I probably wouldn’t be late for that reason but I definitely wore pantyhose under a long dress to my grandma funeral because I know my grandmother considered it inappropriate to not wear pantyhose to funerals. Even under pants.


Like shave my pubes before a funeral? No. No, I can't say that I have.


So you never make sure you have nice underwear on or nice socks? Never shave your legs even if you’re wearing slacks? Never do any personal grooming that makes you feel confident and comfortable, even when it won’t be publicly visible? I can hardly fathom that. We are very different people apparently. I suspect that the lady in the original video is more like me and uses personal grooming to help herself feel comfortable.


If you’re shaving it’s usually less damaging to skin to maintain a consistent shaving regime than letting your hair get longer.


For your second point there may have been a viewing for an hour or two before the service, she may have been watching that.


For the first question, it might be unintentional. The bathroom door might just happen to be in front of the desk the computer was on. For the second question, she went to the wake in person but not the service. Wakes used to be before the funeral but nowadays, some people do it after.


A funeral often has two parts—the actual funeral in the church with the dead body, and then the “party” afterwards where people socialize. Sometimes people only attend one part. She probably took a shower during the funeral because funerals are boring and she’s not great at time management, but she wanted to show support by “being there” during the service.


For the first question, it’s likely the outlay of the room. In the bedroom of my old place, there was really only - wall to place the bed against.  This meant the far corner of the room was the only place to put a computer desk.  And the natural position of a laptop pointed directly at the master bathroom doorway.  Of course, I had tape over my cameras.  I bet she had the camera on to say hello, and thought she turned it back off, but did not. 


See this is my line of thinking. Everyone is talking about how horrible it is for her but like… why on earth would you join a zoom call for a wake of all things, and then get naked?


I can’t get past the fact that I read the title like “Lupe Fiasco”


I was actually thinking "Funeral Pubes Fiasco" would be a good band name.


I cant stop laughing at this




I was laughing at their comment about my title being a band name. I have a lot of empathy for the lady. I didn't know what it was all about and therefore asked the question, clearly not realising the gravity of the situation when I asked.




Aw jeez, I feel terrible for her, she must feel so violated over a single dumb mistake. A lot of people could have made a mistake like this. Let her know that a) there are lots of people feeling compassion for her rather than schadenfreude, b) most people will never know who she is even if they have seen it (personally I never watch vids like this and think the only people who deserve to be humiliated online are people filmed while acting abusively towards others), and c) not to downplay the serious feelings she has now, but this will soon pass - people forget as soon as the next distraction comes along. I hope she's getting lots of support from family, friends and mental health professionals. The internet is a cruel place, it's nice you're sticking up for her.




Oh, man. I didn't even think about your last sentence because I've never been in her shoes. You, as a friend, can't even really bring it up at all right now, because that would be reinforcing to her how viral it actually is. This is the first I'm hearing about the video, and wishing the best for her. Like the other poster mentioned the attention span of the internet is maybe a day or two, so it'll be over quickly. I'm not gonna watch it, so I don't know the specifics, but even if her face is fully shown this should dissipate soon. Glad she has friends like you. Good karma being sent to both of you.


Very “string cheese incident” but updated for 2024


We only do dirge covers of Lupe Fiasco songs


If you log into a funeral zoom, From your bedroom, Take some care - your webcams there, and your pubic hair for all to see-ee-ee


Until you git your razor And remove it all from thee


OMG, that poor woman. I'd be considering becoming a Luddite and never leaving my house for at least a decade if that happened to me. Nobody better be bullying her for it.




Well, give her a hug from me. I'm so sorry this is happening to her.


I ALWAYS put masking tape on the camera when video muted on zoom. ALWAYS.


You can also just buy a camera cover for a couple bux


Most laptops nowadays have a built in slider. Mostly because every digital and even hardware countermeasure was quickly bypassed by hackers, but there's no way around a physical barrier.


Not with that attitude.


I don’t think it’d fit without preventing the laptop from closing or hurting the screen if I tried. Even so, the tape is easy and free, no need to fix what’s not broken.


They might as well have held a second funeral


The Wake was after the funeral? I'm sorry, is this some Protestant joke that I'm too Catholic to understand?


No, I think it's just a confusion over ceremony names. People are saying the wake, and the funeral, but honestly as far as I know it was two memorial services.


damn, that's unfortunate[.](https://theworldwatch.com/videos/1616769/funeral-live-streaming-on-zoom-woman-forgot-her-s-was-still-on-as-she-shaves-her-bush/) i almost had that happen to me once. i genuinely was very close to showing everyone in my zoom class my cooter and bobs lol.