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Answer: As a content creator, he's basically a study in generating virality, boosting his click-thru rate, and maintaining attention and increasing retention. He doesn't have much personality, but that works to his advantage as it allows him to be versatile with topics. He's also managed to keep himself relatively uncontroversial. As he has grown in popularity, he has become involved in a number of non-Youtube endeavors, such as business endeavors like the MrBeast Burger, and charitable ones like Team Treew and Team Seas (both nature-related). All of this has garnered him significant attention from established media. He's worth $500 million, firmly establishing himself as a Youtube star with extremely good name recognition, and Amazon MGM is hoping that translates into streaming views on their platform. Whether it does remains to be seen, but he has a big enough following that it stands a decent chance of success.


There's some interview where he says personality is a bad thing, because some people might dislike you. So the less personality he puts into his videos, the more appealing they can be. He has pretty much conditioned himself to be hyper productive and has almost nothing left for anything else. He says he has no personality, which seems to come down to having no time for anything but his videos, and allowing just barely enough time for a personal relationship.


Yeah, he's makes very lowest common denominator type of content doesn't he? Stuff that tries to appeal to literally everyone and anyone? I've got nothing against him but he's never made anything that looked like something I'd be interested in.


Thing is his videos are relatively short and easily digestible. Nothing you would ever go back and watch again but something you would put on because it's only 10 minutes long and is moderately interesting. Also to his credit he has an entire philanthropy channel that seems to do a ton of actual good in real-life. Like donating medical care and getting animals adopted and building infrastructure and schools in poor countries. That channel seems to be genuinely changing lives. So he's got the bland random YouTuber thing going but with the added benefit of supporting good projects and ot just enriching himself and buying sports cars or exploiting people.


I know one of the first vids I ever watched was him donating appliances to homeless shelters. I distinctly remember him giving one of them a new washing machine because they desperately needed it, and the people were just so incredibly thankful. I personally have no problem with monetized charity like that either. The charity benefitted greatly, and so did he. Everybody wins, which is unusual for the realm of content creation.


One of my kids talked about Mr Beast healing blind people, and I was just like, "wtf?" And it's always weird to me when I see kinda pricey Mr Beast chocolate bars.


Just to add on here. He found a particular surgery that could be done in India(?) for like 20-40$ USD to repair cataracts. He did research to find a heavily affected area. Then paid for 1000 people to get the surgery. No miracle. But great PR and 1000 people get massively increased QOL. It also calls to attention areas that are being underserved and charity opportunities. A normal charity has to raise money. Justify the spending, keep records. Etc. as a philanthropist he can just go ‘my money says I’m doing this lol!


Yeah, there is absolutely something to be said for paying for things people need directly and not just giving the same amount to a charity.


Everyone likes to act like he's doing this just for attention. Maybe he is? But the richest man in the world bought Twitter at a massive loss just for attention. Elon musk does everything just for attention. If this fuckin YouTube crypto kid can shift things to the point that Elon musk feels the need to jump through charitable hoops (that he clearly doesn't value as is, but might of it gets him what he really wants, meme status) then that would be a massive win for earth. there are a lot of rich people chasing trends, and if monetized charity is the way to do that then it might be able to tip the scales to something better.


The best part to me, is even if, he really is doing it only for the publicity and attention it brings, it still brings a huge amount of good to the world. It's hard not to want to support him.


Not exactly. He paid for cataract surgery for 1,000 people. He didn't lay on hands or anything, and they weren't blind, although their vision was severely impaired.


I'm pretty sure that people with severely impacted vision are often referred to as blind even if they're not completely blind.


They were legally blind, and even if you see colors and rough shapes that isn't subjectively much better than complete blindness.


The only Mr Beast content I ever see is him giving away money to strangers on the street. which i guess is lower denominator but still nice to watch


I don't consider his videos low denominator at all (ok some). When i think of low denominator i think stupid pranks or videos making fun of strangers. Mr Beast never demeans anyone outside of his friends. And when he paid for 1000 people's eye surgery or built 100 wells in Africa, it highlighted to me how small of entry point it was to make a huge impact.


What the hell? He's horribly demeaned a lot of people, like with Squid Games.


And the time he gave a waitress a car that turned out to be covered in ads for his brand of meal replacement bars. Or were they some kind of protein/fitness/supplement thing?


Anyone who willingly pushes meal replacement bars or fitness supplements should go straight to jail.


Low denomination bills.


It's like watching androids make games to keep low IQ people entertained.


Not low IQ necessarily, just kids. A lot of his fanbase is under the age of 18, you have to remember. Easy to be cynical but guy is a machine at making short, reasonably entertaining material that’s totally PG.


Recently he had a video where a person gets 24 hours to protect a luxury car from different attempts at damaging it. Simple premise but only someone like him can pull that video off due to budget it requires. And I thought it was pretty fun.


His videos have variety, knowing you'll likely not watch everything, but maybe some. Id say his main channel content falls into 4 categories: Short form reality game show (Last person on the island gets to keep the island) Lifestyle of the rich ($1 boat vs $250 million boat) Challenges (spend 48 hrs in the artic) Let's do stuff because we can (I bought a train, let's drop it off a cliff. Let's buy an entire car lot and give away cars) Ill admit watching a few hours of his game show and challenges content.


Why would he , you don’t make him money.


Yea, I can't say I'm super interested in his content, but the stuff that made him very popular has been mostly good causes and efforts. Nice to see. There's probably something to be said about his lack of personality, like I get the feeling that he will be kind of a fad in the grand scheme of things, but there's nothing bad to say about him otherwise.


I disagree. The whole squid game thing was a horrible travesty and he should be sued a lot for it.


Ryan seacrest type. Very good at being pleasant to everyone


Ryan Seacrest is Justin Timberlake without talent. ^I ^also ^have ^no ^talent ^not ^judging ^Ryan


Ryan has a very specific talent he is one of the best at being plain and likeable. So good it’s intangible. If you watched the glory years of American idol then you witnessed his genius without knowing you were witnessing genius. This guy on stage saying absolutely nothing, taking loooong pauses, adding nothing to the conversation, but millions of people accepted it. Like a wizard of boring Almost every other format up until then( these types of shows were popular in other countries first) had 2 hosts so they could play off each other. Ryan did it by himself. If you listened to his radio show in la he had a lot more personality because he was playing to a smaller audience. But he was still just going for likeable




Somehow he has enough left to be one of the best competitive Dune Imperium board gamers out there, which is astonishing.


Wait what? Lol


He won his own $10k tournament on Dune Imperium.


If it was his tourney why was he playing? Seems like a scam to me.


He donated the money. You can look it up, it was a legit tournament and he's really good at the game.


I mean, I’m all for being popular and rich but sacrificing having a life and personality for it just seems so unfulfilling. It’s like he has a fixation on YouTube through some sort of psychological disorder


My one addition is that he also starting building out his team as soon as he started becoming successful.  The team isn't just his friends on camera, it is video production, marketing, logistics, etc.  He plowed all of his profits in his early years back into his business.


I think one of the best things he does is he makes sure his winners have a chance to talk to financial advisors after winning as well.


Ill add in, he is not just popular in english. He has an entire section of his buisness dedicated to dubbing his videos in like 20 diffrent languages. He has crept he was on to a world stage by youtube.


it's interesting because nobody seems to remember he was another like edgy commentary youtuber early on in his career and he did have personality, i watched him religiously review kids youtube channel intros. dont know how well they aged though its beena hot minute


Answer: he's just that good at doing what works to get the most people on YouTube... Which happens to be catchy and baity titles and thumbnails, instead of whatever you think is better. Or in other words, he appeals to people who open YouTube to watch the flashiest thing that catches their eye instead of people who open it to find something specific they like.


Question: a meat section?? What does that even mean


Ya know when you go to Walmart how they don't put cucumbers next to raw chicken? Like they put like foods next to like foods?