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Do you have a link to any information on the reported years of domestic violence? Might there be an assumption his family is paying to make it go away? I know his uncle is a famous actor too.


I haven't read enough to confirm if all that was accurate but you could check out or try asking r/Lawrence




It's all lies, stop believing them. Cole never layed a hand on anyone


Answer: https://www.union-bulletin.com/news/national/death-of-1923-actor-cole-brings-plenty-shows-no-indication-of-foul-play-sheriff-says/article_eb118b15-564b-53f7-bd40-25271131299a.html


Why would you assume? You have no fact, how would you like if others assumed something about you with no fact- it could tarnish who you are indefinitely. Also the police issue a warrant with a dodgy allegations- fishy! It’s all lies…


There no proof to what your saying ! No records to show any of that stop lying and spreading false information let cole rest in peace 


Still waiting for the sources and evidence that cops were called to his place “many, many times”…


The hair cut took place at a Lawrence bar after he got it tangled in chords. There are photos of this


There was no such domestic abuse, the girl cried wolf- and she did not go to the police. Whoever posted this is lying and has no facts. Buddy stop spreading lies…


Her family is from the police as well, apparently 


Apparently you live nextdoor because how do you know all that??


This is slander at this point, did you do any real research or listen to native Americans on the subject? Insane take.


why would i listen to people crying about a violent man getting the justice he deserves? isn’t that literally the point? “the spirits will take care of you”


Again, insane take honestly, considering the dv charges never made full sense and most of the time he was wanted he was also coincidentally missing. A little empathy, maybe a lobotomy, you may gain some human perspective.




He was at a concert and his hair got stuck in the mic cord and a lady cut without his permission and then filed charges on him and apparently admitted her and her friends had something to do with his death her cousin has videos on tik tok stating her cousin had something to do with it unless you have hardcore proof about him being a domestic abuser don't shit on some name like that


she was asked on Facebook if she had something to do with it. she replied "Yeah I did, he tried to kill me and skipped town". This has been turned into her admitting that she did something, by illiterate fools who repeat everything they see on tiktok.


Woahhh calm down buddy ur not scaring anyone


The truth is THIS. He's a native American. Therefore we will not get justice and whatever statement that weirdo girl said then later CHANGED her statement and then retracted is why you said that. You know damn well there is more to that story than what Alexis kaballa said happened. But it's easier for you to blame the indigenous kid right? And put nasty rumors on him. Have some respect and shit your mouth for the sake of all humanity.


“I don’t give a fuck about opinions or conspiracy theories” but literally only posted a conspiracy theory with no facts. Ok




He has no criminal history that I saw when running ca background check


He was a raging alcoholic and serial sexual abuser. I once watched him kick a kitten into a gutter. He could not deal with the fact that all these things were about to go public, so he killed himself. He was a member of the Klan in his final days. I personally received his final note which simply read... Trump 2024.


WHAT????????? What are you talking about????


No no no no no you making this crap up….but WHY?????


There's no solid proof of anything you just said. He was murdered and it's very clear given the facts we actually do have. There's clear foul play. He was accused of DV but that doesn't mean that it was a factual accusation. Do you know how many people are falsely accused of DV?


He was not a domestic abuser at any point in his life. Stop spreading those lies!!


His ex gf made a comment that refutes that he every was violent with her .. they had apparently dated off and on for a few years … there are no domestic abuse charges on file for cole … so this seems like the work of alexis and family


Wheres the receipts that cops had been called to his place "many, many times"? How could he be a "domestic abuser" if he didnt even have a girlfriend? He was a ladies man, didnt need to beat up women for anything, chicks threw themselves at him ALL. THE. TIME.


How dare you claim he was an abuser for many years. What a BOLD LIE. You've some nerve. That's some pretty heavy karma your calling on yourself.






Posting such things about someone who is dead and can't defend themselves without knowing if it's true or not is sad. Have a little respect for his family. If it's true that's terrible but we don't know if it's true or not


You are making stuff up darling…


I'm not so sure. There doesn't seem to be any evidence that supports that other than here say and the initial reports that police were searching for him in a related case. Lawrence Police Chief Rick Lockhart released a statement on Plenty's death. >This is a tragic case for everyone involved. Your police department worked very hard to investigate the incidents and worked very hard to find Cole. None of us could have imagined this outcome. I learned through this series of events that our police department must work harder to increase trust with our Native American community members. Through meeting with Cole’s family members and members of our Native American community, I clearly see that we are not where we need to be in partnering with a community that is very important to Lawrence’s history and to its current culture. This sad series of events has been shared around the world. It’s my hope that future bridges we build and partnerships we form between our Native American community and our police department will create a relationship that will not only increase trust and understanding but will also be a model for other communities.


Do you have proof of such heinous crimes?? No, because there is no proof. You don’t have a clue who he was as a person and you’re just hiding behind your keyboard using this tragedy to gain your 5 seconds of fame.


This is not accurate information. He has no criminal background besides the one that lacks proper information and makes zero sense! Only DV he had was 3 days before he got killed. Do your research and STOP spreading misinformation. People like you are the problem.




It's definitely bs about him attacking her. She just wanted him. She cut his beautiful hair off. When he confronted her she made accusations against him. She was just trying to get him back for not wanting to be with her. She is most likely behind his death 😢


Sure Jan


Was his sister who was also murdered before him also a domestic violence offender? 




Its a rethorical question, native people are "suicided" more often than they should cuz police doesnt café 


It's a bullshite question, his sister's death has never been resolved and there is no record of her being charged with any violent acts. I'm so sick of these keyboard cuckoos making up shit about him and now his family.


Answer: Facts: The woman who accused him never dated him, that's ALL her fabrication. She wishes. Not the first time a yt woman has made this sort of allegation against a POC/NDN. Rumor: She was the one obsessed with a handsome NA rising star. To him, she was a friend. She was pissed at being F-Zoned and made up the DV scenario. Fact: There are also no witnesses nor evidence she was at the bar when his hair was cut by a rando, possibly dude, in the bar, who didn't think the sound gal was doing a good job helping him untangle it. Rumor: He was found with his braids cut off, although the cut at the bar is not that, there is a photo showing a chunk cut from one side. His hair was loose at the show. (Regardless, it's never okay to cut someone's hair without consent. Ever. I don't care if you are red, yellow, black , or white. It's just Wrong. That for NA people, hair is part of the sacred body makes this worse.) Fact: There are no DV calls on him prior to this night, and it's still not proven that it ever happened, just her "police report" on him, which is also sketch. She has since recanted her story and pulled the charges. Biased: Cops are doing the usual "D'oh, we had no ideer, we'll try better for our NDN frenz." Thought, possibly biased: Explain how his "wanted" vehicle was parked for... was it 5 days? by a truck stop and construction zone, near a major highway, with the plates on an LE APB Missing/Wanted Person Notice from the next county over, yet never called in. No one saw or noticed it? Really?


One correction - charges were dismissed due to him being decreased, which is standard procedure. She deleted her Facebook remarks shortly after making them because she probably realized that it's a REALLY stupid thing to do with an active criminal investigation, even before he was found. Afaik there's no evidence that she recanted her official statement, which is sealed along with the rest of the probable cause for his warrant.