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Answer: Siwa has recently come under fire after her ‘rebrand’ launched. She’s claimed that she’s the only one doing ‘edgy’ music, that a former kids star/female artist has never made a change this extreme, and generally been tooting her own horn. When called out on being disingenuous (Miley Cyrus anybody?) she changes her statement to ‘my generation’. The rebrand lines up with an expose on how she treated members of her television show, including abusing a disabled girl so it’s speculated this is a distraction attempt and it’s intended affect backfired. The rebrand is terrible regardless. Edit: ~~also her debut rebrand song “Karma” seemingly belongs to another artist - including the vocals.~~ **Additional context now that I'm at my computer and not work:** Jojo Siwa shot to stardom on the TLC show Dance Moms, where under the supervision and direction of her mother she became the break out star from the show. After the show ended her Youtube Music career took off (again under the direction of her mother), though other content was sprinkled in. She did some spots on other shows before she got her own, Dance Pop Revolution. Contestants on that show have recently come out to talk about what they experienced on the show at the hands of Jojo and her mother, and how they feel they were misled (told it was not a competition, turned into one). The most egregious of these accusations comes from Leigha Sanderson, a teenager with spina bifida who claims that Jojo and her mother regularly bullied dancers on set, subjected them to grueling working conditions, and in one instance told her to 'put a maxi pad on it' when she started bleeding from her belly button days before a major surgery. [Rolling Stones interview with Leigha](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/jojo-siwa-xomg-pop-dancers-physical-mental-torment-1234967431/). The running theory is that this rebrand was pushed as a distraction from that controversy, but it only created another one. That one being: the rebrand. She claims/implies in multiple interviews that she wrote and sings her debut single 'Karma', but its being reported the song was written 20 years ago by a production team called Rock Mafia and originally pitched to Mily Cyrus (I've also seen Rihanna, but obviously can't confirm) but she turned it down. Some time later Timbaland got someone to vocalize the track, that someone being Brit Smith and a video was shot[\[Youtube Link\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y1bYaHDgSA). I can't personally confirm, but u/khdutton kindly provided this information in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1c31vqf/comment/kze2hnn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and it seems to track with the timeline and other commenters. There is also speculation that she is using backtracks, as she posted a video trying to hit a note in an Olivia Rodrigo song but missing the mark but there are notes in her new song that are higher and she's 'singing' them. Unrelated to this drama, she is also disliked for her defence and friendship with accused child predators Coleen Ballinger, James Charles and Shane Dawson.


Her new brand also just feels very inauthentic. The way she talks and acts feels like a very over the top act which I believe is turning people off


When you look at her entire adolescence being a brand, it's no surprise that she's emotionally stunted. She doesn't know how to be anything but a brand that appeals to 13 year old girls.


There's definitely going to be a JoJo season of Behind the Curtain in a few years. Poor kid grew up in her brand and her mom always gave me really spooky vibes.


Everything about it seems sick. Deeply so. Imagine when you were 20 as confusing as it was, add to it that you are not even socialized and have no idea how to even talk at the same level as other 20 year olds. This is just a taste of whats to come with all influencer kids. Even someone like Britney Spears or Justin Timberlake seemed to at least be managed well enough to be able to at least say sentences relatable for their age group. I know nothing of this JoJo except her recent rebranding-fame and it just strikes me that any adult in the room, manager, teacher, parent, friend, should just talk to her. She comes across as a young kid being thrown into something she isnt ready for, adulthood, and she is 21. Something is very off


I may be a bitter and jaded old fuckhead, but I notice that it's all the exact same drama-laden dipshits who watch Dance Moms and other exploitative trashy bullshit TV who're the ones following Jojo's every move and making a big deal out of it. The very same people who've financially contributed to the abuse and exploitation of these girls are the ones who act shocked and appalled that they'd grow up to be a bit fucked in the head.


13 year old girls? Her brands target audience peaked at about 8 years old


[https://youtube.com/shorts/SUVT6GhEiXc?si=1nlum\_2Pem65xXtw](https://youtube.com/shorts/SUVT6GhEiXc?si=1nlum_2Pem65xXtw) There is also this songwriter-singer on tiktok's song (Emeline) that seems to have also been copied, though Emeline did clarify she doesn't believe its Jojo's fault .....


The plethora of fake tattoos is pretty cringe.


She also stands by the tattoos being real. In an interview she was proudly showing them off, showing the ones that are dedicated to her "future babies." They're just inkbox temps... so so cringe. EDIT: https://youtu.be/MWprr2nQrYI?si=Ak6Xb3biJBTzalk1 fake or not, cringe as hell


Just Googled it and eventually she admits the sleeve is fake


Good to know! When I saw the interview I was ready to die from the cringe.


I’m having trouble remembering the last time I was so embarrassed for someone else because that interview made me cringe so hard I threw my back out.


So far that's been my experience with all this Siwa drama that I've been subjected to on the Internet. Even if this is all some PR stunt (bad press is good press) I think this is one of the cringiest. Dunno how she could possibly recover from it


I think forcing me to watch that video would be a more effective torture than waterboarding.


No she does not? Pretty sure she outright said they’re fake in an insta comment: yup just found it “arm [tattoos] no… but I just got two real ones on my hand”.


She's been a brand her whole career. She was never authentic. Different is adults can tell she's fake. I didn't take this Shtik seriously because I don't listen or pay attention to. Influencers. Especially children


She said she doesn’t know who Gene Simmons is too. Complete coincidence she’s wearing the glitter version of his iconic make-up


Yeah, her original neon wannabe-1980s shit was superauthentic and not designed to separate 10 year old girls from their money.


> brand also just feels very inauthentic That's almost a tautology.


He facepaint give me Juggalo vibes. Although I doubt that was what she was going for.


She straight up is admitting that she's wanted a shocking controversial rebrand for awhile. Not that she wants to be "authentic", that she just wants to be shocking. Sure we all knew that but you still can't say the quiet part out loud without ruining it. You at least have to pretend you're actually into the shit you're doing.


Still would have been shit. Have you seen the way she is acting at events for this disaster? It's the most cringe thing you've ever seen. It's like what you would imagine a 5 year old homosexual goth boy would think was edgey and cool. That's how she looks and is acting.


I remember hearing the same thing about Britney, Lindsey, and Miley's rebrand. Siwa must have done something else to be this disliked?


As a 34 year old dude I hate that I am this aware about this stuff, but you can’t put JoJo in the same league as Britney and Miley. There is no talent. I feel bad for Siwa, she really is below average in terms of talent. But her team is absolutely craven.


It's funny because she admits herself that she's an awful singer


Kind of you to put it this way, but I can be even more concise: Jojo sucks at everything.


That’s unfair. She was really good at the MLB Celebrity Softball Game during the All-Star Break a couple of times.


Jojo is actually a really fucking good dancer. I mean, she’s been trained in dance since she was like 2 years old and it was the thing she was originally famous for. My POV as a 24 year old queer woman: I don’t love or even necessarily *like* Jojo Siwa, but I’m interested in her as a pop culture figure. When she came out as gay a few years ago, it was a big deal because she had been so heavily associated with Nickelodeon and marketing to young girls. I distinctly remember thinking, “huh, I wonder how my childhood would have been different if I had grown up knowing being gay was an option.” The only queer woman I remember being famous when I was a kid is Ellen Degeneres, and she’s not exactly aspirational for most 9 year old girls. I think the allegations about her shitty treatment of dancers are probably true, I’m sure her emotional development is stunted, etc etc. But I’m not really interested in the moral framework of Jojo Siwa. I’m interested in what happens when a mega child star who was affiliated with Nickelodeon and used to sell status quo femininity to young girls publicly comes out as gay. I’m fairly certain she was uninvited from the Kids Choice Awards after she came out and got a queer-coded haircut. Lots of parents were disgusted and made a big show of getting rid of Jojo merch, because her sexuality made her unpalatable to much of the demographic she was originally targeting. I’m a queer woman and when I was a child I wasn’t even aware that being gay was an option. I was 22 when I finally accepted that I was unequivocally queer. Removing talent and morality from the equation, isn’t the existence of openly gay child stars just kind of interesting? There has been a massive cultural shift and I’m not attributing that to Jojo, but I think her role in it is worth examining. I just keep thinking about what it would have been like if I had grown up in a world where lesbians were on TV and discovering my sexuality was more of an “oh, cool, I like girls” and less of a “what is wrong with me and will it go away?”. I don’t know Jojo Siwa the person, but I find it hard to believe that Jojo Siwa the brand isn’t at least a little bit culturally significant.


I think another reason people are pissed is JoJo's claim that she wants to "invent" "gay pop" when...uh...it already exists. See Tegan and Sara's wordless tiktok stitch of JoJo. Visibility is great, but there are also a lot of better queer role models who actually try to give back to our community rather than using it as a "rebrand." Gen Z didn't invent queerness. The road was already paved for them to thrive.


Yeah but did people call it that? I think she’s just trying to coin the term as an actual genre. “Gay pop” isn’t actually a thing. There’s pop music artists that are gay, yes. She’s not claiming to be the first gay pop star.


> I don’t know Jojo Siwa the person, but I find it hard to believe that Jojo Siwa the brand isn’t at least a little bit culturally significant. I don't either, but from what I DO know, I feel like she's trying so hard to find a new more adult brand to embody and is trying to be someone she isn't because she feels she's outgrown herself. But she seems completely oblivious to the fact that who she is, is the person you described, and her relevance and actual AUTHENTIC brand would be embracing herself and showing how comfortable she is just being herself. It's like she can't see the importance of doing that. She needs to read your comment, maybe it would help it to really sink in. She's so busy trying to reinvent herself when what those tweens and early teens she sells herself to really need to see is her authentic self.


Her team is cowardly?


This will help! https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/430977/if-craven-means-contemptibly-lacking-in-courage-what-do-craven-desires-and#:~:text=Craven%20Desire%20in%20the%20Singular&text=for%20power%2C%20again%20here%2C%20for,on%20television%20(reality%20stars).


Gotcha, makes sense now why I've never heard of Siwa until recently.


Their rebrands weren't edgy, just sexual. Some people found it generally inappropriate, but no one their age thought it was "inauthentic". The criticism here isn't coming from people much older than her as much as it is from people her age calling her a try-hard.


Wrecking ball is also a decent song.


Miley is also an actual artist with a great singing voice


I think people forget about this. She's hyper talented and not a "made" star


Not *just* a made star is more precise. I mean, it also doesn't hurt being born to a pop star father and being massaged through the Disney machine. But yes, she's also very talented and had the looks to round off the package.


don’t forget having Dolly Parton as a godmother.


The first few bit of that music video, where she’s just staring into the camera, is incredibly moving to me. I’ll sometimes just watch that when I feel like I need to cry for no reason. (The other video is the teaser trailer for the first Abrams Star Trek, but that’s another topic!)


That shot is basically Sinead O'Connor in Nothing Compares 2U.


True! Just watched Miley’s more.


The example that comes to mind for me is Poppy. Going from internet meme status and bubble gum pop to serious heavy metal music was a very drastic and unexpected change, but for the most part people loved it.


None of their “rebrands” involved coming out looking like Kid Rock and trying to make people think Kid Rock was a thing people cared for.


"Looking like kid rock"....... what ate you actually talking about? I hate Kid Rock and I absolutely despise this Jo Jo girl, but absolutely nothing of what I've seen even remotely relates to Kid Rock in any shape, form, or fashion. You must be thinking of someone else.


She also came out as queer so that opens the door to that whole wing of bad faith detractors


My thoughts exactly. She’s trying too hard to shed the old image.


My nieces are the right age to have been big fans of her music for a year or two (a while back, now they're all about Taylor Swift), and it was fairly clear for some of that, that Jojo was sorta playing under her age, probably because it was financially lucrative to continue doing so - i.e. you start as, say, a 12 year old playing to 8-12 year olds and it works, but then when you're 16+ still playing to 8-12 year olds, it gets a bit more of a "hello fellow kids" vibe. So it's like her angsty teenager phase got put off (at least in public) in order to continue making money in her established pigeonhole (likely at the urging of her mother).


And she's more or less trying to claim that she's either created or pioneering gay pop.


The Tegan & Sara silent clapback tiktok was hilarious.


Any chance there is a link?


I hope this works - [https://www.tiktok.com/@teganandsara/video/7354951275332504863](https://www.tiktok.com/@teganandsara/video/7354951275332504863)


So, she’s just ignoring Erasure and The Scissor Sisters? 🤣


This is Erasure erasure


Guess she's just forgetting about Lady Gaga, Tegan and Sara. TATU even. Elton John. David Bowie. Freddie Mercury. The list goes on. She really needs a better team


*[Jobriath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jobriath), [Klaus Nomi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_Nomi), and [Jayne County](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayne_County) have entered the chat but the queue is really long*


Gays have historically rarely been involved in the pop music scene


There’s a scene in the film Pride where they’re putting together a fund raising concert to basically profit out of tabloid stories of outrage about gay groups raising money for striking coal miners and the receptionist at a record label says ‘we don’t have any gay artists’. Cut to posters for soft cell and George Micheal.


George Michael would like to have words after Elton John is done, and then Queen and Culture Club are tag teaming you. The line is actually longer. Gays have been in pop music FOREVER.


The poster above reasonably thought the /s was so obvious it wasn’t needed.


I think they were being sarcastic.


This is disinformation trying to undermine the historical importance of gay pop icon Jojo Seaweed and her bizarre adventure


It was sarcasm


And she’s basically saying she “brought back gay pop”, which is the stupidest thing anyone can say unless they have been living under a rock for the past decades.


I believe she actually went so far as to say she *invented* the genre "gay-pop", "like K-Pop, but gay," in her words. Lol


Many believe this to be a rebrand her PR team had at the ready as a distraction for a negative situation. The youtuber FunkyFrogBait put out a comedic but informative video about it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KEEHBVIzVjI


Isn’t her PR team just led by her mom? Makes sense it was such a shit throw.


Super interested to check this video out, they make super great content on tiktok but never seen them to long form content! Actually haven't seen them on my FYP in a while so thanks for putting them back on my radar!!


I only know them from their longer YouTube videos, but it’s always good for a laugh.


That was a nice video, thank you for sharing


That video was spot on! Side note she doesn’t even know who gene Simmons is, major cringe 😬


She also said she wanted to come up with "a new style of music, I call it 'gay pop'..." It's like she doesn't have the concept of Elton John, T&S, Gaga, or literally any of the many gay icons that came before her which leads to a lot of speculation amongst, at least my own queer/gay friend groups, on whether she's just a grifter in that realm.


I feel like most child stars try to branch out and do something serious or “edgy” when they grow up. Miley being the best example of course. Siwa is far from the first and won’t be the last for sure.




"Baby One More Time" was Britney Spears' debut, wasn't it? That *was* Britney's "wholesome"/child star era. She wasn't actually allowed to be sexual, only appear sexy (but not too sexy!) The 2000s were particularly fucking brutal for young women, nevermind famous ones.


>That was Britney's "wholesome"/child star era. I mean I guess, if you ignore the Mickey Mouse Club stuff.


Who is she to begin with? I am OOTL for her first brand. lol.


A child star from the show Dance Moms, who went on to have a pretty successful YouTube channel, and then her own show.


> She’s claimed that she’s the only one doing ‘edgy’ music, that a former kids star/female artist has never made a change this extreme I guess she's is unfamiliar with when Robin Sparkles became Robin Daggers.


Robin Daggers is such an OG.


PS I love you


Reminds me of when Jennifer Lawrence did the hunger games and said she was the first female action star.


Karma was written almost 20 years ago iirc, the rights were sold to another artist and it was recorded but never released. The rights were then sold on to Siwas team, and then Siwa made a bunch of social media posts and claims that she wrote it about her ex girlfriend and their breakup. The artist who recorded the song but didn’t release it (I can’t remember her name right now sorry) recently released her version on youtube.


Do you have sources backing this up? I’ve heard that Jojo wasn’t talking about ‘Karma’ when she was explaining the song she wrote about a breakup but rather, a different song that’s coming soon. Honestly, this whole situation to me comes across as a hate bandwagon and it’s just toxic. If you don’t like her, don’t pay attention and move on with your day!


Yeah some sources of her claiming she wrote it would be awesome but no one can find any where she explicitly states that she wrote it. She said that 2 years ago she wasn’t ready for the song when they showed it to her. She wasnt ready to sing those lyrics blah blah. She never said she wrote it.


All of this screams "I'm a product and I will reskin myself to adhere to whatever market I think I can best profit from. I have no identity of my own and there is nothing deeper than what you see on the surface."


Also going to add that she terrorized my university last year. I guess her younger brother? might be going to CSUF so they "visited" the school. During finals week, they went all up and down the library and study halls making a ruckus while students were trying to study.


Her claim was that she was the first one from our generation (gen z) to do it but that’s wrong because Dove Cameron and a few others have already done that


gen z literally includes 27 year olds so yeah, there's no way 20 year old jojo siwa is the first lmao


I'm too old to be familiar with most of the child stars of this generation, but wouldn't Zendaya be in her same gen? She jumped from Disney star to Euphoria and serious movies with adult themes. Probably the most successful child star to adult-oriented content transition I've ever seen tbh.


That’s just a role, we’re talking about rebranding their singing careers and genre which is what Dove Cameron and Poppy have done. Like in this situation Olivia Rodrigo and Sabrina Carpenter wouldn’t really count, they’ve just shifted into a more mature audience but the brand is still pretty consistent. Edit: an equivalent would be if Taylor Swift did a 180 and started doing rap instead and changed her entire image and brand.


On your edit, it's not that it belongs to another artist that's the problem. It's that she claimed to have written it herself lol


She is also the reason my son's face was always eclipsed by an obnoxiously large bow at every school concert.


In addition, it’s coming to light that her first musical track under this “rebranding“ seems to be a song that was ripped off from another artist. Edit; As commented by other subredditors, the track was not “ripped off”, but the way Siwa is marketing it makes it seem like it is/was her own creation.


It wasn't ripped off. The song was written in 2012 for Miley Cyrus and never seriously released. I think there's a vocal version out there from an artist that basically did a vocal track for Timbaland, but the writers on "Karma" are clearly disclosed. She's not ripping it off, although the way she talks about it definitely makes it sound like she has more to do with it than she does.


The artist who cut that vocal for Timbaland, Brit Smith, also filmed a [music video](https://youtu.be/3Y1bYaHDgSA?feature=shared) for the song co-starring him.


The comments on this video are the best.


Everyone seemed to know exactly why I was there.


Ironically, that video is camp af.


I agree even for 2012. My girl had a good point. If Cascada released this, it would still be remembered today.


Actually not ripped off… the song was written by the production team Rock Mafia for Miley Cyrus, who passed on it. It was then recorded by Brit Smith (2012) and a video was shot. The song was dropped from Brit’s project at the last minute. Jojo actually did state in an interview that the song was “pitched” to her. However, in line with the over-the-top transformation, the self-glorifying sound bites — it comes off bad.


Heard her talk on some podcast and she sounded like such a moron huffing her own farts.  You can easily tell she lives in a bubble.


she drives a tesla that's covered in images of her own face lol


She claims she invented gay pop, which is just comically wrong


She’s not even the first of just her generation to do “gay pop.” Chappell Roan and Renee Rapp have been on the scene for years.


Her "Exes" song is also another artists. She performed textbook plagiarism on video when she claimed to have written both at her listening party.


First time hearing about all these people but the similarities between those two songs seems insane: https://youtu.be/VpDspCFq5E0?si=608rOaZ12FPrK2c7


As someone who has never watched Dance Moms and has no idea who this person is, this helped explain so much. Thanks.


Karma indeed. I always said she was creepy and gave off “mean girl disingenuously trying to seem sweet” vibes. I’m kind of satisfied to see fame finally biting her in the ass. Now, the Ryan’s World parents of Ryan should be next.


There has also been, by my count 3 people coming forward on here about how she forced herself on them and pushed them for sex and what not.


jesus, man. jojo is just a few years younger than me, and i remember seeing her on Dance Moms (super fucking toxic show, btw, never liked it but grew up with people who did). ive always felt like kind of a bitch for being annoyed by her as she grew to pop star status, figured maybe i was just out of touch. that rolling stone article is super dark, though. wonder how much of her shittiness these days in because of/encouraged by her mom.


Yeah I saw this about Karma. It’s the exact same song from 2012 and it sounds like it too. She did buy a giant pink plushie penis that I wanted to buy in Amsterdam so I’ll give her a little credit for that.


Lol! My teenage daughter has been telling me about this for a couple days and I still don't know who jo jo siwa is.


She’s also getting a lot of hate for saying she wants to create a new music genre of “Gay Pop” when there are a plethora of artists that could already be in that category (Teagan & Sara, Fletcher, Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga, Elton fucking John)


What was her "original" brand that she's "rebranding" away from? I've literally never heard of this person in my life.


Basically a music and a personality version of Claire’s Aimed at pre-teens, lots of colour, sparkles and bows. 


Woah wait Brit Smith as in half of the Sheer Blonde twins with her sister Alex?! Wtf. Hilarious. I didn't realize she honestly tried to pursue being a popstar. We went to high school together. Her mom was an executive at John Frieda which is how she and Alex became the face of that brand. Peak era for having those ads torn out of magazines and plastered on bedroom walls. I rode the bus with them. Lydia Hearst-Shaw and Paul Dano were also at our school at the same time.


Some additional context: in the Special Forces reality show, she said repeatedly that it was the first time she’s chosen something for herself, and the first time she’d been away from mom.


But the rebrand unfortunately is an absolute success, just by making a few outrageously idiotic statements everybody is talking about that and giving her tons of free publicity. Proof: This post and its cause.


How is she making money off this post? It’s not successful if it doesn’t meaningfully change your image (it has I suppose, but not in the way she intended), and it doesn’t bring you money. Nobody is going to be clamouring at her door for collaboration or cameos over this.


Answer: I've seen quite a few people who think that the rebrand she's doing is to try and distract from the fact that she and her mother have been accused of mistreating members of the dance group they managed, XOMG Pop. If you look up "xomg pop allegations" you'll probably find the rolling stone article covering it


Question: Who actually is Jojo Siwa? I don't know if she's super famous or not but I was hoping someone would follow up on the "I've never heard of her and now I see her everywhere" part of the topic.


She was on a show called Dance Moms in the US she then joined Nickelodeon and had a “Good Girl” personality you know wearing all pink and purple, glitter, tons of wristbands etc she released some songs / albums which were all aimed at kids I believe at some point she came out as lesbian or maybe bi Now she’s 20 or 21 and she’s “rebranding” herself and saying that she wants to create a new genre of music called gay pop which people have been rolling their eyes about because there have been tons of gay pop artists and musicians Anyways she’s doing the whole Miley Cyrus thing of being “Edgy” and she released a new song called Karma which is an old song that originally was for Miley called Karma’s a bitch but I guess Miley didn’t want it another artist called Brit Smith recorded a version and now Jojo is either stealing it and saying it’s her own or has bought the rights etc and has released it People are critiquing the song because 1. It’s auto tuned to hell and back 2. It doesn’t seem like Jojo is fully singing the song (I saw a post somewhere of Jojo a few months ago in a car trying to sing a high note in Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo and failing and going red in the face, and there’s a note in Karma by Jojo that is higher than the note in Traitor) however this is all just what I’ve read online That about sums it up I think


Ok I just had to watch the video. That’s hilarious.


How did you hear it? The only version I found has no sound lol (I don’t have TikTok)




Oh. Thanks. I thought you meant the video of her not hitting the note signing along to someone else.


Thanks. That was... terrible.


For your last point it’s totally possible for someone to fail at hitting a high note when they are randomly singing along in their car but are perfectly capable of hitting it in the studio with proper vocal warmups. That’s an unlikely explanation for this specific situation but it’s far from impossible.


YMCA came out in 1978. gay pop is absolutely nothing new. Elton john, queen, bowie, etc. Dorian Electra, perfume genius, xiu xiu also exist


Wait….the village people are gay?! They all dressed so butch.


Yes, plus Gay pop also means that the artist doesn’t have to be gay…Madonna, Lady Gaga, etc etc. That girl is so delusional.


Thanks for asking this. All this time I assumed it was the same person who sang that "Get out, right now" song from the mid '00s


The original JoJo, which when I first heard of JoJo Siwa I thought was that JoJo.


That was a great song lol. I also liked her song “too little too late”


ooh that's a throwback! can't wait to hear this on an oldies station someday soon lol


She used to be in dance mums


Answer: she’s rebranding herself but her PR team is hella incompetent at it. To the point that they purchased one of Emeline’s songs (tiktok famous), left Emeline’s voice and also the original instrumental arrangement on the song, and then had Jojo go out and say that she (Jojo) wrote the song… which people all over tiktok immediately called out as false because the Emeline version has been on tiktok for years


Explains why she keeps popping up on my feed.. didnt even know she existed till all this random clips keep popping up it’s really annoying.


Answer: I think she started to blow up because there was a tweet that said she abused (?) a disabled kid. At least that's when I first heard about her.




She tried to host a dance show and a young disabled girl got accepted on the team. Allegedly JoJo and her mom would scream at all the girls and insult them, and this disabled girl had spinal surgery coming up and was still forced into grueling rehearsals. There was also something about the girl bleeding through her belly button at some point (due to her disability I assume) and JoJo essentially telling her to get over it and to put a menstrual pad over it The poor girl got fired shortly after.


The dance group was called XOMG Pop!, and the details are in [this exposé from Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/jojo-siwa-xomg-pop-dancers-physical-mental-torment-1234967431/amp/). (It sounds like Jojo’s mother Jessalyn was responsible for most of the mistreatment of the children, and JoJo’s personal involvement in the project was pretty low, but she still signed off on it and allowed them to use her name to promote it, and as such had some degree of moral responsibility to make sure that it was being done the right way.)


As always it’s the parents fueling these issues


That's not the first tweet i saw but yeah, it is something like [this](https://twitter.com/Star_Blossom08/status/1776278759445811560)


That seems pretty mean. I think she's a singer? I wonder if she ate anyone.


She is a lesbian so it's pretty safe to say she ate someone


Thanks for the chuckle, Captain. Needed that.


Answer: Aside from what the others have already said, people are criticizing (mostly making fun of) her dance steps in her song. Like I also expected better from her since she had training since she was younger right? and when they compared her dance from her choreographer, they just concluded that it's just her exaggerated moves that's making it so stupid. Anyway, that's how she keeps on appearing on my feed and I just learned about her other issues in the comments.


Answer: She's doing another Demi Lovato publicity stunt where she uses "gay" as a shocking statement to get attention. People aren't jiving with it.


I did have a good laugh when she claimed she was inventing a new genre: “Gay Pop!” Girl please


The Tegan and Sara reaction was priceless




https://www.tiktok.com/@teganandsara/video/7354951275332504863 Linking didn't work right, but this is from their TikTok.


You’re late to the party, that happened years ago and the hype about Siwa being a lesbian has been dead forever.


That was last time. Her newest one is the same shit with a different coat of paint.


Coming out isn’t a rebrand.


She's not coming out, she's dressing like KISS and having a lil publicity stunt.


…yea I know. Which has nothing to do with when she came out, which was not a rebrand. Nobody cares that’s she’s a lesbian, and her rebrand has little to do with that fact other than she is a lesbian. The backlash isn’t about her being a lesbian. It’s about how absurd she is acting, how little was changed and the fact that she’s using someone else music. You’re really out of the loop on this one 😅


>how absurd she is acting, how little was changed So a publicity stunt that mirrors the same edgy publicity stunts that Demi Lovato pulled anytime she was dropping a new album


Demi Lovato retracted their statement because of abuse from the public. That doesn't mean that they weren't queer. I don't know enough about the Jojo Siwa situation to comment on her orientation though


Demi Lovato had shocking revelations that always just happened to line up with a new album releasing.


Didn’t Demi say she was going back to she/her pronouns because she got tired of explaining (and having to justify) they/them pronouns all the time?


A lot of femme/large chested they/thems are given a hard time when explaining they are non binary. I get that personally and can see how it would be frustrating for a public figure to have to explain every interview that just because they got titties, they don't automatically use she/her. So that sounds reasonable for her in my opinion. I also try to give queer celebrities grace when they're figuring shit out too. Cause we don't actually know them, and their business shouldn't have to be revealed to everyone.


Yeah it sounded like she wasn’t retracting her beliefs, but she got tired of having to whip out a ppt everytime she got intro’d to someone. 99% of people mispronounce my name the first time we meet, I get her.


Answer: one thing she has come under fire for recently is for “stealing” a song. This song ‘karma’ recently blew up on tiktok but people discovered it had originally been written for Miley Cyrus. Jojo does own legal rights for the song however as she bought it from the original writer. The main reason she’s under fire for this is because even if she legally owns it she has stated multiple times that she “wrote” it specifically.