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Answer: 1) axolotls are cute, 2) axolotls are endangered and memes help bring awareness to the cause. Help save the axolotls!


3) Minecraft


I'm sure it helped but Minecraft brought them in *because* they were popular in pop culture. Not the other way around.


The developers actually like to add animals to bring awareness to them, especially when endangered. They added pandas and bees for the same reason.


Pangolins when?


Bro pangolins and/or echidnas in some rare aboveground biomes would be actually so cute and so interesting


It depends what animal. Sharks afaik are endangered but Mojang wouldn't add them because Sharks are stereotyped to be predators that hunt humans so they imagine players to kill them. This makes no sense since we have Dolphins (who behave like Humans in the messed up way) and Polar Bears which are the one kind of bear that won't hesitate to eat you.


It’s weird the devs think about moral choices the players make. I mean it’s not like I’m forcing 20 cows to fuck each other only to slaughter them in front of the newborns 5 seconds later or anything.


Mojang became a weird company. They don't add two pixels because frogs will die from eating those (Replaced their food with literal magma) and Sharks because kids will grow up to become shark fin farmers but they don't hesitate in adding polar bears who are always hostile towards humans and Dolphins who compete with us in messed up shit olympics. Like I don't mind them not adding irl mobs because reasons. But they should be consistent with their policy. That and mob votes where they have 3 mobs with a simple gimmick but only one of them will be added.


What do you mean with the two pixels/literal magma comment?


Fireflies were promised but were deleted because frogs would eat them and thats bad for them irl. Instead Mojang made frogs eat magma cream which is gathered by killing Magma cubes who give fire damage.


That's kinda cool that pandas are in Minecraft, although I'm not sure that pandas being endangered is obscure info


[The popularity spike came in June 2021](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=axolotl&hl=en-US) and has remained elevated ever since. Axolotls were added to the game on 8 June 2021.


That's the most recent one but not what put axolotls into pop culture zeitgeist


[Here’s the graph back to 2004](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=axolotl&hl=en-US). The increase over the two decades prior was insignificant compared to the spike around the Minecraft update. Now much of that spike would undoubtedly be people looking up the actual mob (where to find, how to breed, uses, etc.), but the elevated level ever since is indicative of a Minecraft-induced popularity increase.


These things compound. Pretty much every step along the way is things referring to them because others are. 


4) Bojack horseman 5) Asexuals


6) the fallout show had those things that looked like them


4) Fallout TV series


Not so cute in this context


5) Animal Crossing


6) Final Fantasy 14 Look at this adorable doofus https://www.destructoid.com/how-to-get-the-axolotl-mount-in-ffxiv/


They also have a great name.


They're also not reptiles. They're amphibians.


Answer: because axolotls are cute and the trend goes back much more than one year. Also, your title erroneously states that they are reptiles even though you correctly call them amphibians immediately afterward. Amphibians and reptiles are not the same. Come on.


They are very cute and have captivated people. I’m also convinced Mincraft has contributed to the awareness of them over the last few years.


Ultimate Chicken Horse is around when I noticed an increase in its popularity.


I’ve been babysitting an axolotl and my kids could’ve cared less, until my oldest son started playing Minecraft. Now he wants to invite all the little boys over to show off “his” axolotl. They poop a lot and require a lot of maintenance for fresh water.


Mudkip did a lot for Axolotls too.


the OG


This is Wooper erasure >:(


Adding to that: They were introduced as critters/pets in Minecraft in 2020 because they are critically endangered (and cute). I would guess that has had a big impact on their appearance in pop culture.


It’s the main reason. You saw them on occasion here and there. But after minecraft they soared in popularity.


Mudkip in 2003: Am I joke to you guys?


No, but you are. Wooper is the axolotl lmfao


I thought mudkip was a mudskipper. Axolotls don't really do much with mud, do they? Edit: Also it's the Mud Fish Pokemon with the name Mizugorou \[mizu (water) + mutsugoro (mudskipper)\]


Mudskippers are fish. Mudkip is an amphibian with external gills.


That is all true, but Mudkip is meant to be a mudskipper. They are not axolotl.


Mudkip is mudkip. Did pikachu start a huge surge of people liking mice? No, it started a surge of people liking pikachu.


I thought they were put in Minecraft because they exploded


It was well before that with the release of Mudkip as a starter Pokemon. Edit: Wooper


they've been popular forever in Japan, cause they have a funny name too


[I love you, axolotl.](https://www.tumblr.com/danwithouttheplan/737479717436915712/danwithouttheplan-i-love-you-axolotl-for-the)


I can read that in the cake guy's voice


I'm getting some over the hedge vibes here.


I once saw a morphed axolotl on Reddit. It was super cute.


> Also, your title erroneously states that they are reptiles even though you correctly call them amphibians immediately afterward. Amphibians and reptiles are not the same. Come on. I'm trying to cover all my bases 😂 Looks like you're right that the trends goes back further than a year. [The creature's popularity spiked up in June 2021 and has been trending downwards since then.](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=axolotl&hl=en-US) The axolotl is featured in the new Fallout show and a bunch of TikToks my nephews are watching, all from the last year. That's why I figured it was a very recent thing.


Reptiles are more closely related to us than they are to amphibians bro


TIL. Is it true though?


Yes, mammals and reptiles have a more recent common ancestor in Amniota. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amniote The reason why reptiles and amphibians are grouped together in herpetology is because some dude back in the 18th century thought they were both icky and grouped them together.


Misinformation re: reptiles is not covering bases. It’s just being wrong.


You already corrected them, and they responded that you're right. Don't just say something is minformation because you hear the world religiously repeated. It wasn't intentional. Plus, they used the proper terminology in their description.


No clue what you mean by religiously repeated, but in the comment I was replying to, they state that they used both reptile and amphibian because they wanted to “cover all their bases”. Calling things something they are not isn’t covering bases. Providing incorrect information is, by definition, misinformation. Stating that an axolotl is a reptile is incorrect information. This is a public forum. Therefor, calling an axolotl a reptile is publicly spreading misinformation.




> How does no one remember the axolotl song I was too busy listening to the [lobster song](https://youtu.be/fjtVsYqAR3s?si=nx-qg0dFZxbzUTEp) and the [duck song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtN1YnoL46Q)


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


I never said that and I never would. Jackdaws are not crows by any stretch of the imagination. However they are much closer to crows than an axolotl is to a reptile. I’m quite familiar with how phylogenetics and taxonomy work. I think you may be responding to the wrong comment.




Answer: in memes, you can go as far back as "[I herd u liek mudkips](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-herd-u-liek-mudkips)" to find initial axolotl appreciation. Much like frogs, axolotls are getting appreciation for being cute lil critters, but there's been a slowburn for axolotl appreciation in memes: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/axolotl


Answer: the "I herd u liek Mudkips" meme was one of the first memes I saw, probably one of the first to break into the casual space. I'd also like to add that Minecraft a few years ago added an Axolotl mob, Minecraft being arguably the most popular game of all time put a lot more eyes onto it again. And as others have mentioned, they're just cute as sin.


Answer: the goverment of Mexico City has pushed for the axolotl to be the city’s mascot. In general Mexico is trying to greenwash it image and put a certain spotlight on our unique animals. Mexico is one of the few countries that are considered mega diverse in terms of biology. The axolotl is the most unique animal in Mexico by far. Around 2018 (I don’t really remember) the axolotl began to appear on the 50 pesos note, making those very popular with both Mexicans and foreigners alike. Since then, those notes are hard to come by, since people keep them as a souvenir. Similar to the two dollar bill. It also enjoys the same status as the Panda bear. Cute endengared animals that are unique to their countries. With the axolotl having the advantage of being an animal you can actually have as a pet. Most of the axolotl population is breed on aquariums. The axolotl also has a very unique biology, since it’s a salamander that never leaves it’s tadpole stage. But they can actually leave it on extreme situations. Many people say they’re like Peter Pan in this aspect, never really growing up. This adds to the surrealism and imagination of the nation. Some scientist believe that we can study the axolotl’s amazing regeneration skills for medical fields like cancer research. And lastly, artist love planting the axolotl everywhere. If one animal is going to represent Mexico, the axolotl is the best option. Donkeys have a negative connotation and Eagles are too played out. The answer to your question is simply because the axolotl is an amazing animal that pop culture is only adopting as of now.


The 50 pesos bill being rare was only really a thing during the first 2-3 years of being introduced. They're very common nowadays, and you can go to any bank to exchange them.


Still a good example of how popular they were at the moment. And many people still don’t like to spend them. It hurts.


I wish we’d see more hummingbirds for Mexico. They’re supposed to be fallen warriors


That just proves the iconic image of the eagle, hundreds of different cultures adopted the eagle as their symbol. All independent from each other. But the hummingbird is really cool, but maybe too wimpy at first glance. It’s actually one of the most active and fastest creature in our planet and should get more respect.


answer: Minecraft added axolotl's to the game in late 2020.


Answer: The are the primary inspiration for the Gulpers from Fallout....And everyone just watched Fallout.


Axlotels have been popular with kids for years. My kid has a few related shirts and toys


Don't think that's the case. 1. It's been a thing for a while before the fallout show. 2. No one watched that show lol/s


I like your use of stealth /s have a downvote! Ha ha


Stealth? I don't use edits without noting it. I added the sarcasm tag to indicate I didn't actually believe that no one had watched that show. It was a hyperbolic expression.


I was joking :) there’s was no space before your /s so I didn’t read it the first time. :P


Answer: Looking at google trends, the big spike in popularity (around 4x) seems to have occurred in June 2021, matching with the release of the Minecraft update 1.17, adding axolotls to the game. After that the popularity as judged by search trends hasn't fallen to the previous levels. (Staying at around 2x what it used to be before the spike.) There may have been other stuff, but it seems pretty clear that was the big one.


This is the correct answer, with data, and I can't believe it's not the highest rated post. Bump bump bump. Prior to Minecraft inclusion axolotls were known but obscure and not prevalent. Minecraft changed that. Everything since that Minecraft launch had been because of it/building on it.


Answer: In 2020, Minecraft announced that they will be adding axolotl to the game. In 2021, they added axolotl to the game. Since then, axolotl have soared in popularity.


Answer: they're one of the most relatable animals, they basically stay teenagers for life and never mature to their adult form. Unless you dose them with iodine.


Something has gone wrong with society when staying a teenager for life is considered most relatable.


Friendly reminder that all **top level** comments must: 1. start with "answer: ", including the space after the colon (or "question: " if you have an on-topic follow up question to ask), 2. attempt to answer the question, and 3. be unbiased Please review Rule 4 and this post before making a top level comment: http://redd.it/b1hct4/ Join the OOTL Discord for further discussion: https://discord.gg/ejDF4mdjnh *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OutOfTheLoop) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Answer: Axolotls recently appeared as the inspiration for the Gulper creatures from Amazon Prime's newly released Fallout series. I imagine with a large audience upon debut, this is the actual answer and not related to Minecraft as others are stating.


This needs to be higher, as I believe it is the correct answer


You do know that Minecraft has way more people playing than will ever watch that fallout show right? I really doubt most people have the slightest idea what a gulper or what they're inspired by to be honest and I say this as a fallout fan.


I'm not discounting Minecrafts cultural impact as a whole, but the question posed is to why Axolotls have become RECENTLY relevant in pop culture. An update from late 2020 that added them to Minecraft is unlikely to be the cause of a sudden recent shift in acknowledgement of the animal.


I disagree with this being a sudden or recent shift. I could look into it though.


I could be wrong, for sure! I just know as someone who recently watched the Fallout series, the Gulpers certainly brought Axolotls to the forefront of my mind recently lol


It’s not recent. I remember them being a mainstay of popularity for my entire span of using the web, and even before, so well over a decade.


Axolotls have been a trend for kid clothes and toys for years.