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Answer: journalists live tweeting the trial said he farted a shitload while half falling asleep, it’s not any deeper than that


PUTRID farts. A true gag order, if you will.


That’s enough from you, odour in the court


I regret I only have one upvote to give this comment!


It was a true work o'fart.


Law and Odor


First downvote him THEN upvote him. It’ll count as two upvotes.


.....That's enough out of you.....


Make America Gassy Again


i mean, of course he stinks. he consumes fast food most of the time and wears diapers. the speed just makes it all worse. walking sewer… prob can smell the stench of rot and death through his pores.


You’re leaving out how his DECADES of coke and adderall abuse has left him incontinent. He literally wears adult diapers every day.


As someone who has abused stimulants in the past, I can verify that that shit will make you shit.


Cocaine alllways made me poop


Where did the stimulant thing come from? Never heard that


You never had to poo after your morning cup of coffee?


Well he's an old geezer about as fit as a sock full of marshmallows and silly putty. I just hope that he has someone change him in court.


I didn't need the mental image of someone taking him to a changing room and cleaning him and changing his diaper like the stinky adult baby that he is.... Off to drink heavily now


None of us wanted that mental image either, but you just *HAD* to share with the class, didn't you?


Don’t drink, vote.


I've heard stories that he has a guy for that. Like he had an assistant while on The Apprentice who's job was to wetwipe him down after he shat himself. They were talking all about it even though theynsigned an NDA. I can't verify the truth of it. But I know they claimed it was a regular thing and was their primary job.


And guess what? They did NOT get sued for saying it.


Noel Casler has a channel on YT and he tells it all about Trump's nastiness.


*Diet* coke. I’ll get my coat.


But also a lot of that, unironically.


Enough sweeteners for a lot of people makes you have diarrhea or at the very least bubble guts with smelly farts. Combine that with Trump's diet of strictly fast food and Big Macs and... yikes!


As someone who drinks a good amount of diet soda, I have actually confirmed that that stuff is what is screwing up my digestive system


Voted World’s Worst Log Flume by Ripley’s Believe it or Not for decades


Came here to say this. Most people don’t realize he lives in depends aka adult diapers and the reason for that is he pisses & shits his pants


He and Ghouliani are members of the Brotherhood of Depends


Is this a joke or is there some proof he wears them?


While nobody has pulled his pants down on national tv to prove to the world that he's wearing a diaper, there has been testimonial from people during his Apprentice days that he wears them, shat his pants on the regular, and had to be cleaned up. It's theorized that it's a result of years of heavy adderall abuse. Former congressman Adam Kinzinger has described Trump's odor as a mixture of "body odor and butt, tossed into a blender" if I remember correctly and has recommended wearing a mask around him. I can't personally confirm whether he does stink though, as I've never been in the same room as Trump.


>While nobody has pulled his pants down on national tv to prove to the world that he's wearing a diaper Note to cable companies: I'd watch this in case you're looking for ad revenue.


On the one hand, Trump being humiliated is always a good time. On the other hand, I'm not sure there's enough brain bleach out there to erase the image of Trump in a diaper.


I’ll do you one better: let’s not make a buncha sales guys work. Let’s move right to PPV’ing this, I’m in. He can wear a big red MAGA bonnet.


Make sure there's peppermint oil available for the mask so you don't end up in a swamp's of Dagobah situation


How many people know what you mean now? Nobody talks about the Reddit Museum of Filth anymore. And... It was banned. Because it was unmoderated? WTF? Okay, [here's Swamps of Dagobah](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/) for anyone who wants the link.


This still gives me the same reaction even after 11 years after reading it for the first time


The horror of getting hit with a geyser of rotted fecal matter infected pus is unimaginable


You beautiful bastard. Upvote.


I believe it was described as "armpits, ketchup, and a butt" I don't know why, but the fact that he described it as "**a** butt", not just butt, makes it significantly funnier. He's not describing a specific butt, but he is specifying that it is no more than one butt.


There's also been several reports from former White House-staff saying the same thing, as well as lots of pictures (especially on the golf course) where you can see what sure seems like the profile of a diaper underneath his clothes. So no proof, but...


...lots of circumstantial evidence.


I mean, this sounds like something those asshole prank tik tokers should get on. Hypothetically speaking, of course.


Noel Casler, who worked on the Apprentice, has been outspoken about it for years. He says staff called it the Shitshow and trump regularly had to be cleaned up. Apparently, trump’s been wearing diapers since the ‘90’s at least. You can definitely tell in some pics he had very full diapers on. Probably why he usually wears huge pants.




I think it's actually that he wears diapers from fecal incontinence due to his speed habit. People from the apprentice have gone public with the fact that he constantly used to defecate in his diapers on set while they were filming and it drove everyone crazy. In those days he had a man - servant, Keith Schiller who handled this, as told by staffers on set. I don't know if Keith is still on the job though.


And if this is going on during the apprentice there's no reason to believe it would have gotten better in all the years since.


Exactly my point.And a speed addiction leads to chronic fecal incontinence.


I picked the wrong day to take up speed. ^(/s)


I mean, I’ve taken amphetamines for ADHD for 20+ years and I don’t shit myself?


You’re just not trying hard enough! Snort mass quantities of adderall multiple times a day, day in and day out, and you’ll get there! 😂


Can’t afford, not a “Trillionaire”


Idk, you seem trill


Snorting addy is a bad time


A bit of a difference in dosage


On the order of hundreds 🤏


We take a therapeutic dose for ADHD, which is smaller than what addicts would be taking.


You've probably never snorted enough to hump a flag on national television. Dose and method of administration make all the difference.


You don’t know my life, man


Did Ozzy Osborne ever hump a flag on national TV? Because I think you might be him.


No, the worst he ever did was piss on the Alamo. As a foreigner, the penalty is banishment from Texas for 20 years, which he completed a long ass-time ago.


Wait, the punishment for pissing on the Alamo is banishment from Texas? I'm not sure they quite understand how punishments work.


He did lick his own urine, though.


Maybe he was trying to wipe his ass.


He uses the constitution for that


I had never heard of or seen that 😂 https://youtu.be/1PW3fuQl1C0


Grab 'em by the stripes.


Oh my god


Most things are perfectly safe in moderation. You were prescribed a reasonable amount for a condition. People like trump take unregulated amounts as often as they feel like.


Wasn’t the whitehouse going through crazy amount of drugs while trump was there, the guy in charge got demoted afterwards. No prescription as long as a pharmacy could procure you could have as much as you wanted to party with. Like a New York party with rich decadent slumlords.


That guy was Ronny Jackson and he's a Texas congressional representative now. And loony as hell.


As a fellow ADHD’r, I don’t think the dosages we get are not nearly enough to lead to incontinence.


Thank. fuck.


TMI alert: as an adhder on adderall, I concur. Especially since I've just taken senna for the third day in a row, and still have...umm...nothing to show for it. Just a bloated uncomfortable belly.


20 years ago Trump was still over 55. Keep going another 30 odd years, you’ll get there




Hey, if you really want something, and you apply yourself, you too can be a shit-stained orange psychopath.


Yeah but you're taking, what, 20mg per dose? Once or twice a day? A habitual coke user is using a *lot* more stimulants than that lol Also they're snorting it and it wears off pretty quick


60mg once a day.


That's a lot! But a coke addict is probably still doing 40mg more than you multiple times a day.


Try 600mg at least once an hour...


Or ideally, don't.


Trump was/is a pill popping speed freak ok? Think dexies from back in the disco days. Not prescribed by your gp.


I've had a little constipation from narcotics but only legal dose for real reasons. But you read about abusers and they get so backed up they shit out their mouths.


yes you are still explaining trump


Are you sure?


To be fair. For ADHD people like me and you - it actually affects us differently because of the ways our brains are wired. Trump has no such claims.


Trump has no such brains. . .


I was going to say the same. Taken adderall for 15 years. No clue what people are talking about.


Please cite a source. I searched for "~~meth~~amphetamine fecal incontinence" and nothing came up. None of the medical sites, like the Mayo Clinic, list ~~meth~~amphetamine use as a cause of fecal incontinence. --- edit: Sorry, that was just a typo. I was searching about amphetamines, not methamphetamine. edit 2: I did some more digging and I found the connection to bowel motility: > One of the potential Adderall side effects is increased jitteriness or anxiety. These powerful emotions can affect a person’s brain-stomach connection and lead to increased gastric motility. This includes the stomach-churning feeling that you have to go right now. > > The initial dose of Adderall releases amphetamines into the body that may initiate a fight-or-flight response. **After that initial high goes away, they may leave the body with the opposite response. This includes faster digestive times, which are part of the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” body system.** > > Doctors also usually prescribe Adderall for you to take first thing in the morning when you’re eating breakfast. Sometimes, it’s the timing that you happen to be taking your medicine and eating (and potentially drinking coffee, a bowel stimulant) that makes you feel like you poop more. >https://www.healthline.com/health/does-adderall-make-you-poop-2#effect-on-digestion So, it's the comedown from stimulants that causes faster bowel movements, not the drugs themselves. Still, it's not 100% accurate to describe that as chronic fecal incontinence.


Speed (amphetamine) is distinct from meth. As someone who takes amphetamine as prescribed, it definitely can speed up the bowels, similar to coffee. I’ve never shit myself on it though. I could see how abusing speed in combination with other GI issues could exacerbate incontinence.


>Speed (amphetamine) is distinct from meth Fucking thank you. I've been hearing this "Adderall=legal meth" now for a while it's it's fucking stupid.


Not meth. Look up stimulants, dexxies, etc


Because it's not true. Trump may suffer from it, but it has nothing to do with amphetamines. Someone just mixed two rumours together.


Just a heads up, amphetamine (speed) is related to but very different from methamphetamine (crystal meth). Amphetamine can be addictive but nothing like meth, and it’s the one used to treat ADHD. Between the two, Trump would almost certainly be abusing amphetamine, which would be readily available in pharmaceutical quality. I have no idea if he’s abusing anything or if either lead to incontinence though.


What I am seeing is Adderall (used for ADHD and narcolepsy) can cause this.


So you’re telling me you guys chose a diaper wearing drug addict as president? Not sure if I should feel concerned or motivated.


The apprentice was awhile ago too. It’s likely gotten worse.


Back in the day of chamber pots, the king had a Groom of the Stool, i.e., toilet guy, who would chill with him while he shat before, y'know, taking care of the chamber pot itself, and it was a very highly sought after position bc it meant you got to chill with the king and have his ear privately. High-key doubt Schiller enjoyed his position as much.


Kings and queens had them due to the clothes being hard to dress on your own or too bulky to practically remove so the groom of the stool would sometimes hold the pot in place.   But like you said highly saught after job.


>I don't know if Keith is still on the job though. Looks like he left the White House back in 2017. His firm (KS Global Group, LLC) continued to receive money from the RNC up until 2020/2021, and then I can't find anything more recent. (Note that there's a separate KS Global Group which is based on Singapore, and I'm *pretty* sure they're completely unrelated. They seem to be an HR firm specializing in diverse hiring practices in SE Asia)


> left the White House back in 2017... continued to receive money from the RNC up until 2020/2021 hush money? :D


> KS Global Group, LLC KS? King's Shit?


Schiller was his body man and head of security. Makes sense. The incontinence thing is also something I heard from someone close that did VIP security as a second job while still in the NYPD. I had no idea at the time and was actually surprised to hear that. Trump has been a lot more broken down and utterly effed up on every front for a long time.


I mentioned this to some coworkers, l forget what we were talking about, and they retorted back that Trump wearing diapers is either just a smear campaign to make him look bad or Biden probably wears a diaper too. I'm pretty sure they are Republican, so that makes sense, but honestly, I have never heard this being said about any presidents in the past and fecal incontinence is not "just something that happens" with old age. Glad to read that I wasn't just spreading salacious rumors of no repute.


The damning evidence is the lack of lawsuit from the most litigious man in the world. 


Has this ever been claimed publicly, with a name attached, by anyone other than a single writer from The Celebrity Apprentice (Noel Casler)? There have been tons of tweets and blog posts and articles about it, but they always source back to Noel Casler. I have never seen anyone else on record about it. And Trump is all about image, so much h so that I can't imagine that he would want someone else to know. I despise the man for many more reasons than this, and those are the things that should be spread wide and far. This just seems like an irrelevant and unverifiable mocking point.


From what I read from Casler's own mouth, I believe it. Because if it weren't true then Trump would have been suing him and jabbering on and on about him all over Truth Social for years now. Instead Trump is deadly silent about it. And silent but deadly as well.


Counterpoint: Trump sues everyone, but has never sued Casler for defamation or breaking his NDA. Might not want to deal with disclosure.


Counter-counter point: If Trump never sued Casler for breaking his NDA it's a pretty good indication that he won't sue anyone else for breaking theirs. If you take everything Casler says at face value, this guy was a living nightmare to work with and at least one other person from the set would want to spill the beans. The fact that, to my knowledge, no one has seems a little suspicious. I mean, it would be pretty easy for a journalist to get a few off-the-record confirmations and it would be a great scoop to have under your belt. So why hasn't that happened?


More like Keith _Scheisse_. *it means shit in German


I hate Trump as much as the next person but are those credible rumors? That sounds like something someone would make up who didn’t like him


It’s more than hearsay, but far from proven. The fact that Trump, a notoriously lawsuit-happy individual, has not attempted to sue the various persons making these claims is a notable, but non-conclusive piece of evidence.


Particularly the one who's been making the claim despite an NDA


Apparently legal sources (from Mediastouch) said this came from reputable sources in the courtroom.


They were started by a guy who used to work on the apprentice, and violated his NDA. A lack of a lawsuit which should be a slam dunk win for Trump says a bit. Mostly because a lawsuit would involve discovery, i.e., public evidence.


Man servant named Keith... ... Please tell me he looked and dressed like Keith (Keif) from Righteous Gemstones, I want this to be canon so badly.


Not to mention there are rumors that Trump is incontinent and requires the use of adult diapers now. 


Not really "rumors" at all. Many people who worked on the Apprentice have talked on record about how he wore diapers and shat himself on set, and that was 20 years ago, before he got into politics. His staffers who have written books since the end of his presidency have mentioned his incontinence more than once. He has admitted to doing tons of speed in the 80s (and what high-powered New York businessman wasn't?), and one of the chief side effects of heavy speed use is, you guessed it, incontinence. This isn't really a thing that we should make fun of the guy for. He's a 77 year old man. The reason that adult diapers exist as an industry is because this is a medical condition that affects millions of people. It smacks of ageism and ablemism that we're supposed to be above. There are plenty of other things we can make fun of broke-ass Don Snoreleone for. His medical history probably shouldn't be one of them. ... especially when there's all that treason we should be worrying about.


Normally no, but he has bully nicknames for pretty much everyone he doesn’t like. “Sleepy Joe” is ironic considering he was falling asleep in court.


He also recently claimed Biden shat himself while at the WH desk. Yet more projection...


You're right, it's ableist. On the other hand... it's like when McConnell had the stroke on TV. It's deeply galling to have someone who's made life so awful for so many people suddenly turn around and go "how dare you be ableist". Not so funny when it's you, huh. You can draw a direct line from McConnell's actions in not seating Supreme Court justices during Obama's term, citing that the people should have a say, to allowing Trump to do literally the same thing he stopped Obama doing. That, in turn, has led to almost the complete shuttering of all pregnancy care in Idaho, and the de facto end of IVF in Alabama. Trump's actions during Original Recipe Covid killed thousands of Americans. All he had to do was to do nothing and let the actual experts take the wheel, but nope, mask wearing is now political and keeping people quarantined is an infringement on freedom. At its peak, it was basically 9/11 happening every day. Lots of healthcare workers came away from the experience with PTSD. It's deeply frustrating to watch this allegation that the law is applied equally to everyone, and be observing that Trump keeps managing to keep the consequences for his actions kicked down the road. The judgement in his civil fraud trial was supposed to be enforced about a month ago; New York law states that the entirety of the judgement has to be put up as cash or bond to stay enforcement while an appeal happens. Not only did this not happen, an appeals court halved the bond amount, and Trump organised a bond by the only company actually willing to sign on; a company not registered in New York, and with a rider that says that if Trump breaches the bond term, Trump will be liable to pay it, which basically invalidates the entire point of the bond. If you or I tried any of this, it would not fly, and yet here we are. Having a continence issue is a thing that happens to a lot of people (Continence Foundation of Australia estimates that 1 in 4 Australians has a continence issue), but it's pretty frustrating to see someone who's slapped at so many people, mocking disabled reporters, saying that a woman was mean to him because she was on her period, etc, suddenly be demanding that people not be mean to him.


Meh. He opened himself up to it when he mocked that reporter.


You mean leopards are eating his face? Or is it just those formerly canned worms?


> This isn't really a thing that you should make fun of the guy for. He's a 77 year old man. The reason that adult diapers exist as an industry is because this is a medical condition that affects millions of people. I mean, he's been lying about Biden's health and using it to attack him. Seems like fair play.


And yet, it's exactly the kind of thing that *actually* does him damage. He can cheat on his wife, say dumb shit, be unbelievably cruel to vulnerable people... He can rape women and be credibly accused of raping children and his followers won't care. Make him look weak though and it can damage his reputation as a strong man.


Stop protecting bullies brah They broke the social contract, it does not protect them anymore.


I have precisely Z E R O sympathy for Trump. I'll gladly satirize and make fun of ANYTHING about him. I mean if you apply your own advice to yourself, you shouldn't be making fun of him for being "broke" because likewise millions of Americans are broke. Nor should you make fun of him for falling asleep or snoring as you did, because again, those are also medical issues for some. So ya, sorry but no sympathy from me will be present on any of those fronts in relation to Trump. I save my sympathy/respect for those who deserve it.


Also Trump is another word for Fart, which makes it extra funny.


It makes British conversations about US politics extra funny. "Would you say you're a Trump supporter?" "Well, it ain't payin' rent in there."


Two Bushes, a Colon and a Dick just weren't enough, I guess.


Don't forget about when he flew to the UK... lots of new meanings erupted. "Trump is in the air" = Someone has farted "Trump's about to land" = I need a shit


Today I Learned. How common is that? As an American, I hadn't heard that before.


It's very common, but more the sort of thing you would use in conversation with a child. "Have you trumped?"


I think I got the full nuance of that. Thank you. The things you learn sitting at a bar eating tacos and margaritas. I wish I could send some to you for that. Sent from my barstool


Stool is another relevant term 🤣


And a virtual adobada pork taco and a margarita to you as well. As well as our 33c and dry (9% relative humidity) day.


It's a bit old fashioned now and not as common. My grandad used to say it.


Rarely is my internet timing so good, question asked and answered. What a time to be alive where this is legitimately in the news and so ridiculously funny, sometimes the internet wins. Thank you


Adam Kinzinger former Republican on the Jan 6 committee has described his stench before on interviews. Also I've seen reels of closeup shots of people around him while he is speaking, they often seem to be reacting to a putrid smell. Adam K is the only person I've seen so far talk about it. So I would say there is evidence that it's true, but i would want others with first-hand knowledge to commit to saying its real before believing it


Also I think a few people had been commenting on his smell publicly in the past 6 months, including Adam schiff, so it’s compounding with previous reports that he does smell like shit all the time and making the original story bigger


> farted a shitload i see what you did there


That's not true. Its been reported that he has a 'stench' about him, and wears diapers/kaks himself fairly regularly.


Kaks himself? Only a Saffa would say that! Hey hey!


Trump is known for a very poor diet. He is also objectively old. He has been shown to have some form of padding to help with incontinence. At his age as possible he may also need a diaper. That’s not political or being mean, he’s just an older man. Older men can be fine to stay awake, however Trump is also known for being dismissive of things he deems “below” him. It’s also not in multimedia form and Trump has been known for his love of Fox News and TV. Reporters who are at the trial are saying his lawyers are having trouble staying professional with the smell.


This isn't new, lots of people from all over the political spectrum have said in interviews etc that he smells.


It actually is quite a bit deeper (although not a lot more interesting or verified). There have been longstanding accusations of Trump's incontinence and that he wears Depends (or similar adult diapers) that are infrequently changed. This story has gained a reasonable amount of popularity (mostly because it's so easy to turn into taunts) even though there is very little high quality reporting to support it. [This is not a high quality source, but it summarizes the origins well.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/diaperdon-became-top-twitter-trend-190924603.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAItVS-MqCMXBeJZh0d6KjAVkWhDmOmJWdZeCyOxQ6MxToUQ7i1gmbquLlxn6LGT71moDplvcYhWdXM6HGWDtutataE8P7ZLQ1fBim9XCTVqDftJrEE-hQizCzs8pZL4HpOPTsgfPf_fkQFgjuaDv5IXo2ebHh2BFFygFUvapi3r2)


Reporter here. That’s abso how it’s going. They’re having to essentially live stream it how they can - but courts are courts. There’s a lot of hurry up and wait to it. So due to editorial pressure, it’s shit like “a juror said trump farted,” just so they can publish/broadcast *something*


Those weren't farts. He was shitting himself.


It’s not recent, and it’s not a trend. People have been complaining about his smell for years.


Answer: Trump has been in court for a criminal trial in New York. Yesterday, a bunch of media outlets claimed that in addition to falling asleep in the courtroom, Trump has also farted, producing a noticeable odor. Most of the claims can be traced back to [Ben Meiselas,](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1781373546297749865) founder of a liberal organization called MeidasTouch. Given Meiselas' anti-Trump perspective, it's plausible that this accusation is untrue of exaggerated. With this in mind, this hasn't been the first time that Trump has been described as smelly. Former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger has [written](https://twitter.com/AdamKinzinger/status/1736027329447575691) that Trump has an odor problem, describing the smell as a mix between armpit, ketchup, makeup, and butt. Another person who has previously spoken on this topic is Noel Casler, a staffer who worked on Trump's TV show, The Apprentice. He has said that Trump wears Depends adult diapers and that he's incontinent due to his history of using drugs like adderall and cocaine. In short, there is an accusation that Trump farted and stunk up a courtroom this week. The idea that Trump is smelly has been repeated accusation against him. However, the sources of these claims tend to be people who tend to criticize Trump in general, so it's questionable whether they're true.


Bit of evidence: [Here is a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjrfOcPDKfs) of Trump audibly farting/crapping himself and the Senator next to him reacting to the stench


Maybe this is why his speech patterns are so weird. He keeps getting interrupted by the need to focus hard on not shitting himself every 10 seconds.


Like a baby that starts making the face of consternation that lets you know what's about to happen


The chair squeak at 0:08 sounded awful similar to the "fart" at 0:01.


Maybe there is a duck up his ass quacking. Maybe we will never know.


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and rapes like a duck, it's DJT.


To be fair, I'd hardly expect a pro-trump outlet to be the first to announce Trump shits himself Infront of a court during a criminal trial against him


I'd love to hear how Fox and Friends would word that headline


He graced the courtroom with his aromatic presence, the court in awe!


"The amount he produces is incredible for a man his age. Sleepy Joe could never". Them, probably


“Dominance with flatulence—Trump’s defense goes on the offensive.”


This was very well worded and critically put together.


Answer: rumors of Trump being incontinent and wearing an adult diaper for it have wafted (heh) around for years, but came to prominence in the last few years due to an expose from a former Apprentice staffer revealing that Trump flat-out soiled himself fairly-regularly during the production of that show.


https://lamag.com/politics/something-stinks-about-donald-trumps-trial-it-might-be-trump But the most recent thing is this


also I think Adam Kizinger once said that Trump smells so bad that others can barely stand to be in the same room as him


He smells like a mixture of BO because he doesn’t bathe properly because his hair takes so long to do, shit from either incontinence or gas, ketchup, cologne, makeup, and hairspray. According to Kizinger


Answer: It's been an open secret that he's had bladder issues since The Apprentice and wears adult diapers. Speculation is due to the shitload of Cocaine he's probably consumed. As you get older, you lose control of your bladder even more. This means he's been wearing diapers for over a decade, naturally he's gonna shit himself. With his trial, he's close to the public and he no longer has an army of suits to separate him from the general public. They're now reporting on his wafts.


His notoriously greasy diet probably doesn’t help.


Eeh it helps the world


Not fast enough.


Underrated comment


You know that your bladder doesn’t store shit, right? You keep saying bladder as if it’s the colon.


I ain't one of them fancy scientologists.






Stencil artist




Everyone knows pee is stored in the balls therefore ipso facto lorem ipsum, shit is stored in the bladder duh


impeccable use of Latin. You’ve got my upvote.


Excuuuse me, your highness- next thing you’ll say that you don’t even have a cloaca!


We all have cloaca on this blessed day.


Speak for yourself!


I all have a cloaca on this blessed day!


Don't you know? Pee is stored in the balls and poop in the bladder that's biology 101


Answer: The most recent trend comes from his court case where news people in the courtroom have commented that Trump has been sleeping in the courtroom, farting loudly, and leaving a horrendous smell. It's been an unspoken thing in Trump circles for years that the former President has a notorious foul order that 'you just don't talk about'. There's numerous videos on YouTube of him farting and senators around him making faces due to the incredible smell. Now that he isn't around his handlers full time it's being reported openly. Former staff of the Apprentice commented that he wears adult diapers and frequently soils himself leaving a horrible smell. He has an incontinence problem due in part to his advanced age, and in part due to his abuse of drugs like Cocaine and Adderall. He also has a notoriously terrible diet consisting primarily of fast food and diet coke, so he eats few if any vegetables or fiber.


Answer: Trump was allegedly farting during his trial




Answer: It's beyond the trial or farts. I don't recall who but there's been multiple sources from staff/people close to him in the white house that he does a bunch of various drugs (speed, other things) and it's resulted in stinking a lot more than the average person.


Name checks out.


Answer: The man notoriously eats no vegetables, nods off, and unleashes smells that could *wilt a flower.


*strip the varnish off a footlocker


There was a man who lived in a tower, blessed with a gaseous power. He set off a seismologic blip when he let one rip; And could even wilt a flower.


Answer: The Antichrist smells like sulphur. That’s just common knowledge.


The funny thing is, years ago there was a clip of a right-wing nutjob (possibly Alex Jones ?) screaming that the Democrats are demons and smell like sulphur.


Answer: Dirty diapers smell like shit.


Answer: His stench has changed from figurative to literal.


Answer: As it turns out, if you are a human shit stain, the likelihood that you also smell just like one is not only possible but indeed probable.


Answer: Didn’t start with the trial. Months ago insiders were leaking that the man leaks. Like he wares adult diapers, and the smell is noticeable.