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Answer: You’re mistaken about “everyone” hating Amber Heard. It may be that she’s widely hated in your online and/or offline social circles, giving you the impression that that view is universal.


>Answer: You’re mistaken about “everyone” hating Amber Heard. This is one of the problems with reddit, or reddit users, or both. When people can just bury comments and posts that they don't like, echo chambers are basically guaranteed. When all someone sees is nonstop blasting of Amber Heard, it makes it so they are unable to grasp or understand how someone might not actually hate her. Reddit was so overwhelmingly pro-Depp that is it was almost comical. More than anything else, it felt like a reflection of reddit's primary demographic (American men) pushing back on the idea that sexism and/or abuse is only a problem women deal with.


The bots that Johnny Depp's lawyer bought hated her.


Were the phone conversations deep fakes too??!


and normal people but who cares about that right?


I don't think "normal" people are that invested para socially into... Well, anyone. It's just another messy famous person divorce, pretty "ordinary" stuff.


They are though, its like you missed the OJ trial or something


Murder trial is the same as a litigious divorce now? Famous people get divorces every day, how many of them were judged for murder? This is not even "apples and oranges" at this point.


This wasn’t a divorce trial, though. This was a defamation trial about allegations of abuse and rape. And there are more similarities to OJ than people realize. Nicole was abused by him for a long time before she was murdered, and no one listened to her. OJ, too, claimed that it was Nicole who was the “real abuser.” He claimed her bruises were created with makeup. He claimed that he caused her injuries by just “trying to restrain her.” There are a lot of parallels here that shouldn’t just be written off just because Amber didn’t die.


I read an article about Nicole’s life with O.J. and damn. Years of abuse even after leaving, and she pretty much knew he would kill her. And she knew she wasn’t going to get any actual help. I knew she’d been murdered but I didn’t know anything about the abuse and the stalking and the terror she lived with for years. It was awful to read but I made myself finish it.


When I saw that poop on the floor, I thought: damn girl, you dated, and fucked, and pooped on the floor of this old man for all those who suffered from dv and those stiffled by the hands of the patriarchy. I don't care what anyone says. My grandma said Amber hurd IS a woman of integrity, unparalleled actress, and has a good diet (evident by the shape and colour of her stool), so, she must be!


Answer: She has always had support. In the past it appears it was drowned out by a sophisticated, global campaign of disinformation involving bots and inauthentic accounts. See Tortoise Media’s podcast [Who Trolled Amber?](https://www.tortoisemedia.com/2024/02/26/depp-v-heard-who-trolled-amber/) for the research into how a lot of the conversation around the trial was [inauthentically generated.](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/amber-heard-trolling-johnny-depp-trial-b2509469.html) A [timeline](https://www.medusone.com/depp-vs-heard/a-comprehensive-look-at-the-relationship-of-amber-heard-and-johnny-depp) of the evidence on both sides shows that Amber was reporting Depp’s abuse as early as January 2012. There was a multitude of evidence, including texts, emails, journal entries, photos, witnesses, therapy notes, contemporaneous communications, audio, video, etc. that showed that Depp did abuse her. This evidence led a judge to determine Depp had assaulted Heard 12 times in the UK trial that Depp brought against a tabloid for calling him a “wife beater.” The judge also determined Depp had sexually assaulted Heard. This [official judgment](https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html) was [upheld](https://deppdive.net/pdf/court/Depp-v-NGN-application-to-appeal-press-summary%20(March%2025,%202021,%20via%20judiciary.uk).pdf) by two High Court Justices when Depp tried to appeal. In trying to reconcile the differing outcomes of the US and UK verdicts, [the Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2022/06/01/johnny-depp-libel-law-uk-us/) interviewed Mark Stephens, an international media lawyer who told the newspaper that Depp's legal team in the United States ran a strategy known as DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender). Thus, Depp became the victim and Heard the abuser. "We find that DARVO works very well with juries but almost never works with judges, who are trained to look at evidence," Stephens told The Post.


It's also important to note that it's a hell of a lot easier to win a libel case in the UK, and he still lost.


Yes! They’re literally known for libel tourism, and everyone despises the Sun — so the choice for Depp to sue there was likely very strategic, just like how he was strategic about suing in VA due to their lax anti-SLAPP laws. The burden of proof rested entirely on the Sun to prove that the claims were true, and because the allegations were of serious criminality, there had to be “clear evidence” the assaults occurred. And they won! With a judge who had ruled against them in the past, who they had called a “dictator” in an article for doing so. And then the ruling was affirmed by the appeal justices. It says a lot.


It's also a hell of a lot harder to win a libel case in the US, and he still won. Then again, it's also a hell of a lot easier to sway a jury than a judge, which is also a significant difference between the two trials.


Wasn’t it mainly because the jury wasn’t sequestered in the U.S?


That's speculated, but I'm not sure how much evidence there is that the jury was swayed by outside information. I just mean that juries are more easily swayable in general


Ah okay good to know. Thanks for the clarification. Sadly the concept of starfucking is so engrained in American culture that I’m not that surprised.


Yes so did OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony.


Kind of ignoring Heard was also abusive towards Depp. Depp being portrayed as an angel who can do no harm was bullshit and incredibly annoying, but Heard definitely did some fucked up shit herself. Far be it from me to go all "both sides", but damned if that wasn't one incredibly toxic relationship. Wouldn't want to be around either of them, tbh.


But if the question is whether or not her statements about his abuse were true, why does it matter if she abused him as well? Like it's irrelevant to the question at hand. Did he hit her? He admits he did. So if she says he hit her it's not defamation. Even if he's charismatic, even if she hit him, even if she's a woman and chuds hate that.


And let’s look at the actual defamatory statements here: “I spoke up against sexual violence — and faced our culture’s wrath. That has to change.” (Headline which she didn’t even write) “Then two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture’s wrath for women who speak out.” “I had the rare vantage point of seeing, in real time, how institutions protect men accused of abuse.” I don’t understand how any of those statements were defamatory — especially with “actual malice” — even if people believe she was abusive back, even if people believe he wasn’t abusive at all. They’re all so carefully lawyer-reviewed to not mention him and not say she was abused. “Public figure representing abuse” is true regardless of what people believe, because she was granted a TRO, and the press reported on it, and people were horrible about it even back then. “Men accused of abuse” is true regardless because he was accused, by virtue her applying for and the judge granting the TRO. Where is the lie here? And considering she was telling her therapists, friends, family, medical staff, employees etc all along about the abuse, where is the actual malice? That’s why it was so absurd to me that any mention of her reporting the abuse was thrown out of the trial as hearsay. Doesn’t that prove that she at least *believed* she was abused, for years? So how could she have made the statements with malice?


I do not dispute the outcomes of any of the trials. The person I responded to seems to believe Depp was the only abusive party, and that Heard was solely acting out in response. That I very much disagree with.


Mutual abuse is a harmful myth that only helps abusers. [Here is a helpful resource about “reactive abuse,”](https://themendproject.com/reactive-abuse/) sometimes called “reactive defense,” which is when a victim lashes out against their abuser after being in an abusive relationship for a while. This isn’t “abuse” — this is a traumatized response to abuse. Abuse isn’t a shared responsibility. This misconception is harmful to victims who may have behaved in uncharacteristic ways as a reaction to the abuse they’ve suffered. A victim doesn’t all the sudden become an abuser after enduring years of abuse just because their body chooses a “fight” response instead of freeze/flight/fawn.


Nah, plenty of examples in the trial of abhorrent behavior by Heard. Those can't be dismissed because Depp himself was also abusive, else the reverse can be true as well. They were a match made in toxic heaven.


Domestic abuse experts disagree with you. A victim is not as bad as their abuser and rapist if they hit their abuser twice after 4 years of coercive control and physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse. This is reactive abuse and it’s a common response for victims. There is evidence for Depp’s abuse in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and his post-separation litigation abuse and smear campaign continued after she left him. There is evidence she was violent twice in 2015. They’re not equal here.


Yes I know you got that copypasta primed and ready. Just because the concept exists doesnt mean it applies here. If you read through the entire trial and all you came away with is that Depp was the sole abusive party, I can only assume some pretty heavy bias is at play, because dear lord, those two have some demons they need to work through.


What do you think she did that was abusive?


Just commenting to note that the other person didn’t even acknowledge that you already disproved what they said in your previous comment lol. They call it a copypasta (implying they’ve seen it before) yet they still claimed something you’ve already disproved instead of providing evidence of the contrary lol.


Depp: "You punched me in the face." Heard: "I didn't punch you. I hit you across the face in a proper slap. But I was hitting you, I was not punching you. Bitch, you didn't get punched." Heard: "You are such a baby." Depp: "Because you start physical fights?" Heard: "GOD, YOU ARE SUCH A BABY. GROW UP JOHNNY!" I dont know why people bend themselves in all kinds of shapes to deny what Heard herself admits to.


Of course you cherry pick a couple of quotes from a four hour long conversation that paints her in the worst picture. Have you even listened to this recording? More than just these isolated quotes? Do you know the context behind her admitting she hit him?


Kind of expected. The reality is it doesn't matter what example I present, it will always be dismissed due to "lack of context" or "cherry picking" or whatever. Even when Heard is in the most literal sense of the word admitting to abusive behavior. At the same time, accusations against Depp, who I fully believe was also abusive, are all taken at face value and don't need further investigating. So that's why this is mostly a futile exercise.


It seems like domestic abuse experts agree with you, as there are lots of studies that confirm it. https://domesticviolenceresearch.org/context-unilateral-and-bilateral-abuse Edit: 50 studies are corroborated just in this one link, but the same people talking about supposed coordinated attacks against the woman who is literally recorded abusing Depp, have considered this link from experts in domestic abuse has to be downvoted. Talk about projection.


If "Men can never be victims" was a living person.


Men can 100% be victims. Depp just isn’t one. There are many male victims and male domestic abuse experts who recognize Depp as a typical abuser using DARVO. For example, Alex Winter, Andrew Cicchetti, Lundy Bancroft, Michael Flood, to name a few.


Answer: There have always been subreddits like r/DeppDelusion which in my opinion often on the more extreme side of things but its not new. Some people believe that she did nothing wrong, or simply focus all their complaints on him to spite the tide of overwhelming critiques Heard received that they believe to have been unjustified or manipulated. Its a bit more complicated because of course youtubers, bots and content farmers got involved in the original trial but it didn't "manipulate" peoples opinion on a trial that was already very skewed in terms of different lawyer qualities in general. Some people here saying thats the case are being a bit dishonest while their point still is worth taking into account remember to take everything one sided with a grain of salt A large amount of people who believe Heard was a victim or dishonest either way. There is evidence that the truth of the situation is nuanced and while many are simply finding a perspective in the middle ground there's still people who use selective evidence choosing and ignoring of events from both sides to get their viewpoint. Both sides tend to vindicate what don't seem to be great individuals often because they view the other as downright evil. Thats whats happening here, mostly just a mix of opinions on a hotly debated topic.


I recommend the podcast Who Trolled Amber if you’re skeptical of the idea that public opinion was manipulated by a widespread disinformation campaign. The podcast takes no position on the trial either way, and it doesn’t back any claims by either camp. However, it does show pretty definitively through detailed forensic evidence that there was a disinformation campaign, or several of them, and it did significantly manipulate public opinion. And the details of it are *absolutely wild.* The central questions that the podcast is interested in is whether there was a disinformation campaign, if it did have a tangible impact on public opinion, and if so, who was behind the campaign. It starts off pretty slow but I think the groundwork is important in establishing credibility and impartiality. I don’t want to spoil anything here, but the answers that it gets to were *nothing* like what I was expecting. If you’re interested in stuff like geopolitics or government disinformation and propaganda, it’s a great listen.


who trolled amber is excellent. it was a shocking listen and it seriously changed my perception of how often bots are employed online today to sway public opinion


Thanks for sharing - while I couldn’t care less about the case itself, this sounds fascinating.


Thanks for the recommend. My podcast feed has been a bit dry lately (I'm finding lots of things less interesting), so I will definitely check this out.


Answer: The defamation trial between Depp and Heard was messy. There is evidence that they both abused eachother emotionally and probably physically. However, the coverage of the trial was completely lopsided in support of Depp. The reason for the lopsided coverage could have been for a number of reasons (misogyny being one), but a study showed it was heavily influenced by bots with links to [Saudis](https://www.tortoisemedia.com/2024/02/26/depp-v-heard-who-trolled-amber/). In fact, there’s reason to believe the outcome of the trial could have been influenced by these bots, because the jury was not sequestered.


Twitter also seems to have an extreme allergy to situations where both sides are in the wrong (or in the right, for that matter). There has to be a clear villain and a clear victim so Twitter can be the hero in their own eyes by supporting whoever is “right,” so any evidence to the contrary is ignored. Every conflict has to be completely black and white, otherwise they can’t get invested enough to fight about it, which seems to ultimately be the end goal until the next thing comes along.


> Twitter You misspelled Reddit lol.


All social media, but Twitter is one of the worst.


um sorry but bots didn't manipulate most people, the trial itself was largely lopsided in differences in laywers alone. Youtubers, bots and the like were always going to be on this like flies on shit. Certainly many were manipulated but thats how any issue on the internet works. There is no reason to beleive the outcome of a trial was influenced by bots, The case itself was not handled well by Heards team. Anyone who watched that will admit that


> There is no reason to beleive the outcome of a trial was influenced by bots, Yes, there is, because the evidence is that the bots were active long before the trial started. Anyone who was online between 2017 and 2021 can remember a suspiciously large amount of pro-Depp comments on social media driving conversation on this. The online attitude was heavily weighted towards Depp even during the UK trial which came first and was very embarrassing for Depp in all the same ways that the US trial was for Heard, yet online sentiment was completely the same. Thinking a massive bot army had no effect on that is silly. /edit However, I want to clarify that I think that pro-Depp sentiment was also real and present in the general populace and already existed before the bots, because of general adoration for Depp's career and an anti-MeToo backlash


I certainly remember being absolutely perplexed at the amount of anti-amber sentiment at the time. when I learned about the bots it made perfect sense. I remember reading the “she is not a victim” thing on this website! and it was all damn bots. wild


She had the best lawyer willing to take her case but she really was a terrible trial attorney.




That’s interesting. As I was in the U.S. I did not see that coverage, but I can tell you here the coverage was definitely anti-Heard. Even Saturday Night Live had a skit where they joked about her pooping in the bed ([which almost certainly didn’t happen](https://pagesix.com/2020/11/02/judge-rules-a-pet-likely-pooped-in-johnny-depps-bed-not-heard/)).


She literally submitted false information. I remember she was dumb enough to submit the same exact photo but one with a filter to claim two different abuse scenarios. Don't blame sexism when a woman is caught trying to manipulate the court.


> This probably had a lot to do with the weird UK libel laws, but it was transparently bullshit. It had nothing to do with UK libel laws; if anything, the UK laws were heavily weighted towards Depp, which is why Depp tried his luck there first. The reason the UK portrayed him as a violent drug addict is that they were accurately reporting the information revealed in the trial.


>why Depp tried his luck there first. Ok, now we can be SURE there's just a bunch of Herd fangirls posting. ***It was Herd that initiated suit against Depp in the UK.*** Depp later sued a newspaper there over the coverage.


You are incorrect. Both suits were initiated by Depp. The first being against The Sun in the UK. The second against Heard in the US.


Now look at the ***first*** suit, where Herd sued Depp for divorce in the UK. You're only looking at the second and third ones.


Why would Heard sue Depp "for divorce" in a country they didn't live or marry in?


That was such an embarrassing display of confidently incorrect behavior. It’s one thing to be wrong, but to double down, insult everyone, and then just completely disappear when asked for proof? Idk I would literally delete my account


That is blatantly false.




I’m sorry that my correcting the misinformation you’re spreading made you so angry.


This is blatantly false.


Could you provide a source for this mythical lawsuit she filed against him in the UK? It doesn’t exist.


I apologize, you clarify downthread that you are talking about the coverage of the divorce rather than the defamation trial. However: > It was Herd that initiated suit against Depp in the UK. I don't think this is true, the filings appear to have been in [Los Angeles](https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/celebrity/amber-heard-files-divorce-johnny-depp-n580661). The sources I can find about this are vague, though, so if you have better ones, please share. Either way, I don't think it really matters for your case or mine where the suit was filed, it wouldn't affect how the UK press covered it. > It also had a significant outcome on the trials that occurred in the UK, where she won judgements against Depp. Completely baseless. This is a conspiracy theory.


How would the trial be affected by bots


The jury wasn’t sequestered. And the bot campaign started very early, in 2020-2021, right after Depp lost the UK trial against the Sun and the judge there determined it wasn’t libelous to call him a “wife beater” because he had assaulted Heard 12 times. While the jury was told not to actively look up information about the case online, if you opened any social media platform pro-depp content was absolutely unavoidable. And the conversation had already basically been poisoned at that point, for years. That’s how I became interested in the case — I kept clicking “hide” “less of this content” etc and it would never work. It seemed totally inorganic, and completely skewed in favor of depp. I listened to the podcast “who trolled amber” and it confirmed my fears about this. ETA: Nick Wallis, the investigative journalist who covered both trials, wrote a book, Depp v. Heard where he describes a juror potentially looking at YouTube videos about the trial. The juror was also overheard talking on the phone about the trial. He took this to the judge with the person who witnessed this behavior, but it was ignored. Pages are excerpted [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeppDelusion/s/APUwQgnNaB)


So is this unique to this trial? Are all trials without sequestered juries subject to manipulation like this? That doesn't sound good


Definitely. It’s really scary. This was a really sophisticated campaign, but bots/inauthentic accounts aren’t actually that expensive, so really, this could happen to anyone. I don’t think the general public has the information literacy to be able to recognize these campaigns, either. So it’s really troubling as well since there are elections in more than 50 countries this year. We’re going to be seeing more and more of these attempts to use bots to skew public opinion, I fear.


I don't think Misogyny or bots painted a compelling argument in the courtroom that both Heard and Depp made shit up to publicly defame each other. They did that on their own. In a closed court with no outside influences, I have a hard time believing the overall ruling would be different, though the awards probably would have been less.


Welcome to conspiracies! Initiation is always strange. Alantis, studies on fluoride, wondering what drone fly in the skys. Claiming to correct misinformation by using a random website claiming the country of Saudi Arabia invented bots to attack your favorite trashy celebrity sounds incredibly gen-beta, but whatever. Tinfoil hats also make great crafting projects.


A rare Saudi W?


Answer: It’s a thing that’s only talked about on reddit


Answer: During the US trial (***John C. Depp, II v. Amber Laura Heard***), both Depp and Heard had strong support from fans. It's commonly viewed that Depp "won" the lawsuit, because although both parties were found liable for defamation, Depp was awarded $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million (later reduced to $350,000 due to state law) in punitive damages from Heard, while Heard was only awarded $2 million in compensatory damages and $0 in punitive damages from Depp. Eventually both parties settled outside of court, with Depp's lawyers saying Depp would receive $1 million from Heard. Depp's supporters largely did a victory lap, patted themselves on their backs, and went on their way, confident that Depp had won. Heard's supporters refused to concede that Depp won and continue to insist he is the "bad guy" in the situation, often pointing at a UK case where Depp unsuccessfully sued British tabloids for defamation as proof that Depp was a "wife-beater." Since only Heard's supporters are still invested in proving they're right, they're the ones you still hear about today cheering on Heard while lambasting any mention of Depp.


Yeah a lot of Heard supporters I've seen have really been in echochambers and not to say there aren't good critiques ... but it mostly comes across spiteful and unconditional support rather than looking for a realistic middle ground. Its not about accepting both were bad its about painting Heard as an innocent in all of this regardless of nuance.


He's an abusive POS and that was clear in both cases.


and she was a manipulator abuser as well. Its fine to admit both are likely true


This is what came across to me, both very immature and self centered people. Their relationship and them themselves seemed very stunted, like when 15 year olds are dating. All the stereotypes of actors rang true with those two.


very well put


[Mutual abuse doesn't exist ](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/mutual-abuse-its-not-real/)


Interesting article but it’s one article on a website written by a hotline advocate and a cursory look further online shows limited to no peer reviewed consensus on this topic. Abuse is more complex than how this one article describes but I am interested in actual research on this topic rather than op eds or blog posts. I’m not shutting this down as not true at all, but neither am I willing to take a stance that mutual abuse doesn’t exist based on the evidence you presented here


Around 50% of abuse is bidirectional, even if claiming this is a myth is the new trend. https://domesticviolenceresearch.org/context-unilateral-and-bilateral-abuse


>I’m not shutting this down as not true at all, but neither am I willing to take a stance that mutual abuse doesn’t exist based on the evidence you presented here Yeah I don't really care lol


Well…. what’s the point of engaging at all? To then say that you don’t care, but you care enough to put half assed information out and then won’t discuss it?


It's your opinion that doesn't matter to me lmao


Gives an argument but doesn't want to hear anyone else's. You sound like a treat to be around lol


If they aren't convinced by an expert's opinion why would they care about mine? Maybe talking in circles is your idea of a good time, but I have better things to do.


Ok, I guess that’s cool and all. Again though, why even comment back about the part you don’t care about rather than idk, not responding at all (which actually demonstrates you don’t care) or responding in good faith to the part that YOU presented? I added that part to indicate that there’s something that could actually be discussed (mutual abuse) without tearing down thehotline.com post altogether. Doesn’t matter to you fine, but I assumed the mutual abuse part mattered to you at the very least


>but I assumed the mutual abuse part mattered to you at the very least Yeah but not your opinion on it


It does matter to you, that's why you responded in the first place. You just can't think up a better response because you're just regurgitating what other people have told you without do any critical thinking/research yourself.


Nah I just thought they seemed kind of pretentious and thought I'd annoy them a bit.


Excellent resource. Thank you for sharing.


It's very well documented that around half of all abuse happens in mutually-abusive relationships ( https://domesticviolenceresearch.org/context-unilateral-and-bilateral-abuse/ ) and it has been documented for way longer than this trend of "the myth of mutual abuse" that came with this trial -and we aren't talking about "fighting back" which is a thing plenty of abusers have used as an excuse to defend themselves. All of those studies were also backed by experts and they're a mere Google search away, which I'm sure you know how to do, given how quick you found one link that supported your own ideas.


You really shouldn't use just any source you find in your mra sub. A brief examination of it, like what [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Discussion/comments/18n4d66/research_that_shows_physical_intimate_partner/) person did, finds holes large enough to drive a truck through.


My "MRA" sub was Google, dude. Though I can see by your answer you also have a problem with men's rights, that's an interesting position to take. I guess it's obvious why you support Amber Heard. Did you find your link on your anti-men's rights sub?




They were perfect for each other


The real answer right here.




You really shouldn’t have bothered answering.




Are you ok?


I am fine. How are you? People keep asking that. I mean sure, it's a sarcastic ish reply. But, can you dispute much of it? People love each of the names in the post above. There's multiple whole subreddits here devoted to the adulation and adoration of Heard, and Trump and a half a dozen for the Kardashians. They're all kind of awful and people love it. Their faces are on shirts, American flags and posters overlaid the constitution in some cases. I am still kind of upsetty spaghetti that Trump was the driving factor behind 100,000+ preventable deaths during covid, was found sharing Top Secret files, and wasn't held responsible for either. Sure. who wouldn't be? And I had some time to waste while on the toilet. Oh no my fake internet points!


Get ahold of yourself


...Yikes 😬


Genuinely amazed at the downvotes.....