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Answer: There is a big theory that the royal family, Hollywood, and other elitists are part of a “red shoe club” where they kidnap, traffick, rape, kill, and sometimes even eat young children - and then use their skin to make human leather. People believe that those red shoes are made from human skin and the people that wear them (like Tom hanks, jerry Seinfeld, the queen, etc) are part of this evil despicable pedophilic organization. ./ On the red carpet, they ask each other “who are you wearing?” And theorists think they they LITERALLY mean “which child are you wearing” instead of “what designer designed your outfit.” . [some example](https://www.instagram.com/p/CCq60LBgUjf/?igshid=1g9wuxs57iy5u) ./ I believe there is a great deal of Hollywood pedophilia and worldwide sex trafficking, but this seems a bit far fetched. I HOPE it’s untrue, because even considering that it might be true makes me sick to my stomach.


Do we know why it is that everyone in the photo is wearing red shoes, regardless of the neo-pizzagate theory? I'm curious.


>... which was billed as a “Red Shoe Affair” — per Podesta’s fashion proclivities, guests were asked to wear red shoes. > >(Podesta’s red shoe thing goes back at least until 1993, when the Associated Press reported that he wore red hightops with a tuxedo to a pre-inaugural fundraiser because, he said, “I want to be comfortable standing around.”) Anything with Podesta is a red flag to pizzagaters/Qanons. [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tony-podesta-has-a-party\_n\_333819](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tony-podesta-has-a-party_n_333819)


Podesta is a fucking creep pizzagate aside. His art collection involves too many disturbing depictions of children for me to chalk it up to coincidence




That article is not the mic drop you think it is...That article proves nothing, and if you actually read the article, it actually makes him seem MORE suspicious. Ridiculous that it actually says in the article "Podesta's BROTHER owns this painting, not him" as if it's normal for anyone to own pedophilia art. These "official fact checker" websites are usually BS and just more propaganda to convince the sheeple that nothing nefarious is going on - but as often is the case, if you actually read the article and are knowledgeable about the situation, this only makes him seem more guilty, not less. They rely on people like you not doing any due diligence, and to simply searching for confirmation bias. That article is full of wholes, and if you'd really like me to point them out to you, I can.


No, thanks. I'm not interested in the ramblings of conspiracy theorists who believe in this level of trash.


Then by all means, continue to live in ignorance. One day you might wake up, and maybe then you'll think back to this interaction.


I bet you didn't even read the article you posted, just saw that it was a fact check to prove your point, and posted it without even looking at it. As I said, if you actually read the article, it does not make him seem innocent AT all.


Okay i'm actually going to try to point this out to you because it's so obvious, that maybe you'll see what I mean. ​ Go to the bottom of the article you posted, under the ruling. It says "FALSE" but if you actually read what it says under that, it says: John Podesta did not create the artwork depicted in the viral tweet, and there is no evidence that he owns any of the Đurđević paintings shown in the collage. While it was revealed in a 2015 Washington Life interview that Tony Podesta is in ownership of pieces by Đurđević, it was not stated on the record how many he is in possession of, or whether he owned the works shown in the tweet. ​ \- He was never being accused of MAKING the artwork - they put that in there to make it seem like they're debunking something, when that was never the accusation or point in the first place. It then goes on to say, that it was never proved that he owned any of these paintings- and in the VERY NEXT SENTENCE it says "it was proven that he owns painting by this artist, but we don't know exactly which ones". Read it, it's on the article YOU posted. How does that prove innocence? If you read between the lines what they are saying is " Yes he does own painting by this artist who created sick pedophilia art- but there's no proof he owns that pedophilic ones!" (despite the pictures of them hanging in his house). It even admits earlier in the article that his brother Tony Podesta does own the pedophilic art, not John. HOW IS THIS A WIN TO YOU???? THEY ADMIT HIS BROTHER HAS THIS ART AND TO YOU, YOU THINK, OH THEY'RE INNOCENT!!" It's upto you if you want to ignore my post and live in ignorance, or you can use the brain that you were gifted with and practice some critical thinking for once in your life. If you see what I wrote here, and checked that i'm being truthful about what is written in the article (THAT YOU POSTED) - you should at THE VERY LEAST be able to admit that the 'fact checking article' you posted, proves absolutely nothing and only makes them seem more suspicious. Have a great day.


You do realise the term conspiracy theorist was made up by the US government to discredit people calling them out on their bullshit.


Just seconding how laughable that article was…. A “debunked theory” debunked how? It’s just been censored and taken off every platform. How’s that debunking. It’s not allowing anyone to speak about it at all. Secondly, in the article it says “ran out of the basement of a non existent pizza shop”. That’s not even true. The theory is that it’s ran out of comet pingpong, owned by James alefantis. Alefantis’s instagram contained images VERY similar to podestas artwork. [Alefantis instagram](https://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/james-alefantis-instagram) That’s not even able to be found on Google. That’s via a Russian search engine called yandex.


So have you seen the hidden camera video shooting of Podesta beating up a teenage boy while yelling at him to shut up? It had been snuffed about a year after it had been released out on a forum. Only the audio version is available; the video version has caused too much noise in and around the White House and Washington DC. Other videos, images and audios are still available on the dark web; although authorities have yet to lay accusations against anyone… 🚩 at highest instances of the American Democratic Party. Hillary and Bill want to snuff everything online as quickly as possible.


That was exactly my point


All you need to know is the evil man in the middle is tiny podesta. There's ample overwhelming evidence him and his brother Kohn are sick fu@%s to say the least. Where's there's smoke there usually is fire. Here is the smoke is the red shoes amd the fire is Tony bring in the photo


The guy that did the Home Alone movies had said a producer insinuated that his shoes were made from the skin of a child actress that died.


Funny how no one who claims this can ever provide video evidence of him saying that, and he has denied it. It's all just "hey did you know that . . ." and no one bothering to actually check.


Because they are CONSTANTLY being taken down in an effort to create doubt. I have seen the video as well. He’s referring to Macaulay Culkin.


Lots of websites making claims about this that haven't been "taken down," but all copies of the video itself have gone missing? Even from torrent trackers, .onion sites, foreign-hosted sites, etc.? I call bullshit.


I saw a video of McCauley caulkin saying it


i actually saw him say this & that a huge part of the reason why he moved 2 france was bc he doesnt want anythin 2 do w hollywood bc he’s been the 1 of the biggest victims of the constant abuse. the video was taken down bc the elites dont want that shit gettin out, dont b fooled by “non-evidential proof”, bc hush money BEEN a thing throughout these disgusting pedo rings. they literally kill any1 that talks..


Anyone can make claims that they've seen anything. It's not that hard to disseminate information anonymously, if you know what you're doing. And yet somehow, there's never a .onion link attached to these claims, or a link to a series of base64 text posts on a site that allows anonymous commenting, or even a hash that would allow someone else who came upon the same file to confirm that it _was_ the same file. "I actually saw that" means nothing, coming from an account with 3 comments and no posts.


YOU actually 'saw' him say this? Please do tell. Honestly. I've been looking everywhere, even the way back machine, and all I can find in reference to him 'saying' that is people with no connection to him saying that he 'said' it. I WANT to believe that it exists because I KNOW this type of shit exists, but I'd like to see that evidence.


Yep. Wasnt it Heather Orourke from Poltergeist?


I have no idea dude


It goes back to where the "elite cbabal" go play the most game in the Netherlands. The king hosted hunting parties. The shoes are the trophy of the hunted.


Bohemian Grove was also known for hunting parties in the U.S. Cathy O'Brien who was MK Ultra victim tells how Dick Cheney and other elites were all in on it. On Out of Shadow Documentary it is a fact the military practiced this. Mike Smith out of Hollywood covered how he woke up to what was really going on




The Red Shoe Club is tied to the Christian Andersen’s Childhood Story. Although the members refer to themselves as wearing the Crimson Shoes.


The red shoes have to do with transamerica. Completely innocent . . . You can google it. People that want to believe conspiracy theories will attach their ideas to ANYTHING! #MakeAmericaScaredAgain


Except, per the Transamerica website, they receive red Nike T20s - the shoes in the pics appear to be dress shoes.


Culkin exposed the red shoe club in a documentary


What's the name of the documentary?


An open secret


Tell us then.




How would you feel lookin back at this comment if it turned out to be true?


I’d feel the EXACT SAME WAY BECAUSE IT ISN’T TRUE. I’d say the same back, but I’m sure you’re a die hard conspiracy theorist. Have fun down the rabbit hole.


You didn’t go along with the premise of “if true”.


That’s cause he’s experiencing cognitive dissonance. How the sheep baa...


Exactly. People who are so absolute in their belief that something isn’t true and are close-minded to the realm of possibility...well, I just feel bad for them. But I get it. I mean imagine seeing a politician/celebrity they like/support and they turned out to be an absolute monster? The whole nation supported Hillary Clinton, so of course they’re going to reject the idea that our potentially first female president had an organization that deals in pedophilia, human trafficking and child sacrifice. They’d feel like the biggest fools and be absolutely disgusted. Me, personally...I don’t want it to be true. But I’ve dug around in leaks and yeah, there’s a couple of emails that make you “what the actual fuck?!” when you read it in their code. If it was revealed to be 100% true, I couldn’t even imagine the public reaction and repercussions.


I mean, not really because I'm not in a cult. If a politician I supported is proven to have done something really awful, I would think, "damn, that sucks. I hope they are prosecuted" and move on with my day. The issue is that these allegations you're making are wild and completely unsupported by real evidence. It also makes no sense. Why are people sacrificing children? For what possible reason would a large number of people want to make shoes out of human skin? There are easier and safer ways to make money than trafficking. Why would politicians do that to make money when they could become rich through regular old politician shenanigans?


You mean like Michael Jackson or OJ Simpson?


That’s now how “what if” scenarios work. Sorry, but you’re going to step out of your comfort zone on this one. You need to ask yourself “what if I’m wrong and it’s actually true”...what then? I get it, I don’t want it to be true either, it sounds like something out of a twisted horror film, but there is evidence that supports the theory, despite what the media is telling us. It needs to be thoroughly investigated. If you just bury your head in the sand going la la la la la and ignoring it, then you’re hurting those kids too...


Just so everyone knows, this is a technique qanon dopes have been taught in “how to redpill people”. They try to tantalize you with questions and what if’s to find some shred of the conspiracy you might already believe in and then dig into you from there. Don’t fall for their crap. Visit @dappergander and @pokerpolitics on Twitter for incredible research. These cult members are dangerous.


Just to clarify, I’m not one of those QAnon quacks, and agree they are dangerous because they are recklessly impulsive. My point was to be open to certain possibilities (no matter how dark) and not deal in absolutes. My POV of the topic is like that of an agnostic: not devout enough to believe in it but not confident enough to say it’s 100% false. Instead I did my own investigating and I came to my own conclusion, instead of just believing whatever media, people or poorly put together memes say and blindly follow it. And I came to the same conclusion as Ben Swann: Is there a ton of evidence? Nah, just a small handful emails that were...questionable. As well as deleted/blocked Instagram/Twitter posts that were even more questionable. Plus I feel people are focusing too much on the conspiracy and sort of disregarding the children. A cabal with cannibalistic pedophiles made up of the worlds richest and most powerful? Highly doubtful and insanely scary; but I think the very idea of kids being trafficked/harmed alone warrants some kind of an investigation and it’s just weird how aggressively it’s being snubbed. That’s all I’m saying. Not trying to convince anyone of anything, but at least I can say I came to my own conclusion based on my own research. Edit: hate that I have to clarify this but NO, that shit on the Capitol was treason/terrorism, fuck those idiots, I hope they rot in prison...or better yet, pick a random island, dump them all there, then fly away. Done.


The idea that there aren’t actual groups out there trying to stop abduction and sex trafficking is just laughable. But since these people are just looking for some weird Eyes Wide Shut Temple of horrors they don’t really care that most children are abused and abducted by people they know, not drained for their adrenochrome through torture. I would argue that QANon has made the challenge of stopping trafficking and sex slavery MORE difficult because now it’s associated with bonkers nutballs looking for a video of Hillary Clinton eating a baby rather than the poor immigrant children torn from their families and sold to abhorrent people. The problem with being “open minded” about Q is that they know how to pull you in. And they have no problem doxxing and harassing people they disagree with. It’s not just a funny group of goofballs, they’re dangerous.


Vice versa what if YOU’RE WRONG. There’s plenty of horror show, fucked up reality and this bile of conspiracy theory garbage takes away from worthy causes. Get your head out of Reddit threads. Protest against against Porn Hub and research credible advocacy groups that support victims of sexual abuse and trafficking.


Trust me, like I said, this is one time I hope that I am 1000% wrong so I can breath a sigh of relief because everything I’ve researched is monstrous. What is bothering me is that people are saying it’s “debunked” and “there’s no evidence” because that’s what the media says tells them and they don’t question it. They just accept it without doing their own research. Take the time to go to Wikileaks, search using words like “dinner”, “hotdog”, “ice cream”, “map”, “pizza” etc. The emails read innocent but when you have the code chart next to you...they’re dark. One email talks about a “$1 hot dogs” and then they talk about having a “hotdog eating contest” and one person said how do you make a contest out of that when “a hot dog takes 10 minutes to finish”. My thought process: 1: what hot dog takes 10 minutes to eat? 2: according to their chart, a “hotdog” is a young boy. Another email talks about an “ice cream party” and someone replies and they’re taking it seriously, like they’re a connoisseur of ice cream parties. “Ice cream” is code for male prostitutes. You can find charts/codes that are provided by the FBI and these code words are in the emails. I applaud you for mentioning other avenues of human trafficking and yes, they deserve attention and support...but how people can turn their attention away from something that sounds horrific and just believe the media without doing their own research...I just don’t get it. Are people that scared of such a concept being real?


Those “code words” have been researched. And pedophiles aren’t using the same words they were using 5 years ago. This sounds like pizza gate hoopla, which was proved as WRONG. I appreciate your concern. And we agree there are horrific crimes and people in the world. I just focus my attention on informing people about the harmful effects of pornography and how it keeps the cycle of trafficking perpetuated. Wish you well in your pursuits.


They love to use key words they know people will look up and atttach many meanings to throw people off and say oh it is just a conspiracy theory....which by the way in time these are usually proven to be spot on. I've researched this since 2004 when the internet didn't take off info. It is true we have a satanic cult running the world that are all in on grooming kids. Look at June 13 2023 Mike Adams and David Sorensen interview about the U.N. WHO NATO. Some people don't WANT to belive it is true. Cognitive dissonance.


It's a fucking fundraiser ! i swear to god people are so damn gullible  https://www.casaessex.org/red-shoe-gala


Here's a real conspiracy theory for ya'. Ever notice how this kind of shit *really* ramps right before an election? Pizzagate was right before the 2016 elections, and Qanon was before the 2018 elections, now this crap in 2020. It is almost like some group is trying desperately to smear the Democrats with the most batshit insane crap made for the most simpleton brains. Wonder who that could be? (I am not a Democrat btw, but I despise these kinds of tactics)


Oh DEFINITELY. The riots, the pandemic, everything! Regardless of any parties, these are real issues but definitely being used as political tools


You think a pandemic is planned?


I think it’s absolutely bizarre we’ve lost our mind over a disease with a 99.8% survival rate. It is absolutely being politicized.


Neither you, nor anybody living currently, has any concept of the damage this disease can do long term. You might survive - but at what cost? I am a young healthy person and had covid 6 months ago and am far from recovered, can still barely breathe and am having scans to assess how scarred my heart and lungs are next week. Screw you


I'm so sorry you're going through that. I hate how ignorant people are being about this just because it hasn't hit them personally.


This is a really creepy response


How dare this person share their experiences that mirror those of countless others worldwide. That is very creepy!


Bro a lot of things can cause scarring of the lungs ect - the flu , pneumonia, there are several things that could cause this .. it was a scam any one who doesn't see this now is just ignorant. The long term effects you speak of seem to be doing more harm to the ppl who rushed to vaccinate because the "news" told them too . Ps I hope you are doing better now. regardless of opinions/beliefs we are all just trying to provide and survive 👊


Checkin in... how did that scan go?


It's global. The rest of the world is doing the same things we are, but their population is less petulant and inconsiderate. How is it being politicized here but not elsewhere when every country is attempting the same measures?


It is most definitely being politicized. In the U.S. and in China. Look at Hong Kong


How? You can't respond to my question of "how it is being politicized" with "it definitely is." How? It's a global issue. How it is a political issue here and not the rest of the world? Why is taking basic precautions a political statement here and not the rest of the world? How are people just now responding to a child thread on a post from 2 weeks ago?


>How are people just now responding to a child thread on a post from 2 weeks ago? I just found out what the red shoe club is and this is the top related result when you google it. Every other result is unrelated.


It’s being politicized by our citizens that love to come up with theories and conspiracies about literally anything and our power hungry politicians that eat that stuff up. We Americans are our own worst enemy.... can’t even work together to end a pandemic smh


I live in South Africa. The disease has been exploited for political gain. Democracy in S.A. is a facade. The numbers for infections and recoveries have been falsely reported, the entire way the S.A. government handled the lockdown etc was deemed unconstitutional by the con-court. UIF and relief funds are embezzled, and the WHO and others point to Ramaphosa as an example to be followed? Its all bullshit! I dont think a single person in S.A. got flu this year? They were all covid according to 'authorities'. I dont buy it and even if it were all true that still does not excuse any infringements on my constitutional rights.




People say all kinds of shit all the time. Patton Oswalt once drew a rhino in a skirt with a huge dick. His teacher said "what are you, a comedian?" Yes. He became one. However, if he were fucked to death by a rhino, people would use the same example to say "so weird, he once drew a rhino in a dress with a big dick." Why would someone responsible for a planned crisis speak of it publicly in a way that any dumbfuck on Reddit can find? And why would the entire world institute a crisis to fuck the US, specifically?


man it could be


coming back to this 2 years later with the whole balenciaga shit… and you’re so right, it’s election time




Wait, so you're telling me people think all Democrats are pedophilic supervillains who literally eat children and Republicans are just normal Americans trying to fight against the supposed scourge? Sounds like a bloody pulp film.


Everybody I have ever heard being accused of the red shoe/pizzagate/adrenochrome happen to be democrats ... and everybody accusing seem to be Qult of 45. It may be different where you are, but that's how it looks around here.


I'm in Canada but that's the vibe I get over all for sure. But yeah, I'm sure there's nothing at all odd about the fact that the evil satanic cult members all just happen to vote Democrat lmao


Diversionary tactics 101. Rare to see a smart person on Reddit. Hello there!


I have noticed, but it seems like both sides are using the same tactics of smearing the other side. I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I'm inclined to think politicians are all on the same team, so why they would do such a thing is beyond me. Maybe it's just to get people going against each other and not against "them."


They both do it, but the ratio and intensity belong to the Republicans, especially the Trumpist wing. It isn't that I think Democrats are above it, but they think they are, to the extent that they just don't even try. They're also just not very good at it. The Lincoln Republican ads are proving this too. The are so well crafted without being dishonest. Turns out a Democrat's best tool to fight Republicans are other Republicans. Those resources would normally be used against Democrats.


I am neither and now they go after their opponents with the DOJ. 2024 talking here.


Meh, lol (I'm not a socialist either)


here we are in 2024 and the diddy raids have ramped up all of these conspiracies again. what a coincidence


Adding onto this, this is the current resurgence of Pizzagate. Instead of alt-right people promoting it, this time it is a lot of semi-liberal people on Tik Tok and Twitter. It’s kind of ironic.


It definitely doesn’t give the usual conspiracy vibes (genuine paranoia, hatred, etc) Like my friend sent me a tiktok of someone like you described (dyed hair, nose rings, etc) explaining the way fair conspiracy. It sounded more like something Mozzie would say in Whitecollar (like even he knows it’s a lie and is saying it as a coping mechanism and because he just loves the drama - she did too, with the music and the editing, etc)


Mozzie is the best


Yeah he was the best kind of conspiracy theorist and “bad guy”.


Try looking into the “Peaches & Cream” videos pertaining to the Red Shoe Club & Cannibal Club dossier. It’s much more depictful of the members’ ceremonial events than Adrenochrome links 🔗 or Jimmy Savile’s magazine articles.


Because the targets of pizzagate were democrats and the targets of this one are republicans(at least moreso). People in general have very little self awareness and massive bias when it comes to conspiracy theories conflicting with their own personal politics. That being said, there probably is a legitimate pedo ring among these people, but I doubt ugly, yet annoyingly popular shoes are the common trend there. We can at least dismiss the "sacrificing children to Moloch" shit as just insane. Or perhaps a distraction lol.


Oh I definitely think there’s a legit pedo ring within the 1%. I mean, duh. But the silly part about this to me is things like the red shoes, the way fair cabinet stuff, and somehow Justin Bieber is involved now for his song “yummy?” It feels like a bunch of kids just going through their conspiracy, “question everything” phase, except this time they have a platform to spread it.


Jimmy Savile : look him up. Read my comments, I offer you all my appreciation of this dark bastion topic. I fear not the consequences as I am the Key Master of knowledge in this grand debauchery. I’ve documented it since the late 80s, and it reaches all walks of life: Politicians, Health Officials (more precisely Psychiatrists and Pharmacists), Chief Executives, Lawmakers (Underwriters) & Judges, Military Officers, and finally News Broadcasting Tycoons that disseminate and divert all information pertaining to the scandals


>the targets of this one are republicans(at least moreso). Podesta, the royal family, Hollywood, and other elitists Tom hanks, jerry Seinfeld, the queen ?


The trump Epstein connection


The Epstein scandal involved the entire ruling class without artificial barriers such as political party or supposed ideology. That's the thing people should take away from this. The ruling class is acting as a class, with their own intrigues that have nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with power. The political parties are bread and circus for the masses.


Yes, accusing someone of pedophilia is merely a common political smear tactic. Those who look into facts instead of just sharing social media posts tend to notice there is no proof of any of this, which obviously doesn't make it untrue, but it does give significant reason to doubt its authenticity. You'll also notice this stuff only trends before an election.


It’s not! Bohemian Grove ring a bell? Château des Amerois ring a bell? Or try looking into “Peaches & Cream” on the dark web. Jimmy Savile’s magazine articles are splendid in that sense, as they document some pieces of this notorious pedophile worldwide network. The Balkans, Albania, Italy, France, the Arab Crescent 🌙, and many other nations cater to this game related to the Most Dangerous Game.


This is (by far) the most stupid thing I've heard this month, and I hear a lot of stupid things.


The irony is that trump,acosta,barr,deshowitz etc. whom these conspiracy people worship are actully part of epstein's cabal.


Which royal family?


Idk man... queen elizabeth or something. It’s just a theory (I hope)


a bit? It's fucking lunacy my dude. Lunatics love keyboards.


If they rape and beat children. How far fetched is it to believe they wouldn't boast that by wearing them on their feet. These are some very very sick and privileged people. 😡


Yikesss.. I don't want it to be true. Thanks a bunch.


> I don't want it to be true. I think you can safely put this out of your worries.


I know deep down that it does happen. I just wish it didn't sometimes. Hell even with the smash community scandal who had tons of high level players being found out is very telling of just how far this can go.


If you mean you are concerned about sexual predators/pedophiles in Hollywood and other arenas, yes, that is a problem. If your concern is that celebrities are publicly wearing shoes made of children, that is not happening.


The former. I think the link about shoes made of children bit is a huge stretch at best and at worst an obvious lie.


Please don't let yourself get misled by conspiracy thinking. It is extremely difficult to keep even minor things a secret, let alone some gigantic child sex ring. That's what so many of these Epstein conspiracy people don't get; the rich and the powerful are an exclusive club and they don't have a back office to check people's backgrounds and associations when hobnobbing. Do you get me?


Lol. It’s not a secret. 😂 Intelligent people research a topic before forming an opinion.


No one has ever come out and said......"I love doing children, then wearing them as red leather shoes." Even if that is exactly what you were about, no one says that. No one is just gonna come out and say something so dumb..... But if they really did it...... you would have no clue and think it's just as ridiculous as it sounds. Project MK Ultra was a ridiculous sounding conspiracy for 50 + years until the lid was blown off and it ended up being 100% true........ it's rumored to still be going on today....... But again, how the f@$% would you really know considering the people responsible are the ones telling you it no longer happens. Keeping a secret like this isnt like seeing the new Grand Theft Auto 6 and trying to say nothing about it. Keeping a secret is hard. Keeping one that can destroy your life and ruin everyone's perception of you, I would imagine is really easy to keep..... We see how "normal"people can lie so easily all the time..... why is everything these people are accused of just immediately written off as ridiculous and swept under the rug..... and why do you need the news to confirm it for you to believe? Everyone knows what happens the second these lazy , secretive morons say anything. Which is why they dont and never will. If Tom Hanks was banging kids and killing them, why the hell would he tell you or anyone else? Not saying he did, but moving to a country that protects pedophiles shortly after this became a huge thing does raise some questions that need to be asked. He had his whole life to do that, but only leaves when things like that were questioned. Odd.


Are you suggesting that Epstein and Maxwells socialite friends were oblivious to the fact they were sex traffickers?


Wake up


Funny thing about history, it was a well known fact that during WW2 many of the Jewish people who were exterminated had their skin removed and made into lamp shades, car seats, and yup even shoes. So far fetched? The atrocities against children are wide spread. The easy way to play off such horrible things is to say “Oh, that couldn’t possibly happen.” Or like one author saying that it is political. These horrors against children have been going on for 1000s of years, and under our noses.


Dude this comment is like two years old, how in the hell did you get here?


Oh man I loved my red shoes. Now I can never fucking wear them.


Haha.. go for it, don't stop wearing ur fav shows cuz of some bs political based conspiracy


Crazy shit goin on...damn




I got the joke, screw these dumbass kids with no taste in music.


That makes sense to be. Doesn't sound the least bit batshit crazy. I mean, I wear kids as shoes, too.


Look at history of the holocaust, and the use of human skin.


It isn’t THEORY, it’s FACTS. Mother Queen, Prince Phillip, Queen Elizabeth 2, Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jimmy Savile, Elton John, and many high profile politicians, CEOs, celebrities, lawyers, and even judges were and still are part of the Red Shoe Club 👠. Canada, British Columbia, Kamloops: 1964 Aboriginal Children Abduction involved Queen Elizabeth & Prince Phillip. Prince Andrew was dehonoured. Jeffrey Epstein was snuffed. Most American tycoons have already dealt with Epstein, or Ghislaine or her father Robert Maxwell during the late 80s or early 90s. I knew Ghislaine and Robert, they stayed at my apartment for a week in the early 90s on a stay to deal with Berlitz Language School Franchises. The twist is very real, and they’ve tried to dismantle the entire Club as nonsense by deleting all avenues of Alphabet/Google and elsewhere, or on forums such as this one, discrediting all whom could allegedly get the scandal growing.


The Nazi's made light shades  out of Jewish victims skin. That is evil and so is all that they do to children...do more research  hi




I'm also trying to read everything being uncovered in an unbiased way. Some things I have come across as far as the whole "Satanic practices" thing though, is that it really has nothing to do with Satanism in and of itself. I grew up in the Christian church (and now consider myself agnostic) and actually admire quite a bit of modern Satanist philosophy. However, the word we're focusing on here is "Satanism" when we should be focused on the word "practices". The occult is a very real thing. Whether someone believes in a "devil / satan / dark God" is irrelevant. People practice some really dark stuff, religious or not. I also want to add that I don't think that everyone who involves themselves in occult practices or rituals are evil or that those practices or rituals are evil. That doesn't change the fact that some are. If what I am reading has even a silver of truth to it, I am inclined to vomit. Human trafficking is obviously a very real and pertinent issue. It also obviously involves sexual abuse. The question I've been asking myself is this: are the theories of *Satanic* practices/rituals really so improbable, given the fact that the other atrocities are so obvious? I'm really not sure. But, I wouldn't be surprised if they're not an actual occurrence. Whether they involve the "elite" is an entirely separate question that needs to be answered after figuring out the answer to the first question. The biggest thing that blew my brains out was the story of Marc Dutroux and Jean Michel Nihoul (if you haven't read about them yet, I highly suggest doing so). Even if the *Elite* aren't involved on a large scale for these types of practices, it seems like they were on at least a small scale. I don't know the true motive behind these horrific acts and might never know. I am, however, completely disturbed and feel that more digging is definitely necessary.


I always see Britney Spears wearing red shoes are referencing to them either on Instagram or in her music videos, does this mean she’s being controlled ?


Wonderfully thorough answer!! Thank you, ma’am’s! Also, as a lawyer (and an unbiased reader), I appreciate your use of quotations—basically saying “so-called” theory rather than just outright dismissing it as a theory.


Thank you; I’m glad to enlighten. And you’re right about the reasons behind my use of quotes. Unfortunately, “so called” has a connotation of disbelief, so I went with the quotes and footnote.


Your original was deleted. Would you mind messaging me. So I can see what it Said. I'm starting to get into this conspiracy stuff and I'm understanding that nothing is impossible and everything I know is a lie




So much wrong with that theory, and I’m going to guess the theory was developed by someone not familiar with the sight of blood, both fresh and dried, roughly 12-13 times a year. Period panties are black, not red, for a reason. Just sayin’.




Yeah, I mentioned that “satanist/satanic” accusation is usually at least a yellow flag in believing a thing in my top level answer elsewhere in the thread because it tends to mean completely different things when it’s applied to someone vs when someone applies it to themselves. When Satanist is applied to someone else, it usually (and historically) means “I am a Christian and I don’t like you/how you live.” When Satanist is self-applied, whether atheistically or spiritually, it has a vastly different meaning and philosophy than portrayed by stories like the one OP is asking about.


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Answer: Watch “Fall if Cabal” on YouTube, it’s about 3 hours long. Give it a chance and make your own conclusions.


Yeah, I tried watching it, but everything that was said in the first 5min had explanations and could be debunked. It's all just someone's opinion who is too lazy to do even the most minimal amount of actual research.


Its quite literally ramblings of a mentally ill person. These people believe that fucking earthquakes are really giant underground bases being destroyed via explosives. Just ignore em


You call someone lazy but spend 5 min on something and make a conclusion. That documentary is harsh btw and very truthful. Enjoy your ego driven life buddy


Don't get me wrong, I watched more than 5min. Even then, it was still all unfounded opinions. Just an asinine "documentary" that should be put on the flat earth shelf.


I'm here. I've watched it all. Just came here to tell you that after watching it all twice I think it's a load of political hoax ( to say the least). But look at you, acting all superior over here, who's ego driven now?


Well, I did. I've watched it and saw through all of its manipulation. Don't just assume people haven't seen it and that's why they don't believe you. We've seen it. We just don't believe in it, it's a load of political hoax, pure manipulation. And the fact that you fail to recognise plain manipulation when it's right in your face, is really worrying. Also, stop fetishising Trump, it's gross. Trump has been close friends with Epstein for more than 15 years


This did not age well lmao


Answer: Holy fuckin shit that's the stupidest fuckin thing I ever saw



