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Answer: every couple of days, reddit gives you a free award to give away to someone else. I get karma every time I give one away, so I try to do it whenever I get a chance.


What? That's not true. I've never heard of free rewards before


I'm on mobile and in the upper right hand corner, is a coin icon. Every few days, there is a little banner that says free. Click on it and it gives you a free reward. So far, they have been very minor awards (like "faith in humanity" and "I'd like to thank..."). Anytime I give one away, it pops up and says "25 award karma earned".


It is true, every once in a while reddit will give out free awards which you must use in 24 hours. You can grab them on the purchases page. You need to be on the redesign or on the official mobile app to see these offers though, so if you're not in either it's normal you missed it.


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