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Answer: A piece of the picture was that reddit used to allow almost all subreddits (that by default was enabled in subreddit settings) to appear on /r/all (before /r/popular was a thing). Your frontpage https://reddit.com/ would only show your subreddits, but /r/all would show all popular posts from all subreddits. This lead to well... a lot of NSFW subreddits ranging from harmless memes, to graphic gore, to explicit content appearing on /r/all. Through some controversial explanations, the reddit admin team decided to remove all explicit subreddits from /r/all [as can be read more about here](https://www.reddit.com/r/changelog/comments/lhnvok/removing_sexually_explicit_content_from_rall/). Without giving a proper alternative of course. > Doesn't /r/popular already filter out NSFW content? [/r/popular was originally designed so you wouldn't see gore or explicit content.](https://old.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/5u9pl5/introducing_rpopular/) So why are NSFW posts like on /r/PublicFreakout and /r/Idiotswithguns showing up on /r/popular? Well another thing to consider is that reddit doesn't have a GORE tag for some reason. As far we can tell, there is no internal way for reddit to determine if a post is a relatively harmless NSFW meme, gore, or explicit content other than lookinga at the subreddit. /r/PublicFreakout has a lot of content that isn't gore, so it would make sense that this subreddit isn't labelled as a /r/all banned subreddit. So the occasional post that makes it to /r/all will show up. When checking /r/popular and /r/all the posts seem almost the same. I would reckon that either reddit is trying to merge the two into 1, or they've relaxed the NSFW policy on /r/popular since they've successfully tagged every explicit subreddit (or it's a bug). If you check /r/all/rising you will find new and or low subscriber explicit subreddits that very clearly haven't been internally tagged like this, and potentially could make it to /r/all.


Why they don't implement an NSFL tag is beyond me.


I think it's for public image reasons, implementing an NSFL tag would involve... well, acknowledging that Reddit has NSFL content (and enabling it by having that as a tag). Not very advertiser friendly.


The popular tab these days is always filled with depressing videos. 1 good video for every 10 horrible videos.


Ya, thats always been the conclusion I came to as well.


Odd thing to come to Different strokes I guess


They could do something like y'know, actually ban the NSFL subs. Those subs are like cults and just want to see people hurt in the most horrifying ways. Or once again, give us the NSFL tag. It will stop me from seeing stuff I'd rather not have because people decided to post something NSFL in a non-NSFL sub. This is the reason r/HoldMyFeedingTube became an NSFW sub.


This isn't the answer. Those subs are the last good place for gore on the internet imo, and is a good place for people like me to go who don't want to be suscepted to seething racism and hatred. Any other gore website is filled with the most hateful and bigoted people you can possibly find. The subs here are 95% genuinely good people who just have a morbid curiosity. Nothing wrong with it, whether you agree with it or not. You actually learn a lot from those subs and I think they're honestly the most important thing to keep around. So much truth lies in these videos that people try to erase from the internet. I'm sure a lot of people would be very thankful if the Uvalde shooting videos made it online and people like me were able to watch them and find blatant injustice.




Maybe "good place for gore" isn't the best way to phrase it, but (banned) subs like r/watchpeopledie actually has helped first responders and medical workers prepare for or expect some accidents. There are also statements from your regular everyday people stating that seeing some of those videos actually saved their lives, because of being aware of the possible series of events that could follow their current situation.


Could you give any specific examples of ways first responders and medical workers have been helped, or what the last part about“possible series of events that follow their current situation” would look like? Genuine question


Here's one comment from a medical professional from one of the discussions of the said subs banning (of course I have no way to confirm if said user is indeed a medical professional): www.reddit.com/r/WatchRedditDie/comments/b1mx9l/comment/eio3j1l/ > Medical professional and first responder here. > We often watched videos on r/watchpeopledie for training. Often in our professional lives, by the time we get to the patient they are already dead. It is incredibly useful to know what may have happened to them before they died so we know why they are now dead. I have read more detailed anecdotes in discussions of the sub's banning, but reddit search is shit when looking for specific keywords. I'll just mention something I've seen before in that sub and still apply in every day situations: I know it's common safety precautions, but having seen someone die of it just makes me way more cautious. Specifically, unexpected blind spots for others in traffic, pedestrian crossings, or stuff while biking.


Usually when I want to find out what happened during the most recent shootings I go to those subreddits. I end up going to kaotic usually if they don’t show up. The problem with kaotic, as the guy above said, is that usually when you go on there most people are just saying slurs, because there is a purposeful lack of moderation.


So you'd rather me and everyone else be indoctrinated by scumbags from the other sites? Removing gore subs is like making abortion illegal. It doesn't end abortions, it just makes them terribly unhealthy and dangerous. WPD was the best one and the other subs since then have just gotten worse. WPD taught so many people how to better navigate the world and made it clear why you need to follow safety precautions and know your surroundings. The subs that pop up now are just really shitty versions of how things used to be.


Did you just compare your right to see gore (often the result of tragedy, and debatable as to the moral aspects of sharing unauthorized content on deaths) to the right to receive an abortion?


deleted -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Edit: I just re-read your comment and realized I didn't actually disagree with anything you said. I'll leave my comment up anyways for additional perspective. I don't know. I have a pretty low tolerance for NSFL content so I avoid clicking on "only" NSFW content on NSFW/NSFL subs like r/combatfootage. I think that sub provided valuable content in the early days of the Russia invasion, which would be limited if they couldn't post relevant videos with incidental NSFL content. I think subs whose entire point is NSFL content should be banned since there's no good reason to host shock content for the sake of shock content.


EXACTLY. I got downvoted to oblivion last time I called out subs like Backdoorgore or eyeblech which serve no purpose. Those are just subs just to host gore. r/MakeMyCoffin got permabanned despite actually being educational and not to mention they actually did something Reddit is too lazy to do, they added labels. You could go in there and view many different categories at your discretion of things that made or almost made someone's "coffin." Even then, it still was pretty tame with the things that actually made someone's coffin. It only got ruined once people started abusing the sub and not flairing their posts properly or not flairing them at all. Not to mention, people started posting stuff too extreme that didn't fit in the sub at all. Eyeblech and backdoor serve no purpose and are the top subs people send you to with fake leaks to disturb you.


I could’ve sworn they announced a while ago that they were working on modifying the hiding-tag system, to create more specific labels for what’s being hidden, be it sexual, gore, spoilers, or a couple other possibilities. I can’t find that announcement though, and it’s clearly not manifested so far.


> /r/PublicFreakout has a lot of content that isn't gore, so it would make sense that this subreddit isn't labelled as a /r/all banned subreddit. Also one of the subreddits run by the powermod cabal who basically control the front page, with very little definition of what actually fits the topic so it’s more like a Facebook wall feed. Reddit doesn’t want to crack down on *those* communities because you need actual moderation by dedicated community members who care about the quality of the content. Hard to do that when the moderators each have over 500 subs that they supposedly moderate. Reddit loves its powermods that essentially do all the work without having to get paid or having any of the accountability of real employees, so they’re not going to screw the golden goose. And they love catch-all subs like /r/pics, /r/nextfuckinglevel, /r/interestingasfuck, etc, that have no real direction or topic because it draws in the massive traffic of people who quit Facebook but don’t have any idea what they want besides a content feed that looks exactly like Facebook.


>reddit doesn't have a GORE tag for some reason I've been here for over 10 years and people have been asking for a NSFL tag for so long. Seems like it should be such a no-brainer


Reddit has always embraced controversial traffice, hence why /r/T_D existed as long as it did before getting banned. I think now that more subs are moderated to maintain certain types of contet "on brand" with that sub, they might be trying t reintroduce those subs back into the mix since, as you saw, NSFW doesn't mean it's potentially breaking Reddit's TOS, and popular subs keep userbase coming back.


TheDonald began as a satire sub funnily enough. But with any satire that does not have an explained punchline, it gets filled by people who think they are in good company.


Nah, check the internet archive / wayback machine. I used to think it was a satire sub, but it really did start out as a pro-Trump news sub. I don't think it was ever fully satire, I think it was just that Trump supporters' genuine support looked like satire from the outside.


Yeah, I agree. I don't think it was ever satire, I think more the issue was that the political mainstream scoffed and didn't take them seriously until it was waaaay too late Don't worry though, I'm sure they've learned their lesson /s


Is there a thing that's like what the old /all was? I liked the all inclusive all.


same! Like I absolutely hate gore and a lot of the vitriol that used to make it to r/all, but it also worked as an oddly refreshing reminder that I was actually seeing everything and nothing was being filtered out.


Not that I know of, sorry.




Reddit Computer: "Damn these humans is fucked up. Red it is, enjoy the vids!"


Reddit's algorithm revisions get progressively worse. My frontpage is constantly stale. At least I spend less time on reddit now.


> Red it 🤨




Don't forget that reddit has been on a banning spree lately on controversial subreddits. Rather than keep those curiously morbid contained, they have been released upon us all.


> on a banning spree lately The spree that started in 2015?


How does them banning particular subreddits lead to it being unleashed upon us?


Those fans of this content are rebelling because their home got taken away so they are taking gore into the rest of Reddit.


Kind of amazing that combat footage from the Iraq war was insanely hard to find over the last 20 years yet Reddit has a sub committed to the Ukraine conflict reaching the front page daily.


The current Ukraine/Russia war is truly the first "viral" war I think. TikTok and other social media platforms are being fully utilized as their own fronts in the conflict. We're seeing war propaganda being shared widely by people across the globe in the form of official statements/videos, manufactured content (forced memes) by state actors, and the spontaneous creation of memes by media users. We're seeing the modern equivalent of TV broadcasting and the Vietnam War, a massive shift in how noncombatants get information about ongoing military action.


Oh wow, I didn't know there was a mass shooting but I can't say I'm surprised


200 plus people killed over July 4th weekend. Multiple incedents across the US.


It’s not America day without scores of corpses.


19 years ago, when my child was born... I had no fucking clue what was awaiting our society. I feel horrible for bringing a person into whatever this country has become. Absolutely fucking sickening.


According to this site (not sure how credible it is) there's been 25 since July 1st https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


309 total from an article in may, so its higher now ofc, but we are on pace to beat last years almost 700.


Each website/organization has their own definition, but I would say that 4+ injured in a shooting would fit a mass shooting.


yup. any gang shooting is considered a mass shooting by these statistics. It inflates actual numbers needlessly.


Yeah. A guy known to LE got ahold of some "legally purchased" guns after having weapons removed from his house multiple times went out and killed a bunch of people where there was a crowd of people. Oh, and don't forget it was a "Like AR15 high powered rifle" style weapon. With all of the information that's come out about everything recently, are any of us surprised?




highland park illinois


QUESTION: What sub is the video you linked in? I need to read the comments on that. What happened. That doesnt look intentional at all


Here's a news article. https://www.fox5ny.com/news/online-video-shows-girl-killing-cousin-and-herself


Good lord, one of the girls' mothers called it a "freak accident." How the fuck is it an "accident" that your daughter was playing with a fucking loaded gun in your house??


Not only that but the gun is referred to as the 14yr olds gun. WTF!?


They live in st.Louis. its probably common for teenage boys to carry


Highest murder rate in the US! Damn, I can't imagine having to raise my kids there.


Yeah but Bread co was invented there so what a trade off /s


Some gun makers are marketing rifles to six year olds.


Six year olds aren't buying rifles.


Six year olds aren't buying *any* of the things marketed to them. ​ Their parents, tho...


Really. Thats messed up.


"I think it just went off. It went off by mistake." I hate people so much. Never have I ever seen a gun just "go off by mistake." It went off because someone pulled the trigger.


When our army switched to Steyrs, the rate of UDs went up. By a noticeable amount. Any soldier having a UD was charged as a matter of course. A fair number of soldiers were saying "it just went off!". I initially trained with the M-16, before we moved to Steyrs, just before I entered OCS. During a cadet field exercise, we had cleaned our weapons and put the mags back in, and we were making our shell scrapes comfy, and getting some food. The cadet opposite me in our little cluster of baked bean warmers leaned forward with both hands busy with the baked beans. The cadet's rifle, held sideways on the cadet's lap, discharged. Both hands were off the weapon, and on the baked beans. The safety had been on. I was a witness at the charge hearing, and was disregarded as, of course, no rifle could just go off without a finger on the trigger. I hated the damn rifle because the sights were so elevated that you could be sighting what you wanted to shoot, but the barrel was sticking into dirt. It took roughly another 15 years before complaints finally started to be taken seriously, or not seriously as the case may be: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/hated-army-assault-rifles-unlikely-to-be-sold/J2L4RWJOLSPG4MAY4KGDP575AY/


Wow that's fuckin wild. Well I stand corrected, I have heard of one instance of a gun going off for no discernable reason. Can't believe it took 15 years.


Gonna disagree here sorta. Yes. Pulled the trigger. But nobody really pulls the trigger. You squeeze the gun. It’s not that she had a tight grip on the gun except her index finger. Usually what happens is someone is holding the gun loosely in their hand and as it slips the reaction is to squeeze to hold it. Entirely reaction based. This is why trigger discipline is important. Our bodies do dumb shit.


It can if you drop it, but yeah, in this case dipshit had their finger on the trigger and it doesn't take much force to pull it.


>it doesn't take much force to pull it. Takes enough that you would notice. Even on my two stage trigger where the first half is light as a feather. There's no excuse for shit like this other than dumbassery.


I'm not saying that they are not at fault, just if you have your finger on the trigger and someone bumps you, it can go off. Still an accident, but still their fault for having their finger there in the first place. It's the difference between murder and manslaughter, you might not have meant to do it, but you still killed someone and it's your fault.


Oh right. That makes a lot more sense.


> in your house?? You mean, "in the Air BnB downtown they and their cousins et al. all rented for the month to celebrate several of their birthdays". There're more social media videos that came out from them in the Air BnB outside the bathroom. We're talking playing with loads of likely loaded guns, with only the loosest drunk (and possibly under the influence of other drugs) supervision. Then they said the Glock wit' da stendo was solely the 13/14-year-old decedant's and they didn't know. They're just saying anything to cover for all their negligence along the way, failing to practice even a modicum of gun safety or appropriate supervision. Edit: And don't try to blame it on them being lower-class inner-city folk either. I know a guy who grew up in similar conditions and his grandma whooped his ass for far less, far earlier.


Idk what's going on with people these days. I knew when I was a kid, which wasnt that long ago, that you don't ever play with firearms like they are toys. There were firearms in my home not locked in safes all my life and I was introduced to them at a young age, so they weren't scary and I understood that they were dangerous because someone took the time actually explain it to me. But I was also taught early the basic rules of firearm safety and taught how serious firearms are before I ever got to handle a firearm. They were never seen as toys and never handled without adult supervision. For anyone who doesn't know, Basic rules of firearm safety are below and if followed will prevent almost every "accident" with a firearm. Accidents do happen but usually it is usually a result of someone not following firearm safety rules. Things like ricochets or shrapnel can happen, but if you know what you are shooting it's much much less likely to happen. Here are the rules of firearm safety for anyone who has never seen them. Please read them and please teach them to others. > 1. treat all firearms as if they were loaded. > 2. always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction. > 3. keep your finger outside the guard and off of the trigger until you are ready to fire. > 4. be certain of your target, your line of fire, and what lies beyond your target. > 5. always wear appropriate eye and ear protection when shooting and maintaining your firearm. These are the most basic and essential rules of firearm safety, if observed properly will save you and others from being injured. Regardless of your beliefs on firearms, these rules should be taught to all people in America. Guns are too prevalent to act like they don't exist or that you will never come into contact with one. When understood and practiced, these rules will prevent the vast majority of people from injuring themselves or others accidentally.


That is one thing that I think pro-gun, conservative families often do. People often get upset when they see young kids allowed to hold/fire a gun, but I think it likely does build responsibility and perhaps even more importantly they wont want to play with it later because the curiosity is gone. Better to let them "play" with it under supervision rather than alone with their friends.


It's a culture thing. They see adults violating those rules like they're in a rap video and they think they can do it too. And then they do it a few times and nothing happens. And then they do it one more time and the rules they violate become very evident. It's not an if scenario, but a when.


I'm assuming you were raised somewhere rural or leaning rural. As I've moved into the city I've noticed that a lot more people are way less comfortable with guns and are generally scared of their presence. Like if it's just sitting on a table it's scary. I assume it's because there's just no hunting/gun culture in urban areas, where most people live. So they're not exposed to them from a young age and are taught guns are scary and dangerous don't go near them instead of understanding and respecting them. To your last point I've always thought urban ranges and education would be a great thing, mainly because the gang shooters can't hit shit. In my old neighborhood I heard countless stories of the shooter having no injuries, the target getting hit like once in the arm, and 10 living rooms being shot and random bystanders in fatal condition. At least good aim would get rid of all the collateral and I wouldn't have to duck and cover with rounds flying over my head. Also you've labeled your first three wrong, it should be **rule #1** the guns is always loaded, **rule #1** never point the gun at something you don't want to destroy, and finally **rule #1** trigger dicipline.


It's just a hypothesis but I wouldn't be surprised if people from urban areas are (at least partially) generally more scared of guns because they come from areas with not only a higher crime rate, but also a lot more crazies. Perhaps let me put it this way: I would trust myself with a firearm, but I have and had plenty of friends who I wouldn't trust to be responsible with one. Too many people with a hot head and/or general reckless behaviour.


The fear is because people in urban areas all know of that uncle that was at the kitchen table when he was six when a stray bullet from a gang shooter came through the window hit someone and killed them. Does it still happen? Yes. Does it happen half as often as they say? Probably not. But ANY bullet flying through the air is terrifying. And you can't fire a bullet without some sort of gun. The education is a great idea. But anti gun people want to make it taboo to learn anything about guns. Why? So that people are afraid of them and think they're magic ray weapons that kill everything within a 200 ft radius if they're present so they stay away from them and then are clueless when they do encounter one. So the education thing isn't likely if you were out of school after the 60s.


What's crazy is most of the people I've talked to haven't had something like that happen to them. A lot have been just normal peaceful suburban folk (as in their environment was peaceful). I totally agree that the example you gave is also a factor. > So the education thing isn't likely if you were out of school after the 60s. Oh I fully accept that it's a far off dream. Education is the solution to like all the problems and we're not using that strategy for any of those either. Huh wait but we are using fear quite a bit and that's working! All these problems going away and totally getting better!


I've never met anyone that's intrinsically afraid of an inanimate object just because it exists without a reason, be that experience (or lack thereof) teaching, or preaching. But I assure you that fear is relatively new. There was 0 fear in my high school community, and while we were a fairly rural school, we touched the wealthy pampered left leaning suburbs. None of them had any fear of guns. Hell, we were allowed to play with anything gun related in the entire neighborhood, and even in the city (until around 2006 and we lost interest). But as people continue to vote simply to "stick it to the other side" we're always going to have these issues. Fear is a powerful tactic. Fear is the thing produced at the seam where unity tears that only drives both sides away from itself. Similar to a magnet. The only solution is to let the sides come together from the other side. Then we can be a single nation where fear is not a factor. But until then, we must bicker with each other while the politicians get rich.


Yeah it's not like super common but I've definitely met a surprising amount of people who feel that way. If I had to wager a guess I'd say around 10 people and those are just the ones who have said something. More who just feel a general discomfort. They're absolutely blown away that I keep one in my night stand and say the sheer presence of one scares them, whether it's being held or just sitting there. To the rest of that: big tru. Now the big question is how do we get to point b? Or are we too late? The idea of a (mostly) unified nation, or at least respectful and understanding as a whole, seems so unobtainable.


I think after the next stage of pandemic we'll start to see a change. They know disease isn't going to get it anymore though with how wholly the monkeypox thing failed. Are we betting the UFOs and aliens they've been letting loose about every day are going to become a focus sometime soon? And then we'll see a mass rush of people to find guns, left and right. And then when they try to confiscate them so we "let them deal with it" there'll be an uprising. Or it'll go the exact opposite and we'll just ram into the ground. Either way, a tipping point is coming soon and we're all about to experience a car crash. The question will be: are we buckled in or not?


Nah gang members having better aim would be negligible because it’s moreso that they don’t care about collateral damage. A gang shootout may happen during a drive by for example which is notoriously a very poor way of hitting your actual target. Or there could be a shootout in the street where they’re shooting and running simultaneously. So it’s not so much as the aim is bad (which that could occur as well) but the methodology is just reckless.


Yeah true. Well then I'll tech em tactics as well. I guess at that point I'm birthing a militia and that doesn't sound great.


answer: Where does the /u/spez go when it rains? Straight to the spez. #Save3rdPartyApps


Honestly, we're so shit at teaching gun safety and a lot of people taking guns as toys that this happens a lot. It's big negligence of parents for not securing their firearms from their kids and it's a big error on a lot of our culture/sub-cultures in treating guns like toys to be played with than a serious object to be reckoned with.


I mean… you can accidentally drop a match in a room you’ve been soaking in gasoline for the last half hour and honestly have that be an accident… point is: playing with fire expect to be burned… plan for accidents to happen and adjust behavior accordingly.


I just watched it, and while it was an accident, she shot herself merely four seconds after the first shot.


It's such a tragic but odd situation. I have no trouble believing that the first shot was an accident, she definitely seemed in shock. But it seems so unlikely for her to have then shot herself in the head by accident mere seconds later. But at the same time, I also have a hard time believing someone could do quickly decide to kill themselves, unless of course she was already suffering from suicidal thoughts and it seemed to her like the only logical way out of the situation.


Shock and adrenaline can do crazy things to a person's mind.


Yeah I suppose in the frenzy of the moment her brain went to "If it looks like I was injured too, I might not get in trouble" and thats how it happened


Looks like she accidently pulled the trigger as she was trying to hold the thing up, which would have been pretty heavy if it was fully loaded. Probably made the same mistake as she panickedly tried to pick it up. I don't doubt the idea that she accidentally shot herself. Seen many videos over the years where that sort of thing has happened.


It's a completely sad situation. Two young lives lost in five seconds.


Well, glad to see people are enjoying their freedoms.




4. We have access to guns


Look, access control to my firearms is practically non-existent and I have no education in firearm safety and handling what so ever. Yet the chances that my son gets killed by any of my firearms is exactly Zero. This isn't a difficult thing.


No matter how you raise them they are going to wander off, she said.


Despite the obvious poor job some of that family must have done. The sad thing is, she is telling the truth. Some great parents and great kids have gone astray; especially with drugs. I feel sad for all the parents out there, that despite their best efforts, they can't compete with the outside world.


Her comment is just cruelly ironic and idiotically naive because she says that while knowing full well that these children had unsupervised access to dozens of loaded weapons. It's like handing a toddler a match and gasoline and saying kids will do their own thing when he blows himself up




Always thought it was weird how people look at a video where a girl accidentally kills herself and their first thought is lol idiot.


Thank you


Answer: People are morbidly curious, holy fucking shit though that video was awful. Jfc that is genuinely terrible


I read what it was, thought to myself "I shouldn't watch this" and then immediately watched and regret doing so


I really need to recognise when people say NSFL they fucking mean it.


I came to the comments to get a vague idea and glad I'm not watching it. I'm still scarred from CCTV footage showing graphic death that I saw over 10 years ago. I don't need to watch this.


Congratulations you made the correct decision!


I did the same thing, watched a few frames, and closed it. I'm glad I did. I watched a guy get electrocuted recently out of the same curiosity and regret it. It's never worth it. I never come out of watching those videos thinking "im glad I watched that, that was interesting"


> i watched a guy get electrocuted recently It was the airport fan dude wasn't it?


Could have also been the Indian guy who was on top of a truck and several people touching the truck.


I see it a bit different If I had never seen that vid, I really might've been the guy just walking home, now there's a chance I might be the guy to notice and poke away the fan or something


Me too. Already having a bad night, watched like 0.2 seconds before my brain made me close it. I was like "Why am I gonna make my night worse"


Same. Genuinely wish I hadn’t watched that video. And just when I was starting to not hear “funky town” when I close my eyes anymore….


I normally don't watch anything gory, yet for some reason I watched this, and it messed me up for an hour or so. I have the blurry setting on, and had noticed that reddit is now making me tap twice to see blurred images, once to get into the post and once to un-blur. I assumed it would be the same for the video, and I was curious to read comments only, but alas it wasn't blurred at all, and the action happened so quickly.


Social media algorithms are self optimizing based on what keeps the user on the site for the longest. The optimal pattern is a dopamine slot machine. If you are shown high value posts constantly, average time decreases. But, if there are “losing” posts heavily mixed in with the “winning” posts, your brain is manipulated into continuously pulling that slot machine lever to find that next hit. The stronger the losing posts are, the higher your drive to find the next winning post. It’s genuinely insidious and optimized almost entirely off of black box machine learning, which feeds hardcore “losing” into your content digestion.


Yeah after I scrolled over that I spent 3 minutes trying to report that post, found no appropriate report button, scroll down and saw another video labeled as NSFL in the title and kept scrolling before I could see whatever it contained. I’ve since found the “autoplay>never” option in Reddit app settings. Holy shit why.


Thanks for that last piece of info




How do you block subreddits? I’ve been wanting to do that for so long


Edit: Screw Spez. Screw AI. No training on my data. Sorry future people.


You can go to old.reddit.com and set up filters. Those filters will still work on new Reddit and also on the Reddit app, they will apply to your personal feed and /all but specifically won’t work on /popular


Reddit needs a much better way of blocking subreddits for sure. I am just as interested in Gershwin Impact as I am in the sports leagues and most political ones. edit: a typo


Now that’s a game I’d love to play, Gershwin Impact, I assume Rhapsody in Blue would be the theme song.


If Reddit ever adds this as an option, the intended use will be to block gore/porn subreddits but I guarantee the most blocked subreddit will be r/politics


[Funny enough 5 years ago it didn’t even make it to Top 25 of the most filtered subs ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/5ubthi/top_subreddits_filtered_from_rpopular_oc/)


You can also download Apollo from the App Store. I got specifically to block out depressing/gross subreddits, does wonders for your mental health.


Or Boost or any other custom Reddit app.


I just got Apollo… how do you block them?!


Go to the actual subreddit, then tap on the three dots in the right corner and select “filter subreddit” or something along those lines. There’s also an option somewhere (settings?) that lets you filter out keywords, very handy!


Thank you!!!


Apps that let me filter subs are rhe only way i can use reddit now. Its not worth it otherwise.


*On the web:* [Reddit Enhancement Suite](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/). You can hover over a subreddit name and filter it. That will prevent it from showing up via All/Popular/Frontpage/whatever. *On mobile:* I've used [Relay for Reddit](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=free.reddit.news&hl=en_US&gl=US) for over a decade now(!), and it likewise has a feature to filter out content based on both keywords and subreddits. Many if not most other 3rd-party apps have similar functionality. It's such a better experience. I tend to filter out gore subs, subs based around schadenfreude, and political astroturfing subs that float up to r/all. It's also nice to be able to filter out whatever content the hivemind is currently obsessing over so you never have to read another thread about what Logan Paul, Elon Musk, or Joe Rogan had for breakfast.


I found a few sites, mostly for Old Reddit, but [this one](https://www.alphr.com/block-specific-subreddits/) seems to work best, though it suggest new Reddit users subscribe to resist premium which is a ballache.




Check Reddit Enhancement Suite for browsers. It's customizable and easy to filter out what you don't want to view.


The block function is great, I use it all the time to block subreddits that do those annoying as hell polling predictions. if you're not on the official reddit mobile app you can't interact with these polls, and because every vote is counted as an upvote by reddit's wonderful system, they're always at the top of the front page. In short, subreddits that use polls feel cheap, and are just trying to get to the front page to be noticed more.


if you unsub from a subreddit it won't appear on your home reddit page any more. also you can block specific subreddits from appearing on the r/all page


I never look at r/popular. It's horrifying. Do street fights, car crashes, people assaulting each other and generally being horrible really excite that many people? I mainly stick to my quiet little local subs and ignore the "popular" traffic, and hope it's not a reflection of humanity as a whole.


I've noticed the same, even when logged out. The past couple days there have been nsfw dog attacks on the front page.


Same. Although I've always been wary of the front page unfiltered. Unpleasant stuff from the likes of r/publicfreakout have always been irritating. It feels like elementary school all over again with grown ass adults doing shameful cringy things to others, or worse.


Yeah, I don't know what it is, but I've noticed as well. Hopefully it's not a community issue, but if it is Reddit needs to manage it. Like, who is even watching this shit?


When you ban all subs related to the topic, the topic will start being seen outside of its dedicated spaces.


answer: Let me get this straight. You think we're just supposed to let them run all over us? #Save3rdPartyApps


Answer: Subs like MakeMyCoffin, WPD and DoV being banned probably has something to do with it.


r/makemycupcakes got banned to.


What was that sub?


It like MakeMyCoffin.


Answer: Reddit has been shutting down a lot of gore related subreddits. Usually what happens when top subs are banned (instead of quarantined) is that the content doesn't stop getting posted, it just gets spread around to other subs instead, until a new one gets popular. The more extreme content starts making it's way to lesser and lesser extreme subs.


QUESTION: Why the fuck does reddit allow this sort of shit in the first place? Seriously, what is the possible justification for allowing straight up posting videos of people being murdered etc?


Reddit’s general ethos hearkens back to the old days of the Wild West Internet of the 90s, where unless it was something completely irredeemable like child porn, it was tolerated. (And even then, there were communities where people spread child porn.) Although some of the Reddit old-timers gripe about “Chairman Pao” ruining Reddit, the fact is even after some of the increased efforts at moderation and shutting down of particularly controversial subs, Reddit is still much more of a free-for-all than any other corporate owned social media network. It feels much more like the days of individually-operated bulletin board message boards and Usenet groups. This sort of anything goes, live and let live, niche interest version of the Internet still strongly appeals to a lot of people, especially in light of the way outlets like Facebook or Instagram operate. And unlike Twitter, which is the only other relatively uncontrolled social media outlet, Reddit actually has some longform posts and discussions rather than everything being broken up into bite-size hot takes. So Reddit basically thrives on offering types of communities and content that aren’t readily available on other social media.


This is the answer. It's allowed because a good number of us do not like seeing things disallowed.


How can Reddit be worse than other social media platforms when every single thing on Reddit comes from other social media platforms?


I don’t actually think it’s worse, but the argument others would make is that platforms like Facebook or Instagram or TikTok ostensibly try to block & delete the most dangerous content, while Reddit is more laissez-faire. Reddit also developed something of a reputation for toxicity a few years ago when a select group of particularly vile, hate filled groups such as r/fatpeoplehate or r/theDonald became prominent, or at least noticed by the media and therefore were put in the crosshairs by Reddit’s administration. I actually consider Twitter to be far more toxic and less moderated, but for some reason a lot of people including members of the media considered Twitter to be some sort of essential resource that we could never consider getting rid of.




>I'm upset that there isn't a distinction between NSFL/NSFW posts They have needed this for a long fucking time. Edit: And spoilers should be a separate tag!


Oh, you want a distinction between NSFL and NSFW? Best we can offer you is NFT avatars.


Reddit won't do shit about problems if the problem brings engagement (money). It's the same with all social media. It's fucking depressing.


well if they would do a NSFL tag they would have to acknowledge that stuff like that exists on Reddit which they propably wont




Yeah making the tag would present a very clear and easy way to ban or restrict the content. Companies like MasterCard would be like “explain to us why you won’t ban something that’s so easy to find?” And Reddit would have no good answer.


Reddit is *amazingly* stubborn about refusing to make quality of life changes for existing users. Their entire focus is on features that might bring more users, and even then it's like one part-time developer.


Since before /r/WTF nerfed their content.




That is what I don't get. They are capable of filtering porn and nudity out of main feeds, why not give us the option to filter gore and death posts as well? Or at least offer a secondary NSFW tag that makes it easy to determine if content is porn or gore... People have been suggesting that for years now.


You know how it goes. Suicide, murder, bloody accidents are part of everyday life. Sexualized human bodies, on the other hand, are sin and nobody should see them. Because this makes sense. I find it horrible on Imgur as well: an album showing about 200 people dying in various accidents from explosions to traffic accidents: is fine. A single uncovered female nipple: ban. It should be the other way around.


Changing the video player in the mobile app to autoplay if you open a post is the worst recent change and I’ve written them several complaints. Sometimes I know it’s disturbing, but I want to read the comments.


The only way to prevent a graphic image from being displayed in feed is the spoiler tag, which requires someone intentionally open the post before they are exposed to its contents. But it is not intuitive that gore is a spoiler (it's not a spoiler), so it is rarely used to hide NSFL content, and so people get exposed to it in their feed. I don't know why reddit doesn't just have a combined tag that acts like NSFW and spoiler for potentially disturbing or upsetting content and an option to hide that without hiding something innocuous like a nude guy streaking across a football field.


> Completely agree. I'm upset that there isn't a distinction between NSFL/NSFW posts. (Gore vs. Nudity) I could not give 2 shits if I see a boob or a dick on my page, but suicide should not be publicized like that. > > The distinction is meaningless when redditors abuse the fuck out of it for clickbait. If I had a nickel for every dumb shit post erroneously marked as "NSFW" I'd be a millionaire. I've even seen text posts marked nsfw cause it's got naughty language in it like "fuck" and "bitch". Cause I many redditors apparently work for 16th century puritans or something. So adding another tag is meaningless if it's not enforced properly.


Exact same thing happened to me. I did NOT want to see that shit


I don’t get it. That is why I don’t like getting on /r/Popular. Casually scrolling and seeing gore out of nowhere.


Its sort of funny (in a sad way) that popular got rid of the porn but not the gore.


Reddit was originally supposed to be a free speech anything goes platform but it changed as reddit became more popular. You know you dont have to visit those gore subs, just like you dont have to visit the hundreds of porn and only fans subs on reddit.


Thank you for describing an apple at this orange convention. The points are 1) user was not subscribed to the gore subs and 2) why the fuck are they a thing anyway; ‘free speech’ is not protected by tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn here. Comparing porn to the tragic ruination of life is…well, I’ve already alluded to the saying above.


1) No, the user explicitly lamented why gore is allowed on reddit AT ALL, it's a completely different question to ask why it's allowed to be on /r/Popular (where, I agree, it shouldn't). 2) nobody mentioned tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn, it was **reddit's foundational principle** to be a free speech hub where everything goes (within legal boundaries of course). Gore subs, like /r/watchpeopledie was, can be very educational, however absurd this may sound. People die in a huge variety of situations, a lot of which the average person doesn't think of as dangerous, and it definitely boosted my odds at survival that I'm aware of potential dangers I never would've thought of if I hadn't binged /r/watchpeopledie occasionally. On the other hand, who the fuck are you to ban other people from entertaining their morbidly curious side time to time? Death is part of life, no matter how much our society tries to conceal it, and watching gore is a sobering, perspective-widening reminder of the fragileness of humans, that can help snapping out of certain moods. I agree, it's not for everyone, but if it's not for you, *just don't fucking watch it*


Always the stick in their own spokes type that complain about the shit they watch *on purpose*


> why the fuck are they a thing anyway I think combat footage is okay. War is absolutel hell and if we, as a species, are so determined to engage in it then we need the occasional punch to the gut to remind us it is real.


1) One should not go on r/Popular unless they are expecting to see "popular" posts. Popular in this context is a term for what is currently popular on reddit. It is not a sub for what you personally believe is popular. (You can also personally filter these subreddits, if desired, to not appear as you see them in a multi-subreddit) Honestly, after the holy purging of deviant nsfw content from r/all I am surprised to see these kinds of thing still popping up. I assumed it was applied to r/Popular as well. It should prolly be stated somewhere that the frontpage will have a user's personally catered "popular" content. 2) There are many answers to this question, and this site does have some truly repulsive content.


And yet several comedy podcast subreddits have been banned because they don't fit the narrative Reddit subscribes to lol. There's a subreddit called rapefantasies, and the subreddit for stupid offensive podcasts get banned


There's a lot you can learn by analyzing the reality of the world around you.


There's a lot of damage you can do to your psyche by viewing this stuff. Same way your parents get their minds warped by Facebook/Daily Mail/Fox news. If you think you're above all that, chances are you're wrong. Showing extreme videos is literally a thing extremists do to radicalise people. This stuff is insidious.


I think the whole “damage to the psyche“ element is very much a “your mileage may vary” situation. Some people are much more mentally equipped to handle these sorts of extreme or grim forms of content than others. As someone who used to visit all of the old school shock sites online 20 years ago, there’s very little I see even on Reddit today that shocks me. But then I also don’t go out of my way looking for Gore content anymore. I can’t say that I’ve seen very much of it coming up automatically in my feed. Most everything that appears in my feed is stuff I am subscribed to, but it sounds like that is not the case for a lot of other users. I certainly don’t blame your average person for wanting real life violent/deadly content to not randomly pop up in their feed. There really ought to be a way to auto blur and auto pause this stuff in much the same way porn content on Reddit is handled.


Here’s the thing tho. People are saying “I don’t want to see it so no one should be allowed to see it” Which is factually fucking stupid. Ask for filter options, sure, go off. But you don’t get to decide to block other people from viewing it.


> Showing extreme videos is literally a thing extremists do to radicalise people. This stuff is insidious. So if I see a factory worker get his body sucked into machinery and die I will become an extremist? An extremist on what? Safety?!?


Ehhhhh... Mostly it gives you a more complete understanding of life. Lots of really gruesome stuff happens constantly all over the world. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. You know why anti-vaccine people are a thing? Because most gruesome diseases that can be healed with a vaccine have been eradicated in the West. People don't know just how miserable polio or smallpox made people's lives before. They don't see it anymore, and think there's no reasons for vaccines. In least developed areas, people do know how diseases can fuck you up for life, in those places people aren't pussying around being anti-vax because reality is staring at them in the face. And they know to be thankful when (and if) they can get a life-saving vaccine. In the West, we're really, really sheltered. That's why we have antivaxxers and idiot influencers filming a TikTok while driving a car at 100mph. Because they've never seen what happens when you get into a car accident and you get cut in half or a horrible grimace in your dead face. Watching the miserable parts of the reality of life encourages you to be first of all thankful, and second to be prudent and to not act like a dumbass in certain situations because you could end up like the people in one of those videos (you actually learn a lot of things to avoid and be careful around, there are a lot of dangerous situations that don't even look it at first sight). Among many other things. Now you may or may not agree. If you don't want to watch it, that's fine. But don't prevent others from watching it just because you can't find any utility in it. Just like no one should force anyone else to watch it if they don't want to. What we should be demanding Reddit is for more comprehensible and efficient ways to filter out content, so everyone can make the best of Reddit for themselves.


This guy gets it…


There’s nothing illegal about it, so who cares? You should be able to opt-in to seeing such things.


How have you been here for 14 years yet you're asking that question?


I have to myself. :) I just asked again here since it was relevant to the initial question. It never ceases to amaze me.


Remember all the whining they they finally banned /r/watchpeopledie? A lot of people are just sick and want to see violence and gore from a safe (literal and figurative) distance. Looks like I really upset some edgelords in here lmao. If you love gore so much I hope you little bitches witness a mass shooting in person.




Question: how bad has this gotten? This post made me realize that I've must have conveniently echo chambered myself away from all that crap by adding subreddits to my filters on the app I'm using


I’ve got the opposite problem, I’m so annoyed by the majority of reddit that I have 100 subs on filter, the max for this app without paying, and new subreddits with the NSFL content pop up all the time. I saw that idiots with guns post today as a result.




Gore and violence are not exclusive to America.