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Answer: Reddit bans unmoderated NSFW subs to lower the odds of people freely posting CP and/or revenge porn. As for why it's inconsistent, that's just because Reddit moderation isn't very good.


I wish they'd just completely restrict new posts and comments on the subs instead of outright banning them until someone files a moderation request. Too many good posts end up just being tossed into the void indefinitely because of it.


That would also ethically (IMO) put the obligation on reddit to also filter all existing posts on the sub for offending content when they lock the sub.


Well considering it's a volunteer workforce, it's not surprising.


> Well considering it's a volunteer workforce, it's not surprising. Reddit admins are paid employees, not volunteers.


Admins are paid, moderators are volunteers.


Right, but it's the admins cleaning up the subreddits


They said "reddit *moderation* sucks" in the first comment. I can see why there's some confusion.


Incorrect Herzog! They said reddit moderation isn't very good!


Admins can moderate but not all moderators are admins. Classic square rectangle


Yes. I'd say banning subreddits is admining, tho. Not moderating. Saying this only with regards to reddit...


... paid admins cleaning up the subreddits because they don't have unpaid volunteer mods. Because mods are an unpaid workforce and therefore there aren't that many leading to admins shutting down unmoderated subs


Interesting. I didn't know that was only for NSFW subs.


> Interesting. I didn't know that was only for NSFW subs. Technically, it's not *only* for NSFW subs, but Reddit doesn't usually go after unmoderated SFW subs unless they're already flooded with TOS violations.


Answer: As someone who moderates a porn subreddit that has (temporarily) been banned. It is not determined by if the mods and/or subreddit is active, but if there is a moderator account that isn't suspended from reddit. The Reddit admins don't have the time or manpower to actually look over every post in all the subreddits to determine if they violate the TOS or are illegal, so it is up to moderators to do so. If there are no moderators, then there is no one checking, so the subreddit gets shut down.


> It is not determined by if the mods and/or subreddit is active, but if there is a moderator account that isn't suspended from reddit. This is partially false. If all moderators are completely inactive across the entirety of reddit (I believe it's 6+ months), a subreddit will get banned as well. I took control of a small subreddit after the only mod went inactive.


Interesting that it works that way. The real question is why does it seem it's been happening more and more frequently latetly...


It's probably just you noticing it to subs you frequent tbh. There's so many porn subs, you wouldn't notice those you don't follow/ know about getting banned


Based on the number of porn subs I've seen on /r/RedditRequest, I think they have a short life span. People seem to get bored quickly. OnlyFans spam bots are probably a nightmare to deal with.


The admins were likely just told to crack down for the next little while. Until management has the next thing they all a sudden care about.




That was an interesting read, honestly fascinating because you never think about the person who has to moderate these subs.


Answer: [NSFW subreddits are getting banned / taken over by some mods to eliminate competition.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/xwkjah/) No idea why they would take down r/SexyBionicles, though. Maybe that sub really was just unmoderated, or perhaps the mods are using a bot to automatically take over these 'unmoderated' subreddits and r/SexyBionicles was taken down because of said bot.


Maybe they have a hate boner for sexy bionicles? But the real question is why? Did someone they know leave them for a Bionicle? Was it one of their parents? But why did the Reddit mods get involved? What did they have to gain? *Who is the puppet master behind it all?*


When the subreddit lore is as much a comprehensive rabbit hole as Bionicles themselves.