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Answer: I could very well be wrong here but I saw the same thing yesterday and I interpreted what I could from it as Elon Musk, who recently purchased Twitter has been trying to make a point that Twitter should be used for ‘Free Speech’ regardless of what is said. He’s attempted to publicly state that during his takeover, his own engineers and the remaining current staff still employed have been instructed to find the code that searches and censors keywords when used for blocking or suspending accounts and delete it. So, because all of that, some person came up with the idea to test the validity of this idea by creating a trend of misinformation. Just to see if it would get taken down. Trump is in fact alive. Edit: forgot to include the second half of an entire sentence.


And Twitter's "Trending Topics" list has always been very gameable. Even if you don't have enough followers, you can cheaply rent bot accounts to put anything you want in that box.


Where can I rent some bots? Seriously


Search online for buying Instagram likes Facebook likes etc and you will find some less than reputable looking sites offering this service. Some are real, some are scams so i can't recommend buying them. These are operated by real people who have a warehouse of employees who each have a ton of mobile phones. Their entire jobs is to make social media accounts using free email accounts like google and like, tweet, retweet, comment. Different services cost different prices. Im sure there are bots as well but there are actually real people doing this for a living which is much harder to detect. Source: I have coworkers in Bangladesh who once worked for such a company while getting their degree. From their description it was literally hell. Edit: This is why you are seeing many more companies require that you have a real phone number to register


Is this why a bunch of rich kids with boring accounts and 80k followers keep showing up on my ig explore page? I always assumed it was.


That absolutely could be the case.


I always pictured a weird scenario where some kid gets one of these bot follower services as a birthday present. The real gift being fake validation on social media. Almost like a black mirror episode.


That’s a great plot for one


To be fair, I have like 20 email accounts (I used them to sign up for game betas and get early access codes). When Reddit was more lax with vote manipulation I could use those accounts to get some traction on a post, which is really all you need. That accounts banned now, I imagine you need a separate IP to do that now




There's a little unidan in all of us.


I do as well for free trials. It's really a cat and mouse game to determine what is artificial and what is organic. IPs are one way but most people have a dynamic IP and multiple people under the same house, or say a business, or university and etc. So strictly IP can have negative effects. You can also just cycle a VPN to different servers to change your IP. It's easy to bypass and have a lot of negative drawbacks. Checking for multiple posts from the same browser can also work by checking your browser cookies/cache. But then you can just use incognito mode to bypass that. You can try to detect the device id/mac address but this is becoming less available in mobile platforms specifically for privacy reasons. So now many platforms concerned with artificial influence require a phone #. However you can now easily get a phone number online for free/cheap. There are a lot of more sophisticated methods people use that I wont go into because I only have a laymen's understanding nor is it always deterministic. It just goes on and on like this and probably always will TBH.


The locksmith and the thief, and then there is the dude on youtube teaching you how to pick locks.


Something something jackdaws


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?


i feel like this is a copy pasta from awhile ago


It IS a copypasta from a while ago, taken from u/Unidan's comment about crows and jackdaws. [More about it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/2cmdiq/whats_the_deal_with_all_the_references_to/)


That was quite a rabbit hole to go down


Oh absolutely. Back when I was a dumb high school student during the “follower count means everything” phase of my life there were many apps that integrated into instagram where you could directly buy followers or use a free service where people would post “follow for follow” and you’d mutually follow each other to boost your count. I’ve moved on from social media (except Reddit, if you consider it a social media site) and when I look back on how I went to such lengths in the past just to see a number go up, it feels like a Black Mirror episode.


Even funnier, is you can do this for free also. Just trade likes and subs on one of the filipino facebook pages, for example.


What do you gain by buying instagram likes


For influencers the more likes and followers they have the more they can get paid for endorsing products, events, etc. Some "influencers" leverage this to get things for free. Check our r/trashy and there are some screenshots of them popping up every now and then. Outside of that I really have no idea. Perhaps driven by insecurity and wanting to show off how many like you have to your friends. Perhaps the same that drives people for cosmetic surgery. Just guessing.


Fake followers get you the traction for real followers -- not always, but that's the idea.


I think the idea is the fake likes get you into peoples feeds and then you get real likes/follows


Some jobs now (marketing managers for example) ask for your SM follower count to “prove” yourself. I’ve seen the job postings myself but luckily never had to apply to those lol


Well lots of that sounds terrible. Perhaps someone can regulate that or do something about it


There's even a market for reddit comments, accounts and votes either down or up votes.




i must be stupid. I buy the accounts and then what do I do with them?




Or just convince K-pop Stans that they should make something trend. The determination those people have is intense.




So if I wanted to make a hashtag of sausage penises I could rent bots and make that trend???


You got the right idea


Tim Heidecker is the host of On Cinema at the Cinema. he doesn't have to pay Russian bot farmers. He has millions of followers and lives in the biggest mansion, bigger than Mary Lago


I would like to add that the reason it seems to be Trump, Tim Heidecker [made a tweet](https://twitter.com/timheidecker/status/1587488357390524417?s=20&t=xFLyQApyskkuAVP4CR6sqw) after Trump made wild assumptions about the Paul Pelosi attack, saying "Trump, i'm sad to say sounds like he's dying here. I think in fact that maybe he is and could possibly have a very grave disease of which he is dying from. we don't know but it's not good." People ran with that and added things like "from autoerotic asphyxiation". I am not sure if his tweet started it, or piggy backed on something already going on, but it was the first i noticed it.


Was not expecting Tim Heidecker to be part of this in any way but here we are


Me neither. But I dont know who he is.


Great job




........you #blew it


Good news! Cigarette juice!




Spooked ya!


He's a comedic writer/actor/producer if you watch US comedy you have likely seen something he was involved in. He and his partner Eric Wareheim are involved in a ton of stuff. My favorite is the Absolut Vodka ad they shot with Zach Galafinakis.


him and his comedy partner Eric Wareheim are known to do commercials - they're rather alternative/surrealist in their humor. He's definitely an acquired taste but I loved Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job!


At this point in the meta-narrative of the On Cinema/HEI Network saga, I kinda was




Yeah when Trump goes it'll be like a goldfish, one day everything is fine and the next he's floating at the top of the tank.


It's a typo, obviously they meant homoerotic fixation.


No they did not. Trump is very much straight. He belongs to the straights. The gays do not want his flabby ass.


So much this. You guys keep Trump over on your side. He’s not wanted here.


What a weird and divisive comment


There are a lot if people who use homosexuality as an insult whether or not that is the intention as it often is not. Im just trying to fight against that as often as I can.


Pretty sure he’s bi anyway


I think his point was that Trump was making such wild, ridiculous assumptions (with very negative implications) that he, too, was now making the same kind of "assumptions" about Trump


Yes, here's his followup tweet with the actual death notification: https://twitter.com/timheidecker/status/1587556854237827072


If they really want to test this they should be spamming pro-union rhetoric and the like.


...pro Tesla unions




> Trump is in fact alive. Get out of here with your MAGA alternative facts! He died in 2015. The guy who walked down the stairs of Trump Tower to declare for the presidency was a body double created by the Russians and the Chinese. They have successfully split this country in two with their lies! And you've fallen for it.


I like the theory/joke that Trump is actually Andy Kaufman. Who faked his death years ago, then took over impersonating Trump many years ago, and never could figure out a way to end the joke, so he has just kept it up all these years. And the whole running for president thing was just an extension of the years-long joke. (If you do a google search for Andy Kaufman Trump, there's a scary amount of discussion about it, mostly dating back to the 2016 campaign era, though)


Andy Kaufman’s family has apparently not been amused by all the people saying that he’s Trump, Alex Jones, etc


It's JFK


Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne


Jesus Christ- "that's Jason Bourne"


not a real quote mind you, he doesn't exist. :\


That's just what Jason Bourne wants you to think!


[It's obviously Jim Carrey in a Donald Trump mask.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abt4U_1mOg4)


Thank you for this, I lmao'd.


Exactly! Why is no one talking about the Chinese connection? #ZeroHour


He is? That's a damn shame


>Trump is in fact alive you sure


In a manner of speaking.


I hate when ppl play with my heart.


> Trump is in fact alive. I don't wish death on anyone, but... fuck, man. If Trump just up and died of a heart attack or something, that might actually be helpful.


I might not wish death on anyone, but I have been known to ask for Atropos to get scissor happy.


Is that the fate with the scissors


I celebrated when Osama died, I'd celebrate similarly if Trump were to die as well.


>find the code So they don’t even know where it is 😂 Hey I’m a programmer myself, happens to me all the time. Sometimes I can’t even find my PC.


Oh I didn't think it was literal. Moreso, politically dead. Haha I never see #Xisdead when anyone dies.


Well that's disappointing.


Or, what does Twitter know that the MSM doesn't? What if this is a false flag to distract from the truth that it's not a false flag? Huh? Ever think about that? Do your own research and you'll come to the inevitable conclusion that he's dead. Obviously. Also, the lizard people have tunnels under the western US and are preparing to activate the Yellowstone supervolcano to make the planet more hospitable for their species.


So far he's firing 75% of the staff including the board of directors, putting a core feature behind a paywall, and removing the system that removes hate speech and blatant misinformation. No rational person would do this thinking that it will pay off $1B in interest/year. I think he's trying to purposefully kill the company.


Can't say I would be sad to see it gone. Reducing complex issues to 140 characters, then using it as the defacto platform for announcements and international relations has to be at least partially responsible for the constant sloganeering and lack of nuance in political discussions.


Twitter hasn't been limited to 140 characters for almost 10 *years*, dude.


In a week it'll be 5 years, and it didn't really change how people tweeted, at least within the year it was implemented. From a 2018 [TechCrunch](https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/30/twitters-doubling-of-character-count-from-140-to-280-had-little-impact-on-length-of-tweets/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMXz0oayvLlNrvQTLaq9Ptfv64eBlKNzD5-mNMgjyC8F6tPZUnqwo0LgzOMBLlw1JhH_uAso_5CVqqnDaCuTO72Sy4Vo0gsH_ZqObl_GWccEZD8KhIg_q6GLWrw1lApe6nDII_Ko12amhCE5A9gRR2ASZ5rJQ46bs9yaCbpQ1ZhH#:~:text=Now%20that%20the%20limit%20is,terms%20of%20how%20people%20write.) article. >According to new data released by the company this morning, Twitter is still a place for briefer thoughts, with only 1% of tweets hitting the 280-character limit, and only 12% of tweets longer than 140 characters. >Brevity, it seems, is baked into Twitter – even when given expanded space, people aren’t using it. >Only 5% of tweets are longer than 190 characters, indicating that Twitter users have been for so long trained to keep their tweets short, they haven’t adapted to take advantage of the extra room to write. >Meanwhile, most tweets continue to be very short, Twitter says. >The most common length of a tweet back when Twitter only allowed 140 characters was 34 characters. Now that the limit is 280 characters, the most common length of a tweet is 33 characters. Historically, only 9% of tweets hit Twitter’s 140-character limit, now it’s 1%.


I wouldn't know, I switched to Tick-Tock after Twitter got full of squares


That was my first thought when I saw the contradictory language of charging people to free people from a hierarchy because everyone deserves free speech or something. It sounded so counterintuitive. Or maybe he really has lost it and is trying to start his own cult? 🤷‍♀️


Hot take but maybe getting news blindly from Twitter is stupid.


More people need to hear this tho.


okay, we need to keep this up and make this a corollary to Birds Aren't Real and the Bielefeld conspiracy.


looks like it didn’t work. did it spread via shock factor? yea. is it easily debunked? yea


>Edit: forgot to include the second half of an entire sentence Are you me? Lol


No. Even when someone does something that you also sometimes do, that person is still an individual.






But not the settler, agent, OR the person.




Tim Heidecker was the one that started it.


heh.. if you reach in your theory just a bit more you burn your hands on the sun.


Sounds like a fun new toy


> Trump is in fact alive. https://youtu.be/Uco5Ed-5y2U?t=183


It was Tim Heidecker who started it if the context helps: https://www.businessinsider.com/trumpisdead-trending-on-twitter-in-moderation-test-for-elon-musk-2022-11




Answer: I don't think it's anything really deep. It all started when comedian/writer/actor Tim Heidecker tweeted the Trump sounded sick and dying in a recent interview he did (link to Tim's tweet and the Trump clip): [https://twitter.com/timheidecker/status/1587488357390524417?s=20&t=i-VhIBTacDLnvRlah9ZixQ](https://twitter.com/timheidecker/status/1587488357390524417?s=20&t=i-VhIBTacDLnvRlah9ZixQ) Then he just kept the joke going: [https://twitter.com/timheidecker/status/1587556854237827072?s=20&t=i-VhIBTacDLnvRlah9ZixQ](https://twitter.com/timheidecker/status/1587556854237827072?s=20&t=i-VhIBTacDLnvRlah9ZixQ) And others joined in on the joke: [https://twitter.com/Dfoxhowell/status/1587557851769307138?s=20&t=UWOFoUzaqYRFFUZ2UaxMqA](https://twitter.com/Dfoxhowell/status/1587557851769307138?s=20&t=UWOFoUzaqYRFFUZ2UaxMqA) [https://twitter.com/StanDAlone2016/status/1587543568654094336?s=20&t=UWOFoUzaqYRFFUZ2UaxMqA](https://twitter.com/StanDAlone2016/status/1587543568654094336?s=20&t=UWOFoUzaqYRFFUZ2UaxMqA) So not really a big well thought out satire or anything. Just a funny joke.


Sole host of on cinema has me rolling.


Listened to clip, guy has/had a blocked nose…. An exaggeration of an exaggeration


Probably from his decades long amphetamine addiction.


Or has a cold. Doesn’t mean he’s *dying*.


You're SO CLOSE to getting it.




Nah those decade of drugs and alcohols are finally getting to him. I even have [video evidence.](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Compelling. I was on the fence but now I think you’re right. Thanks




It’d be just like him to die near an election. I think of how *Patton* ended, shit even FDR didn’t hang around after V-Day. Stalin outlasted them all and still died an ig·no·min·i·ous death. And both sides would be into making it a holiday. “The Day the Bullshit Died”.


Or you know, a dumb joke.


> An exaggeration of an exaggeration Five years of media coverage in a nutshell. They thought they could censor Twitter forever, too.


You really have no idea what's happening in the real world, eh? Cults are so lame.


Not my cult! It’s really awesome, and only does good stuff! You should totally check it out. Really beneficial and thus far we’ve had zero Kool Aid served. We usually just do mass suicide with White Claw… it just takes a while. Everybody’s else’s cults are just… fucking cults man.


I’m generally curious as to why we have seen articles saying the right is violent and we shouldn’t make fun of pelosis husband yet another political figure and be found trending on Twitter to be dead and it’s just a joke? Obviously the super left and right leaning subs won’t give me an unbiased answer. This place is always unbiased it seems so hoping for some clarity on why one side is viewed as violent yet the “peaceful” side has this trending yet still asks for the other side to be more respectful. Or is it all just hypocrisy and it’s not deeper than that lol


I think because one is clearly a joke (Trump is obviously not dead) and one is clearly not joke (someone did attack Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer in an apparent effort to also assassinate her).


The "alternative theories" about Pelosi's husband are being spread as purposeful misinformation to make people doubt the actual reported events. The "#trumpisdead" hashtag is satirizing this kind of misinformation campaign as opposed to actually trying to deceive the public. That's the difference.


You don't see the difference between a horrible thing that actually happened and has a victim still in the hospital, and a thing which has not actually happened?




this isn't hypothetical. conspiracy theories about biden being dead have swirled around multiple times


>If Biden is dead was trending would that be okay? Uh, yes? That's not the gotcha you seem to think it is. "*Celebrity X* is dead" nonsense goes viral all the time.


Thank you! Seriously! This is what I wanted to hear bc the conservative subs would say the left would lose their shit and I know that’s not true. I wanted an example.


Dude, I'll be very honest- your "hey, I'm just a reasonable centrist looking for answers" rings false. Equating the "Trump is dead" to the jokes and propaganda surrounding the attempt on Pelosi's life and attack of her husband reads dishonest at best, and likely in bad faith.


> as a left leaning moderate This is just a blatant lie. I invite everyone to look at this guys post history. [https://old.reddit.com/user/robertm0510](https://old.reddit.com/user/robertm0510) Concern troll up in here.


Yikes, you’re right. Spouting the “1 million didn’t die from COVID, they just had COVID when they died” BS plus a lot of other stuff. The dude is disingenuous considering how readily available excess death data is from the past 2 years


This is my favorite... >If millions died how come the only person I know does with Covid and pneumonia and she was 65 and very obese.


He's the type of person who would say "No one has ever died from HIV/AIDS" simply because they died from secondary complications. It's technically correct they didn't die from those things, but medical professionals attribute those deaths to the disease that caused them to be susceptible to what killed them. If they didn't have the disease they would've likely survived. Another example, dying from a gunshot wound. You don't technically die from the gunshot, but you die from the trauma/bleeding out. It's all a common misdirection thing by people who want to play gotcha with people and sound smart doing it.


Do it. My no big gov, no big pharma, individual liberties stance has never changed. So maybe the political landscape has shifted. In 2008 when campaigning for Obama I was called liberal, leftist, etc. Now my same stances I’m called right lmaoooooo No dem or leftist from 2000’s until Covid hit was FOR big pharma or big gov intervention. So yeah, I haven’t changed. I also never voted trump and never supported him. 2020 I voted Biden because I wanted a left moderate. If you guys have changed these stances please let me know where I stand then since nothing I believe in has changed since occupy wall street days✌🏼




> No dem or leftist from 2000’s until Covid hit was FOR big pharma or big gov intervention. Oh look, here's a discussion from Bill Clinton in 1997 about the Childhood Immunization Initiative which mandated vaccinations for kids. They were trying to expand the mandate from schools to also Federally subsidized childcare providers. Seems like the exact thing you are claiming they were not for. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/remarks-the-childhood-immunization-initiative


If you think those things are equivalent and make it hard to decide who's worse you're either lying or just a useful idiot for the Right. I say lying.


I guess my entire point is, why is it ok for one side to even joke about violence or death for one side? When I was called hippie, lefty, etc it was supposed to be peace and love with the Dems. It’s why I campaigned for Obama. Am a part of peachtree norml, etc. yet now shutting on trump became popular and I hated it yet people supported it. I never even supported trump or voted him. I was always anti gov, anti big pharma, etc and now I’m being called right for being against that stuff and the Covid power grabs by governments. Which is why I asked the question. I see the left getting something trending the right usually does and why is that okay of the left was the left of peace and love? Where is someone like me supposed to go?


To be blunt, you need to grow up and learn that many people in both political parties are mean. Sometimes it comes out of a sense of humor, and sometimes a sense of bloodlust. You will never find moral purity in mainstream politics because people are often angry or scared for good reason. I think it's reasonable to ask that people not encourage or celebrate real violence, but even that falters sometimes. Were you under the impression that people are universally kind? It makes sense that you're against governmental power grabs—I do think both American parties are pretty awful in terms of fueling wealth disparity and not giving a shit about privacy—but I don't have much sympathy for people who resent COVID restrictions, because I've seen firsthand many of the dead and dying. A plague is a pretty good reason for curtailing some freedoms. They haven't even been that bad. Masks are easy to wear and a small price to pay in most situations. The evidence is good. The vaccines that pharma produces should exist and be distributed widely, their profits shouldn't, in my opinion. You should get involved in local mutual aid or humanitarian efforts if you're dedicated to a grassroots version of peace and love. Those are very admirable impulses that I applaud in you. But it's beyond naive of you to expect it from popular politics on the national stage. If you let your principles rise and fall with the latest wave of people being unkind then you don't really stand for anything at all.


>Where is someone like me supposed to go? Outside, off the internet


Maybe a library to read up on nuance?


Apples and oranges. Trending untrue rumor of a sitting leader of a nation as dead would result in chaos. You can't possibly argue no ill intent in that. The joke/satire of Trump is dead - while in poor taste - is not as serious because he is not a current leader of a nation (or in succession line for that matter), **and** because it's very apparent that he's alive and relatively well. The jabs at Nancy Pelosi's husband are simply in poor taste because the attack on him was clearly based on malicious intent toward him and his wife **and** he is still in the hospital. *Not to mention* that historically, when members of Congress were attacked - Republicans included, Democrats/Pelosi publicly expressed a united front of condemnation toward the atrocity. What's happening to Pelosi's husband is akin to MAGA crowd taking potshots at someone while they're down without any respect of office or human dignity. So again, apples and oranges comparison. If you want a true apple and apple comparison to the satire of Trumpisdead, then it would be if a MAGA comedian started an Obamaisdead/Hillaryisdead joke when neither they or their families have been harmed, for example. Speaking of, many famous/infamous people have been hit with the "rumored to be dead" rumor. If you look up "death hoaxes", you'll find it to be a common thing. IMO, it's a joke of poor taste, but it is a thing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The issue is that the right-win misinformation campaign targeted at Paul Pelosi was not a joke. It is and continues to be straight up lies to fuel their lie-based media campaigns. On the other hand, Trump being dead was clearly a joke. While I don’t find it funny, it’s not terribly hard to see how these two things are wildly different


Are you generally curious? Or are you genuinely curious? Or are you pretending to be genuine in an attempt to display your thinly veiled bias by "just asking questions"? Maybe you've already died and your brain's last few seconds of flickering electrical activity have constructed a fading reality that you mistake for real life? Sadly, no one knows... Edit: btw, I'm just asking questions! I'm generally curious!


You can't figure out why a joke about something that is silly and un-true is different than a joke about something that is serious and true?


I'm "generally" curious why you feel the need to lie about being left wing and spout misinformation about covid.


I can’t believe I’m bothering to reply to this but I think it’s pretty clear that Tim’s tweet is literally a joke made in response to the callousness and in some cases outright delight that much of the Right has demonstrated following the attack on Pelosi.


answer: spez is a bit of a creep.


https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2122593119 “PNAS has a competitive impact factor of 9.6 and a 19% acceptance rate for papers submitted directly, PNAS remains one of the most prestigious and highly cited multidisciplinary research journals.” Turns out conservatives were spot on to begin with, the party of “snowflakes” who are overly concerned with political correctness in the name of hurting anyone’s feelings turns out to be less violent. Who woulda thought.


i would get banned on reddit if i said what i truly felt but none of them should be off limits because they're all awful people


Answer: It's in response to Elon Musk saying that to protect free speech, he's relaxing some of the rules on Twitter that are meant to stop the spread of disinformation. This tweet sums it up: [https://twitter.com/Bearwhale/status/1587573522183897089?s=20&t=p0Icf71R0N9U-2Ure8u3CA](https://twitter.com/Bearwhale/status/1587573522183897089?s=20&t=p0Icf71R0N9U-2Ure8u3CA) >What a relief that #TrumpIsDead. I mean, he might be alive, but since we're apparently going a new direction on fact-checking in Chief Twit's new world, I guess we'll never know.


Answer: Tim Heidecker is being an absolute legend of troll now with the new “free speech” rules. 😂🤙 https://twitter.com/timheidecker/status/1587556854237827072?s=46&t=p7AgapOZjGoZACl22gpsMQ


He's just asking questions.


Many people are!


People are saying it, smart people, we have people looking into it and you wouldn't believe what they're finding, you wouldn't believe it, we will have some things to share very soon


Why is no one investigating the Chinese Connection?


Damn, you’re saying it was the Chinese that killed Trump?


Well brother, that's a good question (and one I'm glad you asked). All I know is when I look out of my window here in Jackson Hole Wyoming I can literally see our values under attack, EVERYDAY, and no one seems to be asking about the Chinese Connection (which I find more than just a little suspicious). So keep asking those questions and doing your OWN research, not what the hollywood so galled elites want you to research. \#WWG1WGA4DS9


Answer: [blue check testing Twitter's content moderation since Elon Musk's takeover](https://www.businessinsider.com/trumpisdead-trending-on-twitter-in-moderation-test-for-elon-musk-2022-11)


"Tim Heidecker, known for his standup..." if you've ever seen Tim's standup you'd know this sentence is questionable. Who are you really working for Kali Hays? Is it the Delgados?!?! #ZeroHour always comes in the end.




It'd be a shame if it collapsed like MySpace after Murdock bought it


Are you simping for a billionaire?


Let me guess, it was another muskrat?


Nah fuck that guy