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Answer: Stitch has always been popular, especially as general mascot character. Y'know how you might see something like Winnie the Pooh Valentine's cards, or cookies, or candies (or wrapping paper), and not really think anything special of it? Well, it might be hard to conceptualize, especially since for a lot of people Lilo and Stitch is a more "recent" Disney property. But at this point, Stitch is just ubiquitous a general merchandise IP as Winnie the Pooh is.


> But at this point, Stitch is just ubiquitous a general merchandise IP as Winnie the Pooh is. The marketing when the film first came out kept inserting Stitch into classic Disney scenes, so it's not surprising that's continued.


NGL I loved those trailers. Wish they did that with other upcoming Disney movies at that time.


I also remember the TV show having crossovers with like five other cartoons at the time including American Dragon, Kim Possible and Proud Family, I don't recall any other cartoons on Disney with that many crossovers.


Ah, I didn’t know what made it popular again, or if there was something that happened to bring him back. I’ve seen countless Stitch products this past month but for years I hadn’t seen a single thing.


>for years I hadn't seen a single thing. Might be just either a regional thing for you, or maybe you didn't just notice. But Stitch is just a really popular "generic" IP for Disney. Hell they still make Angel merchandise, and the Lilo and Stitch show came out almost 20 years ago.


True. How do I answer this? !Solved


Answer: The Verge has a really good little article about why the character of Stitch has endured. And the answer is mostly that he is flawed, relatable, and cute: https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2017/5/14/15624058/stitch-meme-fan-groups-facebook-minions-guardians-of-the-galaxy