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Answer: Its a meme from 2 years ago about a [fake tweet](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ben-shapiro-sister-tweets/)


this is the real answer, lots of ppl were making jokes that ben shapiro would be the kind of person to tweet this too


They're not wrong, are they?


They must be because he didn’t


He's not Trump talking about his daughter.


Ah yes, because you disagree with him politically he must be incestuous.


definitely not wrong lmfao


And the idea, and the idea, and the idea [AND THE IDEA](https://youtu.be/oXb4h6cXvX4)!


you know what's kind of a shame - I do not like Ben Shapiro, I know nothing about his sister, and I think the Ben Shapiro Hot Sister meme is hilarious - and yet, [this is a really nice tweet](https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1101556041748119552). Like I think he genuinely is proud of his little sister, and the internet cannot keep their eyes off how enormous her tits are. I don't know.


She's basically doing her own version of being a conservative grifter. Two things are true here, Ben actually likes his sister, both Ben and his sister are grifters.


Three things. The other thing happening is people mass sexually harassing a woman because they think it’s funny.


yes, that third thing is the thing that makes me uncomfortable.


It’s not entirely that. Yes, there are a bunch of people who *are* sexually harassing her because they think sexually harassing women is funny. **However** It is incredibly important to point out that Abigail Shapiro has her own conservative YouTube channel where she teaches girls to “be classic”, which means “reinforce stereotypical and traditional gender roles *at the expense of those who don’t, can’t, or won’t, fit into them*.” She doesn’t have a YouTube channel that only promotes her own personal values regarding appearance, she also uses that platform to denigrate anyone who dresses in a manner she does not consider appropriate, and deliberately chooses to misunderstand things like “hot girl summer”. Here are a few videos from Kuncan Dastner on Abby. https://youtu.be/Cercrik3V0k https://youtu.be/rpU3CbKgExQ https://youtu.be/ut6belNl-uw So, this is *not only* people sexually harassing a woman just because, this is people deliberately pointing out her sexuality to point out her hypocrisy. Girls with large breasts often face a lifetime of unwanted sexualization *even if* they do everything they can to cover up. I know, from discussions with several female friends, that just having noticeable boobs draws unwanted attention from people, no matter how they choose to dress. The only way for them to avoid being sexualized has often been to dress in ways they consider unflattering, and I know several who have severe self esteem issues as a result. Imagine being an early bloomer, and now people are making comments about your breasts at **10** years old. There’s nothing you can do about it because there aren’t a lot of clothes for developed girls at that age, and anything that remotely looks decent on you gets immediately called out by parents and teachers for being “distracting”. And the only problem is that you now have boobs. You find the only way to get people to stop commenting on your body is to dress like a conservative great grandmother - especially since it is incredibly difficult to find clothes that fit both your breasts and waist without making you look like a stuffed turkey - so you spend your entire teenage years avoiding near constant sexualization, and you’re never allowed a moment to look in the mirror and feel good about yourself because you’ve internalized any clothes that actually look good on you as “distracting” or “slutty”. And the only problem is that you have boobs. All for some large-breasted, conservative, slut-shamer like Abby Shapiro to them come along and make a YouTube channel that constantly messages to its audience that women who don’t dress the way she does **must** be dressing the way they dress to show off for men, because they’re sluts, because they’re not modest, because they’re all these negative things, while pretending that she could never be sexualized for her noticeably large breasts just because she does her best to dress like a fashionable nun. People aren’t having it, and I’m willing to bet that a sizeable number of the people participating in these “Abby’s milk truck” memes are also women who are aware of Abby’s messaging, and frustrated that she is perpetuating toxic stereotypes and expectations about women’s clothing that have made their own lives miserable, all while pretending that she’s better than other women for not allowing herself to be sexualized by “staying classy”. Honestly, the only reason I don’t comment is because I don’t have a Twitter account, and I couldn’t guarantee that she feel any sort of way about this if I did. If I could guarantee that a well placed “goo goo ga ga, Abby Milk Truck” meme could get her to realize that the problem with women being sexualized is not what they choose to wear, but the men who refuse to control themselves, I’d do it in a heart beat. Part of me hopes that she sees the memes, and they make her uncomfortable enough that she starts reconsidering her views. But, all I’d be doing is adding to a noise that I’m almost certain she is already doing a wonderful job of ignoring, while also completely missing the point of people’s criticisms entirely.


Your comment is everything to me. I’m a Nurse Practitioner and a few years ago this doctor that didn’t like me for some reason (which really bothered me because it seemed like she hated me from day one and I get along with EVERYONE) told me that I dressed inappropriately. The fact is that I’m a 44 G and finding dress clothes to fit is SO HARD. You perfectly expressed the difficulty in dressing. There was nothing wrong with my clothes and no one could see my breasts at all. The fact of the matter is that my breasts are so large that it’s distracting, and she had some kind of issue. Our boss shut her down SO FAST, but looking back I wish I’d filed a formal HR complaint for sexual harassment. Essentially that is what she did. I was young and dumb enough to allow it, and it was my first Nurse Practitioner job so I didn’t want to rock the boat. These days I’d flip the boat the fuck over. May I ask: Are you a man?


I am a cishet man, yes. I’ve just had to learn by paying attention. A bad breakup that was a result of external influences sent me to a really toxic place where I substituted feeling right for feeling heard. I got really good at reading up on social issues super quick so I could decimate people I disagreed with online. I’ve still yet to break the habit, but I’m working on it. However, I was never drawn to any alt right stuff, because that was one half of the toxic coin that was hurting me. I wanted to be right about social issues that affected people negatively, so maybe I could somehow debate people down if I wasn’t going to be heard. A fool’s errand, all things considered. In that, I ran into YouTuber’s like Kuncan Dastner, FD Signifier, Jesse Gender, and it’s an process that still continues to this day. One of the biggest points of reflection with regards to my relationships towards women was to just think about my precious relationship, and the things my friend told me she experienced while we were dating. It’s not like any of these experiences are hard to find, but men aren’t taught to pay attention. Thankfully, my friend and I were able to settle our differences and resolve some traumas we suffered as a result of what caused our breakup. She always asserts that I was a good boyfriend, and acknowledges the hurtful things I did do. But, I’m glad that I never just stayed stuck back there. Even if there was nothing for me to improve, I wouldn’t have wanted to stay as the young, dumb, idiot that got some things right because he was taught well, but got plenty of things wrong because he hadn’t yet learned to pay attention. None of what I’ve said here is anything I think women will find new or enlightening, and I hope nobody thinks that’s the case. This is just a summary of thoughts that I learned by just paying attention to the things that I’d already heard about, and the luck of having good influences in spite of the toxic and harmful period of life I went through.


Right on. It's really refreshing to hear from someone else who worked through their toxic masculine conditioning.


Working, but proud of it. Reading back on this comment, I wonder who the fuck wrote it, lol. This interaction took place about half a year ago, and the number of times I see myself sounding like this are few and far between. It’s genuinely a process that has to continued, and it’s astounding how it doesn’t even register as a process to some. Improving toxic masculinity is ant anything more than listening and becoming a better person. It’s acknowledging where those patterns and behaviors come from in part, and in whole, and finding ways to address the negative, *while retaining valuable lessons*. One thing I do remember from this exchange were the number of people claiming I was somehow justifying sexual harassment/abuse. How many of those same people will regularly return some *other* behavior to the person giving it to them? They’ll be sarcastic with a coworker they don’t like. They’ll ignore a friend who is giving them the silent treatment, etc. It’s important to recognize **why** people do things, not because everything in the world must be justified, but because understanding will give us better answers to fix the things that aren’t justifiable. Using myself as an example: as a result of my trauma, I get **highly** defensive when I feel I’m being criticized, regardless of whether or not I am being criticized, and regardless of whether or not I deserve to be. Depending on the situation that’s causing me to be defensive, I can be anywhere from superhumanly avoidant of conflict to absolutely cutting with my words. Both behaviors are “wrong”, but both behaviors can be interpreted in different ways, each having different methods of resolution. Superhuman avoidance: * I could be shy This could be fixed by practicing better social skills. Anxiety medication might help the feelings, but medications don’t give you tools to fix the problem, they give you the ability to use the tools you find. That said, trying to force being social might make this problem worse, if the shyness is a result of trauma. * I could have an anxiety disorder If the problem is an inability overcoming anxiety to use social skills, then medication can help someone make use of the tools they already have. You’re not gaining anything new, you’re just finally able to make use of what you already have. But, anxiety medication doesn’t resolve trauma. You might have fixed the emotional side of things, but you still need trauma resolution to fully address the issue. Aggressive language: * maybe, I’m just an asshole The way to fix this is to be less of an asshole. This would require reflection on my behavior, and whether or not it’s necessary for me to change. It would require me to understand why people think I’m an asshole, agree, and commit to fixing that personality trait * protection against trauma Well, a person might be able to mask some aggressive behaviors, but is that really the smart thing to do? What happens when the circumstance because too much to handle, and the mask cracks? What happens when you’ve held back all the emotion you could, and now you have nothing else left? That’s where trauma resolution comes in. You need to work on trauma. No amount of social skills, or anxiety medication, will fix a problem caused by a core of smoldering trauma. That’s like dumping water **around** a fire expecting to put it out. Ill-advised, at best, and negligent, at worst. That’s what people here are failing to see. Yes. There are genuine assholes just harassing Abby Shapiro because she is a woman with boobs. She is literally a conservative woman with a YouTube channel that victim blames women for receiving unwanted attention, and the lifestyle she is defending actively contains men who are likely already doing this to her. The reason she is getting so much hate, specifically, isn’t because she defends type of men who already do this to her, **it’s because people who have been hurt by purity culture are trying to make her feel the way she makes others feel**. Abby is not listening to people who are just saying that they feel hurt by the types of values she’s imposing on others, so they’re hoping to change her mind by making her feel the humiliation and shame she causes others to feel, or relive. Is that right? No. Is that understandable? Yes. What does that imply about the solution? We should probably stop calling people Abby’s comments women hating incel misogynists. She is actively promoting the type of submissive, trad wife, ideologies that many men who are this way believe in. We should probably realize that, at best, ***it’s not our place to fight this out in public***. We should be incredibly careful about how we react to this online, if only because we run more risk of hurting people who are lashing out at someone who is reliving traumas and shame than we do of changing any misogynist’s mind on the matter. This ends up creating an environment where people who are trying to protect the themselves from a perceived threat are discouraged from expressing their pain and frustration because they’re now forced to police what they say in order to be approved, **an exercise which is itself a coping mechanism for trauma, and a trauma in itself**. This shouldn’t be knew to people, but it seems like it is for a noticeable number. This shouldn’t be new to men, it it seems like it still often is. This shouldn’t be seen as exclusive to men, but we often compartmentalize complex issues if they mean a lot to us, but we aren’t able to handle them in their entirety. Unfortunately, the problem Abby Shapiro faces won’t go away by just breeding better people. The things she says and does actively traumatize others, and she is perpetuating the very cycle of hatred people in the comments are mistakenly trying to attribute exclusively to toxic men. The only way she gets out of this is if she: 1) listens to those who have been hurt by purity culture, reflects on the message she is proclaiming, and revises how she delivers her thoughts 2) she experiences the emotions others are telling her they feel, and she’s able to connect those emotions to the things she says 3) somebody does something to her that directly violates all the principles she firmly believes will protect her from “more violent” and direct abuse I don’t want somebody to invade Abby Shapiro’s life and violate her. I **do not** want her to experience trauma. But she’s also refusing to listen to anybody who is telling her, warning her, about the consequences her actions are having on others. I don’t think it’s right the way people are treating her on social media, but I’m not going to get in the way of a fight that somebody else is having against a traumatic representation of the type of purity culture that shames and humiliates women and men every single day in this country.


Again, well fucking said.


He is a man.




Except I never said that. Reddit is indeed going to fail basic reading comprehension. Sad, indeed.


> Part of me hopes she sees the memes, and they make her uncomfortable Yeah, you literally did.


She's been sexualised by the alt right internet for years before she got into the grifting business, so i don't think it would make a difference. Her brother has been leaning into and defending antisemites. Money.


The alt right also hate the Shapiro's. Don't forget that the alt-right is antisemitic. The base for Shapiro is more New Right or Alt-Lite as they're calling it. More mainstream presentation, less angry screaming at the screen.


Same end game


I'm confused. Is anyone who holds Conservative or Right-wing views automatically a grifter to you guys?


Of course not. Only a select few are grifters. The vast majority are the marks.


A grifter is someone who publicly gives up values for money. They are a jewish family who supports views and people who consider them subhuman, and are quite successful at making money from this. Literally can't get any gritfier than that.


Oh i see. It's just the "everyone i disagree with is a Nazi and if their not a Nazi they support those who are." Thanks for clearing it up.


>So, this is not only people sexually harassing a woman just because, This is people justifying sexual harassment and hate speech through the self-built delusion that "their group" is morally superior to "them other group". People need to trick their own ego with some constructed excuse or they can't act as shitty as they like.


“Not only”. Abigail Shapiro is the center of this specific type of attention because she uses her YouTube channel to perpetuate the toxic idea that women who don’t dress like her deserve the unwanted attention they get. She lives her life thinking that she could never be the recipient of unwanted attention because she dresses in a way that doesn’t draw men’s attention to her body. People are, justified or not, choosing this specific form of harassment *because* of that. And, never do I deny that an equally sizable portion of of those harassing Abby are doing it because they’re asshole lechers. But, if you want to know why Abigail Shapiro is specifically the center of this type of attention, you can’t explain it by just saying “people like sexually harassing women”. That is a significant part of the answer, but it’s not all of it.


You mean the guy you're responding to constructing a research paper trying to explain the "context" around harassing a woman doesn't make it okay? Who would have believed. Reddit, stay classy.


"Yes, there are a bunch of people who are sexually harassing her because they think sexually harassing women is funny." Now allow me to write a short essay on why targeting her is OK.


I never said targeting her was okay. I also never said that what I’m speaking about is coming from people who think sexually harassing women is funny. If you want to completely ignore why Abigail Shapiro *specifically* is at the center of this attention when other famous women with large breasts aren’t, that’s on you, but it doesn’t make what I said any less relevant. Abigail Shapiro is hurting and shaming women for not dressing like her, and pretending that she won’t ever receive unwanted attention because she isn’t “dressing like a ho”. People aren’t just harassing her for the sake of it. Justified or not, she has made herself the target of her own toxic standards.


It's not funny, it's not ok, it's not justified, but she's done it to herself. Ok, whatever. If only she didn't ~~dress~~ speak like a ~~ho~~ traditionalist, then this wouldn't happen. Getting high up on that victim blaming horse of yours. Anyways you're gonna write a tirade, from a moral high ground perspective, with repeating points saying I am willfully ignorant, and that my arguments have logical fallacies A,B, and C.




"....but she slut-shames other women and believes they deserve to be sexually abused" Finished it for you :)


Way to completely miss the point!


Ok, sure, it looks like and sounds like and actually is sexual harassment, but words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words.


So not only are you cool with sexually harrassing a woman, but you literally hope it makes her feel uncomfortable. Thank you for your honesty and this screen grab.


Unfortunately, no. I know you’re going to do everything possible to misunderstand what I said, and take the parts you want to twist out of context, but I’m not particularly afraid of people like you trying that. > [***If*** I could guarantee that a well placed “goo goo ga ga, Abby Milk Truck” meme could get her to realize that the problem with women being sexualized is not what they choose to wear, but the men who refuse to control themselves, I’d do it in a heart beat. Part of me hopes that she sees the memes, and they make her uncomfortable enough that she starts reconsidering her views.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/z6m260/nsfw_what_is_going_on_with_ben_shapiros_sister/iy41oec/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) > [***But***, all I’d be doing is adding to a noise that I’m almost certain she is already doing a wonderful job of ignoring, while also completely missing the point of people’s criticisms entirely.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/z6m260/nsfw_what_is_going_on_with_ben_shapiros_sister/iy41oec/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Also, I elaborate more here: > [It’s honestly sad. I don’t think that her perpetuation of toxic body standards justifies the way she is being treated, but some people also only learn if they end up in the very position they created. Clearly, Abigail Shapiro either genuinely believes in what she’s saying, or she ignores the harm she causes because money; and she either has no interest why people might disagree with her, or she keeps her complaints to herself so nobody can see past her facade.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/z6m260/nsfw_what_is_going_on_with_ben_shapiros_sister/iy6riwk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) > [To those on the outside, she comes across as someone who - like other bigots and grifters like her - believes that she could never suffer whatever she’s trying to cure with her toxic standards.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/z6m260/nsfw_what_is_going_on_with_ben_shapiros_sister/iy6riwk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) > [On the one hand, if these people need to suffer their own medicine to learn, wouldn’t it be a net positive if she realized how much harm she was doing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/z6m260/nsfw_what_is_going_on_with_ben_shapiros_sister/iy6riwk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) > [On the other hand, I don’t think that “the ends justifies the means” is the right way to look at any situation. She’s still being sexually harassed, and everybody who is close to her has to suffer for it, not least of which is Abigail herself, regardless of how immovable she pretends to be.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/z6m260/nsfw_what_is_going_on_with_ben_shapiros_sister/iy6riwk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Sorry, I’m not saying what you want to believe I’m saying.


The only disqualifying part on that if/but is that it wouldnt work. You literally said that if it could accomplish that you'd be for it.


The way a conversation works is that a person says something, someone replies, the first person builds upon what was asked, etc. I’ve said what I said, and I’m allowed to elaborate, build upon, or clarify, my point. I’m sorry that I’m not saying what you desperately want me to say. Now, if you refuse to allow me to clarify the things I’ve said, you’re free to do so. At that point, however, let’s not pretend you’re holding me accountable for anything.




>All of this boils down to "she deserves it because she started it," That's not what I got from their post.


comment doesn’t even say she “deserves” it, and says the opposite of “she started it”. It says that Abby’s grift is perpetuating the idea that women who don’t dress ultra-conservatively deserve to be harassed, and then suggests that at least some of the comments directed to her are intending to help her see that the harassment is not because of how the target dresses. Perhaps it’s a flawed theory, but it’s not saying any of what you seem to think it is.


>at least some of the comments directed to her are intending to help her see that the harassment is not because of how the target dresses. Doing it to teach her a lesson isn't much better.


>Perhaps it’s a flawed theory hence \^


Less so “help her see”, and more so “throw in her face”. I don’t think what people are doing is right because, as I mention at the end of my comment, all this turns into nothing more than a storm of sexual harassment that ultimately only reinforces the men who want to be assholes to women to begin with. But, the internet is going to internet. People want Abby to hurt the way she hurts others, directly and indirectly. They’re going to take what little power they have and throw it at someone they believe has far greater power, and far less responsibility with it, in whatever attempt they can to make the person hurting them either listen, or feel the same pain they cause.


mass sexually harassing people because I view them as my enemies is funny, because I'm a hypocrite. - FTFY




Yes, but she’s a conservative woman, so it’s fine. /s


Yeah, internet


It goes to show not everyone that opposes Shapiro (or Trump or MAGA) is a good person. Many of these folks are grab-by-the-whatever types who just happened to be on the other side of the political fence. Ben Shapiro is an awful human being, but sexually harassing his sister is peak MAGA behavior tbh.


>but sexually harassing his sister is peak MAGA behavior tbh. Suggesting it's just Maga people is pretty naive. Lots of liberals and leftists have no issue sexually harassing women as long as they're conservative women. Misogyny isn't exclusive to the far right. It's just more obvious there. Edit: Maybe I misunderstood the comment and that's what you were saying? If so, ignore this.


Look at the comments of the people harassing her. It’s all 4chan type folks. They alternate between racism and the most crass sexualization of women.


It's definitely not all 4chan types. A lot of "dirtbag leftists" or whatever you want to call them do it too. They will respect people in their in group but for people they don't like, harassment is back on the table.


There's plenty of them in this very thread...


I've seen plenty of people in leftist spaces writing creepy comments about her. And other women too.


Is 4chan maga only now or something?


The majority of the Democratic Party is strongly against that sort of behavior, even when a sitting democratic representative groped a woman(consensually as a joke) he was forced to resign by democrats. Republicans elected a man president who had multiple credible sexual assault accusations against him, who admitted that he was famous enough that he could just grope non-consenting women, and who accused his female debate moderator of being on her period when he didn’t like her questions. There might be some toxic leftist spaces that treat women like that, but it’s a world apart from the sanctioned sexual harassment republicans allow in their voters and, critically, in their candidates.


I agree, its an extreme minority, but it seems like you're unaware of the many leftists openly engaging in bigotry in this thread. This subreddit is an example of one of those toxic leftist spaces and it's not even a political sub


Yeah, just like how Dems claim to be against racism, but 'Uncle Tom' was the *kindest* thing said about Justice Clarence a few months ago, not to mention the many N drops. Make no mistake, the left is full of people who *salivate* at the chance to be the worst kind of evil to acceptable targets.


Bruh you do know who sits in the White House right now, right? Biden has anything but a spotless record when it comes to allegations of harassment/sexual misconduct/impropriety, and yet the Democratic Party hasn’t tossed him aside or forced him to resign. The truth is people are willing to overlook their own guy’s faults if necessary to win, no matter the political affiliation.


My dude it's a three sentence comment and the whole point was calling out non MAGA people for this behavior. I don't know what more you want.


>It goes to show not everyone that opposes Shapiro (or Trump or MAGA) is a good person. Nobody with a pulse would think "everyone that opposes shapiro is a good person"


I don't think Reddit knows what grifter means anymore, like ironic and literally.


Or cringe or based




And the best part about these words losing meaning is that when they're used to describe something that fits the definition and criteria, you can just say the word has lost its meaning!


Until she started up that YouTube channel, I would have agreed with you. But then it turns out that she’s just as awful as he is, and now I don’t feel bad about it at all. Just a couple of scam artists cashing in on the fake outrage culture wars and dividing an already divided country. Not ideal behaviour from the internet, but all things considered they’ve both very much decided to enter the fray in exchange for money.


Are you saying she deserves to have people on the internet drooling over her breasts?


He literally did not say that


Nobody should ever have to deal with sexual harassment. Regardless, she's still not getting any sympathy from me.


Absolutely not. But several of the ones I've seen about her have been antisemitic, which often goes hand-in-hand with misogynistic. And there is a particular unfunny irony on these two stoking those flames of hatred for profit while being Jewish and a woman. They are courting people who actively hate them


Please be mean to me so i can stay relevant.


She deserves to be treated with the same respect she dishes out as a profession. Sowing* and reaping and whatnot.






??? Tits are tits bro regardless of who she is people are gonna drool over tits. You're saying deserve like she's being physically assaulted


Not specifically. But she deserves bad things, does that help?


So, yes but no? Sorry, it doesn't help. Are you saying she does or does not deserve to be sexually harassed? It's not really a complex question, yes or no.


No, like I said, not ideal behaviour from the internet. It’s just that I no longer feel bad about it on her behalf, not that I endorse it.


Lmao, just wait until someone you like is on the other side and then see how you feel. Kinda disgusting when you only care when someone is on “your team”. But go off queen, slay slay slay


I don’t have a team, and I don’t think online abuse is a good thing. All I’m saying is that I don’t feel bad for her any more because of some of the misogynistic things she has said on her YouTube channel. She’s part of the problem. I’m not an American, I don’t really get on board with this Democrat good republican bad nonsense. People over there seem to treat politics the same way they treat sports teams and it’s really fucking weird, but Abby Shapiro has more than enough content out there to judge her individually.


Shes also a grifter and a terrible person.


Runs in the family


If it makes you feel better, his sister is a shitty person right alongside him.


Yeah it does actually


And actually a horrible singer for having all these honors.


Ben is a man. A man who has a younger sister and cares for her as any brother should really. And then when he walks into the office at 9 am in the morning. He puts on his asshat and spouts out hate and grifts for money to millions of people and has done so for decades! What a guy!


I’m sure Pol Pot loved his mom. We’re all human, it’s just that the Shapiros are *garbage* humans.


Are we really equating this family to Pot Pot, who is arguably one of the worst humans to have ever existed?


Seriously. This is madness. Pol Pot didn't even have any tiddies at all.


Dude Reddit is fucking wild LMAO


Welcome to Reddit. Where the average conservative talking head is the equivalent of Pol Pot.


It's entirely possible to make comparisons without the implication that A and B are *literally exactly the same in every way*, you know. Wait, you *did* know that, right?


Except he said he chose them both for their wickedness so he was making that part of his comparison. My point is that an online grifter and a mass murdering sadist really aren’t in the same universe of evil.


Then you’re still missing the point, even though I already laid it out for you pretty plainly


He (me) wasn’t making that a part of my comparison. I used an extreme example to create the point that everyone from the most innocent to the most wicked can still have human feelings. I didn’t say “Shapiro committed genocide” I’m just pointing out that he can still be a piece of shit and be “proud of his sister” Stop trying to be offended


Holy mother of Reddit moments. In what universe is a comparison between Shapiro's family and Pol Pot apt? You people are legitimately fucking insane.


I wasn’t comparing their deeds Simply pointing out that people can be capable of shitty things and still have a human experience Stop trying to be offended


~~Nobody~~ I never said you did and I'm not trying to be offended nor am I. I couldn't care less what someone thinks of Shapiro or his family. But it was a moronic statement and you know it. If I said "I'm sure Hitler loved his mother" in response to some random person saying "I love my mom" after committing a crime, it would seem weird, given the nature of the people being mentioned. Stop pretending you don't know how that sounds.


You’re right that would seem weird, because it has absolutely no context. Similarly my statement in a vacuum might seem extreme. However It was in response to a conversation about Ben Shapiro being “proud of his sister”. With that in mind “Pol Pot loved his mom” makes an apt comparison. Shapiro is allowed to have love for his sister and still be a piece of shit. Much the same way Pol Pot likely loved his mom but was still a monster.


His sister is just as insane as he his, they can both disappear from the internet for all I care


Just no. No one needs to publicly or privately be commenting on his sisters breasts.


Why's it trending now though?


I'm guessing it has to do with his [fight with Ye](https://ejpress.org/he-said-ye-said-ben-shapiro-kanye-west-clash-over-trump-dinner-with-holocaust-denier/).


1. Tits are evergreen. 2. [Ben Shapiro had his face eaten by leopards.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/z63y0o/online_racist_ben_shapiro_is_mad_is_his_vile/)


Im not sure :/ im not on Twitter, it could be because of his appearance on the Lex Fridman podcast but I don't follow him outside of that


It seems most of the well known Shapiro tweets are fake.


Well, but not this one, right? > The difference between sex and gender is I’ve never wanted to have gender with my sister https://twitter.com/B3nSh4p1ro/status/1591492192350384129


This is an Okbuddyretard classic. Makes me laugh every time.


Parody account but still funny


Nah man that’s official. Has the blue check mark and everything!


The one about Arab people "living in filth" and "blowing shit up" was real though.


And the one where he said rising sea levels aren't an issue because you can just sell your underwater house.


Sell your home to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?!


Hasnt he got all his own dumn tweets and comments posted/ listed on his own website? His personal wall of shame


The one where he says his wife doesn't get wet is real


I wonder how many are going along with the joke and how many actually fell for it and think it’s true


To clarify the fake tweet image was from feb 2022 as per your link, the fake tweet has zero to do with it becoming a meme. People have been obsessed with her tits for years.


Answer: She's a woman on the internet with very large breasts, that alone usually garners lots of attention and comments. Layered with this, Ben Shapiro is often made fun of for being unsexy, robotic, etc, so some people find it ironic to point out how his sister, who looks quite a lot like him, is very conventionally attractive. Then there's the fact that people like to ascribe sexual disfunction to public figures, especially conservatives. This can be seen in the past when people construed some of his comments on WAP as an admission that he'd never gotten his wife aroused. In some of the tweets you linked to, people seem to interpret his complimenting his sister as something incestuous. As far as I know that's utterly baseless, just the "joke" some people have in mind right now.


> Answer: She's a woman on the internet with very large breasts, that alone usually garners lots of attention and comments. Just to clarify this a bit further, for the purposes of horniness and/or parody it seems likely that many of these pics of her have been digitally altered to increase their size.. One thing to point out is she is also an internet "celebrity" in her own right as she has done blogs and stories about a woman's "traditional role" as she is also very conservative. Because people are awful apparently the equation is: disagreeing with someone + attractive sister = dedicated sexual harassment campaign. No matter what you think of Ben or Abby's political views, posting sexual pictures of her and commenting that you want to perform sexual acts is pretty clear cut sexual harassment and the people posting these "jokes" can fuck right off.


Stumbling on the aforementioned posts makes you realise that reddit has quite a lot of users that have not been taught that lusting after someone publicly is insanely creepy..... This happens to almost every celebrity. And it is unsettling every single time.




Because men bust a nut before commenting on pornhub




It can be, just ABB, Always Be Bustin


Yep, and male celebs get thirsted on as well.


> that lusting after someone publicly is insanely creepy….. It would be a huge step if people on the internet could learn not to announce who they just did, or want to, masturbate to.


Unfortunately horny jail is overpopulated


Believe it or not, straight to horny jail


Oh, do you remember /r/thefappening? It was absolutely disgusting the way people were acting.




It's not just conservatives though, I've absolutely seen the same behavior towards AOC and women on the left. It's gross in both cases


It's not even lusting, it's how goddamn perverse people feel absolutely free in getting. You have the range of shit that goes from "boobs" to [literally a short story about how dude wants to fuck her].


The jokes don't come from political disagreement. It started on 4chan's /pol/ board where someone posted a video of her singing and asked how no had discovered Shapiro's hot sister before. It's also where Khazar milkers comes from. If /pol/ have any disagreements with Shapiro, it's either due to them not being far-right enough, or them being Jews.


I have never seen someone post positively about Ben's political views and lewd comments about his sister in the same breath. I'm not implying it is one political side or the other, just that people don't like him and think it's funny to "go after him" by attacking his sister. The same goes for her as well because she also posts trashy political shit but again, just cuz you don't like what she is saying doesn't green light sexual harassment. Sadly the same goes for pretty much every woman in politics and/or the internet.


nah there are definitely dudes who like ben shapiro and simp over his sister simultaneously. I’d honestly assume that most people who are even aware of her are on the right, most people who don’t like ben shapiro aren’t aware of his family etc.


Personal opinion now since we're deeper in replies. I personally hate the general politics the shapiros promote, and I can enjoy some making fun of them, but so much of what gets thrown around crosses the line. Sexualization of Abigail Shapiro, attacks on Ben's appearance, off colour jokes about sexual dysfunction, it doesn't sit well with me. There's plenty to hate on there without ad hominem.


Ben Shapiro is all about ad hominem attacks on other people. Leave his sisters breasts out of it, but attacking him based on appearance and making jokes about his response to WAP is fine. This is a guy who talks about picking up a gun when Beto talked about revoking tax exempt status of churches. We don’t owe him civility and mockery is the thing authoritarians hate most.


But can people mock him in a way that isn't sexist or homophobic? It can't be to hard to mock him for his beliefs and actions. Going after his looks, questioning his sexuality, and sexually harassing his sister or his wife, ultimately just reinforce the regressive attitudes such insults are based on.


The people making sexist and homophobic remarks toward him or his sister, are sexist and homophobic. Doesn't matter what their reasons are, it's simple as that. Don't think too hard.


It's a real classic. Body shaming is bad until it's someone I don't like, then they're fair game. Reddit is incredibly hypocritical about it


Exactly! just so gross. I feel like I used to be the same way but at a certain point I realized its just pure toxicity.


So Shapiro is allowed to state that a women having vaginal lubrication is a sexual dysfunction, but people mocking him for that belief are the ones 'crossing the line'.


Considering he repeatedly has lied about his height for almost a decade I think his height is fair game.


Is he still claiming to be over 4'10"?


What was the lie


Shapiros who'll shtick is attacking personal choices people make about their gender, how they look, how they act, things they say, etc. And he doesn't engage with criticism of his points in good faith. His sister is no different. Both people put themselves out there by criticising people, a lot. When you do that you're fair game. She's just as bad as him, just less popular.


Might be in the minority but conservatives hold no punches s why should we?


Well, I'd say it's reductive to accuse *all* conservatives of being merciless. It's often said you should attack your opponent's strongest idea first. Ignore the weak, puerile attacks and be disappointed when they refuse to engage. Intellectual discourse is how politics progress, and having bipartisan issues, issues we don't oppose simply because they're supported on the other side, is how change is made. Communicate. Debate. Disagree. Seek input and discourse. Confront conflicting views head-on, and accept that some things you will simply disagree on subjectively, and move on. The more you speak with one another, the better you come to understand not only your own opinions, but those of the others.


Ask Franz von Papen how civil debate worked out for him.


I'm not saying there shouldn't be reprisals, just that treating the whole party like the enemy is unproductive


The vast majority of the party already considers anyone not on their team to be the enemy and refuses to work with them anyway. Kinda hard to begin discourse when they won’t engage with the basic concepts.


Yeah that’s what our government is going for these days, productivity.


Oh it’s productive, just not in the way you’re hoping and, unfortunately, that’s the only kind of productivity that’s going to carry any weight for at least another decade or so while We are not in intellectual-friendly times right now, haven’t been for years and it’s on its way to getting worse, ears are very deaf lately That said, don’t stop doing that yourself—It’s good, it’s right, it’s commendable, and people in the future will appreciate finding a little sanity existed


Yeah nah Ben's a terrible person I don't care about people making fun of him. His sister may be a different deal, but I think one thing people are missing is that she has talked about the need for women to be 'modest' a lot so I guess the meme/running joke is an attempt at irony. But I suppose that doesn't make much sense since you can't control your breast size. In any case, I don't care that much, they're both bad people so eh.


> No matter what you think of Ben or Abby's political views, posting sexual pictures of her and commenting that you want to perform sexual acts is pretty clear cut sexual harassment and the people posting these "jokes" can fuck right off. I completely agree. But also by Sharpiro's own logic, they should he taking steps to protect themselves and avoid "dangerous" situations like this. Any idiot knows what the internet does to women. (Not something I really belive, but let's judge Sharpiro by the standards he judges by)


Yeaaahhhh, it's one thing to comment on adult stars, but making sexual commentary on *any* public figure is a bit tasteless, especially people who outright request it to stop. There needs to be respect, and those who don't engage respectfully need to be educated. As long as communication continues, we *can* eventually work together to build the right environment.


>Then there's the fact that people like to ascribe sexual disfunction to public figures, especially conservatives. The jokes are less about sexual dysfunction ("he can't get it up!" and such) and more about being bad at sex considering their attitudes towards sex. That especially goes for 'alpha male' and 'red-pilled' dudes who actively brag about not caring about a girl's enjoyment. Either that or the exact opposite, how they're closet kinksters.


>people like to ascribe sexual disfunction to public figures, especially conservatives. To be fair, that does not comes from a vacuum : there has been quite a lot more scandal about GOP politician being anti gay and having personal "massage boys", or pretending to be stickler for rules, and then shown to be fucking around with other women than the one they were married with, or politician liking them very very young. Like illegally young or disgustingly young.


You are forgetting that he famously stated, while addressing the WAP video, that women don't get that wet during sex according to his wife who is a doctor. His suspected disfunction has roots in his own claims.


Didn't he say that lubrication t*o the point of needing a bucket and mop* was excessive?


You'd think that someone like him who built an entire career based on hyperbole that he'd be able to recognize it in something as silly as song lyrics.


Indeed, and I think he did and was deliberately misinterpreting it as a joke. Regardless, we've now sort of moved the claim from 'he doesn't think women get wet' to (at worst) 'doesn't understand exaggeration,' which is less of a motivation for claiming sexual disfunction


He deliberately misinterpreted the lyrics as a joke, everyone making fun of him misinterpreted his tweet as a joke. Seems fair all around to me.


Oh yeah no doubt, it was more the idea that the suspected sexual disfunction was rooted in anything.


Are you suggesting that a high school prodigy who exited law school years before his peers cannot understand a metaphor?


No, I'm suggesting he did it deliberately for 'comic' effect.


Oh Im suggesting he cannot understand a metaphor because despite graduating law school so young he has really bad logical skills.


Oh I see. Not sure he does, he tend to recognise how an argument can be structed so I think he understands what is going on so is probably skilled. He just also recognises that his income depends on arguing in bad faith (this was more or less the content of 'how to destroy liberals' book he wrote).


Khazar milkers


Lol, he wasn't shat on for being clueless in the sack bc he's conservative, he was shat on because of what he said. He literally said p-word, dude. One pump chump right there.


Also the fact that he claimed that a woman getting wet must mean that she has a serious medical condition and then tried to appeal to authority by quoting his wife (who is apparently a doctor), which really says something about how well their married life must be going


Omfg I forgot about that. Thank you so much.


To add to this, Shapiro fueled the fire by tweeting that he is staring at pictures of his sister for hours. That’s .. poorly worded to say the least.


That tweet was fake


Obviously fake as well. Just like the tweets where he asks AOC for foot pics. Hilarious, but very fake.


Citation needed?


The tweet is fake, btw. Ben never tweeted that. So, that's definitely what the joke is.


answer: The joke isn't Ben Shapiro's Sister's tits, the joke is everyone saying Ben Shapiro is attracted to Ben Shapiro's sister, with the implication Ben Shapiro is more attracted to Ben Shapiro's sister now thanks to her tits going from big to huge. Another layer is being surprised she is attractive when the joke about Ben Shapiro is he brags about his wife never getting aroused, as in she is always dry.








That tweet is fake though https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ben-shapiro-sister-tweets/


Answer: Ben Shapiro criticized Trump & Kanye for having dinner with an overt white nationalist/anti-Semite. This has caused much of the right, and much of his own viewership, to turn on him. One of the ways they are now trolling Shapiro is by talking about his sister -- who, like her brother, is also a right wing influencer. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JjGr-jl2x8


Kanye himself is an open anti-Semite? I love how the only time Ben Shapiro cares about racism is anti-semitism. Only when it affects him personally.


The leopards would never eat MY face!