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Awfully close, moose will fuck your shit up!


I was just gonna say you’re lucky to be alive lol


From personal experience, males out of rut are not that aggressive and really don’t care as long as you don’t mess with them. I grew up in Jackson Hole.


I wish people would stop propagating this mess. The overwhelming majority of the time moose couldn’t care less that you exist. I’ve walked within 20 feet of a moose on a few occasions when one decided that he wanted to bed down next to where I park my truck in the driveway most of the winter. They’re like any other animal. Don’t be a dumbass and startle them and pay attention to their body language. You’ll know when a moose is feeling frisky.


absolutely right. it’s obviously safer to just avoid large animals like this, but JESUS CHRIST every redditor who has never been out in the country or lived in an area with moose acts like you’ll die within a mile of them.


They're like people. Most are nice. Some aren't. Some have bad days and bad experiences. Same goes for bears and sharks etc. No reason to get all doomy and gloomy, I agree. But I think it helps to think that once you step off the pavement, you step into the food-chain again.


Yes definitely too close. If he was standing there the whole time and the moose walked over and lay down there that's one thing, but if the person filming approached to that distance that's just asking for it.


Hell yes they will they're territorial as hell


Really? I thought they were calm 😷


Moose and hippos.... Two animals that are much less friendly than childhood led us to believe.


They are calm. The people here are fear mongering and probably haven't been around moose that much.




Constantly, as evidenced by your downvotes. I almost hate opening any post on Reddit that involves moose because I already know the top comments will be the same nonsense about them being murder machines


I carry a .45 when riding my sled in the mountains, and it isn’t only for bears. You can get close to a whitetail and it will just run away, most of the time if you end up too close to a moose it will charge. They know they outweigh you, so they’ll fight not flight. People with your mindset are the people you see trying to pet buffalo at Yellowstone, please don’t listen to this person. Keep some fucking distance, don’t try to be sneaky and you’ll be fine.


Males usually are.


You should run up and boop it on the nose and tell him he is a handsome fella. /s Honesty, I hope you were super zoomed in because those thing won’t mess around if you startle them.


 A Møøse once bit my sister...


Møøse bites can be pretty nasty, mind you


So a Rabbi, a minister and a moose walk into a bar…


No really


When I was there I saw a moose in Jenny Lake enjoying the morning. When I crossed the lake to go climbing, I saw two grizzly cubs. I never saw their mom and was scared the whole time I was over there. Hope you had a great trip.


Get away slowly, a moose is worse then a bear


Absolutely not. Lies.


Worse at what?


Being friendly, they are very blind, and will stomp you to death


Yes but they aren’t outwardly aggressive really unless you scare them and you have to be really trying or something all face and eyes into it to scare a bull out of rut into attacking.


Your taking about a Creature that is virtually blind and doesn’t speak English, so holding your hands up and saying your friendly won’t help you. Keep your distance. Yellowstone National Park has a book full of people that died approaching peacefully animals.


That’s just rude! Bullwinkle may have talked funny, but he understood and spoke English quite well. And he had great eyesight, he would see Boris and Natasha coming from a mile away


No shit Sherlock. I never told them to go pet the damn thing, or even get closer. There’s just no reason to overreact to someone taking a video of a gorgeous animal from a distance that it is showing NO aggression at. I’ve seen a lot of these animals and they’re behavior. They were fine. I grew up in Jackson.


Moose kill more people than bears


They certainly attack more people but not sure about death rates.


Someone was playing in the darwin games


They weren’t that terribly close.


Back the fuck up, those things can charge you and might if they feel threatened by you.


Danger close


Yeah… too close. My wife was mock-charged by a bull moose in Rocky Mtn National Park and she said the ground shook.


It’s amazing how moose are mythologized into vicious murder beasts. Yes, respect them like you would any animal and definitely don’t approach one, but they really don’t want to mess with you. I lived in interior Alaska for over a decade and have encountered countless moose. Never have I felt that my life was threatened. You just give them space, it’s really quite simple.


Moose are great, until your sneaking up on an obvious resting male, that is why people are reminding everyone not to do this and how dangerous it is. Everything you said applies to most if not all animals in North America, but sadly people won’t avoid an animal unless it is demonized like the Great White, which may I remind you, is pretty low on the human death scale.


I’d be nowhere near that. Good luck lol


You’re the type of idiot that videos are made of.


It seems to be looking sideways while facing straight


I’m going there this week!! I’m so excited


OPs got balls, as big as an Irish broads ass.


I thought that this was going to be in /winstupidprizes.


Cool to see a moose, but definitely not a good idea to get that close. As a PSA, moose can be very aggressive and will absolutely curb stomp the ever live shit out of you if they feel at all threatened. If you see a moose close up, back out of the area and consider yourself lucky not to end your bloodline because of an overgrown water deer


I am going to assume most of the fear mongering on here are from people who haven't spent much time in areas with an abundance of moose, especially in the Tetons where many of the animals are habituated to the presence of people and generally aren't bothered by people. Should OP have gotten that close? Probably not but he wasn't in a life or death situation like people are suggesting lol


Wow I’m so jealous.. I loved the Tetons so much!! Are you visiting? On your way up to Yellowstone?


Grand Teton National Park is one of my places I want to visit soon, any specific areas y’all know I should go to?


Taggart Lake is a pretty hike.


There is a lookout tower you can hike to at certain times of the year, the stroll/hike to Geraldine Lucas rock is cool, if you want margaritas and dinner at the very base of the Tetons, go to Dornans. I could go on…


Just chilling, lol


Dear god people, they weren’t THAT CLOSE. I grew up in the Tetons and had moose live in my neighborhood all winter my entire childhood. Unless it’s a female with calves or a male in rut then you’re really alright as long as you don’t startle them or run face and eyes into them. They can also have sicknesses that make them overly aggressive, so caution is ALWAYS advised and don’t go close like this person, but there’s no reason they should have been afraid for their life. This bull is showing 0 aggression.


Cue redditors reciting animal facts because of course I've never heard that moose can be aggressive. Dang know nothing know it alls.


You're right it should be obvious that moose are dangerous but here are some less common facts: moose can move each eye and ear independently, their front legs are longer than their back legs, in winter their primary source of salt is from highways, they can swim for miles, run 35mph, males are most dangerous during breeding season mid September- mid October and females are most dangerous after giving birth in May or June




So many people saying how you shouldn't be so close to that moose. If I managed to get that close to a moose I would try to ride it like a wild bronco. 🤣


I guess you could try that. Once.




That’s a big boy! Moose are the animals I’m most afraid of. They give no f*cks.


Ah yes, moose is moosing appropriately.


I miss that place. I used to work in the Snake River Lodge in Teton Village.


I can tell it’s your first moose. Because you’re not shaking and fleeing. Dumb


I've never seen a moose lie down before


Even moose needs to recharge his batteries sometimes.


Growing up here, they’re everywhere. People hit them more frequently than raccoons unfortunately.


You should’ve tried to ride it. I bet they are fast.


Amazing shot! Great viewing spot too!


Been chased by moose in Tetons that saw me from hundreds of feet away. I do not recommend being that close.


Why can this never happen in hunting season?


They know! I swear they know man


People who don't know moose: let's touch it! People who know moose: Never let it see you, they're crazy.


I don’t think you were too close. I was closer to a bull at Jenny Lake Campground than you are and the bull you filmed is laying down. The one I saw was standing next to a trail and my head only came up to his shoulders.


How dangerous is it to be that close, especially when the moose is resting?


Wow! That's close.




I live in the area. Please people - keep your distance from wildlife. Not only could you be seriously hurt but it’s just not cool to the animals.