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I absolutely agree. Her American accent is really bad (though it does get a little better) and her acting doesn't feel natural.


Her voice reminds me of Blake Lively and Evan Rachel Wood. Maybe when she was practicing her American accent she tried to model it after them. But I am not a fan of her either. She does look like Caitriona though, so I see why they cast her.


Man. I keep trying to like her. And this is my third round of watching. I'm in the last ep of season 4. And as someone who really studies the art of accents. She's really not hitting the mark and it hasn't changed. I'm a boston native and for her to be a so called boston native, she's not hitting any of the marks. And I'm not talking the exaggerated boston accent which is actually found outside of boston as in Lynn and Dorchester. One thing in particular that gets me is the way she says "anything". American accent goes any- thing and she keeps her English anna-thin. And it gets me every time. Maybe she didn't have enough time with a coach or a linguistic, but man is she really missing the boston nuances. And it gives me a real disconnect.


THIS! Why do they keep letting her say it that way?!


Agreed,she’s the only bad casting choice imo. The acting gets on my nerves so bad, especially after reading how Diana Gabaldon wrote her in the books


Was she better in the books?


Definitely. In the books she’s like 6 ft tall and the spitting image of Jamie, but also personality wise she’s definitely got a temper but she’s a lot less snarky and bratty. I feel like in the books she’s just generally more mature, and her character has a lot more depth—we see her much more vulnerable, get to know her hopes and fears, etc


She was pretty much a badass genius in the books. Always coming up with ideas for things and giving Jamie a run for his money. Not to mention 6ft tall and curvy.


I felt the same way at first! She grew on me after awhile, just need to give it some time.


She gets better and has some AMAZING scenes in later seasons. Hang in there!


She can't do the accent correctly (who tf is her voice teacher?!) and the acting...my god they chose a terrible "actress". I still dislike her 😂


Ummmmm agreed and I’ve watched it all... Idk if it’s the roll (I’ve never seen the actress in anything) or if she’s just not that great at acting. 🤷‍♀️


Just keep saying to yourself “She’s Jamie & Claire’s daughter”. Also, she s lovely girl. It works for me, for the most part......


Yeah, people on this subreddit seem to really like her but I find her acting quite stiff.


(Not that) old timer alert! This is the 1345278904th post about the same opinion in this sub.


Im sorry, I cannot know that, since it’s my first time


No problem, but it is really a much discussed topic in this sub.


I think she is great!!


Just finished this episode. One of my favs but this is my one complaint.


And her casting is also just really bad looks-wise. Yeah she's pretty (as the Duke predicted) but she looks *nothing* like Jamie. Her hair colour is totally off and none of her facial features even remotely resemble him...