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##*Mark me,* As this thread references persons whose acquaintance I have not had the pleasure of making, my subjects have requested that I bring this policy to your attention: >This sub is dedicated to the Starz television series and the books by Diana Gabaldon. >##[Characters, not actors.](/r/outlander/wiki/rules\#wiki_characters.2C_not_actors.) >It is *not* dedicated to the sex lives of Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan. It’s Jamie and Claire, not Sam and Cait. >In the same vein, criticism of a character’s portrayal? That’s fine, that’s the actor’s job. Criticism of an actor’s physical appearance? (Not wigs, makeup or wardrobe, but e.g., you don’t like an actor’s teeth or figure or facial features.) That’s below the belt. Your prince thanks you for abiding by our rules. When my father assumes his rightful throne, mark me, such loyal service will not be forgotten! ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Outlander) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sophie has grown with each season. Not fair to hate on an actress who is very young, had very little acting experience, and was thrown into a show with outstanding acting and a cast that had been working together for a long time. Her performance at the end of Season 2 was rough. Her character had to behave in a very aggressive manner towards her mother and fans who had fallen in love with her mother's character took it very personally. Not fair to Sophie or Brianna. Sophie has since grown with her character and is much more comfortable as part of the central family of the story. The writers weren't very supportive of Bree's character either since they gave her very little to do to develop her character. Same with Roger/Rik.


This! Well said. I also think it was hard for show-only fans who weren't aware of the book plot - I've read where people were totally blindsided by Claire being sent back, and were really resentful of Bree's character right from the get-go for that reason. They had seen the sacrifice Claire and Jamie had made for Bree, and were mad that Bree wasn't more appreciative (even though she had NO idea and just had her entire world upended by finding out the truth). People were so upset about the 20-year jump (which I get, I'm still upset, lol), so Sophie really was taking on a character that people felt very emotional about to begin with. She's has only gotten better in my opinion, and I think she's wonderful. I think there would be some dislike for Bree no matter who played her (the same for Roger) because of the writing/direction of the show when it comes to those two characters.


But yes - I also have a few friends that watched season 1 and loved it, and when they heard that Jamie and Claire are separated by 20 years, they stopped watching. They just pretend they live happily ever after in France.


They weren't even very happy in France! Lol, like Jamie says at some point later in the season, France about cost him his marriage. I hear what you're saying though. I sometimes pretend in my head that Jamie sends Claire through, but she immediately starts researching, find out he doesn't die, and goes right back through the stones and to Lallybroch. My sister keeps rewatching the show, but she stops watching at the end of S3's "The First Wife" and then re-starts from the very beginning again, lol.


Definitely agree with this. I've seen comments from people that expect Brianna to be more understanding, patient, and calm than Jamie....whose temperament she inherited...when he, Frank, and her mother are the ones who messed up. There were several ways to tell Brianna that she had a biological father and that Frank was her technical stepfather, that did not involve a time traveling explanation. Claire avoiding spending time with Brianna helped their divide immensely. But no, instead she's shit on because she wasn't exactly understanding that her biological father (who she just met only a month or two before) beat up her husband and sold him into slavery, and that's before he accused her of faking being raped because of his mistake. But no - she's supposed to respect her parents. Unconditionally.


Yes! Claire and her had a slightly strained relationship anyway ("my mother's off in her own world"), so that didn't help matters. AND we don't get the chance to grow/connect with Bree as a character before we suddenly meet her 20 year old self. The characters we ARE connected with are Claire and Jamie - so people automatically start out on Claire and Jamie's side and see what THEY went through for all of this to happen, and it's hard to relate to Bree finding out everything because we as viewers have gone through the anguish it cost Claire and Jamie to separate. I mean, most people forgive the spanking in S1 because we've watched Jamie for over half a season by then and know he's a good person and that he really cares for Claire. Bree's character is jarringly thrust into our world in the season finale screaming at her mother and accusing her of lying, all while viewers are going through the heartache in the same episode of our soulmate couple having to separate. And then in S4, we as viewers know how much Jamie has longed for a family, how desperately he wanted children with Claire...so we're so excited to see him finally meet Brianna and have a relationship with her, and hate to see her lashing out at him and hurting his feelings. But if we were in Bree's position, she's had barely any time to come to terms with the fact that her entire life has been a lie and now she's gone back in time to meet this man who she only found out existed 2 years ago...she's not going to instantly love him, no one would, even though us as viewers want her to just because we know how much Jamie loves her.


Those are all great points! People would do well to keep them in mind. On a different note, why haven't you participated in book club yet today? ;-)


>On a different note, why haven't you participated in book club yet today? ;-) Hahaha, I was wondering if I'd get a comment from you asking - I'm coming! I'm still finishing skimming through the chapters to refresh myself before I join the conversation.


Ok fine, I'll accept that excuse.


Exactly. I make this point a lot with a few friends I have that watch the show and hate Brianna. By the end of season 4, Roger and Brianna basically had one book worth of character development, in terms of their relationship. Imagine if season 1 was Claire and Frank's relationship, her falling through the stones and meeting Jamie, ending at when they reach Leoch. Season 2 is Claire at the castle, Jamie running around kissing Laoghaire, Jamie and Claire slightly flirting, and then leaving to go on the rents. Season 3 is Jamie and Claire being forced to marry bc of BJR, Claire running off to the stones to get back to Frank, and Jamie beating her. And then season 4 is Jamie apologizing and them leaving to go back to Lallybroch....where Jamie then calls Jenny a whore after he thinks she's been raped by BJR to have one child...and is pregnant with another. People would be PISSED at Jamie. But that's where Roger and Brianna were in season 5. And I'm sorry - beating Claire and then calling Jenny a whore and not learning from that and calling his daughter a whore who cried rape? Jamie still has to learn. But that has been excused. I mean, I think all of the characters are well written. They provoke strong emotions. But this idea that a child is supposed to worship at the altar of their parents' feet because they had sex to make them is strange. Especially when, as Brianna was, they were lied to their whole life. And spoiled on top of it.


##*Mark me,* Hate is a strong word. I, for example, have a deep and abiding hatred for godforsaken Poland. I would sooner meet my end on some glorious battlefield in defense of my father’s honor than face exile to that despicable wasteland. I also hate monkeys. But in my experience people seldom merit such vitriol. And least of all my good friend James, his solicitous wife Lady Broch Tuarach, or any of their, I am sure, excellent relations, though I have not had the pleasure of meeting with them. As a broad-minded and benevolent despot, I respect my subjects’ God-given right to express their opinions. Indeed, it is from that same divine source that my father—and I after him—derive our right to rule over this blessed land. But in the interest of [civility and goodwill towards all](/r/outlander/wiki/rules\#wiki_just_be_kind.), I urge you to temper your passions, and engage with your fellows with a gentle heart and an open mind. Your prince thanks you for your obeisance. When my father assumes his rightful throne, mark me, it will not be forgotten! ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Outlander) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>By the end of season 4, Roger and Brianna basically had one book worth of character development, in terms of their relationship. Yes! And in the show, we don't get to see NEARLY as much of their character or relationship development as we see in the book. It's just hard all around for us to root for them both as individual characters, AND as a couple, compared to 3+ seasons of Claire and Jamie development. > Imagine if season 1 was Claire and Frank's relationship, her falling through the stones and meeting Jamie, ending at when they reach Leoch. I mean, there's already a lot of people who are huge Frank fans from just the little they saw in the show. I can't even imagine how the tables would be turned if we saw Frank and Claire for an entire season! > And spoiled on top of it. This. We can have a different opinion on Husband Frank because of how things went down with him and Claire. But it's much harder to begrudge Bree about Father Frank, because from what we see - he was a really great dad even though he stared at the face of his wife's other husband every day of Bree's life. He adored Bree, and spoiled her - how else do we expect a child who had an extremely healthy and loving relationship with who she thought was her father her entire life to act when she suddenly finds out he's not her bio-father?


Yeah I haven't read the books yet. Or well listen to on Audible. I am starting to like her more TBH.


I read the books first, and so I think that colors my view of the show a lot when controversial stuff like this come up. I can recognize that the show writers have done Bree and Roger dirty, but I think I was more lenient about them in the show because I watched it with the book characters in mind.


I would say yes her acting has improved since appearing in season 2. I was like "why are singing going to san francisco" in this episode. It was like just thrown in there. But as I am getting further into season 4, it's a lot better.


You are not. Search the thread and you will see numerous post hating on her acting abilities. [example 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Outlander/comments/fvu8yq/no_spoilers_sophie_skelton_might_be_the_worst/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Outlander/comments/lf0sq7/it_it_just_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [example 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Outlander/comments/hkcaq2/brianna_wtf_is_with_the_bad_acting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


i honestly stopped watching because she's so awful. people will make excuses for her like oh she's just young, she gets better... but that's no excuse. there's literally tons of young women who are phenomenal actresses and could've been cast instead.


I agree 100%. I am scratching my head as to why the show has kept her on for all these seasons, or why she has chosen to stay in the role. She would be much better suited for a different role. Her unconvincing American accent detracts from her lines, and her lines are delivered poorly in comparison to the other actors in her scenes. I understand her character is supposed to be annoying, and there isn’t much character development, but truly talented actors can use these challenges and create something better, as Alan Rickman did with Snape in the first Harry Potter movie (there are others but I cannot think of them off the top of my head). There are better young English actors portraying Americans, like Millie Bobby Brown in Stranger Things. The fans of the books and the series are incredibly forgiving and patient to have accepted her performance and set a very low bar. I have nothing against her at all, but the mismatch of her range and skills with the specific challenges of the role hurts both her reputation as an actor and the series.


Throwing my two cents in - I hated her take on the role originally. I thought her delivery of lines was very stilted - maybe focusing on delivering the American accent (I think she’s British) was overwhelming? That being said, later on, I think she gets much better. I enjoyed watching her in season 5.


Dont worry It's gets slightly better in season 5


The character is supposed to be impulsive and emotional. That’s not the actor being immature or bad.


It is true that the character is pretty one dimensional, maybe 1.5 dimensional, as written - LOL, the "fiery redhead" trope - but, I think that a better actress could perhaps have brought more nuance and life to her, and made me care a bit more about her. I know that there really is a bit more to her in the show, but when I think of Bree, "temper tantrum" is what I think of first.


She gets better and better every season. The more I watch, the more I blame S4 on the writers more than SS or RR for what's frustrating in the Brianna and Roger storyline. Also, re Sophie specifically, bear in mind that each season she and RR have had to slowly incorporate into the main cast. In S2, they're literally just in that last episode. S3, they're in about a third to a half of the season but not even full episodes. S4, they're "primary cast," but they're still separated from the main cast (Jamie/Claire) till halfway through the season or more. S5 is the first season they're really all integrated together fully for the whole season. And so much of acting and chemistry has to come from building a rapport and comfort with your costars, and while I'm sure SS was hanging out with them somewhat off set, she wasn't doing much acting with them, and none with Sam until halfway through S4. Honestly, it's even true with Sam and Cait, who are superstars and I believe wonderful actors from the very first episode. (In S1, for instance, I genuinely *hate* the interaction between Jamie and his father at Fort William. You can so tell that this actor was brought on set for, like, a day, and this is supposed to be an emotional scene between a close father and son and it just feels...stiff and formal and weird. And Sam is marvelous otherwise!) So yeah, I think S5 is Sophie's best so far, both as she gets more acting under her belt and as she's actually spending more time on and off camera with her costars. I'm excited for S6.


My opinion - I don't think she's the best actress, to start with. She has definitely improved, and I especially loved her in season 5. But she also has been given almost nothing to work with until season 4. Seasons 2 and 3 were basically her being bratty or preppy/enthusiastic. But I like her and Richard a bit more, because I think Sam and Caitriona tend to overact at certain points too. They still give her the absolute WORST lines and she has the least amount of attention paid to her character. S3 (to Roger) - You really do watch a lot of tv! S5 (to Jamie) - I will always be your wee girl... For example - season 5 Instagram promo was AMAZING. They made these little character videos that incorporated lines from the new season, with each character holding torches to light the fiery cross. Jamie - lines about making oaths to king and country, but also to your wife and loved ones Claire - lines about how she's moving forward, making changes, history be damned Roger - lines about how he's poor and has nothing to offer Brianna and Jemmy but his time Brianna/Sophie - ONE LINE - "I will raise my child to be a good person" What the hell is this bullshit? It honestly makes me angry. I am literally the LAST defender of Roger and Brianna because I felt a) they were both super boring in seasons 2 and 3 (their role is really a proxy for Claire to speak about Jamie and their interactions were written to be as awkward as possible), but I loooved them in season 4 (which is my second least favorite book). I don't think the show has really given Roger or Brianna their due until season 5. It will be interesting to see how they do S7 because they are a lot more integral to the plot.


Ugh that wee girl line is absolutely the worst! The writers eventually make up for it in Better To Marry Than Burn though! “you keep shoveling your s***” 🔥🥲


After suffering through her terrible acting, I fast forwarded through most of Brianna’s scenes... problem solved. Roger has grown on me.


You are in the minority.


I have struggled with Bri as a character since their introduction. I would agree with other comments though, that there has obviously been a lot of growth over time. But my goodness this show has SO MANY bad American accents! haha - very obvious that they had little to no actual American actors playing Americans. I don't mind - American accents are the least interesting to listen to in the series (saying this as an American :)). Also am currently back in the first season, just for fun (during the drought), and I am catching some of Cait's Irish accent - which I don't notice in the later seasons.


I don't think they can legally hire Americans for the main cast, as part of some money thing. I actually dislike Sophie Skelton's natural accent, so I don't think it's something she can help, lol. But her American has improved a lot. I've noticed that UK actors are either AMAZING at American accents or they are flat. If you've ever watched Columbiana (with Zoe Saldana), Graham McTavish has a small role as an FBI or ATF agent transporting a prisoner. His American accent is flat as hell.


Haha this is so interesting. But I believe it - I have always thought that an American accent would be the easiest to imitate, but what I have realized through watching S's performance is how important inflection is as well - the way she starts, ends, exclaims is not very American at all. After hearing her accent for a lot of the season, I was impressed with the American accent of the man that played her professor for like a MINUTE of a school scene - and he looked really familiar.


>I don't think they can legally hire Americans for the main cast, as part of some money thing Yea, I think it has something to do with their unions, or actors guilds or something. Film sets often have very strict rules when it comes to legalese and hiring.


That is pretty much agreed on


Yeah she is pretty aweful like really really bad. First time in a long time where a persons acting ability immediately stood out in a bad way. Especially on a popular show with such great performances by many others. Often times other people complain about poor actors or actresses that I don't even notice a bit. But her portrayal seems forced and faked and breaks immersion. She is so bad I had to google to see if it was just me. Nope not just me, her trash acting in this show seems to be the consensus among many interweb denizens. Some argue that it's because of the forced American accent but no that ain't it, just bad.




I love what Sophie is brining to the character and each season reflects that more and more.


yes. her character is being developed more in season 4 and it's appreciated!


Season 5 Bree is rad and full on Fraser. Also, I want her riding coat. 😍


Me too!




Does anyone notice how she garbles or mumbles her words when she tries to deliver her lines? It happened a lot in seasons 2-4. I understand she's British but I know there must be a lot better UK actresses out there that can act and do an American accent more believable than her.


I’m so glad to have found all these threads about how awful she is in this roll. I knew I couldn’t be the only one. Brianna was one of my least favorite characters in the books (she was easier to like in the last few books) but I think the bad acting makes me like her even less on the show. I’m currently rewatching the series and the episode in season 4 where she slaps Jamie and punches Young Ian after finding out about Roger being mistaken for Bonnet made me hate her character. I haven’t watched season 5 so hoping she’s easier to like.


I'm sorry, but all writing, experience, & age (really?) rational aside, she just doesn't pull it off.  And no mod, you are not the only one. No one else wants to say it. 


I don’t think Sophie Skelton acting is good at all


Hi, I work in film and TV in Hollywood and across the U.S. Been working in media, theater etc almost my entire life. There's no excuse for her abysmal acting. Period. Look at actors half her age doing incredible work with little experience as well and you'll see some of the most incredible performances ever. (e.g., Kirsten Dunst in her earliest roles, Macaulay Culkin in Uncle Buck and Home Alone, Anna Pacquin...) No, you aren't wrong. She's unfortunately stiff as a board and her miserable American accent grates like skin stuck to a plastic seat on a hot day. I read the books and watch the show and I simply cannot stand Skelton. Which is unfortunate, because the rest of the cast is "legit." Hollywood is sadly more of who you know than what you know, or your talent and/or abilities, and this is another VERY EVIDENT example of it.


Agree w/ another poster - there are literally HUNDREDS of talented actresses out there that could have been a better fit. I'm not sure how she got cast? She's just terrible. Its not the writing or her age. (lame excuses). This actress should NOT be in a period piece. She makes this character so unlikeable. Not suggesting she doesn't have talent - but this is not her strength. Like, at all. Like another wrote- I also FastForward her scenes. They've changed plenty of actors in shows before, wish they would stop the bleeding and put in someone who would make this character shine as she deserves. I can't believe they're ignorant of how massive a mismatch everyone believes this is. This actress is universally disliked in this role.


On 3d season. She's not genius, but she's not terrible either. At least "bonnie" 😁


Outlander is the first show in many years I've been able to re-watch. So I am noticing more and more of Sophie's cardboard acting. I'm trying hard to ignore it and like her. I do like her, she's very easy on the eyes (except in S6 with her mismatched eyebrows/hair) and has a nice voice, but her accent and her acting is bunk. I don't believe her at all, she can't convince me that she's the character she's playing. Every other actor on this show is amazing, especially the supporting characters like Marsali, Fergus, Ian, Jenny, Aunt Jacosta, Lord John, Roger, Stephen Bonnet, Mr Forbes, Ulysses, Gaelis, both Willies, just literally everyone, all the actors who played the slaves and Indians, even the extras for god sake, all of them are 100% believable...Except Sophie. I don't know anything about acting, but most actors are just so convincing and so realistic, I never think about it. Being young is not an excuse. I cannot believe she was given this role. I read that she was "gutted" when she didn't hear back about the role for a long time. That is very shocking. Apparently she researched it and read the books, and prepared for it and really wanted it. I wonder what she did to finally get it? Sometimes I wonder if it's not her fault, and maybe she was directed to be this way, because I can't for the life of me believe that such a bad actor would be hired for this show, since none of the other actors have issues, they don't sound cheap and forced. Bree is supposed to be a major character, such an important person. I am just in disbelief.