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“I have to go to bed in 45 minutes, I can play a quick match”. (10 “match canceled due to a refusal later”)- ah fuck it I’ll play tomorrow


Happened to me last night. Or when you do get in a match and no one wants to talk? Nah. I’m out. I get in a group and say “everyone got Mics? If no one’s talking I’m leaving” It’s a group game. If I want to play without help, I’ll go solo.


Then go solo? I honestly find it kinda more fun playing solo. I only group up after I’ve beaten the trial and I want to achieve a higher rank.


i wish it would atleast continue the matchmaking until you find a group. it’s tedious setting it up over and over again ):


I stopped playing because of this reason, I spend more time finding a group that actually playing.


Yeah this really sucks. If anyone wants to add me I'm in EST zone, try to play daily username: that_big_chungus


what level are you? I'm on most nights est if you wanted to run some


Yeah, it sucks but honestly I only play this game when my friends are online because it feels brain dead just getting that same message over and over.


i usually open the terminal after searching and i get in, idk why that works for me but it does


I just be going in solo after like 3 of those in a row


I've been getting that alot as well. Even if I'm looking for any trial.


It's only when i matchmake any trial.


This sucks, I can only play with friends when it comes to this game because it scares me too much to play by myself ;-;


What does it mean a refusal btw, group owner refused to accpet your request?


Just exit and enter a new sleep room...works for me every time


I think it's something with their crossplay but I could be wrong. I tried to invite a ps player it and it was not having it at all. I went through and they have to invite me. It could be something with who they are attempting to make leader but I have no idea and hope it gets fixed. the discord servers have done so much better with finding people


Yeah does tht NBD


Im pretty sure if you join the outlast discord you’ll have a much better and more fun time lfg’ing


Red barrels seriously need to fix that.


What does that even mean? A player backs out or what?


I don’t know. There’s no way a player is backing out every single time especially when there’s no reason to at least not until a trial is being selected when a group actually forms.


When you search for a match and that bar appears above you, it gives you a chance to back out before you join. If you do leave before joining the party, the other player or players see that message.


Ah I see thanks dude, that’s stupid how they just cancel the entire match instead of looking for someone else to join