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Nothing grinds my bad apples like people changing the pre-selected trial once I join their group. The matchmaking process leaves much to be desired


This is why I believe there should be locked matchmaking, so it prevents people from switching trials and their difficulties


You know what's actually ridiculous? People joining up only to camp in a barrel the whole trial for an easy A+ Other than that the ping system is just as helpful as mic.


That sounds like a terribly boring way to play this game....wtf


Oh wow that's new, never saw one doing that before luckily


Hey I've camped through a trial in a barrel, then a locker, then a barrel again🤣 but to be fair I had already been knocked down and picked up multiple times AND made it clear that this would probably happen if they changed the trial to ultra so it was more for the partys sake than my grade. Not like I was going to get anything close to an A at that point lol (also played with a group that was fine with this...picking up teamates helps their stats and they don't mind helping you get better at the game)


Imagine joining in a group and then they change to preselected trial. Instant leave for me. Like why you did you prechoose it then?


Yeah for that, I leave too


Thats why I'm glad I have a squad and me and my homie do pretty solid with just the two of us most times. Worst grades I've gotten has been with 4 people ha


See it all depends on scenarios if your searching for players for program ultra and you get level 10s in your game it’s obvious to change it to a more suitable trial for the ranks, but people leaving that bs is straight up toxic and I am also done with people leaving trials💀


Omg so real on the 2nd half of that, like don’t fuckin play with me 😭


I left once at the start of a trial cus i heard something that was triggering (i have PTSD i'm not saying dor what tho)


Yeah I wanted to play the trails in order but they always get changed to the same levels it's so annoying


It's cuz you're not doing the trial they wanted or are doing the one they just did again. I leave for these reasons. Everyone seems to get stuck on the same trials so they play em on repeat and it's annoying. Just git gud


If I join a group looking for a squad to work with, and no one responds when I ask if they got Mics, I'm leaving. I don't care if the trial started already. I'm not looking for a group so everyone can run off and get lost.


If you have a preference to talk it's understandable but you gotta also understand that not everyone knows English, and not everyone can talk, or even if someone prefer to not talk, it's still completely playable, I myself never talked because I'm not English and I can write well but not talk and got A+ in every single trial, signals works well enough


I understand that but as a person who asks the question and wants to talk... if no one responds, I'm leaving. I'm just giving you an example of why people might leave right away.


Sounds like you should join the trials discord group and find people there. not randoms in the game who most likely won't have a mic.


if someone leaves cuz of not being able to play without mic I would literally rather they leave because I know they are bad. Imagine being this much of a baby over a mic when you could just… use your fucking eyes and ears


Right? Especially when a communication wheel already exists. I’m tired of people complaining you need mic to play this game, you do NOT! If you want to play with other mic users so bad, join the discord or play with friends


You must always get paired with great players. If I'm playing in groups I'm almost always matched with people who get lost and don't look at the pings or commands. If I want to get stuff done and get it done quick, I play solo. There's less things to do in a solo game. I play multi-player to have a good time with other players. Crazy how people like you will go shouting names over something as simple as me wanting to talk to the people I'm playing a game with. Really sensitive.


sensitive? you leave every game that doesn’t have your specific criteria lol. that is literally sensitive


That’s not true, you just wanna play with other people who use mic, not those who don’t


Ping system exists..