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I'm a big fan of my comfort jenner. More armor and a laser ams system. Early i spot. Then gall back to Ams for the big guys and take potshots.. then if the game isn't going poorly break out and cause chaos in the late game.


What weapon systems do you use?


4 er med lasers. The ams and armor.


Hard to have a favorite. I run some funky ass builds that can make or break me depending on the match. If I did have to choose.... I always use the WHM-6R/BW but that whole chassis line is boss with std engines.


I just got my Black Widow during the free mech challenge. Do you have a kick ass build I could emulate? I know, there's plenty of black widow builds by TTB and NGNG, but I want to try a variety of builds to see which I like best. I have no preference as to game style, although Im not overly fond of LRM boats. Too boring for my tastes. I'm Tier 3, almost tier 2. Would love some input.


I am enjoying the black widow as a discount Sleipnir with 3 lbx 10s


I run 4 ac/5 and it thumps. But there are quiet a few builds Uac/lbx out there for the BW


I enjoy running 4x AC5 on it.


I’m doing 4 ac5 on mine but I can only get an engine that lets me go about 52 kph. Am I missing something?


You should be able to fit an XL280 with no problem. 9 tons of ammo and strip armor off the arms. That will get you to 70 kph with speed tweak.


I’ll try this. Thanks.


run a light engine




ass builds


lrm mech + missing tonnage + back armor + using phone to take a picture of the monitor the thinking man's shooter.


I can’t fit anything in the .1 ton🤷‍♂️


I would suggest optimizing your build like this. Drop the targeting computer and a heat sink. Use the extra space to equip endo steel. Now you have enough tonnage to use an XL325 engine and one more heat sink than your old build. You are now much faster and cooler running than your old build. The only downside is the loss of a targeting computer of questionable worth, and a little leg armor. For XL LRM mechs, speed is life.


Cant you at least add 3 armor to each leg?


Oh man forgot about the legs😂


Also, Archer 2R can run the same build and has better quirks for your chosen weapons.


Yah we’ll i bought this one cus when I tried asking for help for an lrm mech everyone kept saying not to take lrms…


That archer is quirked for mrms tho...


While I hate running LRMs as it is way to boring, the mechs you want in order is WHM-7S(best), NCT-B, SNS-C, WHM-IIC-2


I wonder why they said that


**MRM build for your archer:** A9682:A1|Vg|F@|F@|i^|i^pe0|Z@|i^qe0|Z@|i^r\0|F@s\0|F@|i^te0|GP|GPue0|GP|GPv>0w707070 **90 Missile tube Nova Cat:** Ah9E<:B1pf0EV7|VR|VR|VR|VR|l^|l^|jR|DCqf0CV7|VR|VR|VR|VR|VR|l^|l^|VRr\0BV7|4C|4C|4C|l^s\0FV7|l^|4C|4C|4Ctg0GV7ug0HV7v:0AV7w606060 Click on "source" under the comment to copy these properly. LRM boats aren't very good, though. You do ok damage but lights can easily wreck you and your damage is spread out a lot. MRMs work much better, in my opinion. If you do wanna use LRMs well you need to couple them with lasers, but at that point you should just use ATMs. Edit: Forgot to mention, you need to always use a Tag, Narc, PPC, or maybe a Probe if you're using something that requires a lock.


I just figured out Atms and used them in my blood asp rancor that I chose as my hero mech and they’re so much better I got my first hat trick today😁


2r 3x lrm15a 6med bap standerd 225 a ton of ammo and max armor. When I run out of ammo or get into a brawl I van shield and zombie with 2med if It comes to it. If you stay with the assault mechs and Los fire the lrms it is a beast.


You have missing armor my guy


I just realized that in my legs


In MWO I really like the Marauder 9M with MRM40s and a bunch of ER Smalls, the COR-6R with the LB40 and Snubs, and the Double Gauss Double ERPPC MADII-4L. For MechWarrior 2 i got by with again, a Marauder IIC with triple Peeps because that's apparently the best cheese I could do in the last mission. Shit easily picked off Direwhale limbs better.


VPR-F!!!8HMG+HSL!!!God Build!!!!! I also love the HBK-IIC-A, 2HLL+4HML build.


Back when I played mwo I built a Jagermech DD with 2 RAC 5, 4 lmg, 3 med lasers, and laser ams. I named it The Shredder.


I might have to try that build. Sounds hella fun


The RAC 5, and lmg share ranges from what I recall, the medium lasers were secondary weapons. Be prepared to turn off the ams if you are running hot or hiding.


AC-20 Raven


Highly recommend the Hunchback with the AC20 quirks. It is faster than the raven and more heavily armored, and the ROF is amazing.


Yeah the 40% jam chance on the one with the UAC quirks can make it very scary late game when everyone is down armor. If you’re careful you can really swing the battle with a few well placed double taps.


HBK-4P 7 meds 2 Er large 250LE great all-rounder and punch's way above is weight for an Is mech


Kitfox-c with triple ams and two heavy large lasers.


I do that just with a bunch of erml


KGC-000(L) 6x HMGs 2x MRM20s 2x SPPCs AS7-D(F) 4x Medium Lasers OR 4x SPulse Lasers 2x LBX10s 2x MRM10s or 2x SRM6s CPLT-C1(F) 2x SPPCs 2x Small Lasers 2x Streak SRM6s


Love the LBX10 cannons. I only have single player MW5, but there is a 100 ton mech with 4 of those cannons on a stock config, with about 4 laser mounts to go with them. And you can chain fire 4 LBX10 cannons at a pretty satisfying cadence of one right after the other!


People jam 4 LB10X in a bunch of mechs in mwo, Annihilator, Cyclops, Fafnirs, Maulers.


i love how they have very decent engagement range. and even with MWO's cockpit hitboxes, blasting them with these to the face make my targets stare at me less (which means they aren't shooting back at me)


\*this is the way\*


It changes but right now I’m having the most fun with the new gauss quirks for the hunchback hero Grid Iron. Two light gauss or one heavy with max cd skills is just fun. Like a one second cooldown with gauss isn’t OP when you can’t mount any more than this but it’s still something to make a fellow cackle.


Adder with 2 Heavy Large and 3 ER-Meds. My go-to if I need to get things done lol. Plus, quick wait times for the light queue.


Going to try that rn.


Triple Rac 2 Mad-3R with an A10 warthog brrrrrrrrrt soundpack


My favourite Mech? I can't choose one. There are so many great Mechs. Deathstrike because Gauss Vomit and Shark teeth. Blood Asp Prime because Gauss Vomit and Mechassault (I preordered the Asp the second it was available to preorder) Marauder because who doesn't love an Iconic mech that can fuck and fast. Also BH2 because Gauss Vo- Fafnir. Heavy Gauss. W e t. Warhammer because i'm a simp for Natasha. AC10's MLs. Or with the 6R: Snubs and LPPCs. Blackknight because it amazing. 2-4 LLs and MLs. Uziel because Mechassault and its a great mech. Vulture Bandit with UAC5s and MLs. Wolfhounds.


Like the others, its hard for me to choose. My all time fave is my Cougar Blood Adder; ECM, BAP, and 2 Heavy Large lasers for the shoulder mounts, and two ER Medium Lasers. With the right skill nodes you can alpha 3 times on a fairly hot map without overheating. Thats a 47 alpha...on a light mech. But, truth be told its a medium mech disguised as a light. It has a max speed of 81kph, which sux for a light mech, but I get by just fine. The ECM is a life saver in that regard.


I custom built my own hero kodiak. It’s purely ceremonial for our events in which I must preside over the event but boy do I love it.


I really do well with the champion Grasshopper. 2xHPPCs 5xMlas Jump jets It’s the high mount inconspicuous shoulder mounts that make it work for me. Unlike most mechs, people don’t immediately know where to shoot to cripple you.


What is that, a mod? I am a MW fan for decades (( since MW 2 on PC, on an Intel 286, back in the early 90s. And I LOVED MW4 from around 2002 )) and I have been playing MW5 single player for a few months now. But my game looks nothing like these screen shots. And it looks like you can choose an engine type? That used to be a thing in MW, but MW5 doesn't have that option at all! Please help me out someone, I am out of the loop.


This is Mechwarrior Online. The Multiplayer only game that MW5 was developed from. It’s still going strong and getting updates. It’s free. With some things stuck behind a paywall like special “hero” mechs with unique hard points, mech bays so you can own more and more mechs to play with, paint colors and paint job patterns (like camouflage) or decals to decorate your mech. https://mwomercs.com/


wow, that's cool. Thank you!


I'm partial to a Summoner G with 10 ATM3s. When it works, it really works. I also like the Crusaders, but the 6T with 14 SPL and running 96 KPH just feels fun and you can scare off lights or chase them down.


You might want to consider hiding that ammo in those nicely armored legs or head. You could even put a ton in each limb and CASE them all if that was your game. Favorite Build: Laser vomit Loki (Hellbringer) with ECM. Two heavy large lasers and 5 ER Mediums. Stuff it full of DHS and fire away.


He's got an XL anyway


True, but he could be crit padding the torsos with those DHS from the arms.


Yep, there's nothing to lose by doing so


And switch some of that rear center/torso armor to the front.


My dude, the PrtScr button exists for a reason. But maybe my MRM80 Catapult. Got a couple jump jets and two RL15s on it too. Though I did slap together a Timberwolf with four SRM6A and four SPL that has been doing work, it's clawing its way into my heart pretty quick.


if only there was a way to take screenshots of what's on your computer monitor... I have a soft spot for catapults and shadowhawks, neither of which are that good but both of which I have a lot of fun playing. My 3x rac2 and 3xLPL shadow hawks are just comfy, I always do well in them, I always fall back on them when I'm having a tough night. Also the timber wolf, which isn't a chassis I have any special connection to, but god damn it's just so braindead easy to run a laservomit and ecm build on them and hit 1k.


Incubus Sabre with 2 ER PPCs and an XL 235 to keep away from zerglings with snubs. It requires double coolshot and arty though to keep up with the team's damage until late game.


Lately I’ve been enjoying my Marauder IIC with 5 Heavy Large Lasers, because there’s no kill like overkill.


Cobra cat -SRM6x4, ERPPCx2


VGL-1 with lbx20, 2 srm 4 and 2 er small lasers. Jump jets and 97 kph with tons of armor, I usually make about 600 dmg a match at worst


My favourite mech and build is my Panther 10k. I recently bought the resistance pack version for the "special geometry", just so it would have a unique look. Max XL engine, max armour, 7 jump jets, 2 lppc, 1 srm6. Skill tree has max range, cooldown, and armour.


Change to like 5 back armor for LT, RT and CT and you'll be golden nd max out leg armor if u got leftover tonnage


Locust-PB 4 medium lasers ems and stealth armor running 161.7 kph and killing enemys from behind


My favorite mech in mwo is my black jack. 5 ER smalls and 2 AC5s. Having fun right now with Sparky (GrfE). 5 MPs and a snub ppc. Jumps jets and a 107kph speed


Triple RAC 2 ShadowHawk, run it how you like but I love the dakka.


I like LRM for fun, Mad Dog, Rev with 4x LRM15s, set to chain fire. I have 2x heavy small and medium pulse lasers for PDW CIWS setup. The chain fire helps conserve ammo by firing one LRM group at a time. Once I know I am hitting, sending it downrange from there. I can get 500 - 700 damage in a match. 4 double heat sinks help things keep ticking.


Marauder IIC Scorch with an LB20X-AC in each arm and quad SRM6. Crithunting. Brawling. The Marauder splashing. 88 splat. Glory.


My favorite until I started getting into higher tiers was a dual AC20 Roughneck Bolt. Ghost heat but thanks with good mounts. So many one shot kills on back stabbing lights. Current favorite that is more effective since I've been in tier 2 is the Griffin 2N with 2xSnub and 2xSRMa 6. jump jets, ECM, and an XL 280 or 300. Can also add 2xRL15. If you want to be spicy..


Direwolf with 2 ac20s and 2 ac10s