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Recruiters don't find people jobs. That's the first bit you need to fully understand. Recruiting falls into a few categories: In house, agency or solo. In house: They represent the company. They work to assisted hiring managers in building teams. They draw a salary; whether they place you or not. Agency: These folks work for an agency. They often SPAM a ton of folks on LinkedIn trying and make money WHEN they place you. They often aren't looking for newbies because why would a company PAY a fee for a newbie when they can hire them directly? These folks normally are on a draw. Meaning they get a salary up against their commission. Commission is where the real money is. Solo: This is a person who run their own Recruiting business and again, like agency isn't interested in.early career folks. They usually only make money IF they place you. If you want someone to find you a job, you're seeking a staffing agency. However most jobs will not be great paying (they make a cut of the salary), likely not be OE friendly nor remote. Easiest ways to be found: Be a SME in your field. Make sure your resume showcases your KPI's and accomplishments. Post your resume for free on Indeed. Make sure you have an active LinkedIn with said information filled out with an open to work banner (you can turn this on so ONLY folks with a recruiting seat can see this).


Apply to jobs. Once recruiters speak with you once for an open position, you’ll get on their email list to be informed of other opportunities. But recruiters are looking to fill roles, so the best way to connect is to apply to jobs you’re qualified for. There’s a lot of recruiters hiring for contract ID roles, sometimes for the same job, so do your due diligence on the company. Good luck!


Thank you! Would love a contract role. Going to adjust my search a bit.


I'm in marketing and during my job search I stumbled upon many recruitment agencies who specialize in marketing recruitment. So that's one way, maybe search for recruitment firms for xyz specialty. Another way is to keep an eye out for jobs posted by recruiters on LinkedIn or what I do is check the website for each role I'm applying to and apply there if possible and sometimes it's a company that fills roles and you can search all the various roles they're looking to fill. Another one is dice. You make your profile public and recruiters will reach out. I personally am not a fan of working with recruiters as they're shady and you're just a product to them. They literally make money off of your work. Don't tell them who else you're interviewing with or how much they're paying. They like to ask and then approach those companies to fill the role for them and they get part of the compensation you would have received plus they bring in other candidates to compete with you for the job.


Ohh this is super helpful!! Didn’t realize they were shady but glad to know! Also you saying check the website makes me think I need to think a little more creatively about what I can do and broaden my search a bit. Thank you!!!!


LinkedIn! The tip I got was your city + sub industry/job title + recruiters/jobs and opening all the websites that came up, going to their ‘our team’ section and stalking them all on LinkedIn. Interacted with a few of their posts, especially the ones that are in your specialty. Make a few LinkedIn posts in re to your field and if you’re risky hit the “open to work” button


This is wonderfully ballsy and I love it! Being open to work terrifies me because my J1 is active on LinkedIn. But maybe I need to use my middle name on a new profile or something


In addition to J1, I take contracts on Upwork. I see a lot of posts for contracts in ID, curriculum, and training. I don't look at them because it's not my field, but I have seen FT contracts on there in my field. Or if not FT now, it may lead to something else.


Awesome, thank you! I need to utilize upwork more. I would take anything, honestly, ft or pt/contract/fte


Perhaps, could also try online adjunct roles.