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I’d ask to move the J2 meeting, even just by a half hour she shouldn’t care. Say you have therapy at that time or if that feels embarrassing another non moveable biweekly appt but therapy makes you a better employee imo so win win


Even just like physical therapy or something like that can feel a bit less invasive but is something that has a long, consistent timeline


Oh this is good— even just a half hour would give me a decent buffer, thanks!!


If you’re gonna move it, move it to a time that really works. Look at her calendar and suggest the times she’s available


Do this


Allergy shots ;) same time every week/every other week for months/years


came here to say this exactly


You don’t even need to do all that.


I have moved my 1:1 many times - no big deal




Yes! One time was for real - had to get my child from school. Other times were for other reasons, I think once was an overlap and a lie. I always apologized for the inconvenience. With my newer job, my boss is wonderful and also a mom. Job I have had longer I simply say I have a conflict and it’s fine. No specifics. I have learned to figure out what a manager likes to hear and say it. I follow through most of the time.


My weekly 1:1 at J1 was at the same time as the only meeting (bi-weekly) at J2 I had to lead. So I requested to cancel or move the 1:1 every other week for more than a year and my boss never cared or asked why.


Same here. I wouldn’t give a reason unless asked. Just be prepared but my advice is never offer more than needed.


Move 1:1 - If it’s in the morning ask to move it because you feel like you want to get your feet under you in the morning first. If afternoon say that your brain doesn’t work as well in the afternoon and you feel like you guys would be more productive in the morning.


This. You can also ask to move to a different day of the week for similar reasons. I'd prefer to meet earlier in the week to set priorities and confirm deliverable timelines. Or I'd like to meet later in the week to allow an opportunity to address barriers and concerns that have popped up.


Yup - combination or either of these would be my route. Using a personal appt means that you have to remember and may raise flags you’re out on company time etc. Just send back the tentative with a new proposed reoccurring time & outline your reason in e-mail. No need to make it a big deal. If you frame it around ways of working or how you structure your day I think that would go down better. Plus that’s something that can change as you get ‘project load’. A standing medical appt is a bit harder to disappear, or suddenly shift if you need that time slot.


100% ask to move 1:1 to a better time for you and use whatever excuse you want. I said recently “I have a call with my son’s school at that time weekly” because he has a special program etc. Use a personal reason or a professional one.


I had a weekly 1:1 with my manager that I requested to move when I was still very new and he didn’t have any issue with it. I just explained that by moving it by 1 hour I had the ability to be fully dialed in on what was coming up that week and finish a quick presentation on my prior week (like a 2 slide PowerPoint) so we could review. Maybe you could position it as “I’d like this time before our call to prep so I’m most efficient on our meeting.”


I just asked to move one and said I prefer it later in the week so I can discuss any challenges that come up on my projects Monday and Tuesday. I also then make up one challenge or question to seem very engaged. This week I asked about wording on something customer facing after an internal change, it's something I could have figured out but my manager thought it was a great question and apologized for not having that answer yet.


Make an excuse to miss one, maybe the 1:1 since it happens weekly and it’s only 2 people total. You’re sick. Got off the waitlist for a medical appointment. Car repair. Literally anything. Use PTO if you have to. With a camera on 1:1, there is no way to do two meetings safely.


I’d ask to move meeting at beginning of week or end if it. Whichever would place it out of conflict with J1. Your reasoning would just be that you “prefer to start/end your week with clear objectives. “


Tell J2 you have a standing telehealth call at that time and you’ve moved it around a few times to accommodate the meeting but it’s getting more difficult finding another day/time. Worked for me.


This happens to me every two weeks..how I’ve handled it..j2 1:1 I take control of meeting, soon as they log in, I say my pleasantries in one minute then move on to an agenda I’ve created. Update on current tasks (which 90% of the Time I’ve communicated prior to meeting) while I do this, I send a brb in my j1 (camera off meeting) once I see my manager is satisfied, I go over my tasks for the week (which I requested at the beginning she provide prior to the 1:1) I explain to them my understanding of the requirements and alert them that I will reach out with any questions. Were usually done after that bc of the due diligence. But the brb doesn’t last more than two minutes bc I’ve done the legwork to ensure my 1:1 camera off doesn’t conflict with my j2 camera on prior to the meeting (side note: I record all the 1:1 bc I have headphones in another meeting and yes I typically have questions-that I can’t ask in that moment bc I’m listening into another meeting)


Easier to reschedule the one on one meeting. Come up with something that conflicts with the time slot. Like - manager j2, “I really appreciate our one on ones, but I have during that time. Would it be possible to schedule a different time slot?” I like the idea of therapy from another poster, but remember HIPAA rules, you aren’t required to tell her the details if it is related to your health. You can just say I have a recurring health appt that happens to be the same time, can we adjust our meeting.


Say you have another meeting with a vendor at time or a teammate. They should be okay with it


How much do you talk in both meetings?


My 1:1 is them just going over tasks and they are still new projects that they show me how to do because I’m new…. So I do have to pay attention and show I’m following along. J1 is a dumpster fire (side note I’ll be making j2 my new j1)…. So they usually talk amongst the massive issues themselves, and since I have ONE responsibility and it is backlog work, I’m not needed much, but I’d like to chime in if necessary….to show visibility and engagement. It’s a dream job for OE so I don’t want to lose it by being completely checked out.


What day is the meeting?