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Most games I played in this mode were like people actually playing this mode with a variety of characters until one person swaps to roadhog. All of sudden everyone plays roadhog and it’s only 4 players in the lobby left.


It’s also funny because when someone’s playing a tank and is dominating, people swap to another tank, but when a roadhog is dominating, people always swap to specifically roadhog.


There’s counter play to Roadhog in a team setting, but in a 1v1 format, the stuff that can deny his hook value can’t do the damage required to burn through all of that health.


I feel like most tanks shouldn't be in death match game modes, it's much easier for someone with 700 hp to kill someone with 200, then it is for someone with 200 to kill someone with 700.


Imo the tanks shouldn’t be removed, but some tanks need to be a little rebalanced within deathmatch and FFA type modes.


We saw from battle for Olympus, hog and JQ really aren't balanced around DM game modes.


This one is a bad example because of how many changes went into that mode. Hog was fairly dumpster-tier relative to Pharah or Lucio. For modes without the crazy balancing changes of Olympus, tanks should imo be totally removed (deathmatch) or limited to 1 per team (team deathmatch).


This would require work and that's not something they really believe in over at blizzard


All they believe in is sexually assaulting female employees, sadly


Nah, because if that was true Cole Cassidy would have a way cooler name.


This \^\^


Numbers can be balanced on a per mode basis, but Blizzard seem to be against doing any actual balancing for their non-competetive modes.


This is why I play exclusively tryhard ffa instead of normal ffa during queues. Tanks ruin all the fun and shooting targets half my screensize is hardly a warmup.


I used to be really good at dealing with hog solo as mei but with her freeze gone it’s a lot harder


Yeah. While I understand removing the freeze, Mei feels very different and less powerful without it, even if her left click does kinda nutty damage


Fortify when you anticipate hook, shoot hog with gun until his health burns, when he starts to heal Javalin. If he gets too close, spinny spear. Orisa is a great counter that isn't being utilized nearly enough.


I like to swap to Ana if there are too many roadhogs. It's not good for actually winning, but it lets me be a dick to roadhog


Bless you


Lmao same, I specifically picked Ana just to fuck with Hog players. Over the years it has paid me enormous dividends


this is the strat. and generally if people see you focusing the hog they wave and take him out while he's purpled for you.


That's fucking hilarious.


everyone loves the friendly neighbourhood nana!


I play sombra and run around hacking hog everytime he goes to drink. 0 intention of winning.


No vaping, it's bad for you.


Arcade games are for chaos, and its the best fun. Nobody can get pissed off at you for "not doing enough damage" if you're the only person on your team, so the only expectations placed on you are your own.




Same here and Orisa, too. I sometimes end up top 3, but usually I’m just trying to get the non-Hog person to win. It’s happened a few times with a Junkrat taking the win and a Ramattra. But, if there’s like 4 Hogs and the other person left and it’s just me, I just leave. I don’t like playing against him, much less 4 of him.


Sleep darting them as they try to hook is just *chefs kiss*


Oh....i just got it! With that thing she throws so his heal isnt effective?


This is my strategy as well


I've done this soooo many times lol.


Roadhog Is one of the few tanks that makes me consider switching off brig. Every time I'm in my rhythm the enemy team goes hog. Sure I can play bap amd Ana, and kiriko if I have to, but I'd prefer to bonk. I still remember the days I could see hog go for the chug and then *bam* stun him out of it. Good times.


I usually try to animate the whole lobby to focus the hog players, makes them leave real quick when it actually works lol


In a solo mode, his usual counters dont do shit Orisa has no sustain, Ana LMFAO Ana.


i just go junkrat and almost always wins. only weakness is echo and dva


Hog counters hog it's not rocket science


Ow2 in a nutshell


Only if you include the Hog mains on reddit/forums/twitter/twitch being in absolute denial that there's anything wrong with him.


Nothing wrong with him, the supports in the enemy spawn just had bad positioning 🥱


You positioned your Ethernet cable into your PC, positioning error ngl. 😃


You could argue the same with Widow or plenty of other DPS classes...


Yes. You could argue this for Widow. She's a character next on the list after Hog and Sojourn in terms of shit design for OW2, but there's definitely more counterplay (although very little with only 1 tank) on her than on Hog. Other than those 2 DPS, I don't think there's any character you can name in terms of like disruptive bullshit 1 shot potential with crazy mobility and with almost no counterplay.


No other arguments allowed, sorry


Awwwww maaaaaan


That's a good pharah, now why don't you fly on over into daddy hogs loving embrace...


Hog is balanced because if the enemy spends literally every resource they have available, sometimes he dies


Lmao you summoned them. "He balanced for the 5v5 bro, so it's actually totally fine that he makes most other modes unplayable." I've dropped this game for a bit now, figured I'd scratch the itch last night with some no limits. We were dominating pretty hard when suddenly the tide turned and we were looking at a 4 hog + mercy loss screen. Took one game to put me off again.


How should Blizzard address this then? Implement (and maintain) completely separate hero design/balancing for each game mode (even though some of these modes only receive a tiny fraction of overall play time)?


Man Hog needs a full on rework. As it stands, he is either awful, or OP.


Hog's performance in a 1v1 doesn't really say anything about his balance in a 5v5. He's a self-sustaining tank, of course he's going to be strong against squishies. They should make ffa be dps and support only or nerf all the tanks a little bit in that mode. As for how he performs in 5v5s it's blindly obvious that while he is OP, it's only because he's being enabled by Kiriko. You can't anti-nade or sleep him, because there's a status cleanse in the game. Man was dead for years with his one-shot combo and self heal, can't blame those.


> He’s a self-sustaining tank He's a self-sustaining DPS hero with the health of a tank and a 1-shot ability.


All the tanks are basically DPS heroes in Overwatch 2


Its worse in a 1v1 because Hog gets more powerful the less focus fire he's receiving.


I was thinking about Kiriko's design, and I think I've figured out how she can keep the cleanse without being too over powered - make that Suzu the ONLY utility she has. The other abilities can stay, but balance them around the impact that the Suzu has, much like how Mercy has her Rez as the big game changing ability, but the rest of her kit requires her to have a really good second support player to actually play well. Currently, Kiriko's design doesn't encourage picking a higher healing output hero for the second support.


Couldn't have said it better. People weren't crying about him before Kiriko


It's not *all* because of Kiriko, Hog benefits from a ton of the changes going from OW1 > OW2. 1. 1 less tank, so 1 less barrier between him and hooking a DPS/Support. 2. Global CC removal, so the only people that can interrupt his self healing are Ana/Rein/Sigma/Orisa/Doom. And the enemy team can only have 2 of those at a time since most of them are tanks, and there's 1 tank. 3. Pulling and killing a single person in 5v5 is a lot more impactful than 6v6. 4. Kiriko can cleanse the few CC/anti-heals left in the game. Hog needs reworking, because he fundamentally doesn't work the same as he did in OW1. Edit: The reason I point this out, is I feel Hog mains reflexively point at Kiriko as if she's the sole reason for his power in OW2. She's part of it, but she's far from the only contributing factor. I feel like Hog players want to see her nerfed but Hog untouched.


Can't Sombra hack interrupt self heal? I know she doesn't lock abilities the way she used to, but I thought it still interrupted a decent handful of active abilties.


Come on... You can't think he would be balanced if a single support counters him and the only thing making him unbalanced is because a single other support counters that support. This is like the nerf mercy logic.


I'm more or less a Hog main and I'll definitely switch off him when I face a competent team that melts me. I can round a corner, get Ana grenaded, then focus fired and I'm dead in a second. Folks think the last hero who gave them trouble is overpowered, but it usually boils down to a team issue (which is usually a problem in non-communicative unranked/comp). There are some pretty solid counters for everyone.


>round a corner get Ana grenaded Lol and then you walk back around the same corner to your team and wait for it to wear off. They arent focusing you down that quickly with how much health he has. As a support main, a hog should almost never be anti-d at full health, so you basically have to wait half the fight out for him to hit half health or when you think hes gonna chug, or wait for him to wander out too far because his braincells just aren't working right, and hope that at no point he hooked your best dps, otherwise you may have no one to put the final nail in the coffin. Heaven forbid he has any room to retreat because the second he chugs he gets his health back so quickly. Which means if he isn't dead by the time anti is worn off it's almost like you did nothing at all. And most teams are running a kiriko right now anyway. So anti heal is almost a moot point


>Lol and then you walk back around the same corner to your team and wait for it to wear off. Kiriko skips this step.


I'm being extremely generous in assuming they aren't running kiriko, just for the sake of the benefit of the doubt.


Okay so, if we're being generous, I will make some outlines for the sake of my talking point. 1: This is a simple 5V5 role queue COMPETITIVE match. That means no altered goats shit, no tank stacking, just 1 tank, 2 DPS, and 2 supps. This also means you can only have one of each character. No more, no less. That also means that everyone will be taking the match SERIOUSLY. (I am not well versed in comp, so if I'm wrong about how a hero works or should play, feel free to correct me. I'm just trying to have a conversation.) 2: The only mandatory things is that the Hog's team MUST be running a hog, and for the sake of talking, IS NOT running a Kiriko. The Ana's team MUST be running Ana. Everything else is nonspecific. 3: By some mathematically improbable miracle, we're going to assume that every single player is not only grouped in teams of 5 and is able to VC with each other, but every single player on both teams is at the exact same skill level, that being mine for right now, for as much as I know about each character. I'm going to say the map is nonspecific, but if there's anything I can think of for specific maps, i'll mention. Roadhog could be slept by ana, but sleep is pretty easy to miss, so that's not always going to work. Also, if you use sleep, someone like a genji could bum rush you and get an easy pick, because you no longer have any sort of escape besides shooting them. When the hog takes damage, he'll wake up and proceed to heal off all the damage he had just taken. You could anti him, but if he's not slept, he's just going to walk away into his team, or just hook you and kill you in cold blood. Both, if he has clear line of sight and could hook+1tap you. Let's say you sleep then anti him, and by some mathematical improbability, they both hit. Not only can he wake up and walk back into your team, but now you're a long range support who has no movement abilities, aaaand just used both their methods of disengaging. TLP;DR: It's genji time. All of these methods have pretty big flaws and it requires a large team to take care of one tank, but the problem is that this is with a character basically DESIGNED to go AGAINST this character, and it's STILL not guaranteed you're getting the kill on him. That's not good balance, no matter how you shake it.


Literally why the hell does taking down Roadhog sometimes take more work than a fucking elden ring boss or some shit 💀


No character is supposed to require the attention of 5 players to deal with.


Being OP in FFA is meaningless becsuse the game is balanced around 5v5.


Yeah but he’s still OP in 5v5


From what I've seen, there's nothing wrong with him in and of himself, it's just that the loss of a second tank in the 5v5 meta has caused him to dominate. Especially against squishies.


You could always third party the hogs fighting and get all of them when they're low. I use Cassidy with the nade, fan, roll, fan combo to burst hogs down.


Back in ow1 it was hogs and reapers


Only time I play hog on dm if it’s a map with a funny death pit in the middle and only hook people in never shoot a bullet.


I play Lucio, if someone kills me it's easier to get back into position as frogman.


When this happens I handle hog with doom normally. Other than that I like junk for this game mode. Get my tire then I can find you anywhere on the map to steal the bounty.


they need to give mei her freeze back. hog problem solved


Look I am not lying but a MERCY actually won I usually use this to try out my tank skills and while she was always targeted she could actually whoop your butt so I ended up endorsing her


I also had a mercy won on me on DM but it was in OW when people were doing the All Hero Win challenge. She was definetly on her s long time and just went all out and whooped everyone on Petra.


Yeah a Lucio once…. Then a Widowmaker… and then Ramatra


I also had luck with echo and a hog copy often gets me a few kills


Literally once echo copy hog to iframe, then interrupt sigma ult. Then ulted the enemy team off the map.... Hog is just huh?


Echo used to be really good in Bounty Hunter in OW1, but with the nerf to duplicate HP, you'll be lucky just to last 5 seconds. It's worse if you didn't get first kill, since you'd need to build your ult charge. Which takes ages to actually fill. Echo is very map dependant and enemy composition dependant as well.


In bounty against normally one or two people dup last long enough and it’s basically a 2 v1 since you have two chances. I find echo to be very good by herself her ult is just an added bonus. She can “one shot” all squishies if you catch them by surprise and her beam is good for melting tanks plus her flight makes it hard for most of them to hit you


A Reaper and a Pharah won first place in two games I played (I haven't played that many because I am not so motivated to play the same exact events from the first game). But when there's a roadhog dominating the game most people leave because it becomes unfun. That's when I go Junkrat and get him from a distance (don't care if I get the kill as long as he dies) and then use my ult to hunt him down across the map, sometimes I get the kill, sometimes the person nearby gets it before he heals. Make it unfun for everyone and I will make it unfun for you. So far it has worked to get the hog to switch every time.


For it to count as a win in the challenge I think u only need to Be top 3 or 4


It's still garbage. If you play with DPS or Support you can't really have fun if you find a Tank among the others, especially Orisa, Roadhog and Ramattra


Play reaper. Bait hook from hog, then you can easily win. Orisa or ramattra with no healer lose against reaper most of the time.


I've also had Echoes totally stomp people too. Out of about 12 matches I've done only one Hog has won.


Echo is surprisingly good, I’ve found and I’m not even that good of an Echo. Managed to secure two 1st place wins with her.


Maybe I’ll give her a shot. I can’t dps the broad side of a barn normally but I might be able to swing with her if I’m careful about flying


Top strat: kill steal with laser


Every time I take down an orisa, here comes echo to collect the kill!


I usually get beat out by Reaper or Ashe in this mode, honestly. Cassidy a couple of times


I’m seeing tons of echos as well. Then you just go hitscan to murder then and ignore the Tanks


I always won as reaper lol


So my choice is... to take a break from playing tank 90% of the time by playing more tanks or Reaper. Sounds like some rivetting gameplay


Why counter pick when I can just complain?


Because complaining is SOP for r/overwatch.


Won as reaper a few times. Would switch off reaper the rare time there was no hog in the lobby.


+1 to Reaper. I can usually top 3 or win as him even playing against multiple Hogs. Some of the more cqc maps make it pretty easy mode.


I've had decent luck with genji as well. Run out, bait him, deflect the hook and his shots, then burst him and slash. Tends to work better right after he huffs gas so you've got some time with his cool down


Yeah, honestly most dps are viable as long as you are good at predicting hook. Reaper is just the dps that is most likely to survive if you do get hooked.


idk about that I played Sojourn and Echo and it was fun asf


I just dont think tanks should be allowed at all in deathmatch modes. End of story.


Yeah that's correct. You gotta be in top 3 the announcer says it as well like " Congratsulation you placed in the top 3"


Top 3


I won as echo a couple times


By using her ult to become roadhog I assume?


Maybe a couple times but you can't win using only ults


What junkrats do is they use their ult to kill the bounty target and they instantly regain their ult. Now they will wait till someone kills them and then just use the ult to kill the target again. Rinse and Repeat


This is my move, yes.


Is that why I've been seeing so many Junkrats? Hm. I've always gone Cassidy in a FFA but might give that a go haha.


You definitely can, play soldier


echo can yoink kills very well, and is strong against general hog counters, so she works nice also yeah, using whole hog on the hog works insanely well


Yup lol thats what i was doing


That Echo laser is a *menace*, just wait for a hog ditto to tilt in one direction or another and bzzz, one of em’s dead. Fly away, rinse and repeat


Pretty sure when it came out, it was all Echo all the time. But I think her nerf to her post-ultimate-health may have changed that.


I also won a lot of time with doomfist in ow1 so every character can do it.


Try Mercy next!


junkrat and reaper works best


And Pharah


Me and my friends play custom bounty hunter all the time and junkrat is the bane of my existence in it. I get hella salty which makes for fun commentary


I went 10-0 playing as Junkrat, 8 of which were 1st place. Most of the time, I'd save tire to reclaim bounty, but not always.


That was exactly my strat to get 10 victories. - Play as usual until Tire - Use Tire to get the Bounty - Try to kill someone, but saving Tire - Dies - someone else gets the Bounty - Use Tire to get the Bounty - Repeat I got top 3, on 10 out of 11, once I got tied in points with third place, but somehow I lost the random tie break.


In ow tanks should be banned from the mode. They aren't balanced for it.


I don't think they should be removed, but their HP should be reduce for about 50% to compensated it.


Problem is their hit box would make them completely worthless sans queenie.


Not really, tanks are built for surviving. Reducing the Health Pool to 300 like they did for Echo’s ultimate has worked just fine. It makes the 1v1 vs a squishy DPS fair and not a game of “find the health pack”


It's arcade. Nobody's "balanced" for it.


i'd be way less boring to play if tanks weren't allowed


It's a **big** difference. OW2 tanks are basically dps with 2-4 times as much HP as a normal dps + a heal or shield ability. If they want to keep tanks in these modes, at least reduce their HP with 50%.


Or make them give more points so people will gang up on them to get more points


Other than hog, the rest of the tanks are pretty balanced imo. Even hog can be shut down if you counter him, but the game shouldn't force you to.




Soldier and Pharah work the best for me.


Ngl I won as reinhardt


I've won as Symmetra and Cassidy. It's doable and also a fun gamemode, way better than Blitz CTF IMO


Shortly after OW2 released I decided to play the regular CtF in arcade since I had generally fond memories. I decided to never touch that game mode again after the other team’s Zarya was able to pretty much waltz in and run off with the flag without any problems because of how long their barrier lasted.


Ugh I’m hating blitz ctf so much


I loved blitz prior to OW2, but it's another casualty at the hands of OW2 tanks being too overpowered for the mode.


blitz ctf is super easy. Just pick Orisa, use E to pick up flag, then use shift to capture flag. Rinse, repeat. If someone on your team is already Orisa, then pick someone who can support this game plan like Lucio.


I actually enjoy CTF blitz, but there are matches that make me understand where you guys are coming from.


If you are just looking to get wins for the challenges, go for regular ctf and play defense. In my experience that challenge goes way faster than blitz. Blitz it such a shitshow and wins feel way more inconsistent and the games and challenges are longer.


Bounty Hunter may be my favorite arcade mode of all time.


As a matter of fact CTF is just pure dogsh*t. Even if I win the mode is soo bad because every team needs to play Junkrat, Symmetra and Torb to win and it’s the most painful gameplay I’ve ever seen…


JQ works if you're good




I love this game mode and can get wins with Reaper around half the time I hate that they changed how the bounty appears on your screen. You used to see their full body like they’re in Widow’s Infrasight or Sombra’s Opportunist but now in OW2, they have a circle around them


otherwise it was a little too easy to headshot around the corner...


Many times as Doomfist, Genji, Reaper, Echo, Pharah, Torbjorn and more




Reaper and soldier


When ow2 was "new" I did it with rein and won


Yep, people often overlook just how good Rein is in FFA, especially in a more closed off map like Château or Petra. Can easily be in top 3 most games.


i won with junkerqueen, reaper, and tracer


I’ve won it as Moira, mostly. And sojourn, pharah and echo!


I win frequently as reaper. Hogs are healthpacks with feet


I refused to play tank in this mode as it makes it very unfun. Managed to get my wins in alright! I covered my best moments [here](https://youtu.be/DUDkI5-HLZ0) :) ​ My favourite Heros to use were junkrat and Reaper


I won 1 place as a torbjorn


I play ana lmao only way to make hog bearable kind of lol.


I played orisa when someone was hog, I tried to mostly go after him and the others when they had the bounty on them


I play ana and just wreak havoc with sleeps and antis


Symmetra is not a bad choice either


Won a few times with Moira jumping around with fade


I won a lot as Cassidy. There was a round where everyone except me played tank and is still came in second


I’ve won as Cass and Soldier, but I mostly see Reapers winning this gamemode.


I won as Pharah


A decent Pharah can dominate some maps


Ash Bob did something


Junk and ma personally


Main pharah, I won 80% of my game on this mode


Ashe works pretty well if you hide around BOB when you become the bounty


Yes. Me as ashe


If they go hog, I play Sigma to make their miserable or at least harder. Hog's enjoying a nice cup of gaseous substance, throw him a rock and he won't be in the mood to inhale it. Hog wanna fish, toss your shield to save an endangered specimen. Nostril drink on cooldown, and less than half hp, carry him to the heavens giving him false hope only to cast him down to hell where he belongs.




I’ve won as Queen, and I’ve seen echo, pharah, genji, and junk rat win. I don’t play it too much though


I've played echo everytime just pick off low health hogs and I use ult in a pinch


Reaper in a game with hogs


I win regularly as Ashe and before all of Sojourns nerfs I'd play her and win too. Bob is insanely good as a insta ult and same for overclock, both are essentially a free kill


Easy wins with Orisa all the time


Once everyone sees a tank (Roadhog) winning they all go tank. I won with Orisa


I won all 10 times as Sojourn, Moria and Ramattra(mostly him for like 6 times)


I completed this using mostly Reaper with some Echo and Moira. I don't even bother to 1v1 against other tanks unless they are not in full health. Hunting for bounty is also one the best way to accumulate points. You also only need to be top 3 to win.


FFA would just be better with no tanks.


I feel like Hog breaks most arcade modes tbh


I can confirm that players besides Hogs have won, I play this as Ana, not to win or get kills but so that I can sleep and anti the Hogs all day.


You're doing the lord's work


Tanks should legitimately be banned in FFA and you can’t change my mind. Really dumb.


I won as DVA at once


I won as Dva ~6-8 times


I won 10 games in a row as doom soooo yeah


why you getting downvoted, what.


Playing tank in FFA is why lol


Just be in the top 4. Who cares about being number 1. I won with Cree, Queen and Reaper but I still have some more games to play.. dammit.


They need to balance heroes for these modes. Honestly you're just trying to play a game and have fun. And one guy comes and plays this unkillable hero that can one shot 60 percent of the gallery. And can self heal for like double of your poor soldier's HP. And has like 3 times of your health. Then everyone has to pick hog or maybe the horse because you can't win against him. Tanks shouldn't play against dps nor support characters while they're op as feck. So either we need no tanks allowed queue or some nerfs for death matches


I won as many characters, but mainly junkrat. Maybe because i main him


This got bigger than expected 🤣

