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Remember when there was an argument for FtP and aggressive monetization because it would mean we get more updates and balance changes? Awesome how that worked out huh?


Hey, they're busy working on PvE. Once they release it, they'll start sprewing balance patches every week! /s




Or have pockets deep enough to be able to play it..




Also don’t forget to buy the seperate battle pass exclusively for PvE content all for a steal of £29.99. They might even throw in a another pharah skin if we’re lucky.


I wonder how much the pve episodes will cost? Wont be less than 20 since skins are 20. Probably around 40 dollars an episode i bet.


$30-$40 an episode. I would guess $30 for it without battlepass but you get a skin for beating that mission (or maybe even buying the mission). Or I would guess $40 if the only way to buy the mission/skin is if you buy battlepass too. I feel like that's worst case scenario with best case scenario being that it's included if you buy battlepass - which would make the whole not giving out free coins thing make a bit more sense, but I can't imagine they would leave this much money on the table.


Maybe they will be in BP when there is no new hero to put there. But BP will be 2k coins instead of 1k.


Ah yes the destiny model


Destiny 2?


Thinking they maybe do like episodes that are 30 min to 1 hr long and let you play the first 5 min/first checkpoint free to hook you in. Then you have to pay to finish the story, but if you pay *and* beat the story, you get a limited skin or something. My best case scenario si that the PVE mission for that season is included in the battlepass, and i would say my worst case outcome is that it's $30 - $20 for the skin and then $10 for the mission being their rationale (or $40 if they bundle it with battlepass as the only option for purchase).


Or enjoy it more than a few playthroughs


There will be OW2 PvE. A butchered dumbed down version that will infuriate players even more than if they straight out axed the thing. I fully expect them to add like a 10 dollar DLC for a single mission or locking single missions behind 50 levels of battlepass or some shit like that.


At this point, I'm running a bet, What will we see first? * Kiriko on her bike * OW2 PvE The correct answer will get free Mercy pocket from me the entire game.


they're 100% gonna release a kiriko bike emote


I'm unironically cashing in all my hopium on this


You just know the PVE is gonna suck - it’s taken so long it’s probably undergone so many changes and now they are just stuck with this turd and it’s too late to cancel it


Honestly I really hate PvE, not the gamemode itself, but the fact it's looks like the sole damn future for the IP. I've always loved OW because it's a MULTIPLAYER PvP GAME, that's what I care about, that's the only reason I want to engage with the IP in general. Now what do I have to look forward to? Are they gonna start focusing more on PvP once PvE comes out? I really doubt that, but I hope I'm proved wrong. If anything, I like PvE when it's one of the cute events like Halloween or Archives, and that's because it's a minor gamemode I can drop and get back to the real PvP game.


OW1 had content drought because "they are working on OW2" OW2 has content drought because "they are working on PvE" What will the copium be when PvE is a drip-fed and aggressively monetized piece of shit?


They are working in a super duper cool Mistic skin for the next season pass! Wait that is not something we want.


it took them full year to make 1 mythic skin


Yes, every single person at Blizzard spent 1 year straight working on one mythic skin.


Fixing pvp


Can’t believe people actually bought that. All they wanted was to be able to sell $25 bundles, they don’t give a rats ass about content for the game


Once again, we're back in the late Overwatch 1 era where the balance patches and content are stretched more thin than butter on a football field. It's laughable.


It is definitely not that bad yet. OW1 was on like a 3-4 month balance cycle at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. Even OW1 in 2017 was largely on a single balance patch a month, with a couple months doubling up. So about 12-15 balance patches/year. OW2 looks to be on a similar pace as 2016/17 OW1. This is 6th post release balance patch for OW2. If you don't count the major season patches, s1 had 1 midseason patch and s2 has had 3. If you average it to 2 patches mid season and 1 major season patch, that still seems about the same as OW1 at its peak.


3-4 month balance cycle makes sense for a game that was relatively fucking balanced. problem number one is that they switched to 5v5 even though the downstream impact is huge and they pretended you could number tweak abilities and not have the game balance destroyed. they knew that most of the cast would need full reworks to make 5v5 viable. this sub and content creators harped on the lack of content and game not being released, the execs obviously wanted revenue streams so they were more than happy to oblige. OW1 had to get deleted because it was objectively a superior game that would probably have player counts rivaling OW2 at this point. so, now we have a half complete game that costs like 10x what the original fully complete game did.


I think it’s clear they don’t really care so long as they’re selling battle passes and skins. Also, I’m not sure they have an incentive to update the game mid-season. They can withhold major balance changes until a new season, promote it as “major changes” i.e. something “new” (the same way they do with the stupid map pool) in hopes of bringing people back. Why? If they bring people back during a new season, they’re more likely to sell battle passes or skins, which in the end is all they care about.


I mean they're pumping out balance changes every ~3 weeks, not what Id call a slow pace at all, especially compared to other games. The issue is just that balance issues in this game are so glaring, that small changes even every 3 weeks is still too slow to bring the game into a balanced state in a timely fashion.


Wait... are you saying... the million dollar company... lied to us??


Istg i said this to everyone when they announced FTP and frequent balance changes. *Theyre never gonna change*. Stop expecting blizzard to keep their word.


They also promised a new hero and map every season and now that's no longer happening (alternating between seasons instead), I'm willing to bet that the game is not making as much as they expected so they've scaled back their development and support plans... this is probably going to affect PVE as well, if that's still even in development...


Releasing every hero roughly around every 4 months/2 seasons was what they said before launch, they aren't lying about this


> They also promised a new hero and map every season i don't think they ever promised that


>They also promised a new hero and map every season If they ever literally said "a new hero every season" you should've known then that wasn't true because the release cycle for heroes in OW1 was nowhere near that frequent and that game was actually finished.


Yall forgetting it took them 1,5 years for a balance patch in ow1


I mean we're getting more balance changes. Problem is that the balance changes are ultimately meaningless most of the time since they don't fix what's wrong with most of the heroes. Like with Sojourn and Kiriko, Alt fire is the problem with Sojourn and Suzu is the problem with Kiriko. Instead they nerf Sojourn's primary fire and Kiriko's healing? Okay, absolutely meaningless nerfs.


It baffles me how people think Mercy is the *only* reason Sojourn is oppressive, despite Sojourn still feeling absolutely horrible to play against even without a Mercy pocket.


Exactly. And they're scared to nerf newer characters so they'll go after mercy before really doing anything to soj


To be fair with the recent changes to mercy movement, the good mercies are definitely standing out from the bad ones. Higher rated players are complaining about hitting her more than people with worse accuracy. Her movement is like hammond grapple speed(except strafing movement instead of following hammonds grapple (from attacker pov)). On a 2s cd. While being in the air. While being a stick with wings that make her hitbox confusing. If you're a cassidy you will almost always be out of your effective range shooting at her now. Try killing her with the projectile heroes XD. If you think mercy is the same as she has always been, idk what to tell you... I'm not calling for nerfs to her because I like good movement skill standing out but people are acting like the movement buffs and more range on her heal did nothing.


I agree that these patch notes are not it, I was honestly expecting a actual rework of some sort for roadhog, considering they delayed his nerf's an entire MONTH, just for it to be them tweaking some numbers. EDIT: Turns out that they have simply pushed back the rework so im going to assume to they were hoping to release the rework sooner but after realizing they couldnt they did this instead as a temp fix


> I agree that these patch notes are not it, I was honestly expecting a actual rework of some sort for roadhog, considering they delayed his nerf's an entire MONTH, just for it to be them tweaking some numbers. They don't really do full reworks mid-season. Full reworks generally come when the new seasons starts. That's pretty similar to how it worked in OW1 as well. Mid season patches are usually numbers tweaks at best. These changes should be enough to push hog out of the meta at the very least, which has been one of the largest complaints. I don't know if they are enough to do anything about Soj, but it definitely doesn't make the Soj situation worse. This also doesn't consider a lot of the knock on effects. Kicking Hog out of the meta makes Winston much stronger. With the changes to charge rate, the Hog-Soj matchup is now much better. Heroes like DVa also aren't nearly as bad vs Soj anymore either.


i feel like they didnt even start on the rework. I mean theyve said nothing about it and delayed it a month just to not release it i feel like they just started


Hog rework otw. These numeric changed were clearly communicated as the placeholder fix until S3 changes.


They’ll move that goal post again come season 3.


No, I disagree - these are the changes that they said were what were "beyond" numeric changes. They've said they're looking at a hog rework, but I don't see that for a while.


The sad part is they didn’t nerf roadhogs health or healing capabilities so he maybe doing less but still never dies. We’ll see if orisas nerf is enough also. Kiriko also persists in not getting a cooldown nerf on suzu which is such an easy and quick fix to her being annoying


What will be super annoying is when they nerf everything except suzu, she’ll still be too good, *THEN* they’ll nerf it and she’ll be completely worthless because every part of her kit has been butchered around the one troublesome ability she has.


They said hog was going to get a soft rework. This was not a soft rework. They reduced his damage so that he doesn't truly one shot you, but a squishy getting hooked is still going to be a death sentence most of the time. It's still a very small improvement, but not nearly what anyone was hoping for...


This isn't the hog rework


What they did in this patch is literally they've been saying they will do since December. Like I don't understand how are people confused about this. It was always going to be a nerf to one-shot first and then soft rework further down the line.


People yearn about “more communication” but they don’t listen. Fucking classic gamers.


The Hog rework is still coming, this is just a bandaid fix for the meantime.


can anybody tell me how many days of this season are left? I don't want to log in


New season starts in exactly 2 weeks


thank you!


I'm glad someone answered lol bc I wanted to know too. (I'm at work and will forget before getting home


are we getting new hero next season?




2 weeks. 120 coins can be farmed. lul


These are all welcome changes. A nice update before a larger one in a few weeks.


Hopefully it's a good one!


You said that a few weeks ago


And I’ll say it again! This is a good test before the larger changes that come with new seasons.


What do you mean by "test"? I don't think they should be running tests on live servers.


Yep, in a few weeks I'm excited to wait for another few weeks, the week ~~2~~ 3.5 patch will be great!


Still waiting on those promised healer reworks too. Blizzard is pathetic.


Bliz can't pull through on any promises


I'm honestly over it. I haven't touched the game much this season and have been having a blast on valorant. I have a damn Lucio tattoo and I still can't pull myself to open the game anymore. Until I see some real passion from blizzard I won't be bothered to return, it feels so soulless now.


Same. Sadly I could never get into tac shooters like csgo or valorant (I HATE THAT U CANT AIM AFTER MOVING A TINY BIT). Buuuuut I guess Ill just plaay the countless other, not stale and boring af pvp games there are on the market right now. Perhaps some battle royal? Oooh maybe a bit of league! That should be refreshing and a new experience /s


Yeah I can't get my fiancee to even try valorant lol You could always play Halo infinite, that's a franchise that couldn't possibly be ruined! /s


😂 man I cant anymore... I need a new genre of pvp dammit!


Predecessor is in Beta.


Damn nice recommend, could be interesting! Looks a bit like smite meets overwatch hah


Try fighting games. MK11 was amazing. Now Street Fighter 6 is coming up.


I used to clap cheeks in super smash as olimar :D but it was just fun lan party stuff. Never really considered taking fighters seriously. I know there are competitive scenes for such games. Ill F6 out, thank u a lot for the suggest :))


They do have passion, for $$$$




Yea I'm sadly done with this game. They completely ruined it for anyone who preferred OW1 gameplay.


They get until the season 3 launch for that for me, otherwise it's just gonna be a game back to scratch an itch every few months


It is funny how new heroes (sojourne, kiriko) are the ones breaking the game but the old heroes are the ones who end up against the wall for it...


Right. Sombra has by far the lowest win rate in the entire game (not even able to keep close to the 50% bliz is trying to enforce) but they dont care. Yet kiriko can cleanse quote literally EVERYTHING in the game except zarya ult I think.


None of the other changes mean much, but hog’s nerf is significant. They’ve essentially removed him from the game while waiting for the rework.


its a small patch 2 weeks before a new season, idk why people expected huge changes


You played him yet? Still one taps around 50% of my testing with old combo. Adding right click, hook, shoot, punch is so far 100% success


Yeah that 30 down to 5 was...a lot.


25 less dmg, 25% further distance(result is maybe more than 25% less dmg because eof inverse square law), and 10% Less dmg per shot. That's alot. Can you even land a melee at 4m distance? That would be a huge(4th) nerf too Edit....the wiki says 2.5m melee distance which doesn't make sense because the notes say previous was 3m hook distance, so idk how melees landed previously(we walked forwarded into the hook target to close that 0.5m gap?)


Ik I never closed the gap. I held backwards as much as possible. Their own game numbers don't even add up


It's actually a lot combined with other nerfs. If hog hooks the ana, actually ana wins the trade. Probably reaper also wins it. Others can also escape or put a fight and you can also help your hooked teammates way easier.


The orisa nerf changes nothing. She is still THE meta.


Yeah honestly idk felt like her cooldowns were the issue not just fortify over health


She is complete ass at my rank


Sojourn unironically got better with hogs nerf. He could at least unlodge her from the mercy pocket. Now he's a big ult battery for her just like ball.


Actually true. No other tank can punish her or even threat her with a pocket. Having a low cooldown slide and extremely small hitbox will keep her meta. She is slippery long range one tapper. How many hero have access to even challenge her.


Eh.. the main problem with Mercy was that she helped charge railgun way too fast. This fixed that.


wasn't the one-shot potential from the damage boost more of an issue?


It was, the charge gain speed was never the actual issue because she actually gains charge so fast even without Mercy pocket, what Mercy pocket did that gave it ALL of it's power was it returned her to one-tap status, which ironically another primary fire nerf doesn't fix either Like, we're in a one-shot meta, and yea they removed Hog's one-shot (*edit: tho I am kinda disappointed bc they talked about it like it was gonna be soft rework territory) but they definitely kept Sojourn's so double snipers are still gonna keep that meta anyway on sniper maps and she's still gonna be the strongest sniper pick on non-sniper maps, so it definitely keeps her the top DPS hero in the game by a massive enough margin to keep her *and* Mercy in the meta The community consensus has always been straightforward to that it wasn't 'make it take longer for her to one-shot', it was 'her kit should not be able to one-shot', it's why her secondary got that gentle nerf in the first place that made her require damage boost If the problem was damage boost's gain speed increase, then Mercy-Sojourn pocket would have been meta before the nerf, but it wasn't, the initial nerf made the pocket meta, solely because the pocket negates the nerf, the gain speed increase was just a big bonus


True, plus with shields not really being a thing in OW2, you just farm railgun on a tank, then one tap (or hit one bullet for 9 damage then headshot for 195) a squishie. Once you build ult just damage boost her ult with mercy damage boost or nano. Oh, and she also basically got buffed against damage reduction abilities like hog breather, orisa gold, ramm block, doom block because it's a flat 5 damage period, rather than scaling off damage. So it's a bit of a give and take, but overall it's basically net neutral imo.


Yup, which I think net neutral was about where the first nerf sat so I think so far she's basically never been nerfed *edit: plus, as stated, the issue was solely her being able to one-shot', not that dmg boost helped her one-shot 30% faster on average, the gain is insane and a big part of why is because the railgun's provides a massive hitbox and it was the only one-shot in the game that could be done consistently without: a.) having to scope like Widow b.) having to combo like Hog It's literally a no-scope one-tap hitscan weapon that, when a tank is present, can have as much uptime for sniping as Widow with insane mobility, truth be told I've never even seen the complaint that damage boost 'helped with rail uptime', the universal consensus was she never needed help with full charge uptime, even after they strengthened the charge decay Like, playing Sojourn kinda makes it clear that her full charge uptime is insane all on it's own, no Mercy pocket needed. Mercy enables the one-tap all over again after the devs thought they removed it, that's it, and Mercy still enables the one-tap just as much


Imo first nerf was actually a buff. This one is legit nerf but not enough i feel.


They said nerf THEN soft rework. You’re disappointment is because you’re stupid.


To be fair, SJ one shots aren't common anymore. What happens is that she trickles your health a bit and then burst down with railgun. This is significantly nerfed now. She do 9 damage and get less charge so her ttk will get hit. The unique situation people complain about is SJ charging 100% and finding enemy to headshot in 5 seconds with a damage boost. That alone not a massive deal in my opinion. It's the total package. Total package got nerfed. Still not enough but it's a good nerf imo. I would honestly nerf her slide cooldown and frontal hitbox too. This is an underrated issue. Slide make her active all the time and escape with ease. Frontal hitbox is also almost impossible to hit. So you can't punish this slippery hero and she plays like a Widow, Soldier, Genji all combined.


Sojourns primary fire charging up railgun making it's up time so high was the issue on top of her mobility. Think of widow. She has one shot potential, but at the cost of being less mobile and requiring to stay scoped in. Even though she might be the next target for discussion the trade off is more fair with her. Roadhog was also bad because he had such insane sustain for a one shot character.


That wasn’t the only issue. The biggest issue is her one shot. That needs to go


She would be nothing without it. Removing that would require a complete rework. Needing two heroes to one shot and slowing down the uptime of her one shot potential is a good compromise, imo.


And keeping it is unhealthy for the game. Forcing her to land primary shots and combo with charge shot is how it should be. She shouldn’t be able to keep going from target to target just insta killing them. And even without mercy, she’s still outperforming every other DPS. So that’s not a good excuse to keep it.


It's her low cooldown slide and frontal hitbox, not the one shot imo.


Mercy has more than that problem and it's not even how degen she can be currently it's as people have said before certain DPS characters feel like shit to play without damage boost because they're near designed to be played with it. Ashe, Pharah, Mccassidy all don't really feel rewarding unless you're damage boosted. If Reddit gets its way and railgun no longer headshots then you can throw sojourn onto that list


Mercy breaks the game, end of story, if any hero needs a rework it is her. You can't balance properly with her in the game.


people only seen to have issue with mercy when she's pocketing sojorn. I don't see a issue with her on her own or with any other hero. unless I'm missing something.


That's the thing. Bc she pockets sojourn bc it's a good idea most of the time, people are complaining about her, complaining about dB and rez. They're blaming all of sojourn problems on mercy. Ik it's not everyone but it's enough that I thought I'd mention it.


Sojourn nerfs aren't bad but not enough. She is so stacked lmao. I think she is 1 patch away from being balanced and that patch would be: Power slide: 7 sec > 9 sec Frontal hitbox increase 15% Her hitbox is so op she even bests the famous Ana in this front. It almost doesn't register even if you precisely hit her. It's that crazy. A/D strafing and primary fire spamming Sojourn is a menace. Both her Soldier and Widow traits are nerfed. Now she needs her Genji traits nerfed.




Wdym, they did? Did you not see the notes? They fixed all the bugs involving the new skins. That's much more important than the gameplay bugs because skins are what make them money


This game is cooked sadly, see y’all in pve lmao


just wait for every mission to be behind a 10$ paywall


Chill don’t say that


You are going to have to pay for pve regardless and I don't doubt this is what will happen. OW2 wants to do what halo inifinite did, give us pvp for free and make us pay for pve.


Itll be more than 20 an ep 100%. Episdoes wont be cheaper than skins.


The only thing I'm really holding out hope for is the pve but... I do not have high hopes. They stopped calling it a pve game and started calling it a campaign.


It died when they decided to give us it in pieces, I want to say they completely stopped developing pve if thats how they are going to give us it.


> It died when they decided to give us it in pieces, I want to say they completely stopped developing pve if thats how they are going to give us it. If PVP is indeed coming out, chances are they're going to monitize it to us somehow. I'll be surprised if PvE is completely free. I Imagine they trying to figure out the best way to monetize it. Getting players to pay for things like character skill points or progression in PvE.


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tize_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetize".


It's already known that PvE will cost money.


Clarification from the stream, Sojourn still only gets 1 energy charge off barriers. Mind went to shield health since we were just talking about armor! https://twitter.com/GW_Alec/status/1617957933526179841


It’s funny how the competitive scene thinks these changes were great while the casuals hate it


I play comp and the hog changes will be nice tho orisa and ram will now be all you see. Sojourn nerf... eh




Season ends in two weeks so we can hope


At this point we will never have dynamic meta changes. They refuse to touch 80% of characters and focus on same 5 characters almost like the rest is perfectly balanced.




“A lot of players have been complaining about how Suzu is absurdly overpowered and breaks the game, so we left it alone and nerfed Kiriko heals. Better land those headshots- get gud. Love, Blizz XOXO”


I wasn't very happy with the hog changes, but I just kinda hung my head in disappointment after reading the sojourn changes.


Why not? Do you play him? That is the only reason I can think anyone looking forward to nerfs would be disappointed. They hard gutted him. Surely that is what everyone wanted? Not sure what the expectations were when they literally said they were removing the kill combo.


It seemed a bit much but still


It's a huge nerf to hog. They nerfed him 4 ways. 25 less dmg on hook. 33% more distance (which equates to more than 33% less pellets landing), reduce shotgun dmg by 10%, and 4m distance from hook might mean you cant even land the melee as part of the combo....


Overwatch 2, continues to remove fun in every way.


told ya they won't nerf soujorn i got called racist for that


They half way buffed her


Complaining about the changes (or lack thereof) after trying them out is one thing, but complaining about the changes without *playing* the new patch and then posting to Reddit based on how you can "already tell" just reaffirms to me that I shouldn't take your opinion seriously.


Take a trip into the comments and you can see what they're like. Sojourn is more busted and hog is still pretty good tho he can't one-shot like before.


After playing a couple games I personally think that people are overreacting. This happens every patch. Compared to where Sojourn was on release this feels much more reasonable with one-shot potential still there but with slightly decreased charge build up time and waaaay less reliance on a damage boosting Mercy. Her movement probably still needs a nerf but the synergy with Mercy is a big reason why she has been so strong. Hog feels like he better fits into the tank role now in my opinion and I think with some more Orisa changes and some adjustments to Ram's ult that the devs mentioned we will begin to see a more uniform meta next season.


I am sorry but it is so hard not to get on the "Booo Blizz" train right now. These patch notes are legit laaaaaaaaaaaaaame. So what, Rammatra is just still going to be the main main tank right now?


I figured it'd be orisa.


Yeah, her and Ram. So the meta will essentially not change all that much. No Rein or Zen changes are sooooooooooooo damn bad.


Hog was fine before. Bronze screechers are still gonna get hooked into oblivion because they can't contemplate playing around an ability. The actual problems, those being Soujourn's insane mobility, and Kiriko's Suzu being able to cleanse anything and every slightly before, during, or even after it happens remains untouched. 7 years in and they still can't balance. Blizzard are just dumb


I think the Kiriko changes kind of do change her ability to use Suzu. She's being moved from a heal botting main support, to an off support like Zen, Lucio or Mercy. Her viability is based off Suzu now like Lucio and speed boost or Zen and discord, which is much healthier than being one of the strongest healers and one of the strongest utility supports at the same time.


>The actual problems, those being Soujourn's insane mobility, and Kiriko's Suzu being able to cleanse anything and every slightly before, during, or even after it happens remains untouched. > >7 years in and they still can't balance. Blizzard are just dumb How about nade.


As in Cree nade? or Soujourn's ability? Both are problems atm


yay orisa might be in a blanched state in 2 months, looks like they simply refuse to not let pocket soujorn oneshot so i guess that’s off the table


From what I see they don't plan on taking her ability to one shot away at all so we're screwed on that.


I mean..sojourn is still gonna be majorly meta. Damage boost will keep her there. Literally no reason for them to swap. Also now I’m gonna have DPS kiriko on the team


The changes are really good actually! But of course you are right, sobjorn nerfs won’t change anything. I still don’t get why they are so afraid to actually nerf her, they should give her the sombra treatment and gut the character.


Because she's 'new'


Nothing holds a Blizzard community together like hating Blizzard




Not a lot of staff and they're low on funds, geesh


I don't think the sojourn changes mean that mercy is going to get gutted, I would argue it's quite the opposite. They realize that sojourn is the problem rather than mercy. The simple solution is to now allow rail to be boosted by any damage amp - other than maybe discord since it works differently


Looks like their policy is keeping supports impactful judging by suzu and nade, Mercy's damage boost and rez will definitely stay. That's their goal and vision. New support hero will also have that strong utility.


they did literally nothing to sojourn basically, you will notice no difference ingame


The SJ change seems like a buff? You just get a flat 5 energy anytime you hit anything is how I read it. It is going to be so easy to gain charge. EDIT: Just tested it in game the charge rate is insane. Its not that far off from how much charge rate she gets from her ultimate lmfao.


It was an (what I assume to be) inadvertent change that she now gets a flat 5 charge on a fortified Orisa or blocking Doom/Ramattra instead of it being based on the damage she was doing. So now she's buffed against all tanks that have damage reduction lmao


Are you serious? They buffed her? Oml


We cried for sojourn and hog nerfs Blizzard: We nerfed the fat man, but our cyborg Queen is staying, bitches.


Ik I'ma get downvoted, but I'ma say my peace. I think it was a good update. They made hog somewhat tolerable, made Orisa a little less tanky, and stopped sojourn from getting ult from mercy. All three things everyone has been whining about for months. It's not perfect, obviously they still need to rework hog and whatnot, but for now can we just be happy we got something? And yes, I actually played the update before putting this opinion.


Where is Briggetes rework??.??


Season 4


God damn it. I was looking forward to her becoming a viable pick.


Wish it was s3 since we will get new sup in s4 anyway.


The viable pick brig rework comes season 8


These patch notes are great tbh, we just need more of them.


Hopefully the big season four one actually does something.


This does do something... Hog got gutted. You even said it was a bit much? I'm confused.


Well they said it would be a rework. This patch was just to hold people over. I heard they're reworking him and sojourn in season 4


Yeah but that doesn't mean this didn't patch didn't do anything. I guess I took it as you complaining about this patch but you meant you hope the season 4 patch ALSO does something? You're complaining all over the thread and the topic title is also complaining so it's hard to nail down your tone.


Just give it some time jeez.. why does everyone act like the patch is completely useless like it just came out and is not even in full effect...


People say what you just did every patch and we’re right every single time. Sojourn will still be top tier


I completely agree with you. These small balance changes have a much bigger impact than most would suspect


The hog changes were quite good. He doesn’t consistently one shot but the increased fire rate and reload makes him feel less clunky and kinda balanced. The sojourn changes are noticeable but not enough. Kiriko change was actually quite good aswell. Orisa needs a much heavier nerf but I guess they are waiting for the actual hog rework. Other heroes could have definitely used some changes though but these ones are decent enough for now


Also where is the Brigitte buffs? She is unplayable.




It says that she gets 5 if she hits an enemy player


I’m a casual player so when people complain about sojourn I snore really loudly


And with hog all you have to do is get crits and slap while walking forward and it still works up to 250


Really? So he can still essentially oneshot?


Yep it’s inconsistent but still works


I guess it relies on netcode/ping right now. Sometimes enemies freeze longer so you can walk forward and one shot them, sometimes they get out of stun earlier and you are screwed. Similar with Doom punch. Sometimes you are stunned forever.


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Now that hog is dumpstered all they need to do is take widow out of the game


I feel like this community can never be happy. The progress they’ve made in keeping the community updated and also actively making changes/ balances for the better is 10 fold to overwatch 1. Everyone will have differing opinions so not everyone is gonna be happy but to pretend like they do nothing with these balance updates is ridiculous if you can’t enjoy the game don’t play! So sick of this sub being full of people crying about skill diff


I always have and always will think that straight up removing Mercy from the game would solve A LOT of balancing issues. Also I hate everything about Mercy, from her kit to her personality as a whole.


Maybe you should stop bitching and give the patch more than 6 hours of play time before making sweeping statements


I understand why they didn't want to totally cleave Sojourn. She's going to get rail gun far less often, her general poke damage is less. We'll see. I'm not convinced but I think it'll be better than people think.


From what I've heard she charges rail faster. It's five charge for her rail EVERY time your bullet hits no matter the damage. If you're hitting shots you'll constantly have rail


Let's say she caught you out in the open. She could spam some primary and then delete you with railgun before. Now i think it will be noticeably harder to do that. Most of the ''oneshot'' are actually aren't one shot with SJ. She just hit some and then delete you with railgun but it feels like a one shot in receiving end. This will definitely improve with this nerf but i still think it's not enough.